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More credits / GSF integration please???


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I used to love running TFB / SnV with the 400,000+ credits you get for the run through (it's been a while, so I may not have these numbers right). However, I've become a GSF exclusive player and as such, my credit wallet has been looking pretty empty as of late. I checked it out last night - I went top in the match on my level 29 toon and got 3380 credits. Decent for that level, not too big of a deal considering I'll play multiple games per level, but my level 55 is only getting 7k for these matches (still topping charts in all categories except deaths). Any chance you could bump this up?


During the course of a 35-40 minute HM FP run (I go through my guild when I want to run these n everyone has aug'd 78 set bonus gear, and one of them has shown me a parse from a boss where he did over 3400 dps), I'd get closer to 50k, plus more off of selling the loot that drops should I win it. 35-40 minutes is just about enough time to play 2 full games / 3 quick ones. That means in the same amount of time, I'm walking away with 14k vs 50+. Any chance we can get a boost in this department? I'm still crafting heavily, but the amount of money I earn as topping the charts should kinda reflect in a larger purse. I dunno how people feel about this, but since I've stopped doing ops to exclusively do GSF, I'm wondering if I should take nights off from GSF just to find a raid, even though I find it less fun.


Maybe my "mount purchasing" addiction has been getting the better of me lately, but I can't be an good GSF pilot and roll around in a scrubby little czerka (hence paying 2.3 mil for the FF mount / 900k for the strike fighter simulator).


This also brings up a side request - care to incorporate more GSF into the regular game. It'd be cool to see exclusive GSF gear (besides the awkward looking imp pilot gear) / mounts that require X games, or X win % in a week (with a minimum game amount), or get rewards for accuracy, win streaks, etc. That way, I don't have to keep taking out loans from my guildies to make sure to grab the coolest mount off the GTN that undercut the next lowest by 25%. Thanks!

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Your correct, for the time invested its not very profitable, in fact doing almost anything else is more profitable. This is a big reason why the queues are so small, you have to really love starfighter combat to get involved, most people simply ignore / dont care.


Im all for more integration. I also like the idea of adding unlock based items whether they be glamour items like armor and mounts or even crafting mats and schematics. Other threads like this have popped up before as well, with some other good ideas, among those are:


incorporating FP into GSF (an idea I love) , Adding GSF stuff to Kuat FP vendor


Items I would like to see:


crafting schems (unique)

crafting mats (unique)

mounts (possibly unlockable / purchasable via mastery)

armor sets

companion armor sets


it would be nice if they added something to GSF that people could "grind" something they could use either to get status / functional items or to earn money. if we had this GSF queues would be consistently and constantly filled. The hard part is doing this without stepping on the toes of other aspects of the game. FP and vendor seems the easiest but I could see them doing this with credits or perhaps "salvage" as well.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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A GSF FP would be insane, but I wonder how they'd be able to make a playing field last the duration of an average FP? Or a new gametype like the ground PVP Voidstar. Still, more $$ / something to grind for would definitely help with the ques across every server.
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While I feel you, especially on the ground game perks (like mounts, or maybe orange armor sets, etc), the actual payout feels pretty decent. It might be a little low, but there's an offset. You spend 10-15 minutes in a match, get 7-8k credits, and there's no repair costs for deaths. And if you're not raiding anymore, repair costs aren't cheap.


My main for GSF is also my main for Raiding. We had been farming both Fortress and Palace HM for a while before NiM Fortress hit with 2.7, so most of my repairs were from our group messing around and trying to kill each other, etc., but now that we're back on progression, the cost to repair has skyrocketed. Graendahl's in all 78 (... err.. 180 now?) correctly itemized gear, with full purple augments. A single combat death costs me just under 7k, and it's not uncommon when we're progressing to blow 100+k on repairs alone, and the new Ops are rather light on non-boss creeps to get credits from. So it's not exactly a lucrative take home.


Now granted, if you're running SM in full 78s, and you are with a group that doesn't mess around trying to get each other killed, then sure, the hour or so you spend in an Op could be relatively profitable. But that still requires getting organized with 8 people, where you can solo queue GSF. So there are definitely trade-offs.


