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Anyone else about to cancel?


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You have heard a small vocal minority. The game is working flawlessly for many hundreds of thousands of players.


LAMO – I am sorry to say this, fellow SW fan, but you are incorrect. SWTOR may be working for total MMORPG n00bs that do not have any expectations at all. But for an experienced MMORPGer since the early days of computer games (C-64) this game has some major flaws. It is almost like movie people made the game because the cinematic and story line ROCKS!!! However, the game mechanics is seriously flawed. It is like the developers made a really good movie and put in a flawed shell to convert it into a game.


The post originator is not the only person that the "sort by usable" function does not work for. He is also not the only person having problems with nodes. I bet if stuff does not work for him, my friends and me that it does not work for the other hundreds of thousand players.


My main issues are;


:mad: This game was ridiculously expensive, poorly designed and generally not worth the money we were charged.


:mad: LACK of proper documentation that DETAILS important things like crafting, who can use what type of item, what all of the modifications mean, what the PVP rewards are and what different commendations mean & which vendors to use for your level….. There are many other things wrong which can be summed up with under the general detail of LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION.


:mad: No search feature on the forum.


:mad: In game help is broken you can search for anything like PVP and get 10 results MAYBE one of which begins to address the question in a Yoda like way …. “HMMMMM pvp and receive useful rewards get you will, you n00b”. Ninety nine percent of the information returned from a help search is not remotely related to the search subject.


:mad: The chat system is bad. You should be able to set a chat tab to type in a specific channel then switch between the tabs to have multiple conversations instead of chatting into the last set chat channel regardless of your tab. The chat windows are difficult to recombine but easy to split.


:mad: The vendors are useless when it comes to sorting. For example I sort by “useable items” (like our friend in the first post) and it shows me everything including all of the levels of PVP gear I CAN’T USE. The sort features need to be better such as when you click “usable” as a search criteria you should get results that show what your character can use at his/her level and nothing more.


:mad: The space combat is “arcade like” at best with a semi-fixed path and over simplified. Let us fly in real time 3 D space….. Some features that SWG had like the “jump to light speed” should be added with more detailed starship crafting.


:mad: No player housing? ***? I know that this is not SWG but they could have used some ideas from SWG such as the free 3 D space housing.


:mad: Why good crafted items are BOP? People should be able to sell the cool stuff they can make like speeders (this game fault came from another guy I don’t know for sure if this is entirely correct because of a LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION in game).


:mad::mad::mad: Oh did I mention there is an alarming LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION?:mad::mad::mad:


:mad: Waiting a queue , GET some bandwidth, processing power and balance the server loading....


:eek: As I told a friend who was thinking of getting the game “the theatrical part of the game is excellent but the mechanics is a shell at best, very shallow”. :eek:


From an experienced gamer that expects good game mechanics and features this product is an EPIC FAIL. As a SW fan this game has a great story line. Am I going to cancel? Not yet, if things do not improve from a mechanics and DOCUMENTATION standpoint I sure will cancel.

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From an experienced gamer that expects good game mechanics and features this product is an EPIC FAIL. As a SW fan this game has a great story line. Am I going to cancel? Not yet, if things do not improve from a mechanics and DOCUMENTATION standpoint I sure will cancel.


I'm an experienced gamer and I disagree with your opinion. I'm quite impressed with it based on what I expect from MMOs at launch.

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I only had 2 gigs of ram and my fps wasn't that good, got another 2 gigs and it runs great now and I'm loving it, FPS is most likely on your end computer hardware not BW's, if over a million folks have no issue it's most likely your comp, lots of quick fixes you can do to fix it. Increase your ram, turn off processes you don't need, get game booster which helps a lot etc. Lots you can do folks to optimize the game.
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I only had 2 gigs of ram and my fps wasn't that good, got another 2 gigs and it runs great now and I'm loving it, FPS is most likely on your end computer hardware not BW's, if over a million folks have no issue it's most likely your comp, lots of quick fixes you can do to fix it. Increase your ram, turn off processes you don't need, get game booster which helps a lot etc. Lots you can do folks to optimize the game.


