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People who quit losing games in PvP


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..................... It means that those persons are thinking mostly about themselves. Generalizing this goes for the people born around and after 1986. They have grown up with the idea that everything goes, no consequences and that you have the freedom to do and say anything.................


In response to the above. I absolutely only think about my fun when I am playing a game I pay for, during my limited leisure time. I stopped playing games for charity when Ultima Online became a septic mess.


Please do not try and lecture me on how old people are, in order to make them want to have fun and be competitive, I am pretty sure my kids, if not grandchild are older than most of the people I play with in my guild, but I do not ask them how old they are, because I don't give a rat's *** about their real lives. OK, maybe not the grandson, he is only a toddler, but I am pretty sure I could teach him how to defend the door on VS better than half the people who play the game once he figures out how to follow simple instructions and learn to look around himself using his observational skills.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Well... politics and economy prove to everyone time and time again that living without honor, regret or empathy just wins in the long run. True... money and power do not make happy. But being sad is a lot more comfortable in your pool with some hot servant ladies (who despise you but still smile) get you icecream.


That directly trancendes into all areas of social life. Even games. Even swtor.


And those who want to be 'good' get worn down by the sheer amounts of sith... erm... bad people. :D


On the bright side: There are lots and lots of really cool gamers around!

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Jip ... people who think like you are the issue mate :(

Very bad sportsmanship and bioware can't do much about it without loosing out your subs/cartel coins.

To bad that humanity is so screwed up that a lot of people act like this.


I could throw this on its head and stay that its bad sportsmanship not to play as a team, or to do some research about how a Warzone is played. You just cant teach common sense. I've a guide together on these forums and so have others. If people can't be bothered to improve, I cant be bothered to stick around.

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In response to the above. I absolutely only think about my fun when I am playing a game I pay for, during my limited leisure time. I stopped playing games for charity when Ultima Online became a septic mess.


Please do not try and lecture me on how old people are, in order to make them want to have fun and be competitive, I am pretty sure my kids, if not grandchild are older than most of the people I play with in my guild, but I do not ask them how old they are, because I don't give a rat's *** about their real lives. OK, maybe not the grandson, he is only a toddler, but I am pretty sure I could teach him how to defend the door on VS better than half the people who play the game once he figures out how to follow simple instructions and learn to look around himself using his observational skills.


Sry mate, I can only read the me me me me in this post right now. I don't think I have to say more in this case.

Anyways, not trying to lecture you about age or personal involvement into rl things of other players. I just wish people had the decency of good sportsmanship.

But hey, like I said .... its a trend in RL, why should this game be different?


I hope bioware can find a way to satisfy both sides because I know there are some rotten apples in PvP. Perfect example was a novera coast match I played where I called for incomings while solo guarding. None came for about 2,5 minute after which I succumbed.

I don't know how to fix it besides making a win less profitable.


Maybe something along the lines of removing the winmedals from matches and make it so that only the dailies and weekly will get credited with the current double earnings?

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Cry moar about the actions of random players and why you think strict measure should be taken to make certain everyone in your PUG must all suffer with no escape against the premade you are going against.


The entire argument is dumb. Pugs have eight players, if you can get three people on your team to listen you have as many coordinated players as a premade.


The real difference is premades tend to play objectives, be geared, and don't have a me me me attitude.


No game should punish players who play the way the game is built: with other people.

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random pugs its always going to happen, while its frustrating its part of the game, i think if your going to leave quit before the start rather than in the warzone active.


joining a losing wz is always a pain but then again just get a few medals and on to the next one simple dont worry about losing a wz already lost by the quitters.


i mostly only play for the pvp so its almost all my game time and mostly do enjoy it, i think a simple solution is if u quit a warzone in the middle of it you should get a timed penalty of no medals/valor for say a hour, not to harsh but a penalty nonethe less. quit the wz before the bell or not at all.


last nite in a 4v4 arena team i was on won the first round then in second round a shadow who was in our group started complaining that he was being targetted and couldnt get any medals so quit the arena and it was like *** were winning you muppet. just enjoy it win or lose

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To the OP, guess what. people will still leave matches anyway if your idea was in place, meaning you won't get a match either. People might just go afk or camp a node instead, essentially do nothing instead of leaving. Games are supposed to be fun and if they aren't (forcing us to stay in a match we don't want to) we will log off and possibly play some other game which we may get more and more into over time, because of the penalties you suggested, to the point we unsub. and, again, your que times get really long.


