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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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Its nice how I get attacked and when I lash back I am the only one that gets called out for it. I have grown tired of defending a very simple concept. equality. But apparently that only exists for the pve'er.


No, when people disagree with you, you treat it like an attack and "lash back". You need to learn that people expressing opposing opinions aren't "attacking" you. You also need to learn that when your thread title is a provocation, you have to expect not-so-gentle responses from people. You can't complain about people being "non productive" when you start your discussion out with an invitation to fight. It's like running into a gathering of, say, Disturbed fans, screaming "DISTURBED SUCKS!", then whining because you got the crap beat out of you rather than a "constructive" discussion.

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You are trying to discredit what I said, when I made it very clear in my statement that I have learned that doing these types of titles at least keeps the thread going.


"Keeps the thread going"? The examples I cited ( this one included ) start with people disagreeing with you, you coming back and whining that the people disagreeing with you are "attacking you" or "trolling", then a D-measuring contest between you and these people who are understandably offended by your childish attitude.


It may "keep the thread going", but not constructive discussion. If anything you hurt your arguments more than help them.

Edited by Drayvis
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Yeh, right. PvPers with credit cap get those through PvE activities such as crafting... -_-


Here is the problem with this thread right here. You guys are compartmentalizing activities activities into either 'PvP' or 'not PvP' and labeling the 'not PvP' as 'PvE'. Crafting is not 'PvE', sending companions on missions and selling the mats is not 'PvE', playing the GTN is not 'PvE', and if you refuse to do things to make money just because you arbitrarily placed them in the 'not PvP' column, you only have yourself to blame for being broke.


'PvEers' mostly do not want to run dailies to get credits either, so why is it OK that we have to but you do not feel that you should have to?


And once again, even if this thread's ridiculous premise is true, which is isn't. I spent ~300k credits per week on repairs alone during progression. Not even counting stims, medpacks, and adrenals, 300k per week on repairs alone. What do PvPers spend all their credits on?

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Here is the problem with this thread right here. You guys are compartmentalizing activities activities into either 'PvP' or 'not PvP' and labeling the 'not PvP' as 'PvE'. Crafting is not 'PvE', sending companions on missions and selling the mats is not 'PvE', playing the GTN is not 'PvE', and if you refuse to do things to make money just because you arbitrarily placed them in the 'not PvP' column, you only have yourself to blame for being broke.


'PvEers' mostly do not want to run dailies to get credits either, so why is it OK that we have to but you do not feel that you should have to?


And once again, even if this thread's ridiculous premise is true, which is isn't. I spent ~300k credits per week on repairs alone during progression. Not even counting stims, medpacks, and adrenals, 300k per week on repairs alone. What do PvPers spend all their credits on?


Well for one thing When I pvp, in order to be a true competitor I also have to buy stims, medpacks and adrenals. And I have the same repair bill you do, because since pvp makes so little money I am forced to go pve and there comes my repair bill.

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It is also funny because you guys have singled out crafting, gtn, pve dailies, operations, and of course pvp.... funny how only pvp is the only one that can't make the big money. I am done with this thread for now. You guys can take it from here. Don't forget to fulfill that desire to make the post mentioning how your so glad that I am gone....lol!
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And I have the same repair bill you do, because since pvp makes so little money I am forced to go pve and there comes my repair bill.


Bull****. You are flat out lying now.


It is also funny because you guys have singled out crafting, gtn, pve dailies, operations, and of course pvp.... funny how only pvp is the only one that can't make the big money. I am done with this thread for now. You guys can take it from here. Don't forget to fulfill that desire to make the post mentioning how your so glad that I am gone....lol!


You are done with this thread because every single thing you have said has been thoroughly and completely debunked and you are running away instead of admitting that you were wrong.

Edited by Icebergy
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Here is the problem with this thread right here. You guys are compartmentalizing activities activities into either 'PvP' or 'not PvP' and labeling the 'not PvP' as 'PvE'. Crafting is not 'PvE', sending companions on missions and selling the mats is not 'PvE', playing the GTN is not 'PvE', and if you refuse to do things to make money just because you arbitrarily placed them in the 'not PvP' column, you only have yourself to blame for being broke.

