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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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If it doesn't result in loads of noncontributors and AFKers again sure.

Yeah, we gotta be careful that that never happens again. I would really just like to see a significant boost in straight credits gained...not enough to make players rich by any means, but a helluva lot more than what they get now.

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They should make the PvP Credits Lockboxes to drop more cash $_$


1 box = 50 wz comms = ~1,500 credits.


So ... to make a million ..... 1,000,000 / 1,500 = 666 boxes. Ok , lets take 600. 600 lockboxes x 50 wz comms = 30,000 comms. And how much comms you get per 1 WZ, ~ 12 minutes? You can do 4-5 WZs per hour. So ... you need 43254235235235235235233423423623523 hours to get a fancy looking speeder or armor from GTN.


And this is just for 1m credits ... how you supposed to buy a Rancor , Bantha , etc ... for 5-10-15m :D

Edited by iankalo
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They should make the PvP Credits Lockboxes to drop more cash $_$


1 box = 50 wz comms = ~1,500 credits.


So ... to make a million ..... 1,000,000 / 1,500 = 666 boxes. Ok , lets take 600. 600 lockboxes x 50 wz comms = 30,000 comms. And how much comms you get per 1 WZ, ~ 12 minutes? You can do 4-5 WZs per hour. So ... you need 43254235235235235235233423423623523 hours to get a fancy looking speeder or armor from GTN.


And this is just for 1m credits ... how you supposed to buy a Rancor , Bantha , etc ... for 5-10-15m :D


You're not supposed to buy the Rancor. You're supposed to earn it with your stellar PvP skills!


Here's a thought: Nobody's going to buy a 10,000,000 credit mount by running dailies either. Whether your style is PvP or PvE or GSF or Space on Rails, you're going to have to figure out how to make money crafting or playing the market if you want the expensive mounts.


Or, I guess, drop a bunch of cash on gambling packs.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Yeh, right. PvPers with credit cap get those through PvE activities such as crafting... -_-


Wouldn't crafting be more CvE? I mean, seriously, If I were in a WZ with my comps doing my crafting, is that WZ no longer PvP? If you had to spend the entirety of the time you spent crafting at a work bench, you may have a point. As it stands though, all you're doing is grasping at something, anything, to claim that you deserve to be treated differently from other players. You don't.


Any "special mat only available through PvP" should be used to craft PvPcentric items only. Now with the OP's sincere belief that PvP players outnumber the PvE players, this shouldn't be a problem, since there will be a much higher demand for that mat than there is for Iso 5 or EEEs, right? Hell, according to what the OP believes, you should be able to sell those PvPcentric mats for 1 million a piece, and prob be undercutting the market a bit.

Edited by robertthebard
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to claim that you deserve to be treated differently from other players. You don't.


Exactly, we don't deserve to be treated differently, which is why we should have THE SAME opportunity to make equal money! :eek:

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Also I never discredited making money on the gtn or crafting. I have simply mentioned that pvp needs an option available to make bigger money. Just like with pve content such as dailies....you can do just dailies or you can do dailies and crafting, but you don't have to do both. However you can make a lot of money even if you just did one of them. With pvp you do not have that option.


I have no issue with making money through all facets of the game, but each playstyle should have an equal way to earn equal money.... which pvp does not have.

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They should make the PvP Credits Lockboxes to drop more cash $_$


1 box = 50 wz comms = ~1,500 credits.


So ... to make a million ..... 1,000,000 / 1,500 = 666 boxes. Ok , lets take 600. 600 lockboxes x 50 wz comms = 30,000 comms. And how much comms you get per 1 WZ, ~ 12 minutes? You can do 4-5 WZs per hour. So ... you need 43254235235235235235233423423623523 hours to get a fancy looking speeder or armor from GTN.


And this is just for 1m credits ... how you supposed to buy a Rancor , Bantha , etc ... for 5-10-15m :D


This is great....and unfortunately too kind even, since a lot of the credit boxes pay less than the average you used. But a good example indeed of just how much money pvp'ers do not make.

