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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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Why do you guys have a problem with pvp'ers making equal money to that of a pve'er?


Making in game credits has absolutely nothing to do with your insistence on PvP vs PvE meta-conflict. I have met plenty of players in game that primarily PvP and are wealthy. I also met plenty of players in game that primarily PvE yet whine about always being broke, and others that have not issues meeting their personal economic needs inside the game. AND.. I have met plenty of players that are simply to self-involved and emotionally locked in their feelings to get off their lazy backsides and put together an income generation model to meet their personal wealth needs inside the game.


Your desire to present PvP as "impoverished by design" is nonsense. Regardless what your content play preference might be..... there are plenty of low effort ways to make more income then you can spend in this game.


The fact that you want credits to drop by the truckload just for you showing up and PvPing is a poster child example of entitlement feelings on the part of the player.

Edited by Andryah
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Making in game credits has absolutely nothing to do with your insistence on PvP vs PvE meta-conflict. I have met plenty of players in game that primarily PvP and are wealthy. I also met plenty of players in game that primarily PvE yet whine about always being broke, and others that have not issues meeting their personal economic needs inside the game. AND.. I have met plenty of players that are simply to self-involved and emotionally locked in their feelings to get off their lazy backsides and put together an income generation model to meet their personal wealth needs inside the game.


Your desire to present PvP as "impoverished by design" is nonsense. Regardless what your content play preference might be..... there are plenty of low effort ways to make more income then you can spend in this game.


The fact that you want credits to drop by the truckload just for you showing up and PvPing is a poster child example of entitlement feelings on the part of the player.


entitlement... you're using it right... "me me me via you you you" mentality. Toss in lack of understanding of basic economics, personal responsibility, and critical thinking and you get a portion of these forums (game?) who want everyone else to change so they can just go through the motions and have success.


I want BIS for dailies because well you have BIS. I want 30million credits because you have 30 million credits from playing the CM/GTN and dailies with hours of work a day from my few hours a week game play. Why cant I have nice things too just because I don't have to work hard...

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You are aware that you were talking to the OP right?


Yup but I find it a lot less directly confrontational to refer to the Original Post (OP) rather than the poster directly. As it shows I have only an issue with what they said, not them personally.

Edited by NeoWolf
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PvP could certainly use an increase in payouts. PvE dailies are pure money makers, but PvP dailies are measly credits that take longer to run than 2-3 sets of daily runs. They could easily triple the payout from PvP dailies and it would still be low.


Are you planning to increase the cost of running PvP dailies, or do you just want to increase the income? Because if you're going to add repair costs to the PvP equation, I'm down. Wait, nobody wants to do that, because if they had to spend 2-3k on repairs for a successful run, and upwards of 25k, or higher, for bad ones, they'd be right back here saying "We don't want to be treated the same as PvE players".


Methods exist in game to gain the same "advantage" crafting the new tier of endgame gear, or getting mats to sell. "I don't like to do it" isn't a valid reason for BW to change the format.

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Are you planning to increase the cost of running PvP dailies, or do you just want to increase the income? Because if you're going to add repair costs to the PvP equation, I'm down. Wait, nobody wants to do that, because if they had to spend 2-3k on repairs for a successful run, and upwards of 25k, or higher, for bad ones, they'd be right back here saying "We don't want to be treated the same as PvE players".


Methods exist in game to gain the same "advantage" crafting the new tier of endgame gear, or getting mats to sell. "I don't like to do it" isn't a valid reason for BW to change the format.

Suggesting repairs for PvP is absolutely STUPID because dying is 100% part of the expected gameplay in PvP, unlike PvE where the only goal is NOT to die. I can't recall the last time I died on a daily PvE mission that wasn't from another player...not from NPCs in CZ-198, not in Black Hole or Section X, not even on Oricon do NPCs kill me (and I wear PvP gear)...are you dying during your daily missions?? I certainly hope not...cuz that would be pitiful.


The PvP dailies should grant far more credits than they do. The time it takes to complete them as well as the fact that PvPers are content for other players, absolutely warrants an increase in payout over any PvE daily.

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Suggesting repairs for PvP is absolutely STUPID snip.


Stopped reading right there. I can spend 2k in repairs even if I never die once in a FP/OP running dailies, especially if I forget to repair between dailies. So you just want to be a special snowflake, not be treated the same. That's really all you had to say.

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Stopped reading right there. I can spend 2k in repairs even if I never die once in a FP/OP running dailies, especially if I forget to repair between dailies. So you just want to be a special snowflake, not be treated the same. That's really all you had to say.

Thank you, you've obviously seen my in-game title and realized that I am indeed "A special snowflake". I earned the right to be one and I appreciate your acknowledging that I am.


