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Skip Class Quests at 55


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It would be an interesting option, to have a class story auto-complete function, yet not quite sure what the real benefit would be, as far as I can tell, the only time I can see were the lack of completing class stories impact actual game play, where is only one instance I can think of is Toborro's where you need to unlock via class story unlock of gravity hook to get access to the taxi system. I can't think of any other material that would exclude you from doing because of an incomplete class mission sequence.


For myself, thanks to Kuath and double exp week ends, I been leveling alts on the side, and avoiding content since I can level them without having to buy gear for them as they progress; as a result I have now leveld from 15 to 55 two alts, and a third one has gone from 15 to 47 as you read this post. The only regret, if at all, is that my 55s do not have all of their companions available and affects how fast and how many companions you have to do crafting. On the other hand, I have fully leveld and geared level 55s which earns elite modifications by the handfull, and can transfer via legacy any gear the need, save off-hand, relics, implants and ear pieces. One of my quickly developed alts was upon reaching 55 given a full set of elite gear in mere minutes and upgraded, doing her level 15 to 55 class missions, did not take that long to do; I do admit it was boring and unchallenging, but I was able to get my companions and thru ynderworld crafting made the gifts to boost their loyalty to me, so after a week of crafting gifts I had all of my companions with me and fully loyal as well.


From the above, and auto-completion function that would give me the companions, could make sense as a convenience. Makeb's Toborro's courtyard needs to be re-addressed by having a shuttle at the orbiting station directly take you the OPS location.



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I will make a school analogy again. OP went in and had a final. He answered the multiple choice questions but skipped the written questions because it took too much time/effort to do them. Now he is mad he got a C and is demanding an A even though he didn't do the work required for an A.


Maybe i shoul be given all the pvp/ GSF stuff, i didnt actually do any pvp/gsf, but i got to 55, its the same right?


Quest rewards are just that. REWARDS for getting a job done. You don't do the job, you don't get the reward.

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completely unrelated but at the poster above me Sherrilyn Kenyon!!! :D


on topic - Tobboro's courtyard in not class story related, in fact - one of the issues with it is that you get a Makeb quest line intro, regardless of whether you finished the story or not - at lvl 47. spoiling the ending of said story without warning.


having quick travel point going directly to it, would still be nice, naturally


but that said. companions are rewards from quest completion. they are not leveling perk. they are not necessary to get to lvl 55 and even with crafting, you at a minimum have one companion per class (hopeful 2, as you'd at least bother to get a ship - getting your first companion takes an hour, maybe 2 - even at level, its faster if you are 55 by far, since you can skip everything BUT your class story) yes, it slows down crafting. but also bear in mind - you can get 2 more companions (Treek and HK) . you can be out in a world solo (especially if you chose to participate in group content) and preferred are limited to 3 companions crafting, so there's that.

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Doubtful they would ever do something such as requested, certainly not in a 'oh here have all the companions and mission rewards you would have gotten had you not been lazy and skipped your entire class story while leveling to 55' way.


I'm with the others in this thread that this is like demanding someone be given Valor Rank 40+ along with a max amount of Warzone comms just for leveling to 55, even though they never participated in PVP while leveling.


I would support something like an unlock for companions / auto-complete story (with no rewards) on alternates of the same class, such as being able to unlock the Knight companions at 50 (55) if you already had another Knight character that had completed the Knight class story (and possibly had maxed companion affection).


Personally, I'd love to see an unlock providing the ability to level to cap doing just class story, rather than something to allow unlocking companions and auto-completing story by leveling through other means.

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The question is not whether he COULD HAVE done something. The question is whether or not he ACTUALLY DID that something.


I could have leveled via PVP, but chose to level via PVE. Does the fact that I COULD HAVE leveled via PVP entitle me to full PVP gear?


You may see companions as a basic feature of this game, but those companions have to be EARNED by going through the story line, much like PVP rewards have to be earned by participating in PVP.


I understand your point of view and everyone else`s opposing the idea, but my thought process was this:


1. I take a toon from 1 to 55 via any activity that is not normal questing - you know, planets in order and such.

2. Said toon dings 55 with only the forced companion from the Origin World.


It can be argued that our toon would have had all the companions if it would have played the normal way - planet questing, which lead you from one planet to the next, in a logical order.


