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What types of players irritate you in Flashpoints?


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When I'm playing my healer, I generally refuse to heal anyone who wasn't at full health at the start of the fight, nor do I heal after the fight has ended. A couple deaths tends to teach them. If they're capable of learning. If they're incapable of learning, they get frustrated and drop group. Win either way.


I support this! I'm perfectly fine with you teaching manners this way.

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Those people who ignore good tactics on the pretext of "meh, it's only sm". Sloppy tactics in sm leads to wipes in HM. You train as you'll fight, and fight as you train.



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there are 3 types of players that annoy me in a FP


the DPS who thinks he/she is so essensial that they


and tanks with tunnel vision (mostly tanks that wear starter planet gear in Hammer sation or wearing orange shells.... without mods in them .... urg)


and, last, in KDY when I que as heals: The Other Healer ;) [.... shows how mutch I trust others to do my job ...:rak_03:]*


*Please do not take this statement too seriously

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Tanks that always guard heals instead of dps. Most will change it to a dps without a fuss when politely asked, but occasionally, they refuse. It gets very frustrating when my dps keeps pulling the boss and most adds in every fight because the tank refuses to do his job.


The shortcut artists are pretty bad too, as are the people that constantly spam "SPACEBAR" during all cutscenes. If somebody starts doing that I watch every cutscene even if I was originally going to skip.

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Even better: People who NOT only don't interrupt but also DEMAND that you do instead. :D


Lost Island was awful with this. There were runs where I, the healer, would end up having to interrupt the incinerate and cleanse it, lest everyone die. 2 DPS and a tank and no one could interrupt?! :mad:


Edit: By the way, nice videos

there are 3 types of players that annoy me in a FP


the DPS who thinks he/she is so essensial that they


and tanks with tunnel vision (mostly tanks that wear starter planet gear in Hammer sation or wearing orange shells.... without mods in them .... urg)


and, last, in KDY when I que as heals: The Other Healer ;) [.... shows how mutch I trust others to do my job ...:rak_03:]*


*Please do not take this statement too seriously

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The shortcut artists are pretty bad too, as are the people that constantly spam "SPACEBAR" during all cutscenes. If somebody starts doing that I watch every cutscene even if I was originally going to skip.


I do the same, if they keep at it... i'll even wait until the last possible second to select my response. It depends on how the request is made to be honest. Spamming "Spacebar", yeah, no... asking up front if people mind spacebaring through the cutscenes is fine with me (and I'll usually do it anyway).


The Elitists... i would rather run with a full set of inexperienced players than the flaming elitist. I don't mind the experienced players offering tips, or what not... but the ones screaming in chat instant ignore. I don't care how good you are, or even if you aren't directing your venom at me. Its just not ok to be abusive /insulting in chat. These are the same people who initiate vote kicks for players being "undergeared" when they actually aren't (based on mission text).


Finally the needers... of everything. There are certain things I understand that everyone needs (reputation tokens), but if you are running a Sage needing on BOP Trooper gear.... come on.

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Things that prompt me to issue a vote-kick, in no particular order:


  • DPS who queue as tanks or healers, number one annoyance with a bullet.
  • Players who don't know how to play their role is a big second. Anyone but a tank who pulls is a good example.
  • Players who don't follow others who clearly know the best path through the flash point, most recently those who quickly do a random build of the star-fighter in KDY because they simply can't be bothered to wait for someone to read the tooltips on the table.
  • Players who roll Need on stuff they don't need / can't use.
  • Players who refuse to keep up / participate.


In general (not specifically this poster) this is the perfect example of why I avoid group play ... running into people who have lists this long on things that annoy them ruin group play .


Elitists who insist you follow their person TOS and want everything done in some precise order and turn into verbally abusive trolls when things are not done to an exact science.


Really its a video game if you need to make a list this long of things that stress you out maybe you should not play with random and just play with a guild or something and perhaps study the Jedi teachings more .


Of course you see her an example of the "omg you ninja loot you don't need " whine


how do you do you know what I am using it for therefore how do you know I don't "need " it for there could be many reason other than equipping, personally.


