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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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Thank you for the correction. See, we could have a nice discussion here, but every single time it kinda goes down that road you come and add another snide remark. You're really hurting yourself with that attitude, I'd recommend losing it if you want a discussion, otherwise you will continue to get hostile responses.


agree...I will try not to do that.

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You're this giddy over skipping over half the games content huh?


Depends how you look at it. I don't view it as skipping as PVP content has no interest for me. The joy I get from MMORPG's is from the story and the interaction with like minded people, even if im not grouped with them. The competitiveness and oneupsmanship of PVP simply does not appeal to me personally on any level.


Have I done PVP, sure all sorts and across MANY games, but for me it just holds no interest beyond a casual glance to see what its about. I have friends who are into it and thats fine. But unlike this threads OP they do not make sweeping assumptive statements about a game populations nature. Especially when untrue. And they are quite content to do their PVP while PVE'ers like me do ours.


Its not like we HAVE to enjoy both, everyone's tastes are different, we like what we like, and if someone doesn't like what I like that's perfectly okay they aren't required too and vice versa. The games as with most MMO's caters and provides for both tastes so that both have something rewarding and enjoyable to do.


I simply object when people try to force it to be ALL one thing or another and make sweeping statements about what EVERYONE likes when in fact they do not speak or represent everyone, only themselves.


The OP seems to be under the delusion that everyone is a PVP'er so the game should make everything PVP oriented, which is total B/S. Lest we not forget that BIOWARE made there name on non PVP, PVE RPGS.. and many of us are here for that fact as well as the IP so there are MANY here like me who have no interest in PVP, or even enjoy both, and like I said that is good, that is how it should be.


So the Op should think about it a bit more and realise the game doesn't have to be all one thing or another for him to enjoy it, its fine as it is.


And if the long, rational, well worded response and explanation is not sufficient for you. Here is the short one. When you PAY my subscriptions, you can tell me what content I can and should play, until that time, mind your business and worry yourself with how you play yours.

Edited by NeoWolf
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ok.....I just want this thread to end already. But as a last thought..... What if when 3.0 came out the most needed material for mods and armoring was through pvp only instead of pve? What harm would it do? What would the pve'ers think of that? Food for thought. Goodbye! :)


Well, as long as they were tradeable like Isotope 5 is, there'd be no problem. People would start playing PvP instead to grind those items.

But in the end it would hurt PvP since most wouldn't like doing it and only basically show up to matches and only do the minimum effort. Just like they do in Dailies.

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And over time we have gained a few hundred thousand and lost just as many. I would say, guessing of course, there have been at least 5M Swtor accounts created... including F2P only, and returning preferreds. So, if in the course of 24 months, the game managed 2M unique accounts, spanned accross all 3 types of access, that means between the 250k active subs, the 500k F2P, and the 1.25M inactive accounts, that puts us close to a few million, active or inactive.


As for F2P not being F2P, using micro-transactions does not hinder the definition of F2P which commonly refers to no sub cost. Candy Crush is F2P, but you can buy boosts. Same with SWTOR. But in SWTOR's case, even the FTP or preferred models still gain some CC which to spend and perpetuate the game. In fact, it may even prompt them to sub/re-sub. Numbers are just a way of puting a name with a face. You can change any number you like to make the message clear, since ultimately it is understanding the game is not limited to the players actively in the game right now. In two years, and all those subs active or inactive, it still stands to reason that not every sub comes to the forums.


We are all a vocal minority.


Just to clarify, there are 12,704,005 accounts as of this writing.

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Well, as long as they were tradeable like Isotope 5 is, there'd be no problem. People would start playing PvP instead to grind those items.

But in the end it would hurt PvP since most wouldn't like doing it and only basically show up to matches and only do the minimum effort. Just like they do in Dailies.


It wouldn't hurt pvp.... it would help the queue pop and what do I care if there are more bads playin... it would be on both sides. Besides wouldn't the same apply the other way around?

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ok.....I just want this thread to end already. But as a last thought..... What if when 3.0 came out the most needed material for mods and armoring was through pvp only instead of pve? What harm would it do? What would the pve'ers think of that? Food for thought. Goodbye! :)


Those mods that you're trying to make with PVE mats, what kind are they? Do they have expertise in them? If not then why do PVPers need them?


The situation that you propose is not analogous to how it is now for PVPers.

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It wouldn't hurt pvp.... it would help the queue pop and what do I care if there are more bads playin... it would be on both sides. Besides wouldn't the same apply the other way around?


As an aside and not directed at you, but merely in reference to a point you raise.


You make a good point in so much as to point out that if the OP were indeed correct the majority of players WERE pvpers.. would everyone have such an issue with the long queue pop times for pvp? If everyone was a pvper queues would be popping constantly and quickly, which blatantly they aren't.

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Just to clarify, there are 12,704,005 accounts as of this writing.


So, of 12.7M accounts... and 5 active :p ... it is safe to assume there have not been 100K players running in here and yelling about things. If there are 20k of us lurking in here I would be shocked :rolleyes:

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those mods that you're trying to make with pve mats, what kind are they? Do they have expertise in them? If not then why do pvpers need them?


The situation that you propose is not analogous to how it is now for pvpers.


to make money selling them

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Face it...if you are a single entity player (PvP only, GSF only, PvE only, Story only, Crafting only), you're ALL getting the shaft. MOST players participate in a bit of everything.


