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Have you ever changed your loadout to deal with 1 person?

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Have you ever had to change your loadout to deal with 1 person in particular? I have had to do this twice in my GSF career and was just curious if other people have had to do this as well. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a QQ thread its actually the highest praise IMO if someone has to change their loadout to deal with you.


That being said I have had to do this twice, once months ago and once today:


First it was to deal with a guy named Jung-ma Jaxson (at least I think that was his name) who was very nasty in a tier 2 scout. He utlized retro-thrusters and clusters in a way that gave him consistent locks and was a real PITA to dog fight against. At the time I switched to a targetting telemetry / quads / rocket pods / high evasion combo to deal with him (with mixed success)


The second was today against a newly minted Skrab character on Bastion. The tier 2 scout he was flying was not even moderately upgraded, yet he was able to give me more than a run for my money in my favorite ship and favorite build. In most of the games he had the advantage, in others I had it (really inexcusable on my part with the mods he had lol) at any rate he did some impressive flying and fighting. He was running quads(I think), rocket pods (and im nor sure what else)


My usual attrition dog fighting (making quick passes while taking pot shots) was horrendously ineffective. The pods made it so that I took more damage in any attrition battle and frontal passes were very dangerous. To fix the problem I went back to blaster overcharge to see if I could squeeze some more damage out of the close passes. Happy to say it worked and while we only had 2 matches after the change I did much better in those rounds than before. (I kinda had to be a D-bag and use head on DF, BO, and Concentrated Fire, but it worked if I timed it right)


Anyways just wanted to compliment Skrab and Jung-ma Jaxson, I have only had to change my loadout to deal with someone twice, and both times it was in order to better face a very good pilot on the other side. Anyone got similar stories?

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Very happy to have both of those dudes in my GSF guild on TEH (Scrab's time zone difference is a bit of an annoyance though, so you may not have to face him too often depending on when you log on / if he wants to be up till 5am playing). Those T2 strikes with Quads + Pods + TT + CF are DEADLY!!! Scrab and Tomeateeje / Friendlygurl (or Rumina if you prefer) are the top two scout pilots I've played with / against in terms of pure damage / kill carries. It's just ridiculous the amount of kills these dudes get. I have to play LOL-Deny style to prevent them from topping those charts, but their individual damages far exceed my own, multiple matches in a row. Their build is definitely one that continues to light up the scoreboard


IIRC, Jaxin was a MONSTER on JM. I remember being like "WTH" my first match against him. He's definitely an elite and in the same class as the other dudes. There are definitely players that you need to play a certain way, but I've never actually changed a build to handle them. I try and find the optimal build with my playstyle and from there, hope it can do well across the board (given enough practice).


This concept does lend credence to purchasing cartel ships though - you're essentially given the option to use the same ship with two different builds. I'm curious to see how confused someone would be if the first spawn gives u BLCs and ur next spawn gives you quads. That would probably confuse the new players enough to yell "HAXXORZZ!!!"

Edited by SammyGStatus
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I usually do this as well (stick to a meta consistent build), in those games yesterday though I needed to change due to a couple factors:


pugging with little to no support (for most of it, at one point jen switched to help)


getting focused hard


and of course the addition of a skilled scout harassing me


The Booster Overcharge build that I had been running was the "jack of all trades" optimal build for getting the most offensive chances and the highest chance to get away from a bad situation. In those games though the only option was like the old days, turn and face the attackers head on, kill them before they can kill you.


