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What types of players irritate you in Flashpoints?


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In KDY I usually end up tanking with my Commando since everyone else dies so quickly. I've seen few with empty orange shells "because bolster" types recently. As a Gunnery it's not that bad to be all three in same character. But I still would prefer if people geared up their character properly.


I only do the Empty Shell shenanigans in Kuat, Esseles, Black Talon and sometimes Hammer Station.

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Things that prompt me to issue a vote-kick, in no particular order:


  • DPS who queue as tanks or healers, number one annoyance with a bullet.
  • Players who don't know how to play their role is a big second. Anyone but a tank who pulls is a good example.
  • Players who don't follow others who clearly know the best path through the flash point, most recently those who quickly do a random build of the star-fighter in KDY because they simply can't be bothered to wait for someone to read the tooltips on the table.
  • Players who roll Need on stuff they don't need / can't use.
  • Players who refuse to keep up / participate.


I'd add that, as a Tank/DPS/Healer player, my greatest annoyance in a FP is actually tanks who sit and wait after every single group of mobs. The gearing in this game is to the point that there is absolutely, positively, no reason to wait after every single group.

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As a tank you need to check these before you pull:

- healer's resource level

- HP of every group member (must be 100%)


Does DPS pay any attention to these? No, they don't. When they are below 50% (perfect!) they leap to nearest mob and start their Smashing.


As a HEALER (I have so many...) and as a DPS: No you don't have to wait for our resources to be topped off and our HP to be full. We can manage our own resources fine. Operations have sustained fights for several minutes at a time. No pull in a flashpoint will come remotely close to that duration. We can manage our resources. Healers have no problem bringing people to full in combat with VERY RARE exceptions.


Pull the mobs. It is infuriating to sit and wait because a tank won't pull.

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"Common sense", as so many other stuff in life, is fairly relative, even more so in an MMO.


"Common sense" would be to NEVER break CC, yet some people break it.

"Common sense" would be for people to be respectful and consider their roles, instead of trying to be a tank, healer and DPS, all in one.

"Common sense" would be for people not to NEED on gear they don't need or that doesn't fit their current class or role.


This is all "Common sense" but I'm fairly sure some people will fail to acknowledge it as such or even consider it.


In most cases where trash is concerned, the tank is not a crucial component to the groups survivability. Generally I can heal anything a group member takes, no matter who pulls. I value the group continuing with trash pulls at a respectable clip than waiting to make sure only the tank is pulling. Any tank worth anything can rip agro away from their teammates.


Further, there are people who CC needlessly. Not every gold needs to be CC'd. Not every silver needs to be CC'd. The damage output, the heal output of characters in the game at this point is so large, it takes LONGER to CC things than to just grind down the entire pull.


If you CC and I believe the former to be the case, I will gleefully break your CC. Because I think your choice to CC in that instance was stupid.

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I hate people who insist that in a normal mode FP the tank pulls every time, especially where there is a slow tank. Some of us actually have situational awareness and hate slow tanks who wait around like lumps. If the tank is aware then fine, but otherwise screw them.


I don't know if I agree here. I look at each level as a proving/testing/training ground for the next level. SM/Norm to HM to NiM.


I would prefer, even at the cost of time, that the tank pulls... if for nothing more than training for when they get to HM. We see people complain about people not understanding the mechanics, they learn by doing... today's slow tank in Normal FP's will be in tomorrows HM FP's. If they are not helped in SM to know that they need to pull, and they need to hold agro... they will not understand this in HM, or NiM.

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As a HEALER (I have so many...) and as a DPS: No you don't have to wait for our resources to be topped off and our HP to be full. We can manage our own resources fine. Operations have sustained fights for several minutes at a time. No pull in a flashpoint will come remotely close to that duration. We can manage our resources. Healers have no problem bringing people to full in combat with VERY RARE exceptions.


Pull the mobs. It is infuriating to sit and wait because a tank won't pull.


that IMO depends on experience of a healer/tank. yes, I can personally manage my resources and it would take a serious case of a pull gone horribly wrong for me not to be able to. however, some people are just starting out and learning, so if you ARE experienced, you'll be able to see just how far you can push them safely. and in story mode flashpoints. prior to lvl 30 at least, the only healers that can do resource management to some degree of effectiveness? are mercs/commandoes operatives and sorcs (and their pub counterparts) are still very sadly lacking and need to stop and regain force/energy at points, especially if the pulls require extensive healing.


in other words? every group is different. work with what you have, not what you wish you had.