Someone who is not blaming Bio and is willing to take a look at their own computer. I commend you!

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Obviously some people are having frame rate issues, and I'm not going to sit here and presume to know exactly why that is, but my buddy runs this on an 8mb connection on a laptop he bought from Wal-Mart with no issues. (Just saying...it's by no means a high-end machine.) But OCCASIONALLY dipping below 60 or even 30 fps when you're running 60+ 90% of the time shouldn't be an issue to rage over. This is why I find all of the complaints I've seen laughable. I'm not a fanboy who has his blinders up here...the game has issues, but they're all minor. It seems like the only people complaining are spoiled brats who can't handle a little bug here or there.


...and before I get flamed for antagonizing the pessimists out there, seriously go look at all of the "DIS GAEM IS FAIL OMG" threads out there. With very little exception they're all complaining about crap that is trivial and can very easily be circumvented or disregarded until they fix it. Just look at the OP of this thread. "OMG THIS GAME IS SO DAMN BROKEN THAT I'M GONNA QUITE RAWR!" but then (aside from the BH issue, which I fully admit is bullsh*t) the biggest things he can think of to complain about are issues with filtering items at merchants (completely optional), a few broken harvesting nodes (move on the the next one, no big deal), and companions getting stuck (a slight frustration at best, move ahead a bit and they inevitably pop in behind you.)


I'm not saying the game is perfect. All of these issues are things that definitely need to be pointed out so they can get fixed...but let's stop being do damn dramatic. The game doesn't have to be absolutely perfect at launch. None of these are game-breaking, none of these should even be worth spending time thinking about. Just submit a bug report and move on. I just don't get why a large group of us feel so damn entitled that just because you're occasionally inconvenienced that means the game itself has failed. Grow up.

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LAMO – I am sorry to say this, fellow SW fan, but you are incorrect. SWTOR may be working for total MMORPG n00bs that do not have any expectations at all. But for an experienced MMORPGer since the early days of computer games (C-64) this game has some major flaws. It is almost like movie people made the game because the cinematic and story line ROCKS!!! However, the game mechanics is seriously flawed. It is like the developers made a really good movie and put in a flawed shell to convert it into a game.


The post originator is not the only person that the "sort by usable" function does not work for. He is also not the only person having problems with nodes. I bet if stuff does not work for him, my friends and me that it does not work for the other hundreds of thousand players.


My main issues are;


:mad: This game was ridiculously expensive, poorly designed and generally not worth the money we were charged.


That's your opinion.


:mad: LACK of proper documentation that DETAILS important things like crafting, who can use what type of item, what all of the modifications mean, what the PVP rewards are and what different commendations mean & which vendors to use for your level….. There are many other things wrong which can be summed up with under the general detail of LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION.


There's documentation in the Codex and on the website. As much as you'll get outside of a 3rd party website on any game.


:mad: No search feature on the forum.


Temporarily disabled and will be coming back but I'm not sure what this has to do with the game itself.


:mad: In game help is broken you can search for anything like PVP and get 10 results MAYBE one of which begins to address the question in a Yoda like way …. “HMMMMM pvp and receive useful rewards get you will, you n00b”. Ninety nine percent of the information returned from a help search is not remotely related to the search subject.


Haven't tried it can't comment.


:mad: The chat system is bad. You should be able to set a chat tab to type in a specific channel then switch between the tabs to have multiple conversations instead of chatting into the last set chat channel regardless of your tab. The chat windows are difficult to recombine but easy to split.


Haven't had any issues but I'm used to typing in the channel i want before speaking just in case.