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how is crafting pve? you ain't fighting an environment there


To be fair the most cost-effective way to get mats for crafting requires farming in daily/planetary areas, which could be construed as PvE.



But this is a moot point anyway. You cannot use crafting and playing the GTN a viable argument, because the GTN markets can only support a limited number of producers. There is a finite number of market areas that are profitable on the GTN, and of those there is a finite demand. You cannot say PvP'ers should just craft, because if all PvP'ers crafted then there would be way to many products on the GTN, and the prices would be driven down into unprofitability.

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Also I never discredited making money on the gtn or crafting. I have simply mentioned that pvp needs an option available to make bigger money. Just like with pve content such as dailies....you can do just dailies or you can do dailies and crafting, but you don't have to do both. However you can make a lot of money even if you just did one of them. With pvp you do not have that option.


I have no issue with making money through all facets of the game, but each playstyle should have an equal way to earn equal money.... which pvp does not have.

You might gain more traction if you made your suggestions specific.


At present, you're just asking for "more". And sometimes you talk about "big money."


If you want higher rewards for PvP quest turn-ins, come up with a number. If you want a valuable gear reward for doing PvP that can be turned into credits, come up with an example, a value, and a cost.


Relate it to specific PvE numbers. Talk about time spent, time gained. Move out of the realm of generality.



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No the point is PvP gives the absolute least amount of money for the amount of time invested. I can make barely 30k an hour doing PvP, or I could to dailies or TFB and make well over 100k and hour.


Also the majority of people don't spend enough time online to exhaust the dailies.


Credit boxes?! Hardly anyone buys those since they cost a ridiculous about of comms for such a minute amount of credits.


Yes sad indeed...you can make more money in 15 minutes doing cz-198 than you can pvp'ing for 2 hours! :eek:

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You might gain more traction if you made your suggestions specific.


At present, you're just asking for "more". And sometimes you talk about "big money."


If you want higher rewards for PvP quest turn-ins, come up with a number. If you want a valuable gear reward for doing PvP that can be turned into credits, come up with an example, a value, and a cost.


Relate it to specific PvE numbers. Talk about time spent, time gained. Move out of the realm of generality.




I have already friend....read the thread.

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I have already friend....read the thread.

I've been with this thread from the beginning and have seen nothing like what I just suggested.


If you actually have done this, please do everyone a favor and re-summarize it newly, with specific numbers and details supporting your argument.

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Exactly, we don't deserve to be treated differently, which is why we should have THE SAME opportunity to make equal money! :eek:


I notice you chose to cherry pick this response as well. It seems to be a common tactic with you. Ignore anything that doesn't support the argument you want to make in order to further your agenda. So, is crafting not CvE(Companion vs Envrionment)? If you're having your comps craft while in a WZ, is it no longer PvP? The poster I quoted made the comment that crafting was PvE, I refuted it, and you latched onto "but we're being treated differently".


I've got bad news for you, you're not. You're being expected to do the exact same thing I'm being expected to do: Run the dailies/FPs/Ops to make money. Seems like pretty consistent treatment there. You don't wanna run 'em for cash, neither do I, but that cash isn't going to magically appear in my mail box if I don't get out there and do 'em, why should it be any different for you? Because you PvP? On 7 of my toons, if I'm not running dailies, FPs or Ops, I'm losing money on crafting, since I have nothing left to do. So, to keep you treated equally, should you have to pay to play WZs?

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Look you guys are making this harder than it is. Please just answer this:


Throughout this thread it has been shown again and again that pvp makes exponentially less than its counterparts per time involvement or activity.


Why do you have a problem with pvp offering more money making opportunities to its participants?


It would be easy to implement and would not have any negative affects on the other playstyles.

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Why do you have a problem with pvp offering more money making opportunities to its participants?

I've been pretty level-headed with you in this thread. But I have to say, I'm frustrated with the fact you completely blew off what I just told you.


"More Money" is a generality. Do you not feel like doing the work of proposing specific details? What is "more money" to you? Credit rewards for turning in PvP dailies? Credit rewards for each warzone / arena? Fancy loot for comms?


What? And how much?