Seems like every month some baby spouts tears about people leaving warzones, tough, deal with it!

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Not only is this really bad etiquette and bad sportsmanship, it's also very bad for the players who come in after the people have left the match.


Quitting a PvP match early cause your team is trash should not be allowed. It completely ruins PvP experience.


First, I agree 100% wholeheartedly that premades should NOT be allowed to fight against pugs. PvP (assuming both sides are equally skilled) will always favor the side that is more coordinated. But that isn't what the topic is really about, it's about leaving a losing match! Just know that you are probably going to run into a LOT of games where your team is absolutely terrible. It's going to happen from time to time.


If you join PvP solo you should EXPECT your team to be trash. You should EXPECT to get a bunch of horrible moronic retard idiots that don't have any clue how to PvP at all, and they are probably just there to get the dailies done for extra xp for the day. (Which is also why I'm 100% against any dailies for PvP).


So knowing this, that you now EXPECT your team to be total trash, when you find out they are actually total trash you shouldn't be surprised. You stick it out and finish the map, just like myself and many others do. If you quit early then people like myself join in and are pissed of we're already half way through a game that is 100% guaranteed loss.


Suggestions to fix this:


1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


No way. This is probably the most ill thought out idea I have read for a while.

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Here are my suggestions to fix this issue:


1) If 2 people are guarding an objective that is currently uncontested and a 3rd person comes to "help", they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer.


2) If one person is guarding an objective alone and they call for help and state that there are 2 people incoming, the 3rd person (and any after) to come rushing to their aid, leaving the other objective with too few to defend they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day!


3) If there are 5 people at a door in voidstar and they are too busy trying to get their damage numbers up and someone manages to sneak by them and put a bomb on the door, all 5 of them are DONE FOR THE DAY!


4) If there are 5 people in voidstar guarding a door and they are fighting only 1 person and not a single one bothers to think, "gee I wonder where the other 7 guys on the other team are right now" they are DONE FOR THE DAY!


5) If someone gets the ball in huttball and they make no effort to get the ball closer to the goal by passing or moving they are DONE FOR THE DAY!. Example would be a sniper or gunslinger that killed the ball carrier but just sits there continuing to shoot people, oblivious to the fact that they managed to get the ball.


I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. If we start punishing people for not using their brains, then people eventually figure out how to play without being stupid and fewer people leave the warzones.




and i see only ppl i won't miss or that can just complain leaving the wz while it's in progress..top pvper's just quit before it starts..

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What is wrong with you people?


I can't believe the amount of people who think leaving a game is OK.


I sub too, and I don't sub so I can join games which are halfway finished and are so one sided it's a guaranteed loss. By you leaving your game you have taken your garbage and thrown it into my lawn.


Everyones OK with this? It's ok to just toss your garbage onto my lawn case you don't want it any more?


How about you deal with your OWN garbage? Why should I have to deal with it?


I would have suggested nobody ever ques into a game once it has started, but I don't think that would fix much either.


You joined SOLO, you got a RANDOM team, you're STUCK with them till the game is over. It's that simple.


I don't leave teams cause they suck, knowing that someone else will end up just coming into the game and get pissed off at the crappy team. I finish the game out and grab another game afterwards.


Leaving a game is bad for the winning team, bad for the next player qued, bad for the team you're currently on, in fact it's 99% negative and bad. The only person that benefits from it is YOU (the leaving player) and if the only thing you care about is yourself and nobody else, maybe you should try a single player game instead of multiplayer?




Here, this is how I deal with crap teams:




My whole team sucks. They get like no medals. I get almost as many medals as the winning team. Move on, next game.

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What is wrong with you people?


I can't believe the amount of people who think leaving a game is OK.


I sub too, and I don't sub so I can join games which are halfway finished and are so one sided it's a guaranteed loss. By you leaving your game you have taken your garbage and thrown it into my lawn.


Everyones OK with this? It's ok to just toss your garbage onto my lawn case you don't want it any more?


How about you deal with your OWN garbage? Why should I have to deal with it?


I would have suggested nobody ever ques into a game once it has started, but I don't think that would fix much either.


You joined SOLO, you got a RANDOM team, you're STUCK with them till the game is over. It's that simple.


I don't leave teams cause they suck, knowing that someone else will end up just coming into the game and get pissed off at the crappy team. I finish the game out and grab another game afterwards.