:mad: The vendors are useless when it comes to sorting. For example I sort by “useable items” (like our friend in the first post) and it shows me everything including all of the levels of PVP gear I CAN’T USE. The sort features need to be better such as when you click “usable” as a search criteria you should get results that show what your character can use at his/her level and nothing more.


It could definitely use some improvement but it's far from game breaking, it just takes slightly more time to find what you can use.


:mad: The space combat is “arcade like” at best with a semi-fixed path and over simplified. Let us fly in real time 3 D space….. Some features that SWG had like the “jump to light speed” should be added with more detailed starship crafting.


This isn't a space MMO. Space combat is what it is and it's a completely optional feature. If you don't like it, don't use it. Personally I think it's fun and entertaining the way it is.


:mad: No player housing? ***? I know that this is not SWG but they could have used some ideas from SWG such as the free 3 D space housing.


Personally I could care less about player housing. I'm not paying $15 a month to decorate a house. If I wanted to do that I'd play sims for free. I understand that people have differing views than mine but you knew this wasn't going to be a sandbox so why complain about it?


:mad: Why good crafted items are BOP? People should be able to sell the cool stuff they can make like speeders (this game fault came from another guy I don’t know for sure if this is entirely correct because of a LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION in game).


This is pretty typical.


:mad::mad::mad: Oh did I mention there is an alarming LACK OF PROPER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION?:mad::mad::mad:


I'm still not sure what you mean by this. There's plenty out there. Look for it


:mad: Waiting a queue , GET some bandwidth, processing power and balance the server loading....


Roll on another server


:eek: As I told a friend who was thinking of getting the game “the theatrical part of the game is excellent but the mechanics is a shell at best, very shallow”. :eek:


From an experienced gamer that expects good game mechanics and features this product is an EPIC FAIL. As a SW fan this game has a great story line. Am I going to cancel? Not yet, if things do not improve from a mechanics and DOCUMENTATION standpoint I sure will cancel.


The mechanics aren't fail, you just had your expectations set too high. That doesn't mean I had no expectations, mine were just realistic.

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Wow... the amount of QQ in these forums is unreal.


Don't like the game? QUIT!


You most definitely won't be missed!


It's very rare, but threads that praise the game rarely have the number of posts where folks QQ about the most ridiculous of things which will be remedied.

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I'm an experienced gamer and I disagree with your opinion. I'm quite impressed with it based on what I expect from MMOs at launch.


Ditto. 42 years old, been a gamer for at least 36 of them (c64 included), played most MMOs from UO on. This game delivers. Does it have bugs? Hell, even games that have been running for 7 years and 3 expacs have loads of bugs....

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LAMO – I am sorry to say this, fellow SW fan, but you are incorrect. SWTOR may be working for total MMORPG n00bs that do not have any expectations at all. But for an experienced MMORPGer since the early days of computer games (C-64) this game has some major flaws. It is almost like movie people made the game because the cinematic and story line ROCKS!!! However, the game mechanics is seriously flawed. It is like the developers made a really good movie and put in a flawed shell to convert it into a game.



Issue 1:The game is no more expsensive than any other new game that has come out in the past 6 or 7 years.


Issue 2:That actually has nothing to do with the game itself.


Issue 3:Yes in game help is lacking in some areas.


Issue 4:I agree


Issue 5:I agree


Issue 6:I agree that it is an on the rails space shooter, I personally like it. I'd also like to mention that SWG did not launch with any space combat what so ever


Issue 7:I agree that player housing would be nice, but at the same time it isn't necessary for me to be able to play the game.


Issue 8:I agree crafted items period shouldn't be BOP.


Issue 9:Since this is the same as issue 2, see my reply there.


Issue 10:This will subside over time.

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Annoying bugs yes, I would like add couple more:

1. Every time I use taxi or teleport, my zoom gets reset.

2. Every time I log on my Smuggler, I must disable cover bar.

3. Every time I switch char I have change companion toolbar from bottom to right.

Very annoying, you know. Can I just set up toolbars as I like and stop scrolling mouse after I change zone.