Now, let`s assume our player is in for the max level and OPS, and not for the story.So, IF he would spend 30 days going through planetary quests, he will have a lvl 55 with all companions. If he spent 30 days getting from 1 to 55 in a different way, he is stuck with only one. Excluding rewards that he didn`t earn, he is now gimped by the fact that he got to the End Game and has to perform additional activities, simply because Bioware tied basic functionality to only ONE way of doing things - in this case planetary questing.


I am thinking that everything else is optional and as such he might not be entitled to get by default, but companions are a core part of the game and are limited to only one way of leveling out of about 5. From this point of view - a player that wants to level in a different way than the story - he should get the basic features of the game, which are the companions, I think. Anything else pass. If companions would be something that wouldn`t be tied to actual questing and leveling process, all this would be rendered null, but they are.


NO, I`m not FOR the idea, not dead set, but it has some merit. It would be nice to skip content that I don`t like doing. I am also only in favor of companions awarded and that`s it. After further thinking, he doesn`t deserve anything else.



As for the PvP - I see that as optional, just as anything else in this game, so nobody should get by default something that is based on a choice. But companions are not part of a choice, as they are tied to the actual story and not optional outside it.

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As for the PvP - I see that as optional, just as anything else in this game, so nobody should get by default something that is based on a choice. But companions are not part of a choice, as they are tied to the actual story and not optional outside it.


except they ARE optional as is the story. its even part of your argument. that you don't need to do the story, to level. the fact that you are gimping yourself by not getting them doesn't change the fact that you can get to 55 without ever getting them (which incidentally also applies to choosing advance class) you don't need them to do ops, you don't need to have a full compliment to craft either (it just make it faster) and the thing is... try to do a class story. just class story and nothing else. you will realize just how short it is and just how little is there of it. it seems well padded, when you do it along with other quests but really... its only couple of quests per planet, with some quests i between here and there.


its not a main source of leveling either, its something you do WHILE you level through other means. and before you say - you cannot choose which companions to accept, and you cannot reject them - in order to complete any quest, any single one - you have to accept the reward that comes with it. when there's choice of rewards you have to pick one. you cannot just say - I only want xp from it, not that other stuff - that other stuff is part of the reward.


another example. I don't need to do Oricon quest chain to be able to do DF/DP. in theory, I don't even need to do the intro that opens up a terminal to it, since you can just keep using your ship. its just less convenient. but. if I want rewards from that story - the tauntaun, the relics? I need to do that. I need to do the quests and I need to repeat them until I get enough rep to even use that Tauntaun. DF/DP itself? doesn't award the rep or mount. only the quests do. and... its the only way to get that taxi point to the gates. why should some quest rewards be available automatically, when no other quest reward is?


there's only one compromise that I would personally be ok with. companion replacers. a bunch of c2-n2 droids you can buy for your full crafting complement, with all that it entails - or in other words, they can only perform the role, that c2 n2 can - in combat or out of it. (and if it comes with ability to reject companions and replace them with droids? all the better)

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there's only one compromise that I would personally be ok with. companion replacers. a bunch of c2-n2 droids you can buy for your full crafting complement, with all that it entails - or in other words, they can only perform the role, that c2 n2 can - in combat or out of it. (and if it comes with ability to reject companions and replace them with droids? all the better)


You know what? This is a GREAT idea! Droids to make up the numbers, with no bonuses to crafting, no affection, no nothing - just replacements for the actual companions.


Can you agree with this idea, OP? Because it does seem like it`s the only reasonable thing to do.

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Op is forgetting, that companions, aside for treek, are something you have to actually get to. You get them at various points throughout your story. He just wants a bunch of strangers to show up on his ship for no reason at all to make him money/get him stuff.


"I don't want to earn the oricon gear rewards from the quests, just give them to me because I'm 55!"


Aside from treek who you just hire at the caretl market by spending cartell coins or credits, there are actual -reasons- for each comp you have to be with you, he wants to negate that and just have personal slaves for zero effort :p


It doesn't matter if you got to 55 by doing something different then the story. You want the reward, stop being a lazy entitled baby and do the work.