Again in general People in any game who think you only need for what your personal character at the time can equip need to learn to relax.


Someone made a very near perfect post in another thread regarding this


The people who will kick you from team because your combat parse is "point oh oh oh oh eight percent" (seriously, Bioware, if you offered a cartel-market upgrade that made your shipdroid speak only when you specifically addressed him, you'd be raking in cash) below optimum for your class or not fully geared out with the most fully-tweaked endgame gear even though you only reached the level where you could _use_ endgame gear the previous day. The sort of people who would want the RNG taken out of the game so they can more micrometrically plan out the precise timing of each power activation for the most 'efficient' takedown of mobs. Sometimes it makes you wonder whether they would be better off playing "Excel 2010: Spreadsheet Wars" than an MMO...
Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Like some others, I’ve pretty much given up on running FPs with PUGs. I stick to friends and Guildmates. The only exception would be the early FPs (Esseles, Black Talon, and Athis). I still PUG those because, let’s face it, roles never matter and skill rarely affects the outcome. However, there are still players I will vote to kick and/or add to my Ignore list after the FP:


Rude people. It’s a game. Treat others how you want to be treated. Kumbaya!


Those who insist that we spacebar through convos. Sure, maybe you’ve run this FP hundreds of times. I know I have. But maybe someone hasn’t. Or maybe I’m running it for the first time with a new class and I want to see how the convo options change. Or maybe the rest of us just want to sit back and enjoy the show.


Players who cannot accept instruction. Don’t tell us you just started playing and then expect us to follow you through a FP. We know the way; we know what we’re doing. We’ll gladly explain it along the way. That is, unless you are one of those …


Acolytes of Leeroy Jenkins. For me, this category covers many sins: Those who charge into the next fight without healing, especially those who think having a “healer” at level 11 means they never have to rest-heal between fights. Those who just run around killing stuff without regard to the actual Mission objective because, “Meh, I just want the XP.” Those who ignore the adds who are currently pelting our healer.


Quote never heard from me in a low-level FP: “I don’t have time to explain why.” Players … even the noobiest of the new … who are willing to invest a couple of minutes to understand why we’re screaming at them to heal between fights or whatnot will almost always end up on my Friends List. Those who won’t … or the veteran players who won’t take the time to let us explain stuff to the new guy … end up on Ignore.


Oh, and I believe there is a special level of Hell reserved for the one guy who spent the entire Boss fight on Esseles pestering me with questions about where I got my gear. He never engaged the Boss and threw a bona fide hissy fit halfway through the Boss fight because I wasn’t answering his questions. I was a level 12 healer … I had my hands full.;)

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When I'm playing my healer, I generally refuse to heal anyone who wasn't at full health at the start of the fight, nor do I heal after the fight has ended. A couple deaths tends to teach them. If they're capable of learning. If they're incapable of learning, they get frustrated and drop group. Win either way.


Oh I like this.. and may follow suit (my main is a healer). It is irritating going into a fresh mob, seeing people at low health, and then complain about the heals. Where I have to focus on them while they are taking additional damage. This is also true when people are trying to heal/recover its focus... we go into battle, and blamo the entire group isn't at full health, and I am already low on focus.

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Another thing, which I'm not sure anyone mentioned already... I get this is a bit more subjective but I find it aggravating nonetheless:


Tanks who augment their gear with Fortitude augments.


I honestly feel that whoever STILL does that nowadays is just trolling. Whenever I see an Assassin tank with 48k HP or whatever, I always get a bad feeling about it.

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If people did not have expectations about other players, they would not be so annoyed.


There will always be jerks, so you should expect it and cope. Not hard to do.


But even among courteous players, not everyone you meet in a FP is going to be a seasoned HM raider. It certainly is fun when that does occur, but it is not the norm, especially in sub-55 FPs.


In sub-55 FPs, there will be new players who don't know the op, don't know how to gear their toon, and don't know how to run their toon. Accept that and cope; if you know what you are doing, you can clear the FP anyway. If you aren't good enough to do that, the fault may be yours.


