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Solo Rated is for everyone!


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People for the most part don't want to play with ranked players because most of them are not fun to play with or be around. Helping new players? forget about it...most of the ranked players know each other on a given server, and when someone new joins that they haven't seen before those people are usually ignored or talked down to. Hell most times after you win a match most players wont even say GG etc. they just leave.


Its preseason and ranked doesn't even count right now YET people still wont que up! There are a ton of people that play reg warzones that would be willing to move up to ranked if the ranked community would be more accepting of them and help them out.


Joining a match and proclaiming to your team "oh great a bunch of bads" sets everyone up on your team up for failure. If your so good you should be forming the game plan and helping the team win. Instead of being the reason they lose.


Being mean and hateful to people in the end only hurts yourself.


EDIT: Reg warzones are in no way shape or form a good training ground for Ranked play. The only way to become a good Ranked player is to go against the best players over and over until you become one yourself.

Edited by -QuanChi
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Sure they could make 3 times the number of decent players quit queuing, but that's also just theory and assumptions. Ifs, cans, coulds and maybes .




Not an assumption. I've seen it happen many times on Shadowlands. A sorc known for being terrible in arenas has killed solo queue almost every time people find out that he is queueing ranked.

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no ranked are for pvpers that have the gear to run them.


unranked is for "everyone".


Ranked PVP is HM/NiM operations for those that PVP.


No. They are not equivalent in the slightest. One is tiered gear based progression, the other is pvp.

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OP your statistics may work if the field of players truly was 100k deep and everyone played 200k arenas in a seson but in the real world application your statistics are just silly.


If some people are already complaining about the bads that queue up for rank can imagine if we added 70k more players (none of whom felt prepared/geared enough to participate in season 1) to the 30k that participated in season 1? Can you imagine just how bad those players would be? Ranked is the last haven for good players to have consistently competitive matches in the game of SWTOR. If we encourage all the terrible casuals who are undergeared and undermotivated into the ranked population ranked would become meaningless.


People don't like ranked because of comms, people like ranked because ranked is competitive, and because it's competitive it's fun. Don't pollute ranked by encouraging everyone to join.

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People like the OP is why I totally refuse to queue for solo ranked.


Rank is a parameter that more or less indirectly reflects your overall capabilities, I don't want to be 1200 because on my server 95% are so terrible I am playing Eleder Scrolls now (and any NPC in there play WAY better than them here).


Of course in a party for ranked party arena I have NEVER got a pop even waiting for 2 hours. So I have to play another MMO :mad:

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Ranked PVP is coming to a point which good players need to be carried by bads , otherwise so-called good players wont find anyone to play with , waiting for RWZ pop-up for hours. Thats why ranked dailies will be added in next season.


Balanced games only possible with more population. If people who have more experience and muscle memory (not more brains as they think) continue pushing new people away with insults and antisocial behaviours , no measures can save them from becoming alone.


Its just a video game , being dead serious about a game and ratings almost no one ever care about IRL is a sign of psychological disorder. This is my opinion as an experienced health professional. Do your own experiment. Get on the street and tell someone that your rating and how good you re in playing your class...


I support solo rated for everyone , i also support adding personal ratings for every regular pvp objective based match , i support cross servers .... All for a bigger pool of people with ratings for even matchmaking and more balanced games.

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Balanced games only possible with more population. If people who have more experience and muscle memory (not more brains as they think) continue pushing new people away with insults and antisocial behaviours , no measures can save them from becoming alone.

No, ranked is not where you go to become skilled. Lowbies is where you go to become skilled and learn about other classes. Class forums are where you go to become skilled and learn about other classes. Lv 55 reg pvp is where you go to become skilled and learn about other classes. Ranked is where you go to display your skill. Dear lord, it isn't a challenging concept.


Its just a video game , being dead serious about a game and ratings almost no one ever care about IRL is a sign of psychological disorder. This is my opinion as an experienced health professional. Do your own experiment. Get on the street and tell someone that your rating and how good you re in playing your class...


