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Can this game get any easier?


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I have to admit I find it pretty easy myself, however I'm in full auged 180 gear so its kinda my own fault. I think newer players and those with less gear or without all the class buffs/ legacy gear to send mods to alts will find it more challenging. I'm the victim of my own success I guess. I also don't do nightmare oops so its all my own fault.
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First, the game was never hard, though there were a lot of time sinks and QOL annoyances in the launch game that have been removed or lessened.


And thank god you aren't running the game, all we need is to go back to the time where speeders were hardly allowed anywhere, we had no legacy abilities, buffs, and perks, no XP boosts for alts, no Group Finder and daily lock-outs on content like FPs existed....all so we could level more slowly, take forever to get anywhere in game, ***** about ability lag and the Ilum slideslow, and stand around Fleet all day spamming 'LFG xxx' just to complete one activity where we then spam our over-powered Biochem reusables that don't have a per fight cooldown.

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Was thinking about it today...

This game became so easy and not challenging I find myself many times go Alt-F4 and back to something else like Eve online or single player games instead on my free time.


Let's start this debate on time period which I started to play in back back when the game was launched. Was something like 1-2 months after game started.


No xp boosts or any perks.

Each character had 1 buff and if u wanted more then 1 type you had to be part of a group.

Only boost to xp was rested xp for which you had to log out while in "rested zone"

When you hit 50 you had to get "daily commendations" for purple Level 51 mods just for starting doing hard mods and other end game content, that daily commendations shenanigans held you long enough on the end game before you went full fledged end game raider.

each planet had its own commendation type so if you wanted specific level of item you had to do missions on that specific planet.

HM had lockout.. you could only finish FP 1 time per day!!

back then each rank of gear added something unique and was obvious with its change to your characters, I remember getting rakata Cunning off hand switching the mods to my MH weapon getting so excited with my dps increase.

Due to the small margin of Item level and character level (max level was 50 and max item level was 58) there was sane level of stats and many of the content types were still challenging even the SM ones.

NO GF > means people had to speak proper English and look for group in chat thus filtering those who can't communicate.

Overall it took back then few weeks to level 50 a fresh character and it took plenty of time to grind the gear from many types of missions and end game content... in fact it was so difficult many people used PVP gear instead on some occasions.


What do we have now?

MANYYY Types of boosts to xp including consumables\perks\double xp events. (add to that +41 crystals from level 10 and treek the most OP companion ever tank that heals himself).

With legacy and zergging of 4 characters to the end of chapter 3 each toon on a server gets all 4 buffs - who needs teaming up?

Again leveling up is so quick that during the latest double xp event my BH got to level 45! and he is still on balmorra!! (imp version).

Upon leveling to level 50 you get access to (58) purple mods (Rakata) with planetary cooms, generic cooms given on all planets. This means you can have full rakata set on the second you ding 50 and then you can do heroics on newbie planets to get more mods for your companions pretty much for free.

Also level 50 content drops "Classic commendations" which grants Black hole gear (61\63) which has SET BONUS on it and again pretty easy to get.

Next is the basic cooms and Black market (69) items for level 55, there is no limit on the daily amount you can get... due to so many quests and weeklys dropping this basic cooms you can get pretty powreful (69) purple set in a day if you are dedicated or few days if you are lazy without any FP or such.

ALL FP got NO Locout so you can grind for free 69 drops on HM 55s or for 61-63 stuff at 50 HM (which are piss easy) without any limit and gear yourself pretty quick... LETS not forget 16 man storymode runs of operations which drops loads of items for the fresh dinged toon.

You can also Augment ALL gear which makes your stats even more stupidly higher then it should be.

Due to the LARGE margin between item and character level (55 > 79) there is stupidly huge stats to all characters which they get pretty easily... I've seen healers with 40k HP and 4000+ main stat already ... this make most content in the game much less challenging and actually boring.

Next is the fact you can now CRAFT the most powerful items in the game including mods\relics\implants etc....

Add to that Legacy bound shells and someone with 8 55s (1 of each class) can get full set of gear with middle fingering the weekly lockout on op in a week without an hassle...


I'll give you now personal example...

My second toon was sith sorcerer... made him back then about 3 months after game released.

Took me about a month to get level 50... took me 3-4 months to gear him with rakata \ BH gear iirc, Each FP (hm) and content including ops I did with him back then was a challenge and each new piece of gear I got I revered and was joyed to have!