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So around a week ago, I finally decided to put myself in the healer's shoes and played an operative healer (awesome class btw). That being said, there were a couple things that really hit a nerve during my fp experiences...


-No one taking aggro off me. Tank tunnel-views mobs in front of him, dps are more concerned about how they can take the aggro off the the tank while I have to resort to using cloaking screen after exhausting shield probe and countermeasures. (Thankfully, I've been following the hiveleader's guide to healing so when this happens after oh, 5-9 times, I just select them for extinction and leave the fp)


-Look, I know its really tempting and maybe you think the tank is a bit slow (actually he runs through the fp as smooth as butter) but for my sake, stop launching yourself to a pack of elites as your squishy mara-self and hope I'm gonna heal the CHUNK of hp the mobs just took away from you. How about we let the beefcake aggro those guys first and then you can force jump, mmkay?


-Target marker? Check. Told the group I'm gonna CC said marked mob? Check. CC's mob? Che--wait what are you doing? Stahp! No, don't brea-no do--sigh never mind...


-The only time you should ever tell people to spacebar through stuff is BT/Esseles and maaaybe the foundry. Otherwise let me read my text in peace about how I'm given the choice to throw the engineers out of the airlock...


-Okay so you know that FP window with the roles checkbox? You know how there's a checkbox for heals and you're a dps? Don't check the heal box please. What do you mean you want to queue in faster? Don't do it. No, do--*travels to fp instance with no healer* Thanks. Thanks a lot.


Anyways, these are a few of the many.

Edited by ValeGreiger
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As a HEALER (I have so many...) and as a DPS: No you don't have to wait for our resources to be topped off and our HP to be full. We can manage our own resources fine. Operations have sustained fights for several minutes at a time. No pull in a flashpoint will come remotely close to that duration. We can manage our resources. Healers have no problem bringing people to full in combat with VERY RARE exceptions.


Pull the mobs. It is infuriating to sit and wait because a tank won't pull.


Ok, now I start to understand. So, this is reason why people don't use their out-of-combat heal.


I usually click the ability as soon as it's possible even if I'm at 95%+ HP. That's just like reflex to me. Maybe I should get rid of this bad habit?

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Things that prompt me to issue a vote-kick, in no particular order:


  • DPS who queue as tanks or healers, number one annoyance with a bullet.
  • Players who don't know how to play their role is a big second. Anyone but a tank who pulls is a good example.
  • Players who don't follow others who clearly know the best path through the flash point, most recently those who quickly do a random build of the star-fighter in KDY because they simply can't be bothered to wait for someone to read the tooltips on the table.
  • Players who roll Need on stuff they don't need / can't use.
  • Players who refuse to keep up / participate.

all of this plus

  • those who whine when someone wants to do bonus, yes u may be lvl 55 with good gear but a fresh 50 may want the gear and if its a simple one like black talon or the elessles then why not its not like it takes hours to do.

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"Common sense" would be to NEVER break CC, yet some people break it.


To be fair, breaking CC is rather easy in SWTOR. I can't count how often I accidentally broke CC just because the enemy I was targeting died and the game decided that selecting that CCd mob for my next attack would be the swell thing to do. Especially noticable on ranged characters.


Annoys nobody more than me myself when it happens.

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To be fair, breaking CC is rather easy in SWTOR. I can't count how often I accidentally broke CC just because the enemy I was targeting died and the game decided that selecting that CCd mob for my next attack would be the swell thing to do. Especially noticable on ranged characters.


Annoys nobody more than me myself when it happens.



This was happening to me today in Korriban flash point when I played my Commando


Was driving me nuts that it just switched targets mid firing sequence

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the players that annoy me most of all in flashpoints is when they demand that i skip the conversations, i mean sure at endgame, where you do hardmodes and stuff, i can understand, but while leveling up, why do a flashpoint more then once per character?


Anyway, they always pressure you and bully you within the rules of the game to get you to skip the conversations, which in my opinion is what makes this game fun to play, it makes you feel like you are there, but they just want to treat it like any other mmo, rush through, get gear, rinse and repeat.


