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What was your biggest /facepalm moment?


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My personal biggest facepalm moment ?


- Going to the H4 in Sector X from the Republic Base and managing to stray from the path and land in the lava ...


- In Huttball, throwing a ball into a place where a team mate had been standing, but was gone already because I had been too slow with throwing ...


- In GSF, flying into numerous structures, rocks etc. at the attempt to evade attackers ... Happens minimum 1 x per match ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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My more recent /facepalm moment....A few BBAs ago, I was fighting the droid henchman on Kaas, on the bridge, where he pops up. I was unaware of this guys knock back.... I could see my house as I fell a long long ways down :p



I now line of sight pull him around the broken down vehicle near the bridge.

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My face-palm, or rather head slap occurred on Hutta when I was trying to retrieve a datacron -- that one on the island only reachable by the aerial pipes. Coincidentally, I have retrieved that particular datacron many times before without a problem.


However, I hadn't played the game in a couple of years and my MS has gotten worse. So on that day I tried continuously for 2-1/2 hours. Finally, I'd had enough, was in tears, utterly frustrated, and had vocally said to myself "this is the last try." Of course, I ran right through it without issue.

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My face-palm, or rather head slap occurred on Hutta when I was trying to retrieve a datacron -- that one on the island only reachable by the aerial pipes. Coincidentally, I have retrieved that particular datacron many times before without a problem.


However, I hadn't played the game in a couple of years and my MS has gotten worse. So on that day I tried continuously for 2-1/2 hours. Finally, I'd had enough, was in tears, utterly frustrated, and had vocally said to myself "this is the last try." Of course, I ran right through it without issue.


A couple of HOURS?


How on Earth is that possible?!

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Like a lot of you I'm guilty of trundling off taxi pads and cliffs many times. I have two contenders for biggest facepalm though.

The first happened a few weeks ago. I intended to buy an account wide cargo bay tab unlock on the GTN. I picked up what I thought was it for 700k or so early one morning. I was horrified when it refused to redeem and gave the message that I had already unlocked the cargo bay. Its turns out it was the item that unlocks the cargo bay itself, which subs and preferred get for free. I was pretty upset because I figured I'd never be able to sell it again (I mean f2p players can't even get 700k and it's much easier to buy something on the cartel market to go preferred than find a sub who'll buy it for you). I eventually was able to sell it at a reduced price, but lost about 200k in the process. Since then I never buy any expensive items early in the morning. :p

My second face-palm moment is even more dumb. Recently my main reached level 50 and I discovered the Makeb planetary comm trader on the fleet. Thinking it was a good time to upgrade, I sold all the rest of my non-modifiable armor and removed and sold the mods from the rest of my armor. I knew that my main didn't have enough planetary commendations to buy a full set of mods but thought my level 21 alt (who had cybertech) could make up the difference considering he had about 70 commendations. But when Iogged in with him I found that he was not allowed to purchase mods higher than his level with planetary comms. My main was forced to run around with largely unmodded armor and and do low level heroic missions farm those commendations. :tran_mad:

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I've spent several millions of credits with my leveling Assassin (who i was planning to make my new main character) on cartel packs so i could raise my reputation high enough to buy a marauder-looking chest off the reputation vendor (the one which looks like a robe with a cape). Then, i've spent another 1-2 millions on a black-purple dye for it. Then, when i've finally assembled my set, i've realized that the said chestpiece loks like crap from the close range - very blurred and not detailed. Not to mention it was bugging half the times when i was getting off my speeder. So, all in all, i've put that set into my bank forever and started looking for a new look =/ Edited by Trollokdamus
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I bet I have the worst one. It was on my level 45 or so slinger, and I was back on Tatooine trying to do the balloon thing, I got on after several failed attempts. About more than half of the trip I got bored and decided to stand at one end, jump, and see if the motion of the balloon would make me land on the other side. I jumped and flew right out, surviving with 1hp on the head of a bounty hunter.

[edit] I've heard of some people selling the 'Czerka-Crate o Matic' for 100,000 credits

[double-edit (lol)] Oh, and there was a twi'lek trooper up there with me that I had grouped. She asked me 'why did you do that?' I responded with 'I wanted to see what would happen'. I have still haven't tried again on that character, all of my alts got it no problem on the first try!

[ugg, I hope this is allowed. edit 3] By 'she' I meant female avatar*

Edited by jamarkast
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When EAWare announced their f2p model and said they will be asking money for quickbar, head slot hide, quest reward and title; i thought that was just an experiment and after they will see huge backlash from test server players they will revert their decision but i found out that test server players actually voted that these restrictions are completely alright and f2p should pay for quest rewards and these basic UI features that every piss poor game developer can develop in their backyard. That was the biggest facepalm for me, in my 10 years(or is it more, idk honestly) of online gaming. Edited by BrintoSFJ
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Remember : "Human Imagination is only surpassed by Reality."


I let Trooperclay's incredulity pass because I figured he didn't understand my reference to "MS" was an acronym for multiple sclerosis, a disease that progressively reduces hand-eye coordination and muscular control, in addition to a number of other fun things.


Happily, as I've indicated in another thread, I've found other aspects of MMOs to entertain myself. :)

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Running out of spawn in old huttball, as a commando. Up the ramp I go. Top, by the light post, Jugg leaps to me, throws me back down, leaps to me again. Stun, score.


