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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

There Needs to be SERIOUSLY Better Policing of the RP Servers


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I did earlier in this thread but everyone seemed to miss that post...

Thanks to Wylf who posted the rules again tho so I didn't have to :)


The point is that they are not actively policing the names tho. So if you see names that violate the rules and you don't like it, you'll have to report it for anything to happen.


Even so I do recall , when joining SWTOR on an RP server , there was a message underneath it which stated something along the lines of no naming policy on said RP servers. Now I can't find it and can't link it , but it was there and was the main reason why I joined said RP server. Plus I wasn't used to PVE and / or PVP and / or RP server names. I used to play MMO's without such server types. So I joined the most appropriate.


My character names , consist of a couple of band names , band related names or song name related and anything to do with a children's cartoon called willow the whisp. I have used Willow the whisp names for about 8-10 years now. I realise that , some RP server users don't understand some of my names and can tell some have been /ignored , but maybe they should ask why I am called such a name ? Anyway I don't RP , well I do a little bit , well all the time on the mic , I do play differently on my different characters. So I RP within my own little RP bubble I guess.


I met a Haamsolo the other day and I have had a game with Davekills the other night both seemed nice people.





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My only question is, if this was implemented, who would be affected and why?


There's a character limit on names and it's just two characters short of the name I wanted to use for my Chiss. So I just ended up calling her "Snowflake".


This actually works as Csllia'nahe'artic lorewise is impossible to say if you aren't a Chiss. So she just goes by "Snowflake" which is the rough basic translation of her core name.


So there is an actual legitimate RP reason why there is a Chiss running around named Snowflake.


My Black Ops soldier often uses the line "Wow, your parents must have hated you to name you that" if a badly named character makes the attempt to actually RP.


While the state of my server is less then ideal when it comes to who is there to roleplay and who isn't, and I certainly have questioned these people again and again.


I would prefer not to lose the names I have gotten to work in this manner.

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Even so I do recall , when joining SWTOR on an RP server , there was a message underneath it which stated something along the lines of no naming policy on said RP servers. Now I can't find it and can't link it , but it was there and was the main reason why I joined said RP server. Plus I wasn't used to PVE and / or PVP and / or RP server names. I used to play MMO's without such server types. So I joined the most appropriate.


My character names , consist of a couple of band names , band related names or song name related and anything to do with a children's cartoon called willow the whisp. I have used Willow the whisp names for about 8-10 years now. I realise that , some RP server users don't understand some of my names and can tell some have been /ignored , but maybe they should ask why I am called such a name ? Anyway I don't RP , well I do a little bit , well all the time on the mic , I do play differently on my different characters. So I RP within my own little RP bubble I guess.


I met a Haamsolo the other day and I have had a game with Davekills the other night both seemed nice people.






No, there is a notice that goes something like "there are no special rules for these servers".

The regular rules of conduct are still valid.


And to those who think the rules are not enforced, I have reported numerous names and I have confirmed that some of them have been changed (in fact, all of the ones I have checked on have been changed). It just takes a while before the CS gets to your ticket. (I'm sure name rule violations are not at the top of their list)

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Be nice if they just added an easier way to report the name violations.... As of now you have to either target the person to report them, or open the whole petition system, and do that song and dance. Unless there is a / command I do not know of. A /reportname [ ] would be nice, or right clicking on them in chat with that option popping up would also be nice.
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No, there is a notice that goes something like "there are no special rules for these servers".

The regular rules of conduct are still valid.


And to those who think the rules are not enforced, I have reported numerous names and I have confirmed that some of them have been changed (in fact, all of the ones I have checked on have been changed). It just takes a while before the CS gets to your ticket. (I'm sure name rule violations are not at the top of their list)


Ah maybe that was it , thanks for clearing that up. Yeah RP server sounded the more friendly of the 4 server types to me right before launch. I'm sure they do get users to change names. I honestly think the name ruling is more relaxed since , well they lost a lot of subbs though. Do you know if they have forced name changing in recent months ?


I have had my 16 character names since before the second server merges and if Bioware ever ask me to change any , I will not :) , mind you I can understand some people thinking my one characters name "Carwash" to be unusual but she was indeed a cat in willow the whisp :) a male cat but still.She will never ever change her name.





Edited by BadOrb
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As oddball mentioned in his edit, the policy is enforced via a report-based system. Report the name and it should be taken care of. If you see people with such names they probably haven't been reported.


If they even get to it, I reported a duo of mirialans that run around in slave gear named "Fookme" and " "Fookyu" several times already.


I couldnt remeber here out of game if they were spelled with uu or oo but you get what the names were supposed to be, the characters were designed with very asian features. So not only obscene, but racist as well.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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If they even get to it, I reported a duo of mirialans that run around in slave gear named "Fookme" and " "Fookyu" several times already.


I couldnt remeber here out of game if they were spelled with uu or oo but you get what the names were supposed to be, the characters were designed with very asian features. So not only obscene, but racist as well.


Obviously not a fan of the Austin Powers trilogy then are you. It isn't racist at all. Go watch GoldMember I think they where in.





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Trust me, those guys will find their way onto RP Servers even if RP rules are existing. The only way to keep that from happening would be manual unlocking, like some Neverwinter Nights shards to, where you need to file an application, with character backstory and all, before they allow you to play on their server.


There seem to be quite a lot of people who actively target RP Servers, while harboring an intense hatred or disgust for roleplayers. I don't think I'll ever understand that mindset.


DAoC did a excellent job at enforcing names and removing the RP Trolls that they all but eliminated both negatives.


It can be done

It has been done


EA just lacks the desire to do it


Model on how to successfully achieve a healthy and proper RP server existence is already in place for them to follow.