I have skipped through the flashpoints to avoid the childish bullying i tend to get and all i see is broken scenes, constant 'waiting for group' message, which only happens when its all skipped, i have tried it with some guildmates, if everyone skips it, you still get it and when everyone didn't skip it, there was no waiting for group....well maybe for 1 second and thats only when it showed it.


Overall, players that pressure you into skipping conversations, those ANNOY me beyond belief.


This is why story + grouping = bad combination.

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This was happening to me today in Korriban flash point when I played my Commando


Was driving me nuts that it just switched targets mid firing sequence


Auto-target being on by default was a terrible idea. For any group content that should really be disabled by everyone, especially in Ops. I can't count the amount of pulls that have gone terribly wrong because of that. And any time it does happen we tell everyone to make sure that it's off.

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When running Kuat on lowbies on the hangar scenario occasionally you get someone who goes and pulls the final group of mobs by the terminal before the elite defender. Then they proceeded to click the terminal even though you told them not to, killing the bonus quest.
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To be fair, breaking CC is rather easy in SWTOR. I can't count how often I accidentally broke CC just because the enemy I was targeting died and the game decided that selecting that CCd mob for my next attack would be the swell thing to do. Especially noticable on ranged characters.


Annoys nobody more than me myself when it happens.


In this case though, people make it easy by not disabling auto-targeting I guess. I avoid it having ticked like the Rakghoul plague. :p


Even so, I guess there could be ALSO an option where the target cycle could take into account the CC'ed targets and just ignored them.

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FOUR types of people annoy the hell out of me in Flashpoints (and in any grouping situation in general).


1. Those who join and then go AFK continually. I mean seriosuly occasional afk is acceptable, frequent..NOT AT ALL if you can't devote the time to the group activity then get the frak out the queue and give your space to someone who can. Because although your afk may be necessary to you its nothing but a total INCONVENIENCE to everyone who is in a group activity to get something done.


2. those who join and then leave halfway through for whatever reason be it because someone does some stupid, or they don't get the loot they want or whatever.. Once you commit, sack up and get it done, don't take your ball and run home like a baby.


3. Those who spend more time telling people how to pay THEIR classes rather than paying ANY attention on how to play their own. Some people just think their rotation is better than everyone else's or that their knowledge of a class is more important and relevant than anyone else's. Seriously you pay our sub you can tell us how to play, until then mind your frakking business and play your own character.


4. Those who assume everyone is in a mad rush and want to skip all quests in them and just get to the bosses and the loot. NO im afraid not, your rush is not mine. If I have stuff to do then I want to do it, i want to complete those quests you may have already done, I want to pick up those lore objects you may have already got, I want to have a look around that map you already know. I don't care if you've seen it a hundred time. I might not have. Don't assume want you want makes what everyone else in the group wants irrelevant. Have a bit of consideration.

(I'd even go sar far as to say i'd like some additional choice options for the queue that takes into account whether someone queueing wants to skip quests trash mobs, poi's, dialogues etc.. because not all of us do and pressuring people to do so or kicking them if they don't is just not on).


Beyond those three types of players the only one I find a little annoying is when NOONE says anything, not hi, how you all doing nothing.. just a total flashpoint or whatever in complete silence.. its uncomfortable. MMO's are supposed to be social, get some manners and say hi ffs. :)

Edited by NeoWolf
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russian ( or any other east EU Country ) wannabe tanks who constantly blame the healer for every mistake; yelling at ppl to skip; need on everything and the only words u see in chat from them are idiot, fu and retard



ppl who think u cant do any HM flashpoint in PvP gear


ppl who are like "omg! u dont know that FP tactics?! why the **** do u que for it, you stupid f*******!" :csw_c3po:

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I'm in the camp that when grouping in trinity MMO's, the tank pulls. Period. It's an unspoken rule. Sure, you can argue you're an awesome, geared, know the FP like the back of your hand ,dps who knows what you're doing. That's great! If you know what you're doing, then don't pull before the tank.


I typically play healer, and suggest a pull rhythm devolops in FP's when 'allowing' the tank to do their job. When dps take it upon themselves to pull, they upset this rhythm and that puts the group at risk, which also creates friction in the group. If you want to pull, roll a tank and show us how it's done. Otherwise, know and play your role.

