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Star Wars Rebels Trailer Released

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I HOPE you understand that Starkiller and The Force Unleash was always, from the very beginning, not considered canon, at all? And in fact was explicitly labeled non-canon?


Don't know from where you took this, TFU has always been part of the canon. Wether you like it or not, it's up to everyone, but it does'nt chagne it's canon.

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Don't know from where you took this, TFU has always been part of the canon. Wether you like it or not, it's up to everyone, but it does'nt chagne it's canon.


No, it hasn't been. From the very beginning it was expressly not canon.

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I hope you all realize that this show s#!ts all over starkiller, you know, epic jedi who pulled star destroyers out of the sky. The guy who personally defeated the emperor and inspired the rebellion. The guy who's family crest is on every rebel fighter. Yeah this show will be great (sarcastic).


I did not like Starkiller, and thought that the TFU story was like fan fiction. It was a fun game, but Starkiller himself was pointless and messed up the origins of the Rebellion that had already been established.


I'm personally glad he's not canon anymore.




The trailer itself was pretty neat. The more I see, the better the show looks. I'm looking forward to its debut; hopefully it will be good.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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So this may end up like Clone Wars, which I was dismissive of until a week or so ago until I came across it on Netflix and it actually isn't terrible, but do we really need another television series filling a gap between two movies?!?


For ****s sake, we KNOW how the rebellion ends. How about a series between Episode 6 and Episode 7? Where, you know, we wouldn't know the end of the story before it even begins ... ?


The Star Wars (movie) stories are not complex enough to warrant all this in between nonsense. Frankly, considering half of the EU is better written than the movies it actually makes their failures more apparent.


- Arcada

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Ok, show me a source who confirms that.


It used to be canon. But on April 25th they announced all EU released before that day is now non-canon. The only canon now is a) the movies, b) TCW and (now) Rebels, and c) all upcoming novels and comics. TFU falls among none of those, so for better or worse, it's non-canon.

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So this may end up like Clone Wars, which I was dismissive of until a week or so ago until I came across it on Netflix and it actually isn't terrible, but do we really need another television series filling a gap between two movies?!?


For ****s sake, we KNOW how the rebellion ends. How about a series between Episode 6 and Episode 7? Where, you know, we wouldn't know the end of the story before it even begins ... ?


The Star Wars (movie) stories are not complex enough to warrant all this in between nonsense. Frankly, considering half of the EU is better written than the movies it actually makes their failures more apparent.


- Arcada

Yeah I mean, that's like as dumb as making like a prequel story for Darth Vader because we know how that ends right?


Oh wait... :rolleyes:

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Will the show explain that the DNA of Jango Fett has deteriorated to the point where the stability of the clones is in question, and they will open up recruitment for Stormtroopers, or will the clone troopers be part of something separate from storm troopers?
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Yeah I mean, that's like as dumb as making like a prequel story for Darth Vader because we know how that ends right?


Yup, and many people continue to make that argument.


Will the show explain that the DNA of Jango Fett has deteriorated to the point where the stability of the clones is in question, and they will open up recruitment for Stormtroopers, or will the clone troopers be part of something separate from storm troopers?


Is that why they can't fire straight? :)


- Arcada

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Will the show explain that the DNA of Jango Fett has deteriorated to the point where the stability of the clones is in question, and they will open up recruitment for Stormtroopers, or will the clone troopers be part of something separate from storm troopers?


They said the stormtroopers in this show will be recruits, not Fett clones.

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It used to be canon. But on April 25th they announced all EU released before that day is now non-canon. The only canon now is a) the movies, b) TCW and (now) Rebels, and c) all upcoming novels and comics. TFU falls among none of those, so for better or worse, it's non-canon.


Yeah, I'm aware of that, but what's been discussed here is that someone said that TFU was never canon, even at the time it was launched.


Also, we didn't change our treatment regarding canon, as long the Legends stuff doesn't contradict the official canon, we are taking them as part of the continuity. Like we always did.

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Yeah, I'm aware of that, but what's been discussed here is that someone said that TFU was never canon, even at the time it was launched.


Also, we didn't change our treatment regarding canon, as long the Legends stuff doesn't contradict the official canon, we are taking them as part of the continuity. Like we always did.


It was canon, I don't know where anyone got the idea it doesn't, but it's non-canon now. Who is this "we," by the way? Fandom? The community as a whole? You and your friends? I'm just curious, because while you're right, I'm still at least counting X-Wing and TOR in my "head-canon," that doesn't make them continuity.

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Yup, and many people continue to make that argument.
Well I'm glad we've established you as the minority. I've heard a lot of complaints that the Prequels were crap, but the assertion that the Prequels should never have been made? Boy that's a new one.


Prequels happen, and they are successful time and time again.

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So this may end up like Clone Wars, which I was dismissive of until a week or so ago until I came across it on Netflix and it actually isn't terrible, but do we really need another television series filling a gap between two movies?!?


For ****s sake, we KNOW how the rebellion ends. How about a series between Episode 6 and Episode 7? Where, you know, we wouldn't know the end of the story before it even begins ... ?


The Star Wars (movie) stories are not complex enough to warrant all this in between nonsense. Frankly, considering half of the EU is better written than the movies it actually makes their failures more apparent.


- Arcada


Yes, but what we don't know is what happens to the characters themselves. Literally any of the main characters could die, as opposed to TCW where Obi-Wan and Anakin couldn't be killed off because of the movies. Here, we have five flesh and blood characters and an astromech droid, plus whatever characters are added to the cast in the future, that we have no idea of their fates. That's exciting to me! :D

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It was canon, I don't know where anyone got the idea it doesn't, but it's non-canon now. Who is this "we," by the way? Fandom? The community as a whole? You and your friends? I'm just curious, because while you're right, I'm still at least counting X-Wing and TOR in my "head-canon," that doesn't make them continuity.