That was my bread and butter for so long im surprised I ever changed. Im definitely investing in a Sting now and keeping two scouts in my hanger, one long distance marathon runner and one all offensive dogfighter. That way I can have an answer when someone presses me. I love the idea of keeping one with BLC and one with quads, might have to do that (confusing people is fun)


Im really suprised no one has ever been motivated to change their build after dealing with a particular threat, I could see this done to deal with minor meta shifts (days with lots of gunships, or days with lots of bombers IE: switching to pods on a scout or switching to Charged Plating on a strike etc.) anyways just thought this would be a fun aside to the usual forum fare :D

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Im really suprised no one has ever been motivated to change their build after dealing with a particular threat, I could see this done to deal with minor meta shifts (days with lots of gunships, or days with lots of bombers IE: switching to pods on a scout or switching to Charged Plating on a strike etc.) anyways just thought this would be a fun aside to the usual forum fare :D


Not meant to be insulting in any way, but that's why I always suggest to try other ships. I mean, besides the obvious fun factor. I get that some people don't want to do that, though. I don't need to change the composition of a ship if I can fly something else that counters the prevalence of "X" in a match (typically gunships, battle scouts or bombers).


Having an Ocula with one build and a Sting with another does seem to solve that problem for you, though! :)


P.S.: The games we (Drak and I) had against Scrab, Jen and Tune were pretty fun the other day. Though we won them all, some were only by a hair and the competition was fierce. GGs.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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The funny part about that is I switched to Imperium for 1 of those matches, I died twice and had like 9 kills 50 k + ish damage. It turned out the real answer was Quads and Protons lol. They were far more effective, especially while being focused, at dealing with the situation at hand. So there is something to be said about different ships different builds. (In this case attrition battles didn't work since I could heal most of the damage, and put him in defense mode with LR missile locks)


That being said whatever I fly, "home ' will always be a tier 2 scout, im addicted to the speed and maneuverability. Only big changes to the class could break this sexy relationship (like if the armor was made of real paper instead of phase shifting paper)

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Not sure but I would guess skrab is from TEH... If he is who I think he is, don't worry je can get some 20-10-0 on his stock sting... same with Friendlygurl (TEH)/Rumina (Jung'ma)....


Scrab is from ToFN - he just moved to another server due to lack of GSF interest on ToFN

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Have you ever had to change your loadout to deal with 1 person in particular? I have had to do this twice in my GSF career and was just curious if other people have had to do this as well. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a QQ thread its actually the highest praise IMO if someone has to change their loadout to deal with you.


That being said I have had to do this twice, once months ago and once today:


First it was to deal with a guy named Jung-ma Jaxson (at least I think that was his name) who was very nasty in a tier 2 scout. He utlized retro-thrusters and clusters in a way that gave him consistent locks and was a real PITA to dog fight against. At the time I switched to a targetting telemetry / quads / rocket pods / high evasion combo to deal with him (with mixed success)


The second was today against a newly minted Skrab character on Bastion. The tier 2 scout he was flying was not even moderately upgraded, yet he was able to give me more than a run for my money in my favorite ship and favorite build. In most of the games he had the advantage, in others I had it (really inexcusable on my part with the mods he had lol) at any rate he did some impressive flying and fighting. He was running quads(I think), rocket pods (and im nor sure what else)


My usual attrition dog fighting (making quick passes while taking pot shots) was horrendously ineffective. The pods made it so that I took more damage in any attrition battle and frontal passes were very dangerous. To fix the problem I went back to blaster overcharge to see if I could squeeze some more damage out of the close passes. Happy to say it worked and while we only had 2 matches after the change I did much better in those rounds than before. (I kinda had to be a D-bag and use head on DF, BO, and Concentrated Fire, but it worked if I timed it right)


Anyways just wanted to compliment Skrab and Jung-ma Jaxson, I have only had to change my loadout to deal with someone twice, and both times it was in order to better face a very good pilot on the other side. Anyone got similar stories?

Don't feel bad at all. Scrab Pwntech is considered by some pretty good pilots to be the best GSF player in the world.
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He's pretty damn good, but best in the world might be a little much.
Then I ask, who is better? What some people do not realize that have not watched scrab is that some of the "kills" people get on him is just him getting a missile refill. In domination anyway. Edited by Lendul
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He's pretty damn good, but best in the world might be a little much.