Edited by tharbison
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4. Those who assume everyone is there so they can do all quests, clear every trash pack, explore, waste time, etc. NO I'm afraid not, your leisure time is not mine. If you have stuff to do then you need to get people who also want to do it/help you do it, i don't want to complete those quests that I've already done(I might help if you ask nicely instead of running off by yourself), I don't want to waste time clearing mobs so you can pick up lore objects. Don't spend 5 mins looking around that map that literally takes a sec to do. I don't care if you want to dissect a map. Don't assume what you want is what everyone else in the group wants. Have a bit of consideration.

(I'd even go sar far as to say i'd like some additional choice options for the queue that takes into account whether someone queueing wants to skip quests trash mobs, poi's, dialogues etc.. because not all of us want to watch cutscenes/do every single quest in the dungeon).



Edited by ShaanuJaanu
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I'm in the camp that when grouping in trinity MMO's, the tank pulls. Period. It's an unspoken rule. Sure, you can argue you're an awesome, geared, know the FP like the back of your hand ,dps who knows what you're doing. That's great! If you know what you're doing, then don't pull before the tank.


I typically play healer, and suggest a pull rhythm devolops in FP's when 'allowing' the tank to do their job. When dps take it upon themselves to pull, they upset this rhythm and that puts the group at risk, which also creates friction in the group. If you want to pull, roll a tank and show us how it's done. Otherwise, know and play your role.

As a Healer, I generally agree with this. I prefer to let the Tank pull. But that leads to another type of player who annoys me in FPs: The Tank who assumes he's the team's leader through the FP because he's supposed to pull. For that matter, the Healer who assumes he's the leader because he tends to monitor all team members while the Tank and DPS may focus on their respective targets. Or the DPS who assumes she's the leader because ... well, I can't really think of a time when a DPS claimed leadership just because of their role.:D


If I know the FP, I follow whoever seems to know it as well. If I don't know the FP, I follow whoever offers the most/best advice about the FP. Your role in the group does not dictate who sets our path, tactics, etc. Heavy armor and a Taunt skill does not make you the boss. But, as with all things, a little communication goes a long way. It amazes (and disappoints) me how rarely PUGs ever seem to discuss tactics until after the first wipe.


After so many pages in this thread of persistent negativity, shouldn't someone start a new thread in which we laud the types of players who make FPs fun?

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I think I am getting sick of people complaining about space barring as soon as they get in the flash point. They even complain in Kuat which has only like a 1 minute dialog at the being. Don't get me wrong, I space bar almost everything even my first time through a fp. I just don't want to hear these whiners any more.


Another thing that bothers me is pure stupidity. I was doing a flash point as a healer and had 2 to 3 times the health of the tank and yet he was still guarding me. Why?


Or how about the idiot tank that decides to run the flash point without a chest piece because he's on the high end of the mission range (IE a level 20 doing hammer station)? So you want to make it more of a challenge but does the healer want more of challenge too?


The worst is tanks who don't know what their rotation is and never taunt or those who try to tank in DPS spec. DPS shouldn't have to dump threat as often as possible thus messing up their rotation. LTP people.

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If I know the FP, I follow whoever seems to know it as well. If I don't know the FP, I follow whoever offers the most/best advice about the FP. Your role in the group does not dictate who sets our path, tactics, etc. Heavy armor and a Taunt skill does not make you the boss. But, as with all things, a little communication goes a long way. It amazes (and disappoints) me how rarely PUGs ever seem to discuss tactics until after the first wipe.



Agreed - it quickly becomes clear who in group knows the FP and people will follow them, regardless of class That 'leader' doesn't need to be the tank, but imo, the 'puller' does.

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Another thing that bothers me is pure stupidity. I was doing a flash point as a healer and had 2 to 3 times the health of the tank and yet he was still guarding me. Why?


Haha! I hear you. I've been playing since release, and at this point in my SWTOR career have the luxury of always being able to keep my gear pretty maxed out at most levels. I typically check player's health when starting a group just to get a sense of how well they're geared & who may need more heals, but typically don't 'inspect' to see if they're geared properly.


Funny thing is being a founder, my companions always have WAY more health than anyone in group, myself included. At least in the early levels.

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