There's no hate for PvPers (although it may feel like it), there's no hate for Story either (although it may feel like it)...it's simply a matter of limited of resources to please everyone.

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I mean Bioware decides what mats it takes for things. And they can make something that everyone in the game can use and desire for one reason or another. So why not give the pvp'ers and the pve'ers both a material needed to make it only obtainable through there own type of play?.... this would give both playstyles an equal way to make money and you could play how you want!
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I mean Bioware decides what mats it takes for things. And they can make something that everyone in the game can use and desire for one reason or another. So why not give the pvp'ers and the pve'ers both a material needed to make it only obtainable through there own type of play?.... this would give both playstyles an equal way to make money and you could play how you want!


There are more ways to make money than by end-game PVE crafting. You're basically asking for high end crafted PVE items to be used as nothing more than a cash cow for your PVP character. That makes no sense. If you expect to make money off of a PVE item, especially the top craftable tier, then you need to expect to participate in PVE to be able to make it.

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There are more ways to make money than by end-game PVE crafting. You're basically asking for high end crafted PVE items to be used as nothing more than a cash cow for your PVP character. That makes no sense. If you expect to make money off of a PVE item, especially the top craftable tier, then you need to expect to participate in PVE to be able to make it.


I am brainstorming ideas.... but the problem remains the same... an equal way to make equal money.

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There are more ways to make money than by end-game PVE crafting. You're basically asking for high end crafted PVE items to be used as nothing more than a cash cow for your PVP character. That makes no sense. If you expect to make money off of a PVE item, especially the top craftable tier, then you need to expect to participate in PVE to be able to make it.


and in all honesty outside the first few days, crafting end game gear isn't nearly as profitable as people make it out to seem. Yes they sell for a huge chunk of change, but mats run >50% of that cost easy. Otherwise you wouldn't see much of the" WTT your mats have premade" for end game gear. They are willing to take your free mats in hopes of a crit that they can maybe sell. The hardest part is actually getting someone to give you mats and crit'ing on the attempt. If you buy your own mats it can cost you upwards of a million credits to craft it, only to sell for about a 200-300k "profit"


ps. They seem to think end game BIS gear is necessary for running of dailies or sm operations simply because others have it.

Edited by DOHboy
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I am brainstorming ideas.... but the problem remains the same... an equal way to make equal money.

PvP could certainly use an increase in payouts. PvE dailies are pure money makers, but PvP dailies are measly credits that take longer to run than 2-3 sets of daily runs. They could easily triple the payout from PvP dailies and it would still be low.

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Most players PvP at some point, but if you ask players to identify their playstyle in this game most would be PvEers. This is evidenced by the massive amounts of pugging for ops, the massive amount of players wearing PvE gear and also the massive amount of hate both in game and on forums towards hardcore PvPers.
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Why do you guys have a problem with pvp'ers making equal money to that of a pve'er?

People who do both PVP, PVE and GSF will by in large have the most credits for their efforts. The main draw of this game to many is the PVE casual concept and thus has the largest rate of return.


If you do noting but PVP you a limit yourself from a bulk of the content but also a bulk of the expenses (gear swapping, repair costs, travel etc.) Not saying you don't have credit sinks but wiping 3-5 times per boss on a 3hour 6 boss HM operation can chew through 100-200k in credits pretty quick. Pretty sure PVP does not approach those costs.

Additionally for most of the end game PVE you will lose more money than you make :)

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It wouldn't hurt pvp.... it would help the queue pop and what do I care if there are more bads playin... it would be on both sides. Besides wouldn't the same apply the other way around?


So you would like to play PvP where the matches had half the teams filled with inactive players or players who just hide in the outskirts of the maps?

That would make you happy?


that makes no sense at all.


Besides, this thread was originally about there being more PvP players than PvE players, then you were proven wrong. Then the thread changed to "PvP players can't make money" and you were again proven wrong. So now you've switched to "PvP players have to do PvE content to keep up if they want to make as much money as the top earners" which also isn't strictly true.

To make money in this game you do Dailies, Ops to find mats and craft rare items.

But most players don't like doing Dailies, no matter if they are PvE players or PvP players.

And doing an op to get a drop of 2 crafting items to craft something isn't something most do for fun either.

Nor do most people think it's fun to do ops over and over to get that one rare drop.

It's not "unfair" to PvP players that they have to do the same tedious things that all the other players have to do.


Most people play predominately one thing in the game (be it PvP, GSF, Story content, Raids, Crafting or the GTN game). Most don't get rich doing what they think is fun. Most have to do the boring stuff too and then spend the rest of the time doing what they actually like.

It's not unlike real life. You have to work to make money. A few make millions doing what they think is fun, but the vast majority do the daily grind to get the cash so they can do what they think is fun after work.

Same thing in the game really.


Besides, you don't HAVE to have 100's of millions of credits in the game. Most are very satisfied with 1-10 million across their characters.

If you feel that you absolutely have to have 100's of millions of credits, maby PvP isn't your biggest interest... making money is.


As an aside and not directed at you, but merely in reference to a point you raise.


You make a good point in so much as to point out that if the OP were indeed correct the majority of players WERE pvpers.. would everyone have such an issue with the long queue pop times for pvp? If everyone was a pvper queues would be popping constantly and quickly, which blatantly they aren't.


You are aware that you were talking to the OP right?

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