You're never going to become a millionaire playing GSF alone. It's not meant to pay for 2-5 million credit mounts, and I'm perfectly fine with that, and using other means in the game to supplement my income. Or perhaps it might be better to say that I don't look at GSF as being anything other than a supplemental source of income. The money you get gains you nothing for GSF, which is where the Req comes in. If you think about the ground PVP game, it's similar. Don't get much in terms of credits/match, but you get the Warzone Comms to get gear to make you better in PVP. Gear you can't get any other way. GSF is kinda different because it's a total disconnect. I can't use Fleet Req to get a new armor shell for looks in the ground game. And if there's anything I would rather them do, it's change that aspect.


So to sum, I'm totally with you on the integration. I'd love to be able to get new armor shells or something with fleet req or maybe double ship req (in terms of cost, so like 1000 fleet req for a helmet, but 2000 ship req for the same), but while I may feel the credits might be slightly low, I wouldn't want them to be much over 10k/match.


Like it or not, but outside of crafting (which has been shredded in large part with the inability to R/E the top tier of gear... Everyone just kind of defaults to augments and augment kits because they're the only thing that sells regularly), world dailies are still probably going to be the single best way to get credits. You can run Ilum in 15 mins (less if you really hurry), and that can net you close to 80k or so. There's just nothing that can top that kind of production, and that's part of their model. I hate world dailies anymore because I've done them all so many times. In spite of my dwindling bank account, but I kinda think it's right that that's going to hands down be the best way to make money in the game if you're staying away from the Cartel Market.

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I agree that it needs some integration. I think a reputation faction would be a good start, with possibly dyes, armor and schematics, with a mount for max reputation. Just have the daily and weekly award reputation, possibly making them medium rep trophies since there's only one daily and one weekly.
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I have also became full time GSF player, and honestly I am drowning in credits. Of course I was making bigger profits when I was playing the ground game (all the weeklies and ops), but as a GSF player, what do I even need these creds for? :)


They are piling up slowly, I suspect that I could reach "The Wealthy" title by the end of the year, just by GSF.


But yeah, I guess giving people more initiative to play would increase the playerbase.

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On a level 55 ? 125 games call it 150 if you have a bad w/l


The "never become millionaire" thing was a bit of hyperbole. The larger point is it's not a practical way to make piles of creds. 125 games at 10 minutes each, you're looking at almost 21 straight hours of just flight time, and it's probably a little generous to say the average match is 10 mins. More likely 12-15 mins. Add in the queue time, etc.


If I'm looking to make multiple millions (which is what I would consider a "millionaire"), GSF is not a fast/good way to do it. SammyG was talking about buying mounts for 2.3 million. I'm not too keen on running 280-300 matches/month to fund a habit like that, and I'm perfectly OK with GSF not being the ideal avenue for it.


They are piling up slowly, I suspect that I could reach "The Wealthy" title by the end of the year, just by GSF..


This is kind of my point. It's not exactly a lucrative pastime. To put it in perspective:

If you do the Ilum daily (15 mins, ~70k creds/day) every day for a year, you'll be looking at something like 26 million credits for ~91 hours of time. Going with the formula from above (21 hrs/million creds), the same amount of time spent in the cockpit will net you about 4.35 million.


The GSF path will be infinitely more fun. But it's about 1/6 the payout for the same amount of time.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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For a little more math-y fun, let's assume you do only the GSF daily on 1 toon every day for a year.


So you have the Daily Missions:

365 * 8,730 = 3,186,450 credits


The 52 Weekly Missions:

52 * 13,620 = 708,240 credits


And the money from matches (assuming around 12k/day on average. A win means the daily is done, and caps me off at ~8k for the day, a loss means another match, so probably like 1.5 matches/day):

365 * 12,000 = 4,380,000 credits


Add it all up, and you get:

3,186,450 + 708,240 + 4,380,000 = 8,274,690 credits.