HM 55 FPs are the exception, because the harder mechanics and the DPS checks mean you cannot always carry a weak or inexperienced player through them. For example, the CZ HM FPs have tanking challenges (the desert scenario) and DPS checks (the security chief) that a bad tank or weak DPS cannot pass. That's the only time I've ever seen an unskilled or undergeared player prevent the FP being finished.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Another thing, which I'm not sure anyone mentioned already... I get this is a bit more subjective but I find it aggravating nonetheless:


Tanks who augment their gear with Fortitude augments.


I honestly feel that whoever STILL does that nowadays is just trolling. Whenever I see an Assassin tank with 48k HP or whatever, I always get a bad feeling about it.


Fortitude Augments on my server are currently the highest priced augments. Double the price of the lowest. And they sell. A lot.


It saddens and entertains me at the same time.

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Thought of one more... the people who don't check (or rather uncheck) the default roles that they are not specced into or intending to play. I get aggrivated with other Sages, who have Heal and DPS checked, are added to the group as a healer... and at some point decide to remind others that they aren't healers.


Just uncheck the dang box if you aren't intending to play that role.

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[*]Players who don't follow others who clearly know the best path through the flash point,


This has led to the sad custom of EVERYONE ignoring additional enemies in FPs and in OPS- EXCEPT when they bring extraordinary loot.


Did "Terror From Beyond" yesterday again. What happens ? Strauight tunnel vision, NOTHING is being explored, no other enemies are engaged ... boring. OPs & FPs have become a speedrun contest.


And I saw this behaviour again and again ... For me, this is unsatisfactory, but no-one cares about a single voice ...



Back to mtopic . Those who run so fast that the FP becomes a speedrun. No scavenging possible, No additional healing or recovering from an exhausting fight possible, too.

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Fortitude Augments on my server are currently the highest priced augments. Double the price of the lowest. And they sell. A lot.


It saddens and entertains me at the same time.


I find that... Disturbing. Completely and utterly disturbing.


Too much? :o


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In general (not specifically this poster) this is the perfect example of why I avoid group play ... running into people who have lists this long on things that annoy them ruin group play .


Elitists who insist you follow their person TOS and want everything done in some precise order and turn into verbally abusive trolls when things are not done to an exact science.


Really its a video game if you need to make a list this long of things that stress you out maybe you should not play with random and just play with a guild or something and perhaps study the Jedi teachings more .


Of course you see her an example of the "omg you ninja loot you don't need " whine


how do you do you know what I am using it for therefore how do you know I don't "need " it for there could be many reason other than equipping, personally.


Again in general People in any game who think you only need for what your personal character at the time can equip need to learn to relax.


Someone made a very near perfect post in another thread regarding this


people like you often make it unfun to play. its not a horrible thing contrary to your beleive to want to play with someone who at least attempts to play their character well. who at least attempts to play WITH the group instead of doing their own thing without a care for anyone else.

its NOT fun as a healer to try to heal someone who decided that they didn't want to kill the same things as everyone else and pulled another group instead. its not fun to miss out on a bonus quest not becasue the group decided not to bother, but because this Maverik that excuses everything with "its just a game" decided to pick "their own" way of doing things. its not fun to be blamed for deaths when you WARN the player that that blue circle on the ground is deadly, do NOT stand in it, and yet they do. and die. and release and run back and die again. and again. and again. in that same blue circle.


you do not NEED something that is not a direct upgrade. you WANT it. there is a difference. this is why greed rolls exist. please stop excusing your egotism. how do you know that someone else can't use the item for that same reason you claim to "need" it, but their rolled greed becasue they are not a jerk and actualy remember its a goddam mmo and you are playing with other people and being considerate generally tends to make things more fun for everyone.


and to add to the list of people that annoy me. people who say that they are new to a flashpoint , you offer to explain stuff, they say yes, and then proceed to basically ignore your explanations in every fight and do the very thing they are NOT supposed to be doing. like standing on bad or in lightning or getting trapped by droids, not waiting for the group, not communicating, basically playing like they are on their own and no one else matters.


