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Anyone else about to cancel?


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Wrong. It's been stated multiple times that the engine they used doesn't support multi-threading. If you're on a Laptop with comparatively bad single-CPU power you're screwed because of it.


Which means it's your computer and not the game.I don't think any mmo's truly support multi-threading atm,they're built to run on a single core with good clock speed.

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Just amazing you all are whining about little stuff like that.


Want to talk about a real bug, how about being a healer in a Warzone and the group bars show full health and the players bar above there head is nearly dead. THAT'S A REAL BUG. So stop your whining about trivial stuff.

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I can't answer that. It's merely a person to person situation, and for those who have to deal with the situation is quite infuriating. However if the issue was enough to get the company to recognize the thread on their forums and that is enough for me to believe its not solely the fault of the player.


Wrong, its a testimate to the active BioWare employees and long term commitments to this game and the community.


Also if you look at the threads you are referring to it only has a couple hundred unique complaints. With 5 million copies of the game sold that still represents less than .00004 percent of sales.



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I can't answer that. It's merely a person to person situation, and for those who have to deal with the situation is quite infuriating. However if the issue was enough to get the company to recognize the thread on their forums and that is enough for me to believe its not solely the fault of the player.


i work retail, i have seen a customer get told the policy of the store was 30 days for return and refund, butt they were 60 days out. that customer was belligerent to the employee, the manager then took over and allowed the exception to placate the customer. that doesnt mean they thought the employee did something wrong but was trying to stop the customer from making a scene any further.


they may have said there may be issues but that doesnt mean it is all on tem like all the doom threads here say.


Darth Freki

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Want to talk about a real bug, how about being a healer in a Warzone and the group bars show full health and the players bar above there head is nearly dead. THAT'S A REAL BUG. So stop your whining about trivial stuff.


I don't even play a healer and still feel the effects of this one. I fully agree with this statement.

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It really isn't which is a shame. If you take a look in the customer service sub-forum, one of the largest threads on the entire forums is Horrid FPS issue. where-in people with both high-end specs and low specs share the same issue. Also bioware posted in the thread that there was an issue. Ignorance is no longer an answer


the fps issue is either with those peoples ISP and the server they chose ..i.e. wrong server for their location, or their video cards are outdated and unsupported by this game and or do not have the latest drivers.


I guess I am the exception.....Charter Cable ISP 1000mps, Quad core Q6700, 8gigs ram, 64bit Win7, dual Nvidia GeForce GTX 260's with a Triple Head-To-Go Digital Edition in SLI mode running at 3840X1024.


Game runs great.

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Obviously , this is BioWares fault you have a bad laptop.


Laptops never have decent single-CPU power since they're, ya know, Laptops. So by using the Hero Engine, BW automatically screwed laptop users over. Not to say there aren't workarounds but a certain other game runs just fine since it scales much better.

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Nope, I just want the 6 month payment to register.


Bioware did an awesome job with this game!


I am here to stay, and cant wait for further bonuses and fixes and addititions in the game <3



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I've been running into bad FPS also. However this won't make me cancel, not at all.


Some dungeons, my FPS will drop down to the teens for some odd reason. Also, shadows have to be disabled, as in many places I'll dip down to 45fps with them on.


Many people probably don't care about 45fps being low, but when you look at my setup, really doesn't make sense that shadows would be so harsh.



100+fps (no shadows)

45+fps (shadows high)

-55fps drop just due to shadows?



My specs:

Windows 7 64-bit

Core i7-950 @ 3.8ghz

6GB DDR3 Memory

Radeon HD 6870



Let's be honest here, the game needs a few more patches to fix performance issues. It's completely playable for now though, so I'll just wait patiently.

Edited by CoffeeCrazy
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Obviously , this is BioWares fault you have a bad laptop.


Generally it is the developers fault if they didn't optimize the game correctly. If any similar specced or even higher specced game can run on that laptop yet this can't, then it is biowares fault 100%.

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I've been running into bad FPS also. However this won't make me cancel, not at all.


Some dungeons, my FPS will drop down to the teens for some odd reason. Also, shadows have to be disabled, as in many places I'll dip down to 45fps with them on.


Many people probably don't care about 45fps being low, but when you look at my setup, really doesn't make sense that shadows would be so harsh.



100+fps (no shadows)

45+fps (shadows high)

-55fps drop just due to shadows?



My specs:

Windows 7 64-bit

6GB DDR3 Memory

Radeon HD 6870



Let's be honest here, the game needs a few more patches to fix performance issues. It's completely playable for now though, so I'll just wait patiently.


Need to list your processor. It's probably the most important part to running this game.

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The only bug that needs priority 1 fixing ASAP is the power activation delay bug.


I don't care if it requires rewriting the game from scratch. It needs fixing. Yesterday.


The bug just requires you to change up your timing. Take into account the delay and there's no problem. It's aggravating at times, to be sure, and it definitely needs to be fixed...but they could fix it by tacking on an extra .5 secs to the end of every cast bar. It's not a big deal.

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Generally it is the developers fault if they didn't optimize the game correctly. If any similar specced or even higher specced game can run on that laptop yet this can't, then it is biowares fault 100%.


not true, there are some things in different games that cause cpu and gpu usage spikes. shader and shadows are the worst culprits! i challenge any game to work well on a single core laptop with a generic video gpu. and do this when the standard is atleast double core cpus.... oh and add non computer controlled movements in the mix... not good for the laptop performance


Darth Freki

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Works fine for me, & 10 of my coworkers, no issues other than small queue to get on.

People always complaint, you'll never hear from the people without issues, so the 100-1000 that complaints is a minority of the million or so that has no issues.


So you're wrong? =D

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Obviously the OP has not experienced the launch of an mmo before. I'm finding this launch one of the most bug-less launches I've ever seen. But, I'm not one of these kids who is already above level 40, rushing through the content to get to cap. All of those already passed 40 are gonna clear the end game content and then be sitting around bored complaining about lack of content.


Also, I've yet to experience any framerate issues. The game runs fine for me, over 60 fps. I still have shadows turned to low for now, but everything is silky smooth. If you only meet the minimum specs, not the recommended specs, you have no place arguing about framerate. It's like this in EVERY pc game out today. If you just meet the minimum specs, it will be playable, but it will not be smooth in any sense. Get with the program, it's been like this for a long time in the pc world. The 'minimum specs' on a game box is not a promise that if you meet the specs your game will run smooth.

Edited by makau
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I've been running into bad FPS also. However this won't make me cancel, not at all.


Some dungeons, my FPS will drop down to the teens for some odd reason. Also, shadows have to be disabled, as in many places I'll dip down to 45fps with them on.


Many people probably don't care about 45fps being low, but when you look at my setup, really doesn't make sense that shadows would be so harsh.



100+fps (no shadows)

45+fps (shadows high)

-55fps drop just due to shadows?



My specs:

Windows 7 64-bit

6GB DDR3 Memory

Radeon HD 6870



Let's be honest here, the game needs a few more patches to fix performance issues. It's completely playable for now though, so I'll just wait patiently.


Actually game engine is very smooth to play some other games with high res you would need crossfired 6870. That makes a big difference.

My jaw dropped, when I found that my 3 years old laptop could run TOR. But what other peoples been saying and I saw my self. In certain areas something eats GPU away. Like Jedi Temple on Corusant, not much different from city. Even not that much trash mobs as in city but something simply kills my GPU, witch is weak anyway.

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