Its like being at work, and demanding a promotion just because you show up every day, even though your coworkers actually did the stuff required to be promoted unlike you.

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Its like being at work, and demanding a promotion just because you show up every day, even though your coworkers actually did the stuff required to be promoted unlike you.

The correct analogy would be him going to work and having exactly the same volume of work as his coworkers. The actual work requires the exact same effort, only it is different than of his coworker`s. Only he has to climb one extra set of stairs to get to the cafeteria :)


I am not arguing against your other points, just this one, for better accuracy.

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So on most of my alts, I just play Kuat with them. Kuat is just challenging enough without being frustrating, even with a bad group, and I like doing it. The extra XP is just a perk.


But one consequence of this is that I had a bunch of characters at level 30 or so who have not even started Act 1 of their class quest storylines. So for crafting, they just have 2 companions.


Well, that is the foreseeable consequence of the decision I made. I chose to deal with it by taking my level 36 sage through Taris and Nar Shadaa in about an hour yesterday. It was awesome.

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The three alts I leveled thru Kuath from 15 to 55 was very expeditious, faster than had I done the class and planet adventures by far, also I did not have to buy gear every 4 levels; those are veery significant benefits, The downside is that I don't unlock companions along the way as I level, nor I get to evolve my gathering skills as I level as well. When I look at the big picture, its a fair trade.


The downsides are easily conqured, for if you have other alts (as I do, in fact 5) which can earn the gear for the newly leveled alt, gearing the new alt is easy and inexpensive. Once you have a new alt at 168 gear level, all the class missions, makeb, oricon missions are duck soup to solo, and you will do them so fast, its painless. I use the angry Winnie-The-Poo companion, I have unlocked previously and for 300k I have her since level 10, thus having a pretty good field medic and dps support all rolled into one, and often by the time I got the alt to 55: The alt is wearing ultimate gear, but my companion is fully geared in Basic gear and kicks bunns!


I think once I began to the class quests only, in about 4 hours I rifled through all the stories from 15 to 55, in about 2 hours I trashed makeb, and Oricon like in 30 minutes.


After that with 5 characters in about a week I maxed all my gathering skills and crafting abilities, so I find it not that time consuming or overwelming to have it all.


While there would be some time consuming savings by auto completed class stories, I really see little advantage.



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I guess I'm still shaking my head at someone playing a rpg by -choice- complaining about having to do the rpg parts (quests) if you want a questless online game... go play Call of Duty or some other FPS that connects.. :rolleyes: Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I guess I'm still shaking my head at someone playing a rpg by -choice- complaining about having to do the rpg parts (quests) if you want a questless online game... go play Call of Duty or some other FPS that connects.. :rolleyes:


It`s a game first and foremost. Players have the right to play as they see fit and not be punished if they keep within the confines of the game - in this case, get to max level. It is down to the individual to decide how to play a given game.


You like story and that is ok. Somebody else might not like it and that`s ok too. None of them is right or wrong - they are both right.


Ironically enough, once you get to 55 it is as questless as you can get it.

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But he's not being punished. He just doesn't have the rewards for doing it another way. So by your viewpoint, I dont like pvp/gsf, but I should just be given pvp/gsf rewards anyway because its just a game and it will ruin my fun if I am being denied what I want.


Maybe a more pvp-scentric example will work better. "I don't want to do ranked warzones, but I got to level 55 so I deserve that rancor mount." Is basicly his gist just he wants comps, credits, and all the other class quest rewards rather then the rancor.


If you go to a restaraunt, and pay for chicken, do you demand they give you lobster too for free just because you visited their restaraunt?

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My line of thought is pretty much this: companions are not gear, nor rewards. They are just part of the game. They are tied to the actual story, which can be seen as optional, or would be seen as optional if Bioware wouldn`t force us to do it.


I`ll explain in a different way: Bioware, or the game, assumes I will do the hubs in order and get the companions by default, as part of their questing rails. Any player that does it`s leveling "by the book", gets the companions.


Now, we have the OP - which is a player that has one goal only - lvl 55 ASAP. It is the same goal as the above player, only this is more efficient - it plays content that gives him better xp / hour, either by the actual content, or cutting dead times like running between hubs.