DO THE WORK. Document it. It's your proposal. It's your thread. Don't just sit there and ask for "more".

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Really? You think these are "logical and kind" titles? ( Emphasis on problem parts added by me )


"Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!"

"Juggernauts need major nerf....just fyi" ( Whole title, really. "X needs nerf!" is never a constructive thread title )

" PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!"


Just 3 recent threads by you, all of them confrontational and absolutely not "logical and kind".


i laughed so hard at that last part, in bright bold. giving people "the shaft" is very kind and reasonable thing for two guys to bond over.

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I have never ever met anyone who enjoy doing dailies (as in "this is why I play the game, because dailies are fun").

Most people that do Ops don't do several per week (unless they are hardcore raiders) since they often take several hours to complete (I've heard of doing some of the easier ones in about an hour, but those don't drop the "good" loot).

And you are not guaranteed good loot either on Ops.


As for making millions on dailies compared to the "measly" 200-250k by PvP, I don't buy it.

I know for a fact that doing the dailies in 1.5 gave you around 260k total. That's Ilum, Belsavis, Black Hole, and Section X. Sure, you can add Czerka, Makeb and Oricon to that list now, each giving around 80-100k more, but on average those take almost an hour to do each, so that's 6-7 hours EVERY DAY to get those kinds of money.


So are you trying to tell me that you do dailies for 6-7 hours every day of the week and Ops on top of that?

Do you really think anyone does that "because it's fun"?

If anyone does it, then it's because they are obsessed with money in the game. Not because it's fun.


If you play PvP for 10-12 hours a day, you'll surely be raking in the dough!

Just look at duckie's lovely list. How many matches do you think you can play in 12 hours on a good day?

20? 30? 40?

Because if you really do all the dailies AND ops every day like you say, you are looking at playtimes of around 10-12 hours.

Spend those playing WHAT YOU LIKE TO PLAY and you'll still be raking in the dough. AND having fun doing it.


You are trying to make it out that PvP players are poor and that PvE players just automatically get rich doing what they like.

That's simply not true.

PvE players don't like doing dailies (except the first few times in a new area of course, but I'm willing to bet even you enjoy that a bit). Most PvE players don't like grinding ops for mats. Hardcore raiders do, but those are few and far between. Just ask any hardcore raider.


The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to be a multi-millionaire in the game, you will have to do stuff you don't like doing.

If you just do what you like doing, you'll have "only a few million" credits to your name (you poor empoverished peasant).




Here's where you get it all wrong. You are a PvP player... that is painfully obvious by the way you lump all of the other players into the same group.

Let me tell you something about how much money I make playing the game the way i prefer.

I make around 600-700k in 3-4 months playing the game the way i prefer.

That's because the way i prefer to play the game is by playing the storylines from lvl 1 to lvl 50.

I'm not getting rich from that.

I don't like doing dailies, I'd rather be playing the storylines.

I don't like doing ops, I'd rather be playing the storylines.

I don't like working the GTN, I'd rather be playing the storylines.


There... now you made me shout... happy?


thank you for the reference, i thought people were too busy to notice all the math!

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Exactly what IS the credit income from the PvP daily and weekly btw?

I haven't checked in a while so I'm curious.


problem is, which you smacked the nail right on the head, is what is the gap. my little math equations took 1.5 hours at 2:00 AM on a school night (i have a dangerous swtor additciton), with nothing but my trusty mircosoft calcy (yes, i named it), my superb memory and familiarity with the economic specifics of pvp, and a blank MS word page to use as scratch.


now if that took me that kind of work just to find out the income for your average level 55 warzone pvper, then does any of these people going around on the forum know anything about the exact income of every activity ingame for players of every skill level?


did they go out into the game to take detailed notes of everything, with every possible variable that could affect the statistics? then did they factor it all up and found out the differences between the various incomes acquired?


did they ask a wide base players of multiple ingame what their income was? can we trust they are correct and truthful? do these players know their exact income at all?


if they did can we trust that anyone's calculations are correct, can we trust this random internet forum person won't stretch things out to benefit their end of the conversation?


i'll admit, my pvp income sheet was insanely simplistic. i used the maximum of the credits acquirable, i did not consider if, instead of 120 warzone comms, you get 132 or 109 for that particular game. the credit cases give anywhere between 1123 to 1973 credits, but i rounded! i did three major rounds of revision until i was satisfied i was correct. i only took into consideration of my own skill and success rates, because that's all i know!


someone who separates everything into PvP and not-PvP (they call everything in this category PvE), and makes personal attacks against those who don't agree with them is far from trustworthy, and neither am i for as much as you know! he is talking about getting millions for god's sake!!!



then again, who cares about your income, just play the game to have fun!