Speaking FPS, I'm using old piece of garbage laptop with GF9600M GS (tweaked GF8700GT) and generally my low FPS is acceptable (all effects switched off). So far I have found only 1 laggy place. Jedi Temple on Corusant, frame rate drops to 10-15 FPS.

I assume that game has more laggy areas.

I do agree with OP, game is far from ready. I wondering how this game passed beta test.

Cancelled also but I'll look around for month, still hoping that Bioware will fix problems ASAP.

I love game, idea is great, each class has own story.

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I think it comes down to this: if you've played an MMO before, especially at launch, you know this game is doing fantastically well. If you bought this game just because you like Star Wars or because you were a KotOR fan, then you don't really know what you're talking about. MMOs operate differently than single players games, and I think this game has just appealed to a wider audience that doesn't really understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be complaining about all this trivial BS.
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Annoying bugs yes, I would like add couple more:

1. Every time I use taxi or teleport, my zoom gets reset.

2. Every time I log on my Smuggler, I must disable cover bar.

3. Every time I switch char I have change companion toolbar from bottom to right.

Very annoying, you know. Can I just set up toolbars as I like and stop scrolling mouse after I change zone.

Speaking FPS, I'm using old piece of garbage laptop with GF9600M GS (tweaked GF8700GT) and generally my low FPS is acceptable (all effects switched off). So far I have found only 1 laggy place. Jedi Temple on Corusant, frame rate drops to 10-15 FPS.

I assume that game has more laggy areas.

I do agree with OP, game is far from ready. I wondering how this game passed beta test.

Cancelled also but I'll look around for month, still hoping that Bioware will fix problems ASAP.

I love game, idea is great, each class has own story.


Annoying bugs won't keep a game from being released.

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I think it comes down to this: if you've played an MMO before, especially at launch, you know this game is doing fantastically well. If you bought this game just because you like Star Wars or because you were a KotOR fan, then you don't really know what you're talking about. MMOs operate differently than single players games, and I think this game has just appealed to a wider audience that doesn't really understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be complaining about all this trivial BS.


This x 1,000,000. Unrealistic expectations from players who have A) never played an MMO, B) have played an MMO, but not @ launch, or C) have crappy hardware or new hardware with drivers installed by Windows Update that are several months behind the latest releases.

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I think it comes down to this: if you've played an MMO before, especially at launch, you know this game is doing fantastically well. If you bought this game just because you like Star Wars or because you were a KotOR fan, then you don't really know what you're talking about. MMOs operate differently than single players games, and I think this game has just appealed to a wider audience that doesn't really understand that. If you did, you wouldn't be complaining about all this trivial BS.


Even Single player games are released with bugs.

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Other than the occasional hiccup where my people in conversation have silver eyes and the queues on my server I have no had any real complaints about this game.


I've been playing just fine and am past act 1 and ready to finish act 2. **** yeah star wars.

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FPS is low, yes. I doubt this is actually a video problem as much as it is an optimization problem... i.e. data being loaded from your HD. Something isn't as streamlined as it should be, because this game certainly is no Skyrim.


And Skyrim SCREAMS on my system, at max settings. Load times there are also very, very quick. I do not have an SSD drive, but I do have a 10k RPM drive.

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LAMO – I am sorry to say this, fellow SW fan, but you are incorrect. SWTOR may be working for total MMORPG n00bs that do not have any expectations at all. But for an experienced MMORPGer since the early days of computer games (C-64) this game has some major flaws. It is almost like movie people made the game because the cinematic and story line ROCKS!!! However, the game mechanics is seriously flawed. It is like the developers made a really good movie and put in a flawed shell to convert it into a game.




The biggest reason I may cancel is here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=74016



Even the simple things such as ToT, custmizable UI, mouseover, combat logs, auto attack. I dont want to wait for a patch.

These simple things are a given in MMOs.

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