The "normal" player and the OP earn the same XP in the end, as lvl 1 to 55 is the same every time, so the effort is the same - they have to go over a distance, at their personal pace. Why should the second player, or the one that doesn`t level by question miss on core mechanics, like crew gathering and crafting?


Your PVP/GSF example is slightly off, as we seem not to be able to reach common ground. Not meant as an insult, nor an issue. If you would be forced or the game would tie core mechanics, like crafting or mats gathering to PvP / GSF, then the game should provide an alternative, yes. Because that is my point of view = equity. If a player earns 5 mil XP (out of butt number, for comparison purpose), that`s 5 mil XP regardless. There should be ONLY 5 mil XP in all the options of leveling / getting XP, with anything else being separate. In this case, the companions should be / should have been separate from the story and / or Bioware should have offered options for the players that don`t want to level via planet questing, as strange as it might sound. That is the crux of my argument. And since they didn`t think of it, just like many other things, it doesn`t seem such a preposterous idea to ask for companions or replicas, or no bonus droid placeholders.


It would require revamping of companions and redoing stories at the very least if they go the separate route, which won`t happen... ever. Under the earlier proposed idea it will require, at the very least, implementation of 5 droids with full companion functionality, which seems improbable. In the meantime, we still bug when we switch instances and that is only unpatched / fixed since game launch, so it has a 0.000000000000001% chance of seeing the light of day. We have better odds of being struck by a lightning :)

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It`s a game first and foremost. Players have the right to play as they see fit and not be punished if they keep within the confines of the game - in this case, get to max level. It is down to the individual to decide how to play a given game.


You like story and that is ok. Somebody else might not like it and that`s ok too. None of them is right or wrong - they are both right.


Ironically enough, once you get to 55 it is as questless as you can get it.


but its not. even operations have associated quests with some very nice rewards attached. part of the max level content are daily areas... that are quests. you COULD do pvp or GSF without picking up quests (just like you could go to oricon or czerka and just kill mobs), but you don't get as high of a reward if you do so.


if your only concern is crafting? those droids wouldn't be as difficult to implement as you think. a legacy character perk would probably be simplest way to do it. unlock the droid - have it show up in a crafting window. or... you could just accept your choice for not doing content and drawbacks that it brings


but. story companions should NOT be awarded without doing the actual story you meet them in. doing the story is not about lvling to 55. its about doing the story. it just so happens to award experience. just like daily quests in lvl 50 areas.


the analogy of wanting promotion is pretty sound. its like you are working as say... data entry and want promotion for the coding department even though you personally had nothing to do with coding. yes, you put in the same hours, but you were NOT working for the same department, why exactly would they give you promotion for the department you did no work for?

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if your only concern is crafting? those droids wouldn't be as difficult to implement as you think. a legacy character perk would probably be simplest way to do it. unlock the droid - have it show up in a crafting window. or... you could just accept your choice for not doing content and drawbacks that it brings

He did the content. Let`s assume he farmed one mob for one year, just for the hell of it - brings a very interesting image to mind. He DID the 1 to 5 mil XP. If he has done it in a different way it shouldn`t be punished for going outside the beaten path.


but. story companions should NOT be awarded without doing the actual story you meet them in. doing the story is not about lvling to 55. its about doing the story. it just so happens to award experience. just like daily quests in lvl 50 areas.

To you, doing the story is not to level, is for any other reason. To somebody else it`s a chore. You two are on different plans - you are there to smell the dafodils, the other guy is there to do NiM ops. You don`t care about the speed at which planetary questing gets you to 55, he has found a way to half the time. Neither of you is wrong.


the analogy of wanting promotion is pretty sound. its like you are working as say... data entry and want promotion for the coding department even though you personally had nothing to do with coding. yes, you put in the same hours, but you were NOT working for the same department, why exactly would they give you promotion for the department you did no work for?

The problem is that it is wrong. We are ALL working to the same goal - end game content. One player might be inefficient and spend 30 days to get to 55. Another can spend 30 hours, by using the best xp per hour content possible at all times - might be a combination of activities, might be farming / grinding one mob / one flashpoint / a singular activity repeated ad nauseam.


