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Mandalorian Hunter Armor Set - Dye Bug


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The new "Mandalorian Hunter Armor Set" from the new Hotshot's Starfighter Pack has huge sections on every piece (notably the chest and legs) that do not dye correctly when previewing dyes on the set.


This isn't the usual non-dyeable "Tertiary" color, but large areas that do match when in default color, but don't change when a dye is previewed.


Can this be looked into? :(



These are the sections that don't dye correctly (I know that isn't the headpiece from the set, just pretend it is).


This (From L-R: Dark Grey/White, Deep Yellow/White, Dark Green/White, Deep Red/White, Default) is what it should do, with the white accent stripes being the Secondary color, and the black undershirt/pants being the Tertiary, un-dyeable color.

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When previewing this armor set, there is an issue with how it is set up to handle dyes.


There are 3 main colors in the armor. Blue (primary), white (secondary) and light bluish/grey. The problem is that the light bluish/grey is the hard coded color that is not effected by dyes.


I think most people are going to look at the armor set and assume that the white color is the hard coded color, since on similar looking sets of Bounty Hunter armor, that is how they are set up.


Having the light bluish/grey as the hard coded color, ruins the look of this highly anticipated armor set when dyes are used.


Please fix/change the way the colors are set up to handle dyes with this set.


Either change the coloration so that the light bluish/grey becomes the secondary color and white is the hard coded color that is not affected by dyes.


Or change it so the light bluish/grey is effected by what new primary color is used, and just becomes a lighter shade of that color.

Edited by Flying-Brian
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I have noticed this as well there are certain tertiary parts staying blue, the biggest gripe for me at the moment is there is a gap between the chest and helmet (bottom of neck) of this set on both me and my companion so I can see through the character.


Very off putting, don't know if its just limited to me due to graphics settings though but have had to hide helmet because it is unbearable seeing the background through my characters neck during conversations, whilst during combat the back is perfect.

Edited by -Sullster-
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I think most people are going to look at the armor set and assume that the white color is the hard coded color, since on similar looking sets of Bounty Hunter armor, that is how they are set up.


I would have expected the black to be the Tertiary (hard-coded) color, the blue to be the Primary, and the White stripes the Secondary.

Edited by Lednew
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i posted this in another thread not knowing about this one so ill post it here as well... i took pics of the armor with all the dyes i have available so you can see just how bad this is... also the light blue is not the only color hard coded there is also a dark blue hard coded in the shoulder straps and the armband they are hard to see unless you zoom in really close to them but it is another blue color hard coded.


anyways here is the link to the pic http://oi61.tinypic.com/20t553r.jpg also top middle is the original armor not dyed


i really hope they fix this armor because it was the one thing i really wanted out of this new pack.

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The parts that don't dye are supposed to be bare metal (and thus, not a colour at all).

I don't see them changing this.


They might release another set, but they won't "fix" this.


Not with that attitude. Bare metal or not, it looks shoddy with the majority of kits.

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Dude, this is broken. I don't know what dyes you tried to put on it, but it only looks right in it's default, un-dyed state.


This armor has huge sections that do not change color when dye is applied, and those sections are nearly the same shade of blue that the sections that DO dye are.. That is not WAI by any stretch of the imagination, it's buggered up, and they need to fix it.

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Lego Armor with metal plates. Dye with silver / grey colors to match the metal or look like crap.


You asked for ingame armors, they gave you ingame armors. Now you are like that gypsy that is never satisfied and always begging for more. Reason why no dev in the world should listen to the forums.


I hope they don`t change it, as that plating is part of the nice look.

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You asked for ingame armors, they gave you ingame armors. Now you are like that gypsy that is never satisfied and always begging for more. Reason why no dev in the world should listen to the forums.


Look, I appreciate finally having a Mando armor set, B-R-O-K-E-N or not. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I have been wanting this particular set since... well, since forever. I am boot-kissing thankful that it was finally added to the Cartel Market. Even if I can only use it in it's default color scheme right now due to the fact that the dyeing function is B-R-O-K-E-N. I will still use it because it is still an awesome looking set. But if we don't come in here, and let them know when something is B-R-O-K-E-N, then what is the point of a "Bug Reports" forum? Hmm? The second post in this thread is from BioWare, who promised to look into it. That's all I asked, that's all anyone asked. Look into it.


You like the set as it is? Great! Don't dye it then. No one is twisting your bloody arm. Some of us would like to be able to dye it however, and would like to have it fixed so that it will properly take a dye module, which is doesn't right now, because it is B-R-O-K-E-N.



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Yellow text said they`ll look what`s going on, not that there`s a problem.


The only question is this: Is it intended like that, or is it a bug? Because it might or might not be broken and the not dying parts be part of the armor. Not a decree, but it just might.


Just brace yourself for a long wait, however. You should see the reflections on Series 512 or the Unfettered Coat big butt which is only since august 2013.

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Yellow text said they`ll look what`s going on, not that there`s a problem.


The only question is this: Is it intended like that, or is it a bug? Because it might or might not be broken and the not dying parts be part of the armor. Not a decree, but it just might.


Just brace yourself for a long wait, however. You should see the reflections on Series 512 or the Unfettered Coat big butt which is only since august 2013.


IF there is indeed something wrong, I doubt they will "fix" it since some like it the way it is (and they have learnt from past mistakes to not "fix" items that are already released when it comes to their looks.).

They'll probably release a new version instead if that is the case. One that dyes completely and has no bare metal surfaces.

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it only looks right in it's default, un-dyed state.


This armor has huge sections that do not change color when dye is applied, and those sections are nearly the same shade of blue that the sections that DO dye are.

Yes. Basically, when you put a red dye on this, it doesn't look like a red version of the default armor. It looks like a splotchy mess.

(and they have learnt from past mistakes to not "fix" items that are already released when it comes to their looks.).

I wish that were true...but they changed the Jori Daragon top and belt from the way they were released, even though there were no defects in the original versions. (And this when there are plenty of items with actual defects that need fixing.) The right thing to do in that case would be to release 'classic' versions, but they haven't yet.

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I wish that were true...but they changed the Jori Daragon top and belt from the way they were released, even though there were no defects in the original versions. (And this when there are plenty of items with actual defects that need fixing.) The right thing to do in that case would be to release 'classic' versions, but they haven't yet.


I would be royally pissed if, when they`ll change the Series 512 reflection, they`ll invert the colors. You see, I specifically bought the primary or secondary white dye ONLY because it looks like that, in that particular combo. I would demand a refund, seeing how what I bought is no longer visually correct to what I bought it FOR.

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