Well said!!!


I believe there is a tremendous income gap between PvE daily missions and PvP daily missions that needs to be tightened up, but you can't reasonably expect only PvP income to be anywhere near comparable to every other activity in game. Bioware could easily double or even triple the PvP daily mission rewards and not make them equitable to PvE daily missions.

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You are done with this thread because every single thing you have said has been thoroughly and completely debunked and you are running away instead of admitting that you were wrong.


And everyone's meanie-head trolls for debunking them! :D

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Well said!!!


I believe there is a tremendous income gap between PvE daily missions and PvP daily missions that needs to be tightened up, but you can't reasonably expect only PvP income to be anywhere near comparable to every other activity in game. Bioware could easily double or even triple the PvP daily mission rewards and not make them equitable to PvE daily missions.


What is the value of the repair bill incurred via PvE daily missions?


What is the value of the repair bill incurred via PvP daily missions?


Honest questions. I don't do either. But I expect the answer to the second question is 0, while the answer to the first question is a number significantly larger than 0.


Point is PvE carries greater credit cost and therefore requires greater credit reward. Would you be willing to accept the equivalent gear damage in PvP to PvE in order to get equivalent credit rewards?

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What is the value of the repair bill incurred via PvE daily missions?


What is the value of the repair bill incurred via PvP daily missions?


Honest questions. I don't do either. But I expect the answer to the second question is 0, while the answer to the first question is a number significantly larger than 0.


Point is PvE carries greater credit cost and therefore requires greater credit reward. Would you be willing to accept the equivalent gear damage in PvP to PvE in order to get equivalent credit rewards?

PvE repair costs running dailies are insignificant.


PvE repair costs while doing operations progression runs are much, much higher.


If you don't die doing PvE dailies (pretty common, I should think) one should easily make 100K per hour as actual profit, after any repair costs are subtracted.

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PvE repair costs running dailies are insignificant.


PvE repair costs while doing operations progression runs are much, much higher.


If you don't die doing PvE dailies (pretty common, I should think) one should easily make 100K per hour as actual profit, after any repair costs are subtracted.


It's well over 100k too - CZ-198 is a 10-15min daily run that nets you a minimum of 70k. Add Black Hole to that run and you can net 200k in an hour doing just those two.


I'm not looking for like 500k for a PvP mission, but 25k-40k isn't unreasonable imo.

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PVP doesn't pay worth a crap. That's nothing new and every gripe or suggestion thread I've seen on the subject hasn't gotten a gold reply which is a shame because a payout bump wouldn't be unreasonable.


PVP's handled as a sidebar, it's just the way it is, so may as well run ilum dailies or find some other means to earn. And when you scrounge up enough be sure to buy my augs and thermal regs.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Piece of advise.


You want people to take you seriously you need to scale back on how you respond and yes even the titles of your posts and also learn that your opinion is not a fact, it is an opinion and learn to respect the opinions of others whether or not they agree with you.


In the 2 1/2 years I have been here I can honestly say that other than one time most of the people on the forums will respect your opinion if you respect theirs and don't expect them to agree with them.


People do remember posts you make especially when they are made within days of each other and they remember the way you conducted yourself.



Have a good weekend.

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Pve content.... lets separate it.

Dailies- If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do the dailies and make 1 million in a day plus 1.5 mil from the isotope 5 a week. That is 8.5 mil a week. Not bad.

Ops: If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do several ops throughout the week and get tons of loot drops you can sell. Some of them occasionally worth several million credits. Plus you easily average (at least I do) at least 3 mmg's that will bring you around 2.25 mil. a week. Not to mention you can make a whole lot more trading in comms for more things to sell.

As far as pve goes what else would you like me to mention? The point is the big money options are there.


pvp: I can pvp all day long....at least when the queues are popping. We can use the very detailed listing given earlier in the thread by cybernetic ducks. If I use all my comms and get credit cases I am still lucky to get 200-250k.


I have never ever met anyone who enjoy doing dailies (as in "this is why I play the game, because dailies are fun").