The correct analogy is this: You are pushing a cart for 8 hours a day. The other guy is pulling a cart 8 hours a day. Nothing is changed except the way in which you are doing the activity, it`s not a different one.


At this point neither is willing to accept that other players have a right to play the game as they see fit, so I will stop participating in this conversation, as it is highly unlikely we`ll reach common ground. I don`t particularly care about this idea, but it is an interesting concept to limit extra time spent for players that go outside the norm. Could be considered a fair compromise (the droids idea) for players that are farm / grind oriented and which might not enjoy running from hub to hub for the 6th+ time.


Let`s agree to disagree.

Edited by Styxx
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The correct analogy would be him going to work and having exactly the same volume of work as his coworkers. The actual work requires the exact same effort, only it is different than of his coworker`s. Only he has to climb one extra set of stairs to get to the cafeteria :)


I am not arguing against your other points, just this one, for better accuracy.


The correct analogy would be him going to work and CHOOSING to do different work than his co-workers and CHOOSING to do it an area that does not grant easy access to the cafeteria.

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He did the content. Let`s assume he farmed one mob for one year, just for the hell of it - brings a very interesting image to mind. He DID the 1 to 5 mil XP. If he has done it in a different way it shouldn`t be punished for going outside the beaten path.



To you, doing the story is not to level, is for any other reason. To somebody else it`s a chore. You two are on different plans - you are there to smell the dafodils, the other guy is there to do NiM ops. You don`t care about the speed at which planetary questing gets you to 55, he has found a way to half the time. Neither of you is wrong.



The problem is that it is wrong. We are ALL working to the same goal - end game content. One player might be inefficient and spend 30 days to get to 55. Another can spend 30 hours, by using the best xp per hour content possible at all times - might be a combination of activities, might be farming / grinding one mob / one flashpoint / a singular activity repeated ad nauseam.


The correct analogy is this: You are pushing a cart for 8 hours a day. The other guy is pulling a cart 8 hours a day. Nothing is changed except the way in which you are doing the activity, it`s not a different one.


At this point neither is willing to accept that other players have a right to play the game as they see fit, so I will stop participating in this conversation, as it is highly unlikely we`ll reach common ground. I don`t particularly care about this idea, but it is an interesting concept to limit extra time spent for players that go outside the norm. Could be considered a fair compromise (the droids idea) for players that are farm / grind oriented and which might not enjoy running from hub to hub for the 6th+ time.


Let`s agree to disagree.


He earned the 5 million XP in whatever way he did it. He received the 5 million XP that he worked to earn.


The companions are tied to story and as such could be classified as rewards for doing the story line. That player who CHOSE not to do the story CAN still learn the crew skills and still has access to two companions outside of the story line with which to craft. If he wants the full complement of companions, then he must do the story line to acquire them.


Companions and crafting skills are no more a "core part" of this game than are PVP, space missions, dailies, OP's, FP's, etc. A player could choose never to level any crew skills just as they could choose never to PVP or do the class stories. Any part of the game is OPTIONAL. You can choose to do some parts of the game and not others.


A player who chooses not to level any crew skills should not expect to be given max level crew skills simply for reaching 55. A player who chooses not to do any PVP should note expect to be given PVP rewards simply for reaching 55. A player who chooses not to do the story line should not expect to be given a full complement of companions just for reaching 55.

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He did the content. Let`s assume he farmed one mob for one year, just for the hell of it - brings a very interesting image to mind. He DID the 1 to 5 mil XP. If he has done it in a different way it shouldn`t be punished for going outside the beaten path.



To you, doing the story is not to level, is for any other reason. To somebody else it`s a chore. You two are on different plans - you are there to smell the dafodils, the other guy is there to do NiM ops. You don`t care about the speed at which planetary questing gets you to 55, he has found a way to half the time. Neither of you is wrong.



The problem is that it is wrong. We are ALL working to the same goal - end game content. One player might be inefficient and spend 30 days to get to 55. Another can spend 30 hours, by using the best xp per hour content possible at all times - might be a combination of activities, might be farming / grinding one mob / one flashpoint / a singular activity repeated ad nauseam.


The correct analogy is this: You are pushing a cart for 8 hours a day. The other guy is pulling a cart 8 hours a day. Nothing is changed except the way in which you are doing the activity, it`s not a different one.


