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Really? In mine the maximum crit rates for both railguns and primary weapons is the same in the T1 and T2 gunships. You can choose lower crit rate components or upgrades, but there's no inherent advantage to either ship type unless I overlooked something.


What do you think gives extra crit? Component, crew, hull?


yes it is about 18% for the T2 i think its a glitch or maybe just a small sample size skewing my result

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yes it is about 18% for the T2 i think its a glitch or maybe just a small sample size skewing my result


16% is the crit chance for Slugs. I think those 18% you're referring to are close enough to be the result of small sample size.

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Alright sorry guys I've had family over for the entire week and couldn't answer your questions I apologize.


Does the DoT on pods have armor pen too?


Yep Dot's still have the upgrades of the weapon that used them.


why does F1 make your rocket pods stronger than F3?? they are a secondary weapon


I actually had no idea this was a thing. After I read this I immediately went to watch some of my videos where I use Rocket pods. To my shock you're absolutely right Rocket pods damage is affected by which power setting you're in. We actually should have spotted this long ago with simple math on the dps of rocket pods.


Rocket pods shoot at 90 rockets per minute, which means they shoot at 1.5 rockets per second.


They do 405 dps, which means each rocket should hit for 270. However when you're in power to weapons (F1) your rockets hit for 297 and when you're in power to engines/shields (F3/F2) your rockets hit for 256. These numbers are the exact % differences that the power settings provide in damage bonus' to lasers.


Thanks for catching that Krix!


Do tensors stack?


This one is interesting because the answer is yes and no.


The full abilities do not stack. However if 2 players take different upgrades on their tensors when used at the same time the affected players will receive the original tensor buff but also have all the upgrades buffs.


Best example is if one tensor user has engine recharge upgrade and the other has the speed upgrade, when you're affected by both you will have the original tensor buff but also have both the engine recharge and speed upgrade.


I hope that's clear enough.


Has anyone tried concentrated fire with rail guns? I know it's just for primary weapons but I forgot I had it equipped on my T2 and I had 3 crits in a row and 4 of 6 while it was active.


Concentrated Fire absolutely does not affect Railguns. Sounds like you had the critical chance upgrade on your Railgun and just got really lucky.


I've tested it a few times by just not taking the Critical chance upgrade and trying to get a crit by using it, it just never crits.



As an aside I'm going to have to test Concentrated Fire with Rocket pods now though, since it uses primary lasers power settings maybe it will also count as a primary weapon for Concentrated Fire.


Nope but the T2 gunship has a higher crit percentage then the other GS


I'm sorry this is incorrect the T2 Gunship has the same Crit percentages as any other Gunship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry this is incorrect the T2 Gunship has the same Crit percentages as any other Gunship.


I accept your apology Drakkolich but I think you are wrong. I shot one of the turrets on the capital ship 100 times and managed to get 18 critical hits with the Dustmaker ship. When I used the Mangler I only got 16.

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I accept your apology Drakkolich but I think you are wrong. I shot one of the turrets on the capital ship 100 times and managed to get 18 critical hits with the Dustmaker ship. When I used the Mangler I only got 16.


100 shots? That sample size is way too small to be accurate. You probably need over 1000 shots to get a somewhat useful result.

Edited by Danalon
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I accept your apology Drakkolich but I think you are wrong. I shot one of the turrets on the capital ship 100 times and managed to get 18 critical hits with the Dustmaker ship. When I used the Mangler I only got 16.


As others have pointed out, this is not true. I'm pretty sure you know that though, and your response was satirical.


In college, I wrote a silly program for my D&D friends, where you could put in the numbers you rolled on your dice, and it would keep a tally on screen for each time it was ran, get the mean, that sort of thing. Of course, we all immediately set to rolling dice, and we were sure to roll enough that our results were significant. One of my friends ended up being statistically unlucky over thousands of rolls :p



After I read this I immediately went to watch some of my videos where I use Rocket pods. To my shock you're absolutely right Rocket pods damage is affected by which power setting you're in. We actually should have spotted this long ago with simple math on the dps of rocket pods.


I'm more shocked no one has ever noticed this before. That's absolutely crazy. Do we have really old videos to check? Like is this a bug that happened sometime, or has it been there from the start?



We can probably add it to the list of "things the devs should look into". Remember, rocket pods ended up being nerfed early on- its quite possible the devs looked at overall numbers, when they had a more appropriate fix at the time. Unlike most bugs, this one has definitely contributed to the meta- the F1 version of rocket pods is assuredly the most common one (and the one the game is presumably balanced around), not some hypothetical weaker F4 or F3/F2 one. Crazy.

Edited by Verain
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Hello, I joined day one launch but didn't stick with the game. Now im back to play in 2016 and am having a lot of fun. My question is being on bastion do you think I'll be ok without switching servers? I can't even ask a question about GSF directly because I can't even get a game going!?
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Hello, I joined day one launch but didn't stick with the game. Now im back to play in 2016 and am having a lot of fun. My question is being on bastion do you think I'll be ok without switching servers? I can't even ask a question about GSF directly because I can't even get a game going!?


I myself stopped playing on Bastion many months ago when the free server transfers became a thing many of the players transfered to Harbinger and while I didn't transfer my character I started a new one there. The last few times I've gone back to try to play on Bastion it was very slow and I've opted to stop playing there at all now because of it.


From what I've heard it's only gotten worse, if you're really looking to get into GSF I'd suggest one of the more popular servers like Harbinger or from what I'm hearing Jedi Covenant is starting to pick up a little.

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I myself stopped playing on Bastion many months ago when the free server transfers became a thing many of the players transfered to Harbinger and while I didn't transfer my character I started a new one there. The last few times I've gone back to try to play on Bastion it was very slow and I've opted to stop playing there at all now because of it.