And I'm comparing apples to apples - I don't give a flip what it costs you to do a FP or an Ops - those are once per week things, not daily. Daily missions vs. Daily missions. I can make about 70k in 10-15 minutes doing CZ-198. I got stuck doing 3 full Voidstars in a row Tuesday night - lost all 3 and then did an arena that I won...I made about 15k after a freaking hour of PvPing. That's ludicrous.

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Thank you, you've obviously seen my in-game title and realized that I am indeed "A special snowflake". I earned the right to be one and I appreciate your acknowledging that I am.


And I'm comparing apples to apples - I don't give a flip what it costs you to do a FP or an Ops - those are once per week things, not daily. Daily missions vs. Daily missions. I can make about 70k in 10-15 minutes doing CZ-198. I got stuck doing 3 full Voidstars in a row Tuesday night - lost all 3 and then did an arena that I won...I made about 15k after a freaking hour of PvPing. That's ludicrous.


Yep, and the mats I'd need to make all that money the OP is after come from the Ops and FPs that I can only run once a week. Now we're getting somewhere. You, on the other hand, can run all the WZs you want in a given day, they don't lock you out to weekly access to them. Since the discussion is about garnering mats for end game crafting, to either use or sell, you have just supported me by stating that I can only do those weekly. There's also a chance that while doing those weekly, I won't win any rolls for mats. Frankly, if I had to roll against my comps for drops while soloing, I'd never get any drops, so it's not as far fetched as you may believe.


There is no "risk and reward" in PvP, it's all reward. You have no overhead for gear maintenance, since win lose or draw you don't have to repair. My tanks, on the other hand, have repair bills that can get rather hefty running the content that the OP is talking about running to get the mats he's talking about getting. So, if you're proposing to make both equal, then go for it. If you're talking about adding more profit, since all PvP income is profit, keep it, because you're not going for equality, you're going for superiority enforced by the devs.

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Yep, and the mats I'd need to make all that money the OP is after come from the Ops and FPs that I can only run once a week. Now we're getting somewhere. You, on the other hand, can run all the WZs you want in a given day, they don't lock you out to weekly access to them. Since the discussion is about garnering mats for end game crafting, to either use or sell, you have just supported me by stating that I can only do those weekly. There's also a chance that while doing those weekly, I won't win any rolls for mats. Frankly, if I had to roll against my comps for drops while soloing, I'd never get any drops, so it's not as far fetched as you may believe.


There is no "risk and reward" in PvP, it's all reward. You have no overhead for gear maintenance, since win lose or draw you don't have to repair. My tanks, on the other hand, have repair bills that can get rather hefty running the content that the OP is talking about running to get the mats he's talking about getting. So, if you're proposing to make both equal, then go for it. If you're talking about adding more profit, since all PvP income is profit, keep it, because you're not going for equality, you're going for superiority enforced by the devs.

What the hell are you talking about mats for? You quoted me originally, I've never once mentioned mats.

PvE daily missions = crap ton of credits

PvP daily missions = pittance of credits

PvP daily missions should grant 3x's or more credits than they do.

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What the hell are you talking about mats for? You quoted me originally, I've never once mentioned mats.

PvE daily missions = crap ton of credits

PvP daily missions = pittance of credits

PvP daily missions should grant 3x's or more credits than they do.


As soon as you add the overhead required, I'll agree, but since adding the overhead required to make them equal was, in your words, "Stupid", then no.

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Stopped reading right there. I can spend 2k in repairs even if I never die once in a FP/OP running dailies, especially if I forget to repair between dailies. So you just want to be a special snowflake, not be treated the same. That's really all you had to say.

Let's pretend your repair bill was 20K, doing a full set of dailies.


250K Income from dailies

-20K Repair bill from dailies


230K Profit from dailies


Methinks you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

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Thank you, you've obviously seen my in-game title and realized that I am indeed "A special snowflake". I earned the right to be one and I appreciate your acknowledging that I am.


And I'm comparing apples to apples - I don't give a flip what it costs you to do a FP or an Ops - those are once per week things, not daily. Daily missions vs. Daily missions. I can make about 70k in 10-15 minutes doing CZ-198. I got stuck doing 3 full Voidstars in a row Tuesday night - lost all 3 and then did an arena that I won...I made about 15k after a freaking hour of PvPing. That's ludicrous.


are you running pvp missions because you are trying to make money? or because you might... actualy enjoy pvp? becasue getting rewarded for doing something you are here for in a first place, is kind of an icing on a cake.


P.S. what are you doing with all those warzone coms you are getting. once you get all the gear you want, its open season on credit boxes - oh look, extra income O_O for doing something you were going to do anyways.

