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SW:TOR -- An Early Review


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While I don't really agree with your review, mad props on not being biased. This is one of the few reviews I've seen where I can nod my head and say "Hey, I know where this guy is coming from." :)


Personally, it boils down to a 9.0/10 for me.

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I think it's a fair opinion, but far different from my own.


Personally I dislike the companions, more specifically, that you need companions to solo. I like sending them on their missions and having them craft, sending them to sell junk... but I dislike that most mob groups are linked resulting in 3-5 strong pulls requiring you (at least for certain classes) to have a companion with you.


I hate the 'path world' environment of a lot of areas, where you have a path to run down with a little bit of land/city environment around the path that only opens up slightly at an 'enemy camp'. It makes what should be expansive worlds feel like a tiny segment of a WoW zone. This is especially damning in the city worlds, where the only sections you can access are those traveled to by Taxi. And even at high graphic settings, the sections that the taxi flys over are excessively bland, looking like nothing so much as two tone blocks.


I think this is much like the whole "Story" aspect... basically the game is designed from the ground up around the idea of having companions. You're either ok with it or perhaps its not the game for you... BUT I would like to remind you that companions at 50 may not play such a large role in the sense that Operations and Flashpoints as well as PvP Warzones all are without companions in mind.

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Great review! Well written and thought out.


I agree with most points, especially the piece about companions. The companions are what really sold me on this game. It's very nice to be able to play like a healer/tank without having to roll with a dps spec while leveling then switch at 50. If i'm playing a support class and that's the way I want to play, then i'm given the tools to play that way.

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Great review! Well written and thought out.


I agree with most points, especially the piece about companions. The companions are what really sold me on this game. It's very nice to be able to play like a healer/tank without having to roll with a dps spec while leveling then switch at 50. If i'm playing a support class and that's the way I want to play, then i'm given the tools to play that way.


Thanks, I agree completely... companions are a very interesting quality of life enhancement and convenience.

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Good Sir ,


You have taken my feelings and made them your own , please refrain form using your Jedi mind powers on me again! :D



I agree 100% with your review , your final score is right on IMHO.


Thanks for the compliment! I am looking forward to a more "complete" and educated review in March!

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I would like to say thanks for this review. I have been reading an awful lot of posts on the forums and never had the motivation to post, as it is quite literally pointless due to the rose tinted glasses defending the game and the trolls flaming the game. I've been wanting to post an honest review and I think you've hit a lot of the main points on the head.


I would like to try to understand why the combat fluidity in SWTOR isn't quite there yet. You mentioned the old engine and coding from WAR... Apparently WoW has a patented code that allows some sort of "estimate" system that allows synchronicity between the server and all the players involved in the ability activating. I believe the lack of this is what causes the ability lag or whatever people are calling it.


I would also like to say that although the polygon count and graphics of SWTOR are "better" than WoW... The actual textures and artwork for I'd say maybe 50% of the zones/objects are just similar or even worse... The graphics also contribute to more system and fps lag, which for me has been crippling alongside the issues with combat fluidity.


Finally I'd like to say that although I have enjoyed the single player aspects of the game. I have just finished act 1 on my 33 Jedi Sage and literally have no motivation left to level to 50. I have already rolled a trooper as have many of my friends as we understand that the issues with combat fluidity are less noticeable with troopers abilities. I will not be playing after my first month if I don't feel the game has improved, sadly. Because I had high hopes :)




"Go back to WoW" - I would go back if I didn't hate it. Because I miss the combat mechanics so much.


"Game is brand new, let it evolve" - No. Technology does not evolve from the same point every time. You get brand new mobile phones, pc operating systems, other types of software... These are, the majority of the time, improvements on the last version or similar competitors in the area. You are saying WoW has been around for 7 years... Well that's a lot of time for mistakes to be made and learnt from. Bioware needed only to look at WoW and learn from its mistakes.


"I don't get any ability lag, must be your computer or your internet..." - No. Granted I have fps lag sometimes due to an older gpu. But there are severe issues with fluidity in this game related to coding and how your character interacts with the server.


Continue to be ignorant and enjoy your game. I want you to SERIOUSLY mark my words that this game will go the same way most other failed MMO's have since WoW's release due mainly to the problems listed here. Thanks for reading.

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Good Review. I would give it an overall higher score btw.


I'm only lvl 30, in fact I ended Tatooine yesterday. The game is fun as hell, very entertaining and as expected from Bioware. However I think the main problem on SW:Tor are the graphics.


For example, my computer runs skyrim great at maximum, however it does pretty bad with SWTor at medium graphics. Dunno why this happens but it means the optimization of the game is just BAD.


Other issue affected by graphics and I think also by lag, is the responsiveness of the character. I hate things like: a skill being done seconds after you pushed the button, or that weird thing of hitting the enemy with the lightsaber when u are just meters and meters far from him, etc. I really hope SWTor take AoC as an example to do a great graphics and character-responsiveness work.


As something to emphasize, I have to mention the incredible OST the game has, usually the music of a game don't call my atention but this one made it since the very beggining. I have mentioned I've just ended Tatooine, and omg what a cool music! :p



Edited by soujirop
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That was a good review, not much there to disagree with, and the one thing you said that was interesting to me is that you can get a good feel for the healing/damage/ and rotation without a parser or something like recount. That is a good thing, I feel anything that bioware writes in that regard should satisfy those who feel the need to number crunch, but I really feel as if that is not a necessary thing but something to go on a wish list, and not a 3rd party program.


Of course reviews are useful for us, but I think that Bioware must have their own list of objectives that we are not privy too.


Nice write up! :)

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This was absolutely a very good review. though there is something I disagree with. First I see the problem with the "character responsivnes", but I like that the animation is done before it happens. I know many does not agree on this.


Second the graphics I think deserve a 8.8/10, because it's normally very detailed and beautiful. Plus the way bioware choose to make the graphics was smart, it won't age so fast in looks, and it's easy to upgrade. Still I see the problems with low-res armor and such.


And the missions and leveling I would have given a 9.8/10. I know many will disagree, but hear me out. Before I could never play an MMO long, because the lack of story, cut scenes, and voice-over made me get bored of it.

But this keeps me attached to the computer for hours when I am still sleepy. Just so I can see how it goes with that and that person. This was a game changer for me, and Tor would absolutely not been the same without. And your point about getting lost, not knowing whats the point with your mission, I agree and disagree. I did not feel I was lost in the amount of quests and not knowing the point of them like in other MMO's. And if I did, I would just read the mission description. Still I see your point, but I feel it less here than in other MMO's


And the space combat is pretty good, it gives something to do outside of the normal MMO playing, and gives good rewards from it. + you feel pretty bad *** while doing them. :cool:

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As a pvp'r,

I sign this petition to decrease overall Character Responsiveness and Ability Delay to improve PvP gameplay especially. At high competitive levels you should not feel towed by a delay where the duration is longer than a puppet on strings. Tighten the rope !


0.5 seconds have been reported thus far, if thats accurate as an experienced PvP player - I will agree with the remarks that it feels like half your life has passed on by...

Edited by vosspacer
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