From what I've heard it's only gotten worse, if you're really looking to get into GSF I'd suggest one of the more popular servers like Harbinger or from what I'm hearing Jedi Covenant is starting to pick up a little.


Jedic Covenant is good til about 11 PM eastern time.


Another good poping server with the same time frame as JC is Shadowlands.


Harbinger can get pops almost through the entire night. I flew until 5 am eastern time Monday morning.


Don't attempt to fly on Ebon Hawke...as I have been trying to get ONE flight for 3 weeks on there. No time seems right. And if you get one, consider yourself lucky, lol.


Try all three. Happy flying!!

Edited by philwil
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I myself stopped playing on Bastion many months ago when the free server transfers became a thing many of the players transfered to Harbinger and while I didn't transfer my character I started a new one there. The last few times I've gone back to try to play on Bastion it was very slow and I've opted to stop playing there at all now because of it.


From what I've heard it's only gotten worse, if you're really looking to get into GSF I'd suggest one of the more popular servers like Harbinger or from what I'm hearing Jedi Covenant is starting to pick up a little.


Thank you, I appreciate your response. I'll probably finish off the main story for my character and either start a new character or transfer my account. I have a small sliver of hope that the servers will pick up out of nowhere lol, but we'll see.

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Can evasion reach negative amounts?


I think it would be really hard to prove it, but IMO it does. Using in your sights on a CP rampart (0% or 5% evasion) feels like it allows you to land more high deflection shots.

Edited by RickDagles
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Interesting question, never thought about it. However, I don't think it would have much effect on gameplay.


Not much... It would make in your sights slightly less useless, and it would mean the evasion debuff on TT is slightly better.

Edited by Greezt
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Here's a great question that Bolo brought up last night. So, we know the speed tensor and regen tensor stack. However, if you use the speed tensor first and the regen tensor 2nd, does the 15% speed boost take over the 30% boost? If it does then it would be really important to coordinate your tensors so that the regen tensor guy always goes first.
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Here's a great question that Bolo brought up last night. So, we know the speed tensor and regen tensor stack. However, if you use the speed tensor first and the regen tensor 2nd, does the 15% speed boost take over the 30% boost? If it does then it would be really important to coordinate your tensors so that the regen tensor guy always goes first.


I'm not sure on this, but I think in GSF a newer (de)buff always overwrites an active one.

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I think it would be really hard to prove it, but IMO it does. Using in your sights on a CP rampart (0% or 5% evasion) feels like it allows you to land more high deflection shots.


I concur. I think if it did not, In Your Sights would be a truly unforgivable crew skill. I'm fairly certain that ALL hit and evasion things are added together to determine the hit table.


So, we know the speed tensor and regen tensor stack. However, if you use the speed tensor first and the regen tensor 2nd, does the 15% speed boost take over the 30% boost?


This is phrased strangely. I know this: I've started several matches with double tensor, and we have NEVER needed to coordinate this. All ships end up with one actual tensor buff and a bunch of talented tensor buffs. All ships move at the extra speed and also have the regen buff (extra turning, extra evasion, more regen). My suspicion is that what is going on is this: the +15% tensor is not able to be overwritten by the regen tensor (same buff slot, worse effect), but the regen tensor DOES add the regen buff. This could be tested by first using the speed tensor and then, like two seconds later, the regen tensor, and seeing what happens.

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Here's a great question that Bolo brought up last night. So, we know the speed tensor and regen tensor stack. However, if you use the speed tensor first and the regen tensor 2nd, does the 15% speed boost take over the 30% boost? If it does then it would be really important to coordinate your tensors so that the regen tensor guy always goes first.


I think it best to play on the safe side and coordinate it anyway. If you're going to go to the effort of intentionally stacking the boosts, it makes sense to ensure you do it right.

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Do DoTs and buffs work the same way in GSF? Because if they do, you can just place a DO DoT on someone and have someone else replace it.


Can you elaborate on this? This is something that could maybe be tested, but I'm not sure of the ground combat lingo and mechanism.


I think it best to play on the safe side and coordinate it anyway.


I mean, wouldn't I have seen this happen? I will point out that when I run this, I am almost always the regen tensor, and I almost always press mine last (I want to get the slow loading pug, so I wait a couple seconds). Either way, this is worthy of a test so we can know- assuming someone gets around to it.

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Can you elaborate on this? This is something that could maybe be tested, but I'm not sure of the ground combat lingo and mechanism.


Sure. I know DoTs and buffs/debuffs clip instead of stacking in GSF. If they behave the same in all other aspects, then a good way to test this would be, for example, flying two plasma gunships. One gunship picks up DO and plasmas someone, and then the other gunship plasmas the same guy. It's much easier to see the change in damage ticks than time yourself to a node a bunch of times.


But for that someone needs to know if DoTs work the same way as effects.

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In GSF as far as I've been able to tell in testing the newest version of whatever buff/debuff you put on a target takes over. This happens even if the newer one is an inferior version of the one currently on the target.


I really hate that the team game does this. I found this out when I was testing which slows in the game stacked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It may be somewhere in the depths of this forum. But I didn't find it, not even in the historical discussion between Verain and the devs on power settings: Does F1 increase 10% base or current total DPS?

It should be base from my understanding - at least to work the same way as F2 does with shields.

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It may be somewhere in the depths of this forum. But I didn't find it, not even in the historical discussion between Verain and the devs on power settings: Does F1 increase 10% base or current total DPS?

It should be base from my understanding - at least to work the same way as F2 does with shields.


So far every single % boost in GSF is additive. Meaning if you have 3 10% increases, they each take from the base amount and add each one. Those 3 10% boosts would equal 130% total once all added up.


I hope I answered what you were looking for?

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