No, holding yourself to a high standard isn't a psychological disorder, it's actually a very good trait and tends to cross over into video games from success in other aspects of life. Naturally being good at things isn't a particularly far-fetched notion. And yes, people can become disheartened when they see a person perform so poorly at such a simple task that the individual either must have not thought at all or somehow contrived a horribly incorrect plan. When someone performs so incredibly poorly that they make it obvious that they should not be in ranked yet, people are allowed to tell that person that they are weighing 3 other people down, not everyone needs to feel stellar all the time regardless of their actual competency.

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I totally agree with the original post. All of the arguments against it are flawed. For example:


Ranked is where you go to display your skill.


But how do you "measure" skill? For every person *you* think is not worthy of ranked, there will be someone better than you who thinks the same about yourself. So by your reasoning you should immediately stop ranked.


people are allowed to tell that person that they are weighing 3 other people down


who gives *you* the authority to do that? From the bible jesus preached:


he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her

may he who is without guilt cast the first stone

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
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ELO doesn't work. I played on a toon with 1400 rating, switched to a 1200 alt and played against the same opponents.




If I have 3 hours to play, and some guy in PvE gear decides he wants to farm comms for that same timeframe, my W-L ratio is going to be horrible. That's why there needs to be a gear req. If you have 28k hp or less, you are most likely going to die in the first 10 seconds of the round and all 7 other players already know this.


Have you never had that 27k hp Mando/Merc healer join the queue for hours at a time? He explodes within seconds of every match, pretty much guaranteeing you a loss.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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ELO doesn't work


It does, or it would.


The problem is that there are not enough players playing. So instead of you waiting 4 hours to play to someone similar rated you end up playing with or against whoever is queued.


If 100-200 bads or noobs played, you would not team up with them. They would team up against each other.

When you intimidate noobs, you actually hurt your chances to play with or against someone on your skill level.

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LF PvE group to carry me through NiM operations, because I want to get out there and have fun, I don't care if I gimp your team. I have 66 gear with no augments, but that shouldnt be an issue, since I just want to have fun and dont care about other players having to carry me. Dont worry, I dont know my class and mechanics, but that shouldnt be issue, since I heard PvE is for everyone. I really like to have fun, I dont care if I ruin your raid run. I just wanna have fun. Did I allready ask you to carry me?



+++++++++++++++++++ and another + just cause its so damn true. I will contact the better pve guilds now and ask them to carry me in ops, it's only fair after all, i wanna have fun and pay for my sub. I have earned this!
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+++++++++++++++++++ and another + just cause its so damn true. I will contact the better pve guilds now and ask them to carry me in ops, it's only fair after all, i wanna have fun and pay for my sub. I have earned this!


missing the point. The bad doesn't want to get carried. he wants to play with other bads just like himself.


Or in PVE terms a bad does not want to get carried. he wants to find similar players to have fun.

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missing the point. The bad doesn't want to get carried. he wants to play with other bads just like himself.


Projecting affable attributes onto these people is just as ridiculous as the others demonizing them.


Nobody WANTS to play with terrible teammates because few people accurately acknowledge their skill level. Get real.

Edited by CaptainApop
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LF PvE group to carry me through NiM operations, because I want to get out there and have fun,


You seriously that Nightmare Mode OPs are FUN ???


Uh-oh ...


Nobody WANTS to play with terrible teammates because few people accurately acknowledge their skill level. Get real.


Yes, but everybody LOVES farming terrible teammates if the other team has them ! Easy wins !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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missing the point. The bad doesn't want to get carried. he wants to play with other bads just like himself.


Or in PVE terms a bad does not want to get carried. he wants to find similar players to have fun.

The point is showing up in wrong or not good enough gear dragging everyone on his team/ops down and the end result is a loss/waste of time for everyone involved
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Projecting affable attributes onto these people is just as ridiculous as the others demonizing them.


