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What was your biggest /facepalm moment?


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We all have them, don't try to say you don't. A wrong turn here, driving off a bridge there, should have zigged when you zagged... What was it for you when you put you face in your hands and wondered what the hell were you thinking?


Mine was on my very first toon, a Imperial Agent. I was running around in awe of SWTOR. Actual conversations with NPCs! Missions that made sense! Space ships and guns/light sabers instead of swords and sorcery!!! And in all this I missed something very important.


I made it all the way to level 30 without taking anything in my advanced class... I got my advanced class in the fleet, just didn't think to click on the advance class tab at the trainer! The trainer always had that little plus sign showing I had new abilities to learn but in the general tab there wasn't anything, must have been a bug, or so I thought. I had to totally relearn my class, and oh she killed so much more effectively!!


Not getting your advanced class is one thing, many people seem to miss the mission when they get to the fleet. But missing the advance class abilities tab for 20 levels is truly a /facepalm moment.

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Got my first toon (Guardian Tank) to lvl 50 and went into EV for the first time.

After killing SOA someone whispered me saying "cool lightsaber, where'd you get it?" I started to reply that it was the free Black/Yellow I got for pre-ordering the game when FacePalm

A lvl 50 Tank doing a Operation with a +7 Endurance Crystal in their saber :eek:

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I leveled from 1-50 completely solo, never qued for flashpoints and did few heroics with others. When I was a low level 50, totally convinced that I was awesome (had recently become an officer in my RP guild) a guildmate invited me to help kill dreadtooth on section x. So my sniper, never been in an ops group, shows up on section x in a group of 16 where we kill what I assume was 1stack dreadtooth (which I've killed in a group of four recently). Upon downing the creature, with adrenaline still pumping through my veins, I hastily click need on all of the loot, winning everything, prompting cries of outrage from the group. How could a level 50 not know basic need/greed rules? Guess I was just ignorant... Months later I still look back and laugh.
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Mine is having 3 Tundra Nekarr Cats, when I just started playing (bought them for 4,000 or so, thought they were epicly cute), and selling them for only 70k :eek: Before I found out they were rare and worth millions!!!!! /cry Edited by Hoshkar
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It continues to be the people over level 30 that still use their knockbacks irresponsibly. Also, when I type a paragraph letting people know a strat, and then someone blatantly counters that. Sadly, when that happens, I go and get a drink or go to the bathroom. Some days....
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Biggest facepalm? Ok, so, when I first started, I died a lot. Nothing unusual about that, right? It's just that I found I was constantly spending credits on new armor because mine kept getting destroyed. Yes, that's right, I never noticed the repair option on the vendors! I don't remember what level I figured this out, but it was far later than it should have been. Fortunately, it was all basic leveling crud that I lost, so no big deal. But, man, did I feel stupid about that. :o
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The first time I woke up next to my current boyfriend. Haven't been able to get rid of him for nearly 25 years, he just won't go away :p


Oooohhh, you meant in game, um yeah, that. Most of the time it's when I don't pay attention and run off a platform of one or another either on fleet or the taxi platform of Dromund Kaas. And I think almost all of us have accidentally summoned the Pilgrim on Voss at one point or another. Hey look a glowy clicky thing, what does that do?

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The first time I woke up next to my current boyfriend. Haven't been able to get rid of him for nearly 25 years, he just won't go away :p


Oooohhh, you meant in game, um yeah, that. Most of the time it's when I don't pay attention and run off a platform of one or another either on fleet or the taxi platform of Dromund Kaas. And I think almost all of us have accidentally summoned the Pilgrim on Voss at one point or another. Hey look a glowy clicky thing, what does that do?


Heck yeah! I thought it was a lore object. Oops! :t_tongue:

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A facepalm moment for me was during a flashpoint. I always use a hotkey to instantly target the nearest enemy so I can force leap towards it. I need to mention that first to make what happened make sense.


We were just finishing off a small group of adds when our healer says "afk 2 min phone", at the exact moment I pressed "target nearest enemy" and then force lept to what I thought was the one remaining mob we had been fighting.


Imagine my surprise leaping across the roadway suddenly into a spawn of elites! The entire group of them turn, look at me and roar their displeasure. Oh crap!