I don't give a damn what you do when you solo. if you want to wear wrong stats for your class while solo - fine (yes its not elitism, its a goddamn fact - which bioware explains to you every time you get quest rewards, you just chose to ignore that inexplicably, everything they give you, especially early on seems to be medium armor with cunning on it) if its for whatever reason fun for you to die to every mob? fine. you want to take detours and decimate every living thing in the area when solo? fine. but when you are in a group - you have 3 (7/15 in ops) other people to consider. it is NOT fair to them to deliberately do things the wrong way. and if someone is nice enough to try to help you and tell you how your playtime could be smoother if you update your gear or use certain class abilities, you do NOT bristle at them, how dare they want to help you. its like brisling at someone who points out that its easier and safer to cross the road on green light, since you are not endangering yourself AND other people anymore, and then being mad at them, doing best imitation of Cartman "whatever, whatever, I do what I want"


/end rant

I've been having some pretty unfun experiences in groupfinder recently, sorry. I usually love grouping, its how I met majority of my in game friends, but recently I keep running into people who think their ignorance is a good thing.

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I find it extraordinary that people have gripes with minor things other people on a game do, I mean voting to kick if people don't follow one specific way around the flashpoint, wait I mean 'the best' way... Nobody takes into account that some people are just not as good at the game as others, especially in this day and age and unfortunately the problem seems to be growing.


Just the other day I finally leveled my first character to 55 and was incredibly happy as I only manage to find time to play on weekends. Went to oricon and got my gear expecting to be able to run some HM's and OP's to get myself better gear, but what I didn't expect was the torrent of abuse I would receive from players who deemed my gear unsuitable. I was forced to start another character as I realised I don't have the time to do endgame stuff and frankly, if the MMO population at high levels treat all outsiders like that, I would much prefer to do things on my own than partake in multiplayer activities in a bloody MMO...

Edited by TzhaarFury
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1. Rude people. i HATE that. Even more than i hate ninja looters. If i run ex Athis on normal and some player starts calling another player ninja even though it's pretty clear to me that the "ninja" is a new player who just needs to be told the normal need/greed behaviour, i'll tell him to relax and then i'll explain how rolls should be handled. Need on own stats only. Only if no player wants the drop is it ok to need for companion, and it's normal custom to ask first.

Sometimes the offended player that lost his roll to this new player just wont let it go. That's where i vote to kick and summon a companion.


Ofc. there's the dps who pulls and the tunnelvision dps or tank or the people who break cc or get out of LOS of healer or attacks when tank tries a LOS pull. That and the lack of interupts and getting out of bad and lack of cleansing. Realy all that is just mildly anoying compared to rude behavior. Beeing rude is the only sure way to get kicked by me.


Ofc when a "ninjalooter" turns out to be a real Ninja and not just a new guy who doesn't know better then he'll get kicked too, but i find the real ninjas are actually quite rare.

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I hate people who insist that in a normal mode FP the tank pulls every time, especially where there is a slow tank. Some of us actually have situational awareness and hate slow tanks who wait around like lumps. If the tank is aware then fine, but otherwise screw them.
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i can understand how pulling before the tank can be irritating, but there are plenty of situations when it's safe to pull as dps or healer even.


and some tanks simply dont pull quickly enough

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Mine would be players who just don't know what they are doing... like running completely wrong gear for their character. I had one tank, a Jedi Guardian, running 4 pieces of Aim gear, 2 Cunning, 3 Willpower, and a couple of Strength pieces. Even then, only one of them had any mods that was made for tanking.


if it's low level stuff, okay, I'll give you benefit of the doubt that you are learning. But if you think you can run HM 55 ops or something, you're seriously delusional. My group kicked him from the op, and he threatened to report us for it. If I see someone with completely wrong sets of gear, or mixed and matched, I'd rather take the 15 min penalty for dropping out of a group early than waste my time trying to struggle through an op or fp.

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