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Bioware no longer actively searches for naming issues. I've turned in so many people with gibberish names on Makeb who are using stealth characters to gold farm. They don't take action unless reported.
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Bioware no longer actively searches for naming issues


No longer? :X I'm pretty sure they never did. It's unreasonable to expect that, the workload that would cause is unimaginably high. Especially if you consider that the Gamemasters that search for names that might violate the rules of conduct can't work on regular tickets while doing that, so you have to hire new people for that job and pay them. It simply wouldn't be a feasible business model, especially not since the game went f2p.


I'm pretty sure there isn't a single large scale MMO out there that ever did actively search for ToS violations. It's simply impossible to do once you reach a certain amount of players. Might work on small scale projects with a few thousand players, but everything larger than that makes it impossible to actively police the game, simple because it would cost way too much money.


Hell, most MMOs don't even punish ToS violations passively, if they aren't severe.

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Nothing can be done about horrible names. I just dont understand why people would name a character something stupid anyway? How much satisfaction do you actually get from hitting that epic achievment and remembering that your name is Fluffy ToadScum.
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Nothing can be done about horrible names. I just dont understand why people would name a character something stupid anyway? How much satisfaction do you actually get from hitting that epic achievment and remembering that your name is Fluffy ToadScum.

There are some people that do it because they find it funny. Others do it simply to create an effect.


One of the players in my first guild, quite a long time ago, would purposefully create offensively-named alts just to see how long he could go before getting in trouble. :/

Edited by Khevar
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No longer? :X I'm pretty sure they never did. It's unreasonable to expect that, the workload that would cause is unimaginably high. Especially if you consider that the Gamemasters that search for names that might violate the rules of conduct can't work on regular tickets while doing that, so you have to hire new people for that job and pay them. It simply wouldn't be a feasible business model, especially not since the game went f2p.


I'm pretty sure there isn't a single large scale MMO out there that ever did actively search for ToS violations. It's simply impossible to do once you reach a certain amount of players. Might work on small scale projects with a few thousand players, but everything larger than that makes it impossible to actively police the game, simple because it would cost way too much money.


Hell, most MMOs don't even punish ToS violations passively, if they aren't severe.


DAoC did a excellent job at enforcing names and removing the RP Trolls that they all but eliminated both negatives.


It can be done

It has been done


EA just lacks the desire to do it


Model on how to successfully achieve a healthy and proper RP server existence is already in place for them to follow.

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Ah maybe that was it , thanks for clearing that up. Yeah RP server sounded the more friendly of the 4 server types to me right before launch. I'm sure they do get users to change names. I honestly think the name ruling is more relaxed since , well they lost a lot of subbs though. Do you know if they have forced name changing in recent months ?


I have had my 16 character names since before the second server merges and if Bioware ever ask me to change any , I will not :) , mind you I can understand some people thinking my one characters name "Carwash" to be unusual but she was indeed a cat in willow the whisp :) a male cat but still.She will never ever change her name.






Actually, the name "Carwash" wouldn't be against the rules.

As for the other names, it would take someone to report you for anything to happen.


If they even get to it, I reported a duo of mirialans that run around in slave gear named "Fookme" and " "Fookyu" several times already.


I couldnt remeber here out of game if they were spelled with uu or oo but you get what the names were supposed to be, the characters were designed with very asian features. So not only obscene, but racist as well.


Did you just report their names or did you explain why the names would be racist and obscene?

I find that the more detailed an explanation you give, the better.

I ran into someone who had a really obscene and racist name, but it was in swedish. So I explained in detail what the name meant in swedish and that there are many swedish players in SW:TOR and I haven't seen the guy since then.

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Totally agree with OP here.

I'm not a RP nazi, but the game is pretty immersive and you choose to play on a RP server because you don't want to break the immersion. I can totally understand people who don't want to roleplay seriously 24/7, but at least, we need some rules and advertisment about names and minimum "communication decency" (about that, sorry for my poor english).


I play on french server (plize don't force choke mi) and it's not rare to play with Darth Darkkiller and Obilol Kenonoob. I'm just asking for some pop-up windows at the character creation, with three lines about naming, leetspeak and immersion and perhaps a link to non-RP server, so the new player can find his way easly.

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I kinda feel for OP and RP players. HOWEVER, there is NO WAY I can see BW/EA policing a server just to do name checks. Seems like more resources would be used than what they will ever have. And I play with the idea or doing RP to get away from the annoying people that breed on Harbinger. However, I found that RP servers are identical to the others. Trolls in gen chat, loot ninjas, politics, religion, etc....
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Remember that now everyone was on an RP server when they all got merged. My guild came from an RP/PvE as did many others.


Do all these RP-ers delete their characters the second they die in game? No? Then politely get off my lawn!

I... really don't get your argument there. Care to elaborate?
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Remember that now everyone was on an RP server when they all got merged. My guild came from an RP/PvE as did many others.


Do all these RP-ers delete their characters the second they die in game? No? Then politely get off my lawn!


Umm... RP servers ARE RP/PvE...

So are you saying your guild came from an RP server to another RP server?

How does that help the discussion?


And as I (and others) have already pointed out, there actually IS a naming policy that forbids some of the names the OP is annoyed at. So those people are violating the rules. So how about you getting off our lawn instead?

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There are no additional rules for RP servers. So of course there won't be additional policing. People were complaining about that since before launch, but Bioware doesn't really seem to care.


Get used to it. Roleplayers aren't the target group here. They don't care about us and they never will. All you can really do is to ignore the guys with the silly names and move on.


Replace RPers with PvPers, Crafters or PvEers and it would still be accurate. I honestly don't really know WHO Bioware caters to...It seems as though they don't care about ANY particular group at all.

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