Most people that do Ops don't do several per week (unless they are hardcore raiders) since they often take several hours to complete (I've heard of doing some of the easier ones in about an hour, but those don't drop the "good" loot).

And you are not guaranteed good loot either on Ops.


As for making millions on dailies compared to the "measly" 200-250k by PvP, I don't buy it.

I know for a fact that doing the dailies in 1.5 gave you around 260k total. That's Ilum, Belsavis, Black Hole, and Section X. Sure, you can add Czerka, Makeb and Oricon to that list now, each giving around 80-100k more, but on average those take almost an hour to do each, so that's 6-7 hours EVERY DAY to get those kinds of money.


So are you trying to tell me that you do dailies for 6-7 hours every day of the week and Ops on top of that?

Do you really think anyone does that "because it's fun"?

If anyone does it, then it's because they are obsessed with money in the game. Not because it's fun.


If you play PvP for 10-12 hours a day, you'll surely be raking in the dough!

Just look at duckie's lovely list. How many matches do you think you can play in 12 hours on a good day?

20? 30? 40?

Because if you really do all the dailies AND ops every day like you say, you are looking at playtimes of around 10-12 hours.

Spend those playing WHAT YOU LIKE TO PLAY and you'll still be raking in the dough. AND having fun doing it.


You are trying to make it out that PvP players are poor and that PvE players just automatically get rich doing what they like.

That's simply not true.

PvE players don't like doing dailies (except the first few times in a new area of course, but I'm willing to bet even you enjoy that a bit). Most PvE players don't like grinding ops for mats. Hardcore raiders do, but those are few and far between. Just ask any hardcore raider.


The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to be a multi-millionaire in the game, you will have to do stuff you don't like doing.

If you just do what you like doing, you'll have "only a few million" credits to your name (you poor empoverished peasant).


There is a HUGE difference in how much I can make doing what I prefer in the game (pvp) verses what you prefer. Again I am not saying that all pve'ers are rich, but the opportunity is there.


Here's where you get it all wrong. You are a PvP player... that is painfully obvious by the way you lump all of the other players into the same group.

Let me tell you something about how much money I make playing the game the way i prefer.

I make around 600-700k in 3-4 months playing the game the way i prefer.

That's because the way i prefer to play the game is by playing the storylines from lvl 1 to lvl 50.

I'm not getting rich from that.

I don't like doing dailies, I'd rather be playing the storylines.

I don't like doing ops, I'd rather be playing the storylines.

I don't like working the GTN, I'd rather be playing the storylines.


There... now you made me shout... happy?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Stop being ignorant. PvE Only activities do not make you 20 million from credit drops alone.




Obviously he was exaggerating, but he has a point.


Warzones are about 15 mins apiece, so you get about four maybe five if one goes fast warzones an hour. If win every single match you will get 7.2k each or 29k an hour.....


Its not that PvP doesn't give money its that PvP is effectively minimum wage.

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You are trying to discredit what I said, when I made it very clear in my statement that I have learned that doing these types of titles at least keeps the thread going. If only you would spend half as much time trying to be productive in this thread. You are wasting your time on this type of post...I never claimed to be a mr perfect. I never claimed to be the only one that's right. I said that I have in the past created threads that used logical and kind titles....that indeed I have. Infact this game has a feature so you can look it up. But of course you will see what you want to see.


Just for fun, I actually checked.


Here are a few of your previous threads that were supposedly all "logical and kind"...


Who is designing the gear?....I mean come on

Warzones: Don't pay enough!...please change it (from 2012, nice)

Commando's no good in arena's :(

Ok I am gonna say it....

Pvp changes needed

DPS: The overall dps leaders should always be...

Poor Commandos

Playing a Commando in ranked = Playing a naked guy who does nothing

And your first one: Advanced Class Change a must.....read first to understand...


These all seem very emotional and not very "logical and kind"


Who are you kidding?

And those were just the worst of your 51 threads (the three latest included). The other headlines were hardly logical and kind either, but just not as bad as these.

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Obviously he was exaggerating, but he has a point.


