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The Zen of Soloing


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The funny thing about SWTOR, the further up in gear you get, the more solo-able things are.


If I had an issue with grouping at all its that it still takes too many people to do end game content like Ops. It leaves smaller, more tight knit groups out in the cold unless they want to deal with pugs or get absorbed into some other group's drama and issues.


Then there is the whole "more you overtake the plumbing, easier it is to stop up the drain" problem with larger groups. More breaks, more issues and more of a chance for things to go south. Larger groups simply have more things that can go wrong with them.


In my ideal SWTOR, Story mode would have been balanced for 4 man, HM for 8 and NiM for 16 players. At least that would have been more representative of what was really more difficult about them.

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And you both managed to choose a text colour that's impossible to read without hurting your eyes. Congratulations.


Sorry, my selection of font color was ungood. I was too busy meditating and neglected to account for your aesthetic sensibilities.



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I am fine with people writting in not standard colours here on the forums (I do so myself pretty much since I joined the forums), but please consider to use a brighter colour, to dark colours are a little annoying to read on the background of the forum.


On the zen of soloing: sure, whatever floats your boat, but why do you have to open a thread for this?


I hear ya. But I was stuck at work yesterday (Saturday) with almost NO work to be done. So I was bored and pissed and you know what they say about an idle mind being the devil's workshop. And with me being a Sith and all; well, I'm sure you can understand that I just HAD to do it...

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Mayo on turkey though. Always mayo on turkey.


Totally agree.


Sadly, mayo = 100% fat. Damned low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels! So mustard it is -- salty and vinegary.


Ever wonder if Sith get covered under the Empire's healthcare plan? Wonder what the monthly premium and copays would be...

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I tried that keyboard as a demo unit in a store a while back. I considered buying it because it's a really cool concept, but I thought that it was one of the more awkward feeling keyboards I have ever used. So, in the battle of ergonomics vs OCD about cleanliness, ergonomics won. :p


Last week I up-turned my keyboard and shook it vigorously. Jeez, couldn't believe the crap that came out. Fortunately most of the debris was not moving.


I'm just too used to my Dell board to change. Also, I need a board that can withstand me striking my head against it with great force. Needs a resistance up to at least 4 -G's.

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Of two things I am certain:


Electric blue on black, makes me go blind.


And, I too am a solo player for pretty much all the reasons the OP posted. I'm fine with it. I also agree with the poster above me, that there should be solo versions of things, so that we can see the stories. People are obnoxious with their space bar clicking...and I'm not one of those. I'm here for story. (Like anyone who knows me, knows. ;) )


When your toon is inside a building or installation, have you ever panned your camera view to look at the ceiling? I never cease to be amazed at the loving detail that the designers put into graphics that many players never bother to see. I'll always enter into rooms even if they aren't mission objectives to take in the view. Try doing that in a group when your mates are blowing through the content. If you stop running for like 10 seconds they're yelling at you in chat to keep up.


Nah, I want to take the time to admire the scenery.

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When fly solo, you get so much freedom to do what you want.


No things to attend too.


When you want to take a break, you have the freedom too.


I can't tell you the number of times (after consuming massive quantities of liquids) I'm gasping for a bio break and my mates are charging through the content.


It's not a coincidence that tea rhymes with pee.

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I don't get what the point of this thread was. Did someone get upset that you wouldn't group with them or something?


Nope, I was stuck at work yesterday with nothing to do -- and my fingers got itchy.


In the immortal words of Dr. Freud: sometimes a light saber is just a light saber. Or did Jung say that? Whatever...



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I'm curious, I've always used Purple... Is mine as hard to read as that?


I used to use Light Blue, might change back...


I think your color selection is spot-on. Believe the color might be magenta (purplish-red). Love your avatar BTW!



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I'm curious, I've always used Purple... Is mine as hard to read as that?


I used to use Light Blue, might change back...


On a black background? Yes. Hard to read, although not as bad as the dark blue the OP used. I'd recommend either using the standard colour, which is perfectly readable, or at least one if the brighter ones. Dark on Dark is hard to read.


Regarding said OP; maybe you might want to try and edit your posts instead of creating new ones for each answer you post. It looks a little... spammy if about half the thread are just your responses to people. You could've easily put all that into just one post.

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On a black background? Yes. Hard to read, although not as bad as the dark blue the OP used. I'd recommend either using the standard colour, which is perfectly readable, or at least one if the brighter ones. Dark on Dark is hard to read.


Mmm, Ok!


I've used it for quite some time in the Star Wars Discussion section (all the regulars there use Colored font, to tell quotes etc easier in debates and the like) and it's the first time I've really thought about it. No one really said anything to me there, but I'll head back to blue soon :p

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Beats me why people feel the need to change to "snazzy" colours and fonts. Is it just showing off?


You may think it makes you a special snowflake, but hey, what it actually does is make me skip to the next post made by a sensible person who used the default font and text colour. If I have to make my eyes hurt to read what you said, I ain't that bothered about reading it.

