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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pre-Order Crystal.....please Bioware please


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Ok, so the pre-order cystal is available at lvl 7, then no more til lvl 47. Come on! Please add some in between. It is very nice that I can get the cool looking crystal, so thank you for that, but 40 levels of no crystals??? Certainly ou don't expect us to use the lvl 7 one with such puny stats on it for that long?
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It's possible that they do intend for you to use it.


But Leveling up I don't see it as an issue really. The mods and stats in your other items will more than make up for it if you just want to keep using that color till 47. It's really not a big deal leveling, but I do see where you are coming from so hopefully your issue is resolved but if not at least you have a decent plan B.

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you can purchase a higher leveled version of the pre-order crystal from the pre-order crystal vendor found on the fleet. you may even acquire a lvl 55 suitable pre-order crystal for credits. so you are probably unaware of this vendor. the vendor is called pre-order crystal vendor and is found in the main area on the fleet cant remember which wing exactly


You apparently did not read my post. I indeed made acknowledgement of the ability to by another pre-order crystal at a later level. The problem is that that level is 40 levels later.

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you can purchase a higher leveled version of the pre-order crystal from the pre-order crystal vendor found on the fleet.


Er yes, the next available level after level 7 is 47. No crystals for the levels in between, which is the problem.


@OP: While I understand the frustration, I also noticed that crystal stats aren't really all that important during leveling. I used the level 7 crystal until I could use the level 47 resp. level 50 ones. The loss of stats can be compensated though augments or higher quality mods (unless you level in fully augmented purple gear, of course, in which case the stats from the crystal don't need to be compensated because your gear is already overkill). ;)

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At least you can use the color if that is something you like (I find it ugly), while my white CM crystal that has been unlocked in collections can't be used by any of my sub 50 characters while every other CM color can be, nor is there a lower stat versions available to use at lower levels.


I would love to see a future patch remove stats (or normalize them) from all color crystals along with the level requirements and just let people use whatever color they want, whenever they want, be it a basic artifice color, a CM color, a special event color, or a Pre-Order color.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I would love to see a future patch remove stats (or normalize them) from all color crystals along with the level requirements and just let people use whatever color they want, whenever they want, be it a basic artifice color, a CM color, a special event color, or a Pre-Order color.


I dont think taking away from people that spent real money would go down too well. :)

Ive suggested before that they should just make every crystal in the game, regardless of where it comes from or how it is obtained, 10/41

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I have used that crystal from 7 to 50 on many characters, the stats of color crystal have little to no importance that it doesn't mater. If anything they should just remove the stats from all crystal and just let you use what you want from the get go.
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I have used that crystal from 7 to 50 on many characters, the stats of color crystal have little to no importance that it doesn't mater. If anything they should just remove the stats from all crystal and just let you use what you want from the get go.


Um, no. Color crystals are my main source of credit income for my toons. If stats were taken away, artifice would be virtually useless.

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Um, no. Color crystals are my main source of credit income for my toons. If stats were taken away, artifice would be virtually useless.


Easy solution: Split the slot in two. One "Colour" slot, like armor has for dye kits, and one "power crystal" slot. That way artifice can still produce power crystals that give stats, while people can choose the colour they want.

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Stats from the crystals do matter. you put two +41 endurance crystals in at level 10 that is 820 hit points that you can not get from a low level crystal that makes a lot of difference in a fight at low levels. Now if you are a gaming god and you never make mistakes or you always have someone to play with then the stats are not that critical. Bioware don't take away the stats from all crystals just give the preorder people a level 10 crystal with +41 stats which I know you can do. Edited by SteelTriton
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just reduce the level of all preorder crystals to 10.


Stats and price remain the same, that way players can still buy the lower level crystals or just spend 250k for their yellow/black and use it at level 10.

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Um, no. Color crystals are my main source of credit income for my toons. If stats were taken away, artifice would be virtually useless.


Strange, you must not be on the same server as me, cause i never see any colour crystals on the GTN that are not the cartel market ones and the only other crystals are level 50 ones.

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Strange, you must not be on the same server as me, cause i never see any colour crystals on the GTN that are not the cartel market ones and the only other crystals are level 50 ones.


Hm, our server usually has pretty much all regular crystals in all qualities listed on the GTN. And they sell, too. (Sold some of prototype quality that I got as mission rewards.) Some people wish to use pure red for their Sith lightsabers or pure green/blue/yellow on their Jedi Consular/Guardian/Sentinel. And the only way to use those colors during leveling is to use regular crafted crystals. Is your server a pvp server, perhaps?

Edited by KyaniteD
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