Last night I dinged 55 on my scoundral.. he had on storage waiting for him full set of mixed items from 69 to 78 mods including relics\implants and all the rest. 5 minutes after I dinged 55 with him I was healing 16 m TFB ops without breaking a seat steamrolling with the team not wiping on 1 boss (pug team I remind you).

He is so overpowered to the content I'm at right now (makeb) it's not even funny...


Many times I just log in gets loads of cash\new gear and stuff doing some dumbed down tactical mission getting bored and logging out. Also guild ops are not what they used to be even DP\DF we use TS to manage the team and it's so stupidly easy we finish them in less then an hour... I remember EC SM took 3 hours back then and that we used to do it for 2-3 days until we finished it.


So what next? purchase level 55 character with all datacrons and fully augmented verpine set for 5000 CC?


Can this game be any more easier?


Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

Edited by Elfa
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I pvp a lot. There's lots of challenge, especially when a couple people on my teams aren't pulling their weight. And I have real problems making credits - even selling cartel stuff isn't nearly as lucrative as it used to be.
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I pvp a lot. There's lots of challenge, especially when a couple people on my teams aren't pulling their weight. And I have real problems making credits - even selling cartel stuff isn't nearly as lucrative as it used to be.


Spend a week doing dailies. Do Czerka one day, Oricon the next and Makeb the next and the tactical weekly the last day, then use basic coms to buy 7 isotopes, sell them for 130k each and you'll have over a million in 4 days with little time or effort.

Edited by Elfa
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You DO know that "kids" have the best reflexes, right? And past 27 you are pretty much useless in terms of video games performance, right?

I'm trying decide if I should be amused or offended by this rediculous hyperbole.

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I'm trying decide if I should be amused or offended by this rediculous hyperbole.


exactly, as us 'old' sages sit back and watch these 'utes' run around aggroing and button mashing and not actually have a strategy or tactics, and then sit back and boast how good they are.


I CAN HAZ 3500DPS on a dummy but wipe constantly on a raid boss because they are jumping in before tanks standing in places they don't belong. don't listen to raid leaders and think they are the best raiders in the land.


come up with best hybrid specs out there to leach out a few extra DPS yet give up that damage mitigation/interrupt/defensive cooldown skill to make them feel better.

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Someone is confusing convenience to streamline game aspects with making the game "easier." Typical mistake. Nothing to see here. Blizzard already covered this in a lengthy forum post regarding why they offer character perks and different levels of difficulty.


Dragging things on and making leveling slower really has nothing to do with difficulty. Some aspects of the game do get easier with additional buffs and perks but that is to encourage leveling alts and keep you in the game. No one really wants the difficulty of your first character every single time you decide to start over. That would be ridiculous.

Edited by Arkerus
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I like my games easy...real life is difficult enough thanks. I game to enjoy myself and relax. I like being an over leveled, overpowered bad *** who solos fp's and heroics. I love legacy boost, xp boosts, and think the 2xp weekends are the greatest invention in gaming since the memory card. :D That's why I mostly play single player console games. I can put the difficulty on easy, find some cheat codes, and breeze thru levels. If I want a challenge I can just dress in all red, go to south Memphis, and see how long I can walk around without getting robbed, car jacked, or shot. :rolleyes: (I guarantee it'd take less than 10min)
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Shoot e'm rocks!!

And scord is almost always the king in highsec though this days it depends on which empire you mine at.




I did quests up to balmorra then I did my pvp daily and did FP as I've got them....

At any rate getting no xp even without XP boost double xp thingy I'll skip doing only my class missions and if that planet line is interesting to do with my frest Alt I'll come back later but unless it's first time I'm doing that chain I won't do it if I'm over level to the point I get no xp.


And yes my friend it's cheating. Indeed.

And that is part of my gripe..... I do ops on my main... I did dailies and I got loads of gear I don't need so what we do this days? mail it to a fresh alt.. back then we just sold unneeded gear and rest we gave to our companions. But can you blame me for doing what everyone else are doing?

This entire bound to legacy is cheating system and no you don't need to grind rep every player gets free 2 sets of armor BOL from GSF.

But overall between cheating and "grinding" alone with new character and feel stupid when my guild asks "hay dude u had full set in storage gear yourself and come heal the raid" I prefer to cheat on that instance over feeling stupid.



Again.. my problem is not that the game meant to be casual... that is all good and dandy.

my problem is they make it dummbed downed version of itself and where it will stop?

I'll grind full set of NiM drops with most pimped stuff then week later it will be on CM? :X



I compared the game to itself in different stages.



oh you dear poor pleb I talked before that! that free 99cooms and free pvp set was much later in greater scheme of things and iirc there was a cry-out back then that it's not cool at all.