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I've been pretty level-headed with you in this thread. But I have to say, I'm frustrated with the fact you completely blew off what I just told you.


"More Money" is a generality. Do you not feel like doing the work of proposing specific details? What is "more money" to you? Credit rewards for turning in PvP dailies? Credit rewards for each warzone / arena? Fancy loot for comms?


What? And how much?


DO THE WORK. Document it. It's your proposal. It's your thread. Don't just sit there and ask for "more".


As I said READ the thread.... its in there! What do you want? There are no exact #'s.... everyone plays different amount of time. What I have proposed is simple.... add opportunities to make more money pvp'ing via something equivalent to isotope 5 on the pve side of things..... there are no exact numbers to give or details needed other than that. I can make 8.5 mil a week doin pve dailies and have shown very clearly how..... yet someone else who has less time or plays different may only make 3 mil, but the point is the opportunity is there within that amount of time to make that much....get it?

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There are no exact #'s....

If the game were actually changed by a developer, you can bet your booty there would be exact numbers involved.


Someone would take the time to do math. Figure out what would be an appropriate reward. Then put those numbers in the game. The devs wouldn't just say to the server "add more"


I tried to convince you and failed. Ah, well. I guess I'm out.

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If the game were actually changed by a developer, you can bet your booty there would be exact numbers involved.


Someone would take the time to do math. Figure out what would be an appropriate reward. Then put those numbers in the game. The devs wouldn't just say to the server "add more"


I tried to convince you and failed. Ah, well. I guess I'm out.


omg really? It is impossible to have exact numbers given that everyone plays slightly different and many of the money opportunities listed such as pvp credit boxes pay out random different amounts.

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The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind"


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits!


3. PvP has nothing like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts.


Try doing the same five quests on the same bunch of planets with 3 toons every day, and you'll see soon enough that pve dailies are as much of a grind or more so than anything you've mentioned.

Crafting isn't much fun either, that's a grind too, grind for mats, grind money for mats, sell finished item or mats for creds. It's all grindy tbh.


I really don't see why pvpers need anything more added to the game. If you get tired of your pvp stuff, you can do the crafting and daily grinds like pve'ers have to. That would give you some variety. Pve'ers don't have a 'permanent' way of making money. Crafting for example, fluctuates...after a while the market gets saturated and competition gets heated, so you don't always get tons of money guaranteed.

Edited by Lunafox
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Try doing the same five quests on the same bunch of planets with 3 toons every day, and you'll see soon enough that pve dailies are as much of a grind or more so than anything you've mentioned.

Crafting isn't much fun either, that's a grind too, grind for mats, grind money for mats, sell finished item or mats for creds. It's all grindy tbh.


I really don't see why pvpers need anything more added to the game. If you get tired of your pvp stuff, you can do the crafting and daily grinds like pve'ers have to. That would give you some variety. Pve'ers don't have a 'permanent' way of making money. Crafting for example, fluctuates...after a while the market gets saturated and competition gets heated, so you don't always get tons of money guaranteed.


Ok, here is an example. I can go to cz-198 and in 15 minutes earn 65-75k easy. In pvp to make that it takes like 2 hours. If I need or want money (which everyone does) why should I make that much less when I am pvp'ing. This only hurts an already hurting pvp queue.

And as far as things fluctuating and not being permanent....Bioware makes the recipes and can easily control how much something will cost by supply and demand. Isotope 5's have been selling for 100k each forever now. They can implement something like this for pvp'ers and it wouldn't hurt anyone.

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