We means the Star Wars community, at leat from what I see on these foruns. No one discarded the old EU, stoped discusions about it, in fact, things have changed nothing, everyone is treating the now called Legends like it always did: if it doesn't contradict official sources (movies, TCW, upcoming books, comics, games) it is being considered as part of the continuity.

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We means the Star Wars community, at leat from what I see on these foruns. No one discarded the old EU, stoped discusions about it, in fact, things have changed nothing, everyone is treating the now called Legends like it always did: if it doesn't contradict official sources (movies, TCW, upcoming books, comics, games) it is being considered as part of the continuity.


Well yeah, no one should stop discussing it just because it's not canon. I'm going to continue reading the books and playing the games even though they're non-canon.

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A blue-eyed alladin , a mandalorian teen who only looks mandalorian because of the helmet (weren't they supposed to be trained from chilren tough warriors, how did that brat got out of it) and a droid who is described as 'grumpy' who bangs his 'head' against a console... Disney... Team Underaged vs the Empire.
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A blue-eyed alladin , a mandalorian teen who only looks mandalorian because of the helmet (weren't they supposed to be trained from chilren tough warriors, how did that brat got out of it) and a droid who is described as 'grumpy' who bangs his 'head' against a console... Disney... Team Underaged vs the Empire.

What are you basing your assumption that she's not a legitimate "tough warrior" on?


During the trailer we saw her doing four things: coordinating an attack (or timing an explosion, not entirely clear which), flying around on her rocket pack, shooting her blasters, and standing with her team - not really seeing where "brat" comes into it.


Pretty sure the only other thing we know about her is that she's into graffiti art and leaves behind the rebel symbol when they launch their attacks, and I don't see a problem with a "tough warrior" character having more characterization that just being a tough warrior.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I am kind of baffled people saw this as "childish". Did any one watch the first 3 seasons of Clone wars.


These guys are the same ones that made clone wars and Season 5 and 6 PROVE they have come a long way since when they started. If you have been watching all that has come out for this series so far one thing should be clear to you.


They are taking what they learned in clone wars season 5 and 6 and applying it to this new show. One of the primary problems of the early seasons was the lack of character development. It was chess piece story telling a lot of the time. This person went here, and then there and then there. With little of the events actually affecting the over arcing world or the characters at all. Some of these plot lines and characters you would see in an episode and then never mentioned or seen again outside their story arc. Later seasons you would see cameo's by certain characters. Like the younglings that ahsoka taught were all over the place any time we saw the Jedi temple. Characters began to grow and the events of previous episodes began to shape each character AND the worlds around them. The galaxy felt lived in.


This new series and all its promotional stuff has taken 1 very clear focus from the beginning. That focus is on Character. It doesnt matter where some one goes or what they do, if you dont care about that person we dont care about what it is they are doing. The story tellers seem to realize this. Where as Clone Wars knew that you already knew most of the characters from the movie thus decided to tell random short stories that had little character development in the early portions, until realizing we still want to see evolving and intersting characters rather then some one with a name we recognize, but technically could have been any joe shmoe and the story would have not changed at all. This series seems to be going straight for the colorful characters evolving over time and one over arcing story.


This is a good thing. You may not like the art style, but the direction they are going right now with a more character focused story is a good thing. It means no one is a set piece any more and events through out the series will have lasting impact on the people we follow. This will make the characters feel more multi dimentional (even if they start out very 1 note) and if done right (which this team has shown the ability to do) it will make the galaxy feel lived in.



Edit: I think most are just seeing Disney and deciding to be morons and stereo typical thinking that this show is some how going to enter the Disney Princess line up. Never mind the Fact that Lion King is basically Hamlet, or that they had a dark show in Gargoyles, which actually has one of the main characters get shot with a gun and a bullet, something that in the 90's I dont remember EVER happening outside Gargoyles, every one who was shot in other 90's shows it was laser rifles and stuff 'cus "guns were bad". Disney is and will always be about FAMILY entertainment. Not kids shows. I still love Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and I enjoyed Frozen. I liked Kim Possible and American Dragon Jake Long. Disney is place of Family entertainment (which Star Wars has always been) and I have never found myself not liking at least SOMETHING disney has, even if i dont like everything.

Edited by tunewalker
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Different channel. Different show.


Disney XD is far more childish than CN...


By the very fact that you noted nothing in the trailer or any of the promotional material and instead went straight for the Production company proves my point. This is an idiotic stab at a company that has been dishing out good family entertainment for decades rather then taking a look at the crew they hired to work on it (same crew) or looking at the direction they are trying to take the show.


The hate is from ignorance and its a sad fact. Some how a company that has entertained for decades and continues to entertain just has no faith ever put into it. Its kind of funny how this same discussion came up with Disney getting Marvel. That disney was going "ruin all that is Marvel" and turn "every marvel movie into a stupid kids musical show" and where is it now some of the best collection of super hero movies to date. Are all of them master pieces... no.... are most of them good and entertaining.... yes.


"Disney cant do dark" yet gargoyles, and several moments of dark moments through out disney history. Dont let your hatred of a company blind you. You I sense such anger that it has blinded all your other senses to what is actually happening. Dont think "Disney" think "Star Wars". Disney has of yet has not ruined any franchise they have gotten their hands on. No reason to think they will start now.

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In regards to the show, given from what we've seen and yes from Disney's past history I do not expect this show to be as varied in tone as TCW and I don't expect it to play upon the darker themes of this period as well as it could.


But that doesn't necessarily mean it will be a bad show, just unfortunately not quite as good as it could have been.

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