At this point neither is willing to accept that other players have a right to play the game as they see fit, so I will stop participating in this conversation, as it is highly unlikely we`ll reach common ground. I don`t particularly care about this idea, but it is an interesting concept to limit extra time spent for players that go outside the norm. Could be considered a fair compromise (the droids idea) for players that are farm / grind oriented and which might not enjoy running from hub to hub for the 6th+ time.


Let`s agree to disagree.


we may be working towards the same goal, but we are NOT doing the same thing. if I've been pushing carts for 8 hours and someone else was working the register. do I get to have a promotion to a head cashier? no, I do not, becasue I have NO experience in how to actualy work cash register.


someone who does data entry and someone who does programing - they are all working towards the same goal, to sell the product, but they are NOT doing the same task, so giving someone reward for task they didn't complete? doesn't work. in real life OR video games. becasue its not entirely about the final goal it IS about how you get there and what you do on the way.


lets say you and your friend go to an amusement park. you go to the rollercoaster part of it, and they go to the arcade. they win some toys. should you have the same toys given to you, just because you both paid the price of the entrance ticket and spend the same amount of time at the park? no. becasue you did NOT participate in activity that awards toys.


becasue you see, if your end goal to get to max level - congrats! you got to max level and no one can tell you you were wrong to do it your way. however. you don't get to have a reward from specific activity if you didn't participate in that specific activity. becasue rewards are tied to that specific activity. not the end goal. you are NOT punished for not doing that activity. you did get to 55, yes? so no one told you - you are not allowed to get to 55, unless you do the story, you are not allowed to raid, unless you do the story. but crew skils you say? well... you made a choice not to get companions that could do them for you. you didn't buy treek, you didn't quest for HK, you didn't finish story missions that get you companions at the end. you are NOT punished for not just having them given to you, anymore then you are punished with not having a season 1 rancor, even though you did no ranked pvp and got no rank.

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I think, when I get maximum Valor should be given the full highest-level PvE set.


And all rewards from all operations that I would have had to run.


Just because I chose to only pvp, does that mean I must have a harder time doing dailies?



Or in other words (in case someone is total sarcasm resistant):


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but crew skils you say? well... you made a choice not to get companions that could do them for you. you didn't buy treek, you didn't quest for HK, you didn't finish story missions that get you companions at the end.


Here is the crux of my argument - that is not the choice I made. I made the choice of not doing the class quest, not avoid getting companions. In my opinion, it is a mistake that companions are tied to the planetary questing. We have a forced choice upon us - if we avoid story, we can`t get companions.


It would be nice and the idea is a decent concept in my view to have one other option for companions - either a "farmy" / "grindy" alternate mission, or legacy placeholder droids, or something to that effect.


The previously proposed idea offers a choice for the ones that don`t like / want companions tied to the story.




This probably is tied with the "story" vs "gameplay" argument and we have found a situation in which story can bite you in the ***. You are forced to go through the story, even if you don`t want it.


Not arguing against the very good points made, just trying to underline my position over this: I am forced a choice, even if I don`t want to make it - as in I am avoiding the story part of the game, but companions are tied to it.

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Here is the crux of my argument - that is not the choice I made. I made the choice of not doing the class quest, not avoid getting companions.


I didn't make the choice not to get Dreadforged gear, I only made the choice not to do NiM ops. :rolleyes:


In my opinion, it is a mistake that companions are tied to the planetary questing.


In my opinion, it's not a mistake.


We have a forced choice upon us - if we avoid story, we can`t get companions.


That's actually not true. You can get HK and Treek without doing class missions. You just can't get the companions you meet in the class story, because you NEVER MET THEM.


It would be nice and the idea is a decent concept in my view to have one other option for companions - either a "farmy" / "grindy" alternate mission, or legacy placeholder droids, or something to that effect.


As I said, you can get HK and Treek. Use them.


This probably is tied with the "story" vs "gameplay" argument and we have found a situation in which story can bite you in the ***. You are forced to go through the story, even if you don`t want it.


Nobody forces you to do the story. You don't need the class companions. In fact you don't need any companions, it's perfectly viable to play without crafting anything yourself.

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