I have to agree. Although if the Scrab on the Harbinger is indeed the real Scrab I'll reserve my view until I see him in a mastered ship during an even match. The only match I had against him his team got shutdown pretty hard. They could only hold 1 node most of the match.

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Guys - Scrab is exceptional - if he has a relatively ok team. If not, he'll be your average 'good' pilot. I've seen him on a bad team, and it wasn't anything special. Though when his team is ok/good - then he REALLY wrecks.


Just check his YT channel for a demonstration of his skills.

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Well there was no "feel bad" if anything there was frustration first and then a motivation to do better. I wouldn't be the player I am today without all the people who gave me fits, Sindress and crew from a while back. (Jen and Dave + the rest of Flying Circus currently have this honor IE making me sweat)


Im not sure anyone from any 1 server can be labeled "best in the world" (I know he plays 3 but hes new here at least) but he is good thats for sure. I will enjoy if he continues to play here though, he is a bit overconfident (like someone else I know ;) very well) and players like that are the most fun to play against.


He hasn't seen anything yet though, Bastion has some superb Imperial pilots (incredible pubs too, but I gotta represent for my faction). He happened to be on the best pub preform in town, including a wingmate of mine (Aces all) vs good ole pug randomness, I really look forward to facing him alongside a proper preform of my own.


GG's all around, looking forward to more. (any other best in the world want to come by Bastion and give us a go? Could be sexy you never know till you try :D)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Just gonna say that most of the absurdly good pilots don't fly anymore, they quit months ago. Also, its hard to measure whos going to be the best, because people fly vastly different on each server from what Ive seen, the guys on Jung Ma are rambo as **** and like to gang up on you, the guys on POT5 are individually vengeful as hell and will get tunnel visioned, the guys on ebon hawk are more focussed on individual survival than killing. My numbers on JM are sooo much higher than on TEH, admittedly im not mastered on TEH but its getting there. All this to say, you have to observe the surrounding pilots before you can pass judgement.
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Then I ask, who is better?


Just check the ranked boards.


Oh wait.


If you make an extraordinary claim- such as "X is the BEST IN THE WORLD"- backing that up is on YOU. You don't get to walk around asking "ok, then YOU tell me who the best in the world is". That's not at all how logic works. If you make a claim, you have to back it up. The default case doesn't become whatever you just asserted a second ago.

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Just check the ranked boards.


Oh wait.


If you make an extraordinary claim- such as "X is the BEST IN THE WORLD"- backing that up is on YOU. You don't get to walk around asking "ok, then YOU tell me who the best in the world is". That's not at all how logic works. If you make a claim, you have to back it up. The default case doesn't become whatever you just asserted a second ago.

All you have to do is watch the guy fly. Scrab does to aces what aces do to average pilots. He is the 5th element of GSF. I say he is the best in the world because of all the people I have seen pilot this game he has no equal. This is my opinion and is not illogical it is anecdotal. Think of it this way. If you and I were standing outside viewing a landscape and I point to a mountain and claim that the mountain is the highest that I can see. Then you tell me you are not sure it is the highest. Is it illogical for me to ask you to point to the one you perceive to be higher than the one I pointed out?
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Thanks for the nice comments everyone!


As said; it's impossible to know who's best and it really isn't that important either. I do tend to say that I'm "one of the best kill carry scouts" around, out of how many top scout players that is, I don't know, but I think it's a pretty fair statement to make.


As for the OP (Pincer); I'm glad you got something out of the games we played against eachother I'm sure you'll learn how to deal with me soon enough!

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I wish Bioware could implement like, cross server GSF on weekends or one weekend a month or something so that we could have all the Aces from all the servers fly against each other on an even playing field. I'd love to take my NovaDive up against Scrab's (I'd have to practice a bit first since my Nova has been shelved since I mastered it) or any of the other great pilots from other servers and see how I match up.
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