Edited by PLynkes
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Beats me why people feel the need to change to "snazzy" colours and fonts. Is it just showing off?


You may think it makes you a special snowflake, but hey, what it actually does is make me skip to the next post made by a sensible person who used the default font and text colour.


No, when I post in a different colour I either think it looks pretty or I want to have a change from all that white on black (or both). Nothing to do with showing off.

Edited by Sorei
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Beats me why people feel the need to change to "snazzy" colours and fonts. Is it just showing off?


You may think it makes you a special snowflake, but hey, what it actually does is make me skip to the next post made by a sensible person who used the default font and text colour. If I have to make my eyes hurt to read what you said, I ain't that bothered about reading it.


Same for me. The website layout is designed for contrast and readability. I don't understand why people have to mess with it, especially in a way that shows disregard for the potential reader by using dark font on dark background. I skip those, too. And maybe it's better they solo their content if they exhibit the same level of consideration for their groups. :rolleyes:

Edited by KyaniteD
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Same for me. The website layout is designed for contrast and readability. I don't understand why people have to mess with it, especially in a way that shows disregard for the potential reader by using dark font on dark background. I skip those, too. And maybe it's better they solo their content if they exhibit the same level of consideration for their groups. :rolleyes:
Your signature is kinda ironic ;P
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Actually, most people I come across in this game should have been solo players, the arrogance they dsiplay is simply not suited for group enviroments. My biggest pet peeve, how people think it's perfectly fine that a party of 15 has to wait for them.

Or today when someone was looking for more players for a World Boss run. We finally got a couple of people and headed for Belsavis.......and then we spent 15 minutes waiting for a couple, INCLUDING THE OPS LEADER, while they unlocked the map. Just how *********** stupid and arrogant can you be? Then I'm all of a sudden coming off as an *** for not putting up with it and manifesting my irritatation. Next destination, Hoth, and the same thing repeated itself. It gets better, I explicitly told the group to not invite more players because everyone was almost at the boss and the group was big enough. Did they listen? Of course not so all of a sudden we have to wait for yet another guy who first sat on the fleet for 5 minutes.


Other annoying stuff:

*The constant AFK'es in operations. The best part, when someone just got back from an AFK and the next one calls out "brb". What the ****!!!! You couldnt have done whatever it is you're going to do while we waited for the first guy?

*People joining content with no clue on where to go or what to do. Have you heard of the internet and Youtube?

*People blatantly lying about things such as knowing mechanics. Five minutes later and we've all wiped because someone ran on a side-quest and triggered three mobs.

Edited by MidichIorian
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While I understand that this can be irritating, I'm kinda bemused that you think a waiting period of fifteen minutes is something worth being upset about. Yes, it's a tad annoying, but honestly. It's fifteen minutes.
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While I understand that this can be irritating, I'm kinda bemused that you think a waiting period of fifteen minutes is something worth being upset about. Yes, it's a tad annoying, but honestly. It's fifteen minutes.
It was 15 minutes once they had reached Belsavis. I looked at my clock and it had taken a total of 40 minutes between I was invited and we actually attacked the boss (and only two were invited, fairly quickly, after me) . Then it was another 15 until they had reached Gargath on Hoth. I left on snowblind as that was taking another ten minues. I'm fine with them making a day out of it but that's something they should announce before they start advertising in General. Do that crap with guilds.


And where exactly do you draw the line? What if someone organizes a 16-man DF and just when you think you're going to enter the leader is telling you that you have to wait because he hasnt finished the story arc and he wants to do that first or he won't be getting the rewards from the first mission. On that note, I find it incredibly annoying when people join DF/DP and havent unlocked Oricon or when I all of a sudden see "where do I enter" from the fleet.


Personally I'm trying to come as prepared as possible but I guess the common unemployed basement dweller doesnt have to care about such things IRL so why would they in a game.

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While I understand that this can be irritating, I'm kinda bemused that you think a waiting period of fifteen minutes is something worth being upset about. Yes, it's a tad annoying, but honestly. It's fifteen minutes.


its the principle of thing. its the fact that some people think that other people don't matter, that their time is not important. when you waste other people's time by making them wait, because YOU messed up? you are being disrespectful.


yes emergencies happen, but that doesn't sound like an emergency, that sounds like people being unprepared and honestly? kinda rude.


some people have limited time to play, and you just wasted a chunk of that time - time they could have spent actualy playing instead of waiting for you (general you)


honestly, this attitude of belligerence towards other people's time is why I rarely pug nowadays. rarely have enough patience reserves to tolerate "the waiting game"

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The part about people going AFK reminded me of something from a recent run of Colicoid War Games. We got through the two cannon parts, did the first fight or two in between that section and the first gate puzzle, and then the healer says "brb 1 min"... Then 5-10 minutes later he gets back and types "back" and then immediately leaves the group.
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