Also we had Rakata\BH as top dog pretty much since game release until ROTHC but then 69 went nerf into basic cooms and we got so far 2-3 ranks of new gear in much less time...

It sucks to grind for the best gear only to have it lose it's position month later.



If I want accessible story I'll do that weird psycho thing called reading a book, also I might feel extreme get some friends and go to the cinema to watch a movie.

This is a GAME and with story nice and all it needs some gameplay in it... no ?



As usual keep trolling you only hurt yourself in the long run, Bioware might fire you.


dude... let me remind you when last expansion came out. summer. and that come gear? was happening for a few month prior to that. by that point - you had campaign gear and hazmat gear in game. so... you had your basic 49 lvl crafted gear you started with (which is what basic gear really is), your tionese, collumi, rakata, campaign and hazmat.


do you know what months it is right now? middle of april. next expansion is slotted for summer, we are getting our nightmare modes with their version of hazmat gear.. the tears are now as follows. basic gear which is lvl 53, black market/arcanian, verpine and its tier counterpart, a little Kel dragon in a middle there, oriconian and its dread forged counterpart, aaand - now the new nighmare tier.


oh look - kinda nearly exact progression as the last year. with our bumps being much later in a scheme of things. the main difference is that before you just got free starter set and now, instead of vendoring all that gear (which honestly? was always a crappy thing - it didn't make the game harder, it made it more annoying to raid when most of the drops would end up useless, but good luck gearing up possible substitute characters for when mains have to miss a raid) we can now gear alts. so if class switch is needed, or if another progression group is missing a person - you can pinch hit!. oh the horror, the game is too easy, because its giving you motivation to keep raiding >_>


and yeah, like I said - tiers are NOT coming any faster. they are coming at approximately the same pace. and you ALWAYS had to keep replacing your gear. didn't you mention that SWTOR was your first MMO or something? well... let me enlighten you. level and gear reset happens in vast majority of themepark MMO's possibly in all of them, but as I haven't played all of them, I won't make THAT claim. new content comes out? gear resets. its that carot that keeps you going through content - since you need better gear to get through next level of content. and becasue - there's another little fact of life and MMO's - people leave. people get tired, change their minds, move on - ITS NORMAL. companies that care about remaining players? make it more accessible to gear the replacement.


I remember the suck that was trying to gear a new character in World of warcraft burning crusade, before they introduced new com gear and sunwell isle in general (and even then, it still took lots and lots of mindless grinding - which wasn't hard, but it was unnecessarily time consuming). before that - you more or less had to drag your substitute through all the prior content, usually more than once, dragging down progression. this is why in SWTOR, they made gearing a substitute faster. becasue running older content should be a choice for fun, not a necessity because you are stalled in new content until your replacement is geared.


I feel like I need to keep repeating it to you.


takes longer =/= harder unnecessary content cockblocks = /= more challenging, unless the only challenge you care about is to your patience.

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Op is confusing difficulty with fun. Common misconception among gamers.


Failing time and time and time again, repeating the same event continually until the planets, stars, and RNG align just right is not fun to most and marketing has to be aimed at the largest applicable demographic. Hard core gamers that fins such things to be fun are in short supply and very fickled. No matter what you devise, they will spend night and day until they beat it, say they had fun, then leave the game until the next "fun" happens. In the meantime your demographic does not exist and the income required to maintain the game does not either.


in short, its a game, not an alternate reality and leveling is not suppose to be an immense challenge but a fun adventure that progresses to end game, which must also be fun.


For those that want such ultimate challenge there are nightmare modes. If this OP that seeks such challenge has not accomplished all nightmare modes in appropriate level and gear, he has no room to complain.....and I would suggest that he has not.

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Someone is confusing convenience to streamline game aspects with making the game "easier." Typical mistake. Nothing to see here. Blizzard already covered this in a lengthy forum post regarding why they offer character perks and different levels of difficulty.


Dragging things on and making leveling slower really has nothing to do with difficulty. Some aspects of the game do get easier with additional buffs and perks but that is to encourage leveling alts and keep you in the game. No one really wants the difficulty of your first character every single time you decide to start over. That would be ridiculous.


Exactly. There is "challenge" and there is "tedious time wasting". Running across hoth for 10 minutes to get to the point of the quest, or navigating the horrible multilevel maps and roads of Balmorra before traveling for 10 minutes, does not make the game more challenging, but more tedious.

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