So you're definitely spending more time/day than it would take to do the Ilum dailies, and you're making a little less than 1/3 the credits.

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But surely GSF isn't just for making credits in game..... You are better off running dallies while you wait, playing the GTN or anything else..... The GSF credits are more than enough for a low level character, and a high level one can make 100K in about 1/2 hour of casual play. - I know the crafters in my guild who are pretty casual and make several million every weekend. - Credits are easy - If you need to hoard them, stop spending them!


I see many GSF players waiting around the terminal on fleet doing nothing. - Once you pick up the daily and weekly, get out there and earn some cash!

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I used to love running TFB / SnV with the 400,000+ credits you get for the run through (it's been a while, so I may not have these numbers right). However, I've become a GSF exclusive player and as such, my credit wallet has been looking pretty empty as of late. I checked it out last night - I went top in the match on my level 29 toon and got 3380 credits. Decent for that level, not too big of a deal considering I'll play multiple games per level, but my level 55 is only getting 7k for these matches (still topping charts in all categories except deaths). Any chance you could bump this up?


During the course of a 35-40 minute HM FP run (I go through my guild when I want to run these n everyone has aug'd 78 set bonus gear, and one of them has shown me a parse from a boss where he did over 3400 dps), I'd get closer to 50k, plus more off of selling the loot that drops should I win it. 35-40 minutes is just about enough time to play 2 full games / 3 quick ones. That means in the same amount of time, I'm walking away with 14k vs 50+. Any chance we can get a boost in this department? I'm still crafting heavily, but the amount of money I earn as topping the charts should kinda reflect in a larger purse. I dunno how people feel about this, but since I've stopped doing ops to exclusively do GSF, I'm wondering if I should take nights off from GSF just to find a raid, even though I find it less fun.


Maybe my "mount purchasing" addiction has been getting the better of me lately, but I can't be an good GSF pilot and roll around in a scrubby little czerka (hence paying 2.3 mil for the FF mount / 900k for the strike fighter simulator).


This also brings up a side request - care to incorporate more GSF into the regular game. It'd be cool to see exclusive GSF gear (besides the awkward looking imp pilot gear) / mounts that require X games, or X win % in a week (with a minimum game amount), or get rewards for accuracy, win streaks, etc. That way, I don't have to keep taking out loans from my guildies to make sure to grab the coolest mount off the GTN that undercut the next lowest by 25%. Thanks!


Sharp ideas, but shouldn't Bioware finish rolling out the game before making perk tweaks? I mean, we don't even have all the ships released yet. -bp

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Just paid 150k for guild signatures because there's almost literally nothing else to spend my money on. I could buy some cartel market ships, and there's that not-flashfire mount I wouldn't mind having... but I have all ships unlocked except the cartel bomber (I'm not super inclined to play bombers in the first place), and 150k is a drop in the bucket for the mount, which I'll probably never get. Shame, really.


I'm kind of a millionaire -- I think I have ~1.2m on TEH and maybe 1.8m on Pot5 -- but I don't have much of anything to do with my money.


I'm no economist, but the value of credits for pure GSF players seems completely borked compared to the rest of the game.


Partial solution: make a version of ship-to-fleet requisition transfer that can be bought and sold on the GTN. I would suddenly care a lot more about my credits, and maybe even start doing dailies between matches.

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I'm totally in support of this. In fact, this my biggest gripe with GSF... much like the PvE space system, it feels totally removed from the rest of the game.


I love playing GSF, I have a lot of fun. Luckily, enough fun to keep me from playing despite the minimal amount of rewards outside of more GSF requisition.


However, the lack of any connection to the rest of the game is kind of discouraging compared to other activites. Really, the only rewards you get from it are GSF related only, except for a few spare creds. While increasing the amount of credits you gain from these would be the easiest/simplest way to remedy this separation, there are much better ways to go about it, for example providing with some sort of Reputation and/or Commendations that you would use to purchase armor/pets/mounts/toys etc. to be able to display you acheivements in GSF outside of GSF itself.

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