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Since I neither raid nor PvP in this game, allow me to ask an honest, and sincere question:


In World of Warcraft, PvE gear is randomly dropped in raids. PvP players get to BUY their gear just from PvPing and racking up currency. Making PvP easier to gear in. Are there PvE raid gear vendors just like there are PvP gear vendors in SWTOR on fleet?

Edited by Superman_AZ
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Thank you, you've obviously seen my in-game title and realized that I am indeed "A special snowflake". I earned the right to be one and I appreciate your acknowledging that I am.


And I'm comparing apples to apples - I don't give a flip what it costs you to do a FP or an Ops - those are once per week things, not daily. Daily missions vs. Daily missions. I can make about 70k in 10-15 minutes doing CZ-198. I got stuck doing 3 full Voidstars in a row Tuesday night - lost all 3 and then did an arena that I won...I made about 15k after a freaking hour of PvPing. That's ludicrous.


How much did you make sending your companion on crew skills and selling the mats during that hour?


Since NiM DF dropped, I have been spending ~300k per week on repairs.


What the hell are you talking about mats for? You quoted me originally, I've never once mentioned mats.

PvE daily missions = crap ton of credits

PvP daily missions = pittance of credits

PvP daily missions should grant 3x's or more credits than they do.


I don't want to run dailies either, why do you think you should not have to run dailies to make money but I should?

Edited by Icebergy
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lol....I have been discussing pve content in regards to Operation, flashpoints and such and have made that clear... your post is invalid.


Wait, so you're "proving" that most players are PvPers by comparing ALL of the PvP posts to only a segment of the PvE posts? How convenient. You don't work for Fox, do you?

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How much did you make sending your companion on crew skills and selling the mats during that hour?


Since NiM DF dropped, I have been spending ~300k per week on repairs.


I don't want to run dailies either, why do you think you should not have to run dailies to make money but I should?

I made the exact same amount that anyone else running the same missions would have, that's a wash and has absolutely nothing to do with the imbalance.


Good for you, but that's an entirely different matter. Ops aren't daily missions.


I'm talking specifically about the disparity in PvP daily mission payouts vs PvE daily mission payouts (and also the time invested into each). What you like to run has nothing to do with the vast difference.

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What the hell are you talking about mats for? You quoted me originally, I've never once mentioned mats.

PvE daily missions = crap ton of credits

PvP daily missions = pittance of credits

PvP daily missions should grant 3x's or more credits than they do.





And I mean this with utmost respect, but why should they?


I mean, I don't like dailies.

I like playing the different storylines and GSF. But I still have to do the dailies to make money.

It's a chore.

Why should PvP players be able to bypass the grind to make money?


I don't think there is a singler person out there that actually finds the dailies and weeklies "fun" to do...

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And I mean this with utmost respect, but why should they?


Fair question, and since you've asked so respectfully, I'll answer :)


Costs continue to increase. While MK-9 and Augment prices are finally coming down, the cost of extracting mods never does, it only increases with each new gear set they release (removing the mods/enh/armoring/etc). PvEers have been given ways to offset these rising costs with more and more daily areas, but nothing has been done to help the PvPer in this respect.


With the increase in daily areas comes an increase in the amount of credits a PvEer can accumulate in a day vs what a PvPer could potentially gain in the same time frame, so the income gap continues to increase and nothing is being done to address it.


I'm simply suggesting that the vast disparity be tightened up a bit.

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I'm talking specifically about the disparity in PvP daily mission payouts vs PvE daily mission payouts (and also the time invested into each). What you like to run has nothing to do with the vast difference.


It has EVERYTHING to do with the "vast" difference. Because neither of us wants to run what you call "PvE dailies", but you somehow think that I should be forced to run them if I want credits, but you do not.


Fair question, and since you've asked so respectfully, I'll answer :)


Costs continue to increase. While MK-9 and Augment prices are finally coming down, the cost of extracting mods never does, it only increases with each new gear set they release (removing the mods/enh/armoring/etc). PvEers have been given ways to offset these rising costs with more and more daily areas, but nothing has been done to help the PvPer in this respect.


With the increase in daily areas comes an increase in the amount of credits a PvEer can accumulate in a day vs what a PvPer could potentially gain in the same time frame, so the income gap continues to increase and nothing is being done to address it.


I'm simply suggesting that the vast disparity be tightened up a bit.


Once again you have the exact same opportunities to make credits that I do. But even if that were not true, they can tighten up the 'vast disparity' then they tighten up the vast disparity between your repair bill and mine.


I have the exact same expenses you just listed, except I also pay 300k in repairs every week. Do you hear me whining about it?


Stop compartmentalizing dailies into PvE. Dailies are a chore to make money. If you don't want the money enough to do the chore, stop complaining.

Edited by Icebergy
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