Leaving a game is bad for the winning team, bad for the next player qued, bad for the team you're currently on, in fact it's 99% negative and bad. The only person that benefits from it is YOU (the leaving player) and if the only thing you care about is yourself and nobody else, maybe you should try a single player game instead of multiplayer?




So you agree that the games that people leave are garbage and no one should have to deal with them. Glad we are clear on that. And if you cared so much about others, it would make you happy that the people that leave don't have to deal with it. But in reality, just like those that leave, you just care about yourself and your happiness so stop trying to sound better than others when you are just as self centered as them.

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you just care about yourself and your happiness.


Perhaps you misread the part where I said I DO NOT leave games, KNOWING that someone else would just have to come in and deal with the trash players.


Screenshot above for you how I deal with crappy players. Finish the game out. Get medals. Move on. Next game.


People who plan on quitting a game if it isn't going well shouldn't even be queing in the first place. That's why my original post said you should EXPECT your team to suck when you join. Otherwise go grab a team and que with them.

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Perhaps you misread the part where I said I DO NOT leave games, KNOWING that someone else would just have to come in and deal with the trash players.


Screenshot above for you how I deal with crappy players. Finish the game out. Get medals. Move on. Next game.


People who plan on quitting a game if it isn't going well shouldn't even be queing in the first place. That's why my original post said you should EXPECT your team to suck when you join. Otherwise go grab a team and que with them.



So if you expect the team to suck your expectations are always met and you should have no problem with the team you get and you have no reason to cry on the forums about it. I have higher expectations and the reality is so do you or you would have no reason to complain. And nice screenshot btw. You have highest damage but fewest objective points in the entire game. YOU are the reason people leave warzones.

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So if you expect the team to suck your expectations are always met and you should have no problem with the team you get and you have no reason to cry on the forums about it. I have higher expectations.


And if your team sucks you just quit? Making it so some other guy ques in to a losing game? Making it so the winning team has less people to play against? Make it even that much harder for your current teamates to get any kills at all?


Explain to me how that is in any way beneficial to the PvP community. I'd love to hear it.


You'll see in the screenshot I posted on page 4 of the thread, I did almost as much damage as the next FOUR GUYS ON MY TEAM COMBINED!


I didn't cry. I didn't whine. I didn't quit. I played it out and finished the game. This is what you should be doing as well. Quitting helps nobody.

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And if your team sucks you just quit? Making it so some other guy ques in to a losing game? Making it so the winning team has less people to play against? Make it even that much harder for your current teamates to get any kills at all?


Explain to me how that is in any way beneficial to the PvP community. I'd love to hear it.


just wondering....why the hell should someone waste their time in a match that is being lost because of dumb **** going on?


legit loss....thats fine by me. sometimes you just get out healed, and out dpsed on the objectives, or you just plan ol get out smarted.


the retard bash fest that is the usual pug huttball, where 6 members of your team hit on one guy in the pit thats on your end of the map, allowing the other 7 enemy team chain score and win in about 2 minutes....why the hell am i gonna stay in that? or the civil war match that is 6 people running to cap snow, 1 goes afk right off the bat, leaving me to do whatever, and the other two nodes to be capped....oh and the one that we did cap...gone in about 45 seconds because the guy who capped it, left it.


if i pull up my map...and their is no one guarding an objective, or everyone is everywhere but the enemy is moving as a team and slaughtering us...and my advice goes unheeded of stick together but no...everyone thinks they can take a whole team by themselves...yeah....im not going to waste my time.


and i hope those teams i leave get pushed in. and i hope they get deterred...and i hope they quit.


its either that. or they wise up...and quit playing like a retarded keyboard smasher.

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And if your team sucks you just quit? Making it so some other guy ques in to a losing game? Making it so the winning team has less people to play against? Make it even that much harder for your current teamates to get any kills at all?


Explain to me how that is in any way beneficial to the PvP community. I'd love to hear it.


You'll see in the screenshot I posted on page 4 of the thread, I did almost as much damage as the next FOUR GUYS ON MY TEAM COMBINED!


I didn't cry. I didn't whine. I didn't quit. I played it out and finished the game. This is what you should be doing as well. Quitting helps nobody.


Would it be better for people to sit in the corner and not bother participating when they are on a clueless team? Because that is the end result of what your suggestion would bring. How does forcing people to play a game they don't enjoy because the rest of their team has a severe case of cranial rectosis help the pvp community?