I ran back across the road, fists pumping, light saber raised, as fast as I could. Upset I disturbed their slumber the entire spawn decides to give chase. At this moment I also see the tank had written "afk bio" in chat. Double oh oh.


Well we got a complete wipe. Our tank and healer were chewed up as they stood zombie-like. Then our healer quit. I felt terrible.


I honestly wasn't doing a Leroy Jensin style charge, I just hit the target nearest keybind and force jumped into a bad spot. Needless to say we didn't finish that flashpoint and I was called a lot of things I cannot repeat here.

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Heck yeah! I thought it was a lore object. Oops! :t_tongue:


I had a wonderful audience when I did it. Was on my smuggler, being all cool with my freebie STAP cruising around. The three imps standing up on the cliff above watching, probably knew what was going to happen, and it did.

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Let's see. Mine was one of the first times running SnV 16 man. We had a super group fighting all the mobs in the city. I did not wait for them to finish before I started my way through. The tank from the super group pushed a mob from an area right into my path, I instinctively attacked as it landed right in front of me and caused the to group wipe.


I got the cog of shame for the rest of the run.

Edited by Rafaman
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1. Around launch when I first got to Coruscant I ran out of the spaceport and to the edge of the platform. I had been playing Champions Online a lot and in that game no matter what height you fall from you'll always keep a sliver of life. I thought if I jumped off of the edge I could be "on the street" and walk around the city.


2. Sam character, on Tatooine....in gen chat I heard people talking about a skull in the desert and how funny it is when you click on it. I went and looked for it. If anyone here has done this you know what happens. What made it stupid (of me) was I actually came back and did it again. I guess I thought maybe I could take the beast if I wasn't taken by surprise. (I did the same thing in City of Heroes with that giant octopus that would appear. When it smacked me down to faceplant in one hit a passerby asked me "Wow...how many HP did it hit you for?"....my reply: "All of them."


3. trying to be too clever for my own good.....on a jedi shadow I was doing the Czerka missions. There was an imp BH in the facility killing everything on his way to the mission door. I had no intention of attacking him, but I figured I'll just trail behind him in stealth and he'll clear the way for me. I didn't figure he could see me if I got too close and pretty much walked right up behind him. Boy did he fill me full of holes.

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my first Facepalm moment is when I was still new to the game: On Tython I had learned that it was OK to jump over ledges and rocks and usually was a shortcut. so when I got to coruscant and ran past the taxi point I thought 'hey! taxi-point!' and promptly jump over the fence and into the depths of coruscant... needless to say, I didn't survive the trip down ;)


the second was when the option to shuttle to our ships was introduced, I ran from my ship to the shuttle and clicked [to ship] instead of down to the planet... the facepalm moment? I didn't do it once (that would have been understandable) but twice, directly after each other :rolleyes:


and, ofcourse, those many times I've 'tabbed' an enemy not in my immediate vicinity were, quite often, /facepalm worthy :o

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my first Facepalm moment is when I was still new to the game: On Tython I had learned that it was OK to jump over ledges and rocks and usually was a shortcut. so when I got to coruscant and ran past the taxi point I thought 'hey! taxi-point!' and promptly jump over the fence and into the depths of coruscant... needless to say, I didn't survive the trip down ;)
Lol....yeah, as I said I did that jump into the depths of coruscant too. I did it on purpose though, thinking there was an actual street for me to land on. :)

the second was when the option to shuttle to our ships was introduced, I ran from my ship to the shuttle and clicked [to ship] instead of down to the planet... the facepalm moment? I didn't do it once (that would have been understandable) but twice, directly after each other :rolleyes:

I did that so many times one night I got frustrated with myself and logged off.


and, ofcourse, those many times I've 'tabbed' an enemy not in my immediate vicinity were, quite often, /facepalm worthy :o


This...because it just happened to me like 15 minutes ago. I was on my 55 GS looking for the Seed of Dread on Tatooine. First, a question if anyone knows....


If you've tabbed an enemy player and they stealth, do they still show up on the display? I ask because I saw an inquisitor, also 55 in the same area as I travelled to the point I was looking for. I had stopped to scavenge something. I'm sure they saw me and I figure the inquisitor had stealthed because I didn't see them in the area, but on my display I could see the distance they were from me initially counting down from about 100 meters to maybe around 70. Then it stopped and started going higher. I had decided to stand my ground if the imp attacked. I'm guessing she decided it wasn't worth attacking me and moved away.