Nobody WANTS to play with terrible teammates because few people accurately acknowledge their skill level. Get real.


I don't have swtor specific experience, but wow forums were spammed by bad players crying over getting destroyed by premades or geared people or twinks. They felt that new players should play against new players.

Forgot to say that even in arenas bad players complained when they were facerolled by good players who dropped their MMR or rating on purpose.


It is realistic to say that bads want to play with other bads.


And even if they are not loud enough, they will get bullied, demoralised and unsubscribe saying "**** swtor/wow this game sucks. it doesn't give me a chance to win"

Edited by kreeshak
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The point is showing up in wrong or not good enough gear dragging everyone on his team/ops down and the end result is a loss/waste of time for everyone involved


He is NOT dragging anyone. If you have a big participation you will not play with or against them. Your current experience that the occasional bad will drag you down, is derived from alienating bads and demoralising them out of ranked. Your best interest is exactly the opposite: more people participating will guarantee that you team up against similar rated people.

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Solo ranked is terrible.Filled with BS hybrids that ruined it.

Solo ranked is for two types of players

-People that are too bad to play in competitive group ranked so they use solo queue to scrub rating against other bads

-The other type of player is the one that has "vis Fatalis" under their name and has 3 others with "vis fatalis" under their name on their team 90% of the time.:D


I'm joking about one of these types of players,but can you guess who?:D


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Ranked PVP is coming to a point which good players need to be carried by bads , otherwise so-called good players wont find anyone to play with , waiting for RWZ pop-up for hours. Thats why ranked dailies will be added in next season.


The "original" people who queue for ranked are guys who want to take a challenge, do the closest thing to an e-sport they can within the tight SWTOR limits, they want to prove themselves team vs team like top series football teams do.


Sadly most of them quit the game by now as it does not take a genius to understand quality SWTOR PvP is dead R.I.P.


And Bioware are just quickening the process.


By making solo ranked first and by adding ranked dailies come next season, they have opened and are soon to SLAM open the doors to the "farmer / grinder" mentality players. People who don't want to compete, go in with the top best enahcements and consummable to enjoy a top game but people who go in "just to farm my weekly coms". To them losing fast is same or even better than winning slow.

Regular WZs are choking full of similar players and BW just got the brilliant idea to make them fill the ranked queues as well.


Know what? Better dead RWZ than defiled RWZ that lost all their reason to exist: to prove somebody's top performance being put against somebody else who is also totally bent into winning at all costs.


This is called competition and agonism, it's not a "mental disorder" as someone said.


Actually it's a mental disorder for competitive players to keep playing SWTOR once they obliterate the last bastion holding atrocious farmer mindset players.

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I totally agree with the original post. All of the arguments against it are flawed. For example:


But how do you "measure" skill? For every person *you* think is not worthy of ranked, there will be someone better than you who thinks the same about yourself. So by your reasoning you should immediately stop ranked.


Your statement that there will always be someone that is better than you to the extent that they do not think you should queue for ranked is just plain incorrect. There isn't always a person who plays more more effectively than yourself, because there isn't an infinite potential output of each class. It's ridiculously easy to tell if a person is playing their class to it's maximum, or just a high degree of, potential. The people who play their class at an extremely low degree of its potential should not queue for ranked.


who gives *you* the authority to do that? From the bible jesus preached:


That's a horribly odd statement. For starters, I'm the record holder for HPS for my AC, so if someone were to be one of the judges of who should queue ranked on my server and who shouldn't, it would be me (/strokesePeen). Additionally, I prefer to get my moral guidance from Hume, and to a lesser extent Kant, not Jesus, so that doesn't really bother me.

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You seriously that Nightmare Mode OPs are FUN ???


Uh-oh ...


Yes, in the same sense that anything challenging is fun. Ambitious, skilled, or motivated individuals will find challenging content fun.


Yes, but everybody LOVES farming terrible teammates if the other team has them ! Easy wins !


Not if you were looking for competitive matches.

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