And yes, you finished that game with lots of pretty damage numbers and the lowest objective points in the entire game. Even those crappy players managed to play the objectives more by accident than you did on purpose. Im sure you are a great asset on any team.

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Would it be better for people to sit in the corner and not bother participating when they are on a clueless team? Because that is the end result of what your suggestion would bring. How does forcing people to play a game they don't enjoy because the rest of their team has a severe case of cranial rectosis help the pvp community?


And yes, you finished that game with lots of pretty damage numbers and the lowest objective points in the entire game. Even those crappy players managed to play the objectives more by accident than you did on purpose. Im sure you are a great asset on any team.


I heard a rumor people who are losing arguments try to change the subject. Just a rumor tho.


Still waiting for you to answer my question above. I'm totally open, 100% listening, as to how leaving a game would benefit the PvP community as a whole. Can you list one possible benefit? Just ONE? Something that isn't selfish and doesn't benefit just you without causing problems for others? At all? I'll listen if you can think of one.

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I heard a rumor people who are losing arguments try to change the subject. Just a rumor tho.


Still waiting for you to answer my question above. I'm totally open, 100% listening, as to how leaving a game would benefit the PvP community as a whole. Can you list one possible benefit? Just ONE? Something that isn't selfish and doesn't benefit just you without causing problems for others? At all? I'll listen if you can think of one.


You are the one that suggested a penalty for those who leave. You are the one that has the burden of proving that what you are suggesting is better than what we have now.

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....why the hell am i gonna stay in that?


Because if you don't stay in that, then I might get the que pop after you leave.


You think I want to be there? You think I want to join a team which is already pathetic and losing?


You think it's good to take your trashy team and throw it onto someone else, like me?


You qued SOLO for a team, you got a RANDOM team.


Notice how queing for a "WINNING" team isn't one of the options?


Some of your teams will suck. Deal with it. I do.


I'm tired of:


A) People leaving on my team, making it impossible to do anything or even go out on the battlefield.


B) Queing into games that are already a guaranteed loss.


C) Enemy teams leaving cause they are losing, giving me less people to fight.


If you are unwilling to deal with losing teams, queing solo, you shouldn't be queing at all! That's my thought on the subject.

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You are the one that suggested a penalty for those who leave. You are the one that has the burden of proving that what you are suggesting is better than what we have now.


If the game designers really thought it was a good idea for people to simply quit a game if your team isn't very good or it looks like they will just flat out lose..........


Why isn't there a concede button?


I don't have to prove anything. The point is very straight forward. Nobody benefits from all these people leaving cause their team sucks, except the person who leaves. It causes many problems as I've listed above and you, nor anyone else, have provided any positive benefits to people leaving a game.


They need to address this issue.

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If the game designers really thought it was a good idea for people to simply quit a game if your team isn't very good or it looks like they will just flat out lose..........


Why isn't there a concede button?


I don't have to prove anything. The point is very straight forward. Nobody benefits from all these people leaving cause their team sucks, except the person who leaves. It causes many problems as I've listed above and you, nor anyone else, have provided any positive benefits to people leaving a game.


They need to address this issue.


If you want change, you do have to make a case that there is an issue and that what you are suggesting to fix said issue would improve things. It is clear that at least you believe there is an issue so we can move past that part. So how should they address this issue? Adding a penalty for those that leave will make things worse. Instead of leaving, people will sit and camp as soon as it looks like a loss and that will become the normal behavior. Either that or people will just stop playing. Neither of those is an improvement.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Because if you don't stay in that, then I might get the que pop after you leave.


You think I want to be there? You think I want to join a team which is already pathetic and losing?


You think it's good to take your trashy team and throw it onto someone else, like me?


You qued SOLO for a team, you got a RANDOM team.


Notice how queing for a "WINNING" team isn't one of the options?


Some of your teams will suck. Deal with it. I do.


I'm tired of:


A) People leaving on my team, making it impossible to do anything or even go out on the battlefield.


B) Queing into games that are already a guaranteed loss.


C) Enemy teams leaving cause they are losing, giving me less people to fight.


If you are unwilling to deal with losing teams, queing solo, you shouldn't be queing at all! That's my thought on the subject.


then i suggest you start following some leads and start leaving.


like i said...i dont leave legit losses. where the team im on just got out played.


i leave absolute trash.


i suggest you do the same.

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