So I went on with my business. Reaching the area at the northern part of the map is where I facepalm myself for not being careful.


Same inquisitor is there. Fighting a big monster in the area and losing. Hey,I figure the imp would do it to me so as she is desperately trying to not die (her companion had fallen already) I took a shot at her. Two shots actually as I rushed into my attack. Unfortunately she went down in the first one and the second auto targeted the monster would killed me seconds later. I'm pretty sure the imp player had to chuckle since I had essentially killed myself in my zeal to get her.


(Like everyone else I hate it when someone jumps me while I'm engaged, but I've learned its better to attack rather than wait for them to heal up only to attack me next.)

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Heck yeah! I thought it was a lore object. Oops! :t_tongue:

So did I. First time to Tatooine. Wandering through the sands. Oh, look ... a clickie! Then, well, it was over quickly. Made me twitchy about clicking things through the next two planets.


Facepalm moment: I get the Duel Saber Throw on my Sith Marauder. 30m range! Quick cooldown! Instant! My "sucks at melee" heart sang. First time I used Duel Saber Throw, I damaged the heck out of the mobs in front of me. And ... the mobs behind them. :eek: Many, many angry mobs stampeding at my Sith Marauder.


When I first read the Duel Saber Throw description, "Throws both lightsabers in a straight line ... dealing x weapon damage to all enemies directly in front of you up to 30 meters ..." my mind skipped over the word "all."


Facepalm moment: When I completed chapter 3 with my first toon, a Gunslinger, I thought I was the baddest thing to hit the galaxy. Oh, yeah! I made it! That's right. I went on to create alts, and played them for a while. Months later, with a lot more MMO knowledge under my belt, I went back to my Gunslinger to work on moving beyond level 50. I checked my GS for equipment, and ... realized that I had leveled my GS in armor with all kinds of main stats, not just Cunning. I had used real world logic with MMO game play. My GS needs Aim, right? How else will she shoot straight? My GS needs Strength, right? More power for those Blaster Whips. My GS needs Willpower because, uh, so that the Force will be with her?


Oh, my goodness. :o

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Sith warrior



When my companion Quine betrayed me and i didnt have the option to kill ROAR, a bad sith lord who forgive someone who just tryed to kill him and let him get along on the ship, omg what a dumb dude who came with the idea of that part in the Sith warrior story line just EPIC faceblame!



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The first time I woke up next to my current boyfriend. Haven't been able to get rid of him for nearly 25 years, he just won't go away :p


Oooohhh, you meant in game, um yeah, that. Most of the time it's when I don't pay attention and run off a platform of one or another either on fleet or the taxi platform of Dromund Kaas. And I think almost all of us have accidentally summoned the Pilgrim on Voss at one point or another. Hey look a glowy clicky thing, what does that do?


Thank GOD I'm not the only one who suffers from "Glowy-click-itis"...My inability to NOT click has cause several incidents...and my therapist suggest I not talk about any of them.


Aside from being curiously drawn to glowing blue lights, for some reason I'm able to get lost in a box. My biggest facepalm moments almost all come from my inability to go the right direction.

Edited by TUXs
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Sith warrior



When my companion Quine betrayed me and i didnt have the option to kill ROAR, a bad sith lord who forgive someone who just tryed to kill him and let him get along on the ship, omg what a dumb dude who came with the idea of that part in the Sith warrior story line just EPIC faceblame!


Yeah. :(


Sith Warrior story spoiler:


I did feel better about my Sith Warrior getting horizontal with Pierce after marrying Quinn, though.


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Most recently?

Accidentally walking off the platform after activating my assigned clicky in the Sav-Rak fight. Several times. Causing wipes because I was the overgeared guy carrying the FP.


Also had a leaper(think it was a juggernaut) use me as a stepping stone to score in Hutt Ball recently. Haven't had that happen since near launch, I'm usually more careful about those kinds of things.

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When I first started playing I would fail to look at mission titles and see the (HEROIC)....and I'd rush to the mission start solo and jump right in with the elites. I was so hard headed about it I'd die and go do it again thinking "I must have just done something wrong....I can take those mobs!". That is until I began wondering "Why do they ll have yellow stars on their names?".
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