Warzones are about 15 mins apiece, so you get about four maybe five if one goes fast warzones an hour. If win every single match you will get 7.2k each or 29k an hour.....


Its not that PvP doesn't give money its that PvP is effectively minimum wage.


But you have to remember that dailies can only be done once per day. You can PvP all day long.

And apparantly the OP has 10-12 hours to spare every day, so that's 290-348k credits per day just from the matches... add to that the credit boxes for comms, the dailies and the weeklies and he'll be making nice cash.

Sure, not as much as if he was working.. eeh... I mean grinding dailies and ops, but at least he's doing something he likes.

And mots people don't "like" grinding dailies and ops all day.

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Its not that PvP doesn't give money its that PvP is effectively minimum wage.

Just spitballing here, but does anyone remember in 1.7 when PvP gear could be reverse engineered for Molecular Stabilizers? For a period of time, PvP was monumentally profitable.


I believe this was changed when 2.0 dropped to purposefully slow down end-game crafting drastically, and get more people to run operations.


Perhaps Bioware could revisit this idea, but with reduced availability? A dedicated raider can get 2-3 MMGs in a week. What if a dedicated PvP'er could also get 2-3 MMGs in a week?

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Well said!!!


I believe there is a tremendous income gap between PvE daily missions and PvP daily missions that needs to be tightened up, but you can't reasonably expect only PvP income to be anywhere near comparable to every other activity in game. Bioware could easily double or even triple the PvP daily mission rewards and not make them equitable to PvE daily missions.


Exactly what IS the credit income from the PvP daily and weekly btw?

I haven't checked in a while so I'm curious.

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Just for fun, I actually checked.


Here are a few of your previous threads that were supposedly all "logical and kind"...


Who is designing the gear?....I mean come on

Warzones: Don't pay enough!...please change it (from 2012, nice)

Commando's no good in arena's :(

Ok I am gonna say it....

Pvp changes needed

DPS: The overall dps leaders should always be...

Poor Commandos

Playing a Commando in ranked = Playing a naked guy who does nothing

And your first one: Advanced Class Change a must.....read first to understand...


These all seem very emotional and not very "logical and kind"


Who are you kidding?

And those were just the worst of your 51 threads (the three latest included). The other headlines were hardly logical and kind either, but just not as bad as these.

His thread titles get attention - that's the point of creating a thread. Ever read the headlines on the mags they sell at the grocery store in the check out isle? They are meant to suck you in, much like his thread titles do. Nothing wrong with what he titles it imo.

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But you have to remember that dailies can only be done once per day. You can PvP all day long.

And apparantly the OP has 10-12 hours to spare every day, so that's 290-348k credits per day just from the matches... add to that the credit boxes for comms, the dailies and the weeklies and he'll be making nice cash.

Sure, not as much as if he was working.. eeh... I mean grinding dailies and ops, but at least he's doing something he likes.

And mots people don't "like" grinding dailies and ops all day.


No the point is PvP gives the absolute least amount of money for the amount of time invested. I can make barely 30k an hour doing PvP, or I could to dailies or TFB and make well over 100k and hour.


Also the majority of people don't spend enough time online to exhaust the dailies.


Credit boxes?! Hardly anyone buys those since they cost a ridiculous about of comms for such a minute amount of credits.

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Just spitballing here, but does anyone remember in 1.7 when PvP gear could be reverse engineered for Molecular Stabilizers? For a period of time, PvP was monumentally profitable.


I believe this was changed when 2.0 dropped to purposefully slow down end-game crafting drastically, and get more people to run operations.


Perhaps Bioware could revisit this idea, but with reduced availability? A dedicated raider can get 2-3 MMGs in a week. What if a dedicated PvP'er could also get 2-3 MMGs in a week?


If it doesn't result in loads of noncontributors and AFKers again sure.

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His thread titles get attention - that's the point of creating a thread. Ever read the headlines on the mags they sell at the grocery store in the check out isle? They are meant to suck you in, much like his thread titles do. Nothing wrong with what he titles it imo.


Now, if that were only true :rolleyes:

Edited by Superman_AZ
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