My friend via voice-chat: "Wow. That Jugg just made you his bit ch". Me ":("


Mega fail...


i have had that happen before, looks pretty epic.

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I've had many, but this one sticks out to me right now.


About a year and a half ago I was fortunate enough to join my (then) guild in my first Karagga's Palace op run. I was super excited! We were going swimmingly along, and I was learning a ton. When we came to the puzzle boss I learned how to do the panels and on our second try, we got him down. We were all having a great time. There were laughs and japes all round.


Anyway, we head through the door and our leader says something like, 'don't go too far. Some enemies spawn, (murder droids or something) and if you're not ready for it we'll wipe.' So we all get together and the enemy spawns, and for whatever reason we wipe. We have a good laugh and respawn. Again, our leader says 'don't run ahead...' but one of our dpser's doesn't listen and he runs down the hall triggering the spawn while only half our team are revived, and the others aren't even healed to full yet. Needless to say, we wipe again. Now, there are still a few giggles, lots of sorry's from our dpser, and our leader in a much more serious tone reiterates not to run ahead. All through this, we're giving the dps guy a hard time (in jest mind you), and I say something like "Dude.... you got a growling...hahahaha". Just being a ******** really. Well... that comes back to bite me on the butt.


We all rez for the 3rd time and for SOME reason I can not explain to this day, I thought the area where the mob spawns was further down the hallway, so I get up...still laughing at my guildy for getting us all killed... and run right into the no-no area. All I remember is my leader yelling..."DON'T!!" before we are for the forth time inundated by naughty baddies and get us all wiped for the forth time.


I felt like such an idiot, and my punishment was paying half my leaders repair bill :p

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mine was when i did some research on cheaters. since release, people in the forum said hacks/scripts do not exist. only speedhacks maybe, but they got removed instantly from the game.. i didnt believe them, and according to other people that put vids on yt, no one in the vids or who they have reported ever got banned.


someone put vids on yt after he had reported some hackers several times. although he didnt mention any names in the title, or even that his vids show them hacking, those hackers whispered him next day after he put his first vid on yt, trying to convince him to drop the issue. he wondered how they did know about it, next day already when that vid only had a few views. and the conclusion is, that if you put content on yt, the owner gets informed. bw.


while there were sufficient indications in the forums, that just made it clear to me. my biggest facepalm moment about this game.

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When I lost 360 affection from Malvai Quinn, a diplomatic and fairly sane character, for not committing mass genocide on Makeb, blowing up the planet and killing everyone. Oh yeah, and Katha Niar's death scene; when I was supposed to feel sorry for and get emotional about a genocidal, incompetent, weak moron who lied to me and constantly disobeyed my orders.
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Today I was doing Oricon. In front of Tower Commader instance I saw Sith Juggernaut fighting multiple mobs. I was playing as Sage and decided to help him out, and attacked mobs. All fine, but I didn't notice I was flagged for PvP :rolleyes: soon not only mobs but also my toon laid dead on ground, later facepalming for herself and thinking what happened :o
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When I lost 360 affection from Malvai Quinn, a diplomatic and fairly sane character, for not committing mass genocide on Makeb, blowing up the planet and killing everyone. Oh yeah, and Katha Niar's death scene; when I was supposed to feel sorry for and get emotional about a genocidal, incompetent, weak moron who lied to me and constantly disobeyed my orders.


Are we supposed to listen to your banther about Katha Niar? Don't you think three threads with you posting about her is a bit... over the top? Bioware will not do anything because a single individual complains.

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When I lost 360 affection from Malvai Quinn, a diplomatic and fairly sane character, for not committing mass genocide on Makeb, blowing up the planet and killing everyone.


I lost more affection with Kaliyo for doing the same - granted, she is a lot more trigger-happy than Quinn, but how could she object to my desire not to destroy the planet that I (and more to the point, she) was currently standing on? How is this a thing to which ANYONE objects?

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Are we supposed to listen to your banther about Katha Niar? Don't you think three threads with you posting about her is a bit... over the top? Bioware will not do anything because a single individual complains.


Yeah, you're actually right. I've posted WAY too much about her. But damn, she just pissed me off so much that I had to do a LOT of venting. Sorry if you disagree, and this isn't going to be a regular thing from me....But wow, I just REALLY hated her.

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4 of them:


My first character, imp agent. Didnt read my abilities at first and only learnt about out of combat heal at lvl 8


Imp agent again, couldnt get advanced class, assumed it was because I wasnt subbed so subbed as "I think I have to sub to get advanced class." still I managed to avoid the horrible f2p restrictions so facepalm turned good


Similar to OP I didnt see the "sniper" tab on the trainer until doing heroic with a sniper, he used cover pulse and I asked him what it was. He then explained the trainer has seperate tab for sniper (I was level 17 before I learnt this)


My Vanguard, got to level 31 and I decided a trooper would look good in KDY adaptive armour. Transferred credits across from other classes, as well as using planetary comms to buy suitable mods for all pieces. 140 planetary comms and 522k (brought weapons and dye too) later I was clicking reputation vendors and saw the "volatile shock trooper armour." Well im not changing my armour after having spent all that on it, just wished I had looked at all the sets before buying.

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Yeah, you're actually right. I've posted WAY too much about her. But damn, she just pissed me off so much that I had to do a LOT of venting. Sorry if you disagree, and this isn't going to be a regular thing from me....But wow, I just REALLY hated her.


That's OK. I post about how much I hate Kaliyo very chance I get ;)

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