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Anyone else about to cancel?


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I allready canceled because of the fps issues. I will join again as a happy customer for at least a few months if they fix the fps issues.


Yeah, 110 FPS with textures, character models, and shadows all set to high. I'm quitting right now. Oh, just so you know, a few months from now won't change your graphic cards ability to render the game.

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Nope, I will be here long after you are gone..


Nothing to see here people, move along.


And wait a minute. There is nothing wrong with a guy playing a female character, just as there is nothing wrong with a female playing a male character.


I play a male all day in real life. Nothing wrong with a little escapism as my female Smuggler alt. Yeah, my main is a male Jedi Sentinel but this is a RPG at it core. Nothing wrong with playing another role.


Don't be so closed minded. These responses criticizing the OP's son are more annoying and disappointing than anything the OP posted.

Edited by Darkeus
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Yeah, 110 FPS with textures, character models, and shadows all set to high. I'm quitting right now. Oh, just so you know, a few months from now won't change your graphic cards ability to render the game.


Your comment is funny, considering Bioware already aknowledged the fps issues that many systems are currently having.


I guess playing BF3 / Skyrim / Witcher 2 on ultra with 60 fps pales in comparison to the graphical marvel that swtor is and brings many fps drops right?


But like i said, invalid since they already admitted and are working on a fix. ;)

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Cancelling mine because of class imbalance in PvE. After lv 25, you're either a god (Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Shadow), or you're lucky to win a fight (Smuggler, IA, BH).


So you've played all these classes. I'm a shield tech power tech, and while I occasionaly bight off more than I can chew, I do just fine with most mob packs, including two hard, two normal combos. Equal level elites are actually easier than that combo, even with a normal friend.

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Im not sure of the OP is kidding us... at least me had to laugh when reading the reasons :))





I can except certain other reasons like


linear game

rinse and repeat quest

Jedi the Sheriff of the Galaxy

no endgame content

not enough randomness

no day-night cycle



Nevertheless from time to time the game really is great atmospheric wise and lets you forget the issues and on top of that there is no other "better" mmo on the market. However im not sure yet if i will extend my subscription. But im optimistic...

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While I agree the BH issue needs immediate attention, I'm hard pressed to find issue with the rest. The game is brand new; fixes will come. There's no way I could walk away from this game for such minor reasons ( I respect that you might but this is my opinion).


I expect a lot of bugs b/c BW didn't have an extended open beta. (Sure there was general testing but we see how much was missed). The trade off was that the backbone of the game (story) wasn't ruined for me before I even started to play.


So no, I'm not about to cancel. I have enough patience to let BW fix things. Until then, I'll focus on the good stuff and not let the bad affect me.

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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??


Because it's a General Discussion section. And because OP is asking people if anyone else is about to quit. Some people don't have any serious performance issues so apparently they are here to answer "no" to the question raised in title.


Have patience - things will sort out. The game is only 4 days old.

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I think it's safe to assume that this is the same as every other SW: TOR complaint thread.


Wah, the graphics. Wah, the gameplay. Wah, the sound. Wah, the worlds aren't big enough.


I like the game, and that's all I could honestly care about. I will continue to support them and buy every expansion and even the collector's editions (if they are available).

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Yeah I might too I'm having the same issues. Sorry Bioware but this game is a fail.


You my friend are a moron. I Don't wanna sound harsh, but you really are.


Calling the game a fail, when most of the ppl playing the game, don't have these problems.


Crybaby cry!

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BioWare Needs to put under the Avatars of those people that have registered the game that they own/played this game.


That way we know about the people who have played the game from the people on the forums. And the ones that don't we can just ignore. :D

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i like the game, i like the concept, 2 things i really dont like and thats how linear it is, and tunnelvisioned, no open space, you just have to follow a certain path and thats it....


and the second thing is the damn delay on abilities, as a healer it is making me not wanting to log into the game anymore, it is so frustrating healing with this ancient ruined non responsive combat system, and i will cancel and stop playing unless this combat system is fixed to be on par, this is the main reason people leave most of the new MMO´s,

Edited by DaPyro
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I'm thinking about cancelling


I always pay for MMOs one month at a time, so that I can drop the sub immediately, without paying for an extra month or two; so I'll re-assess TOR at the end of January


If it's in the same state it is now, or not improved enough, I will cancel


The way you troll and such, hell I do not believe you play the game.


And if you do leave, thank goodness!

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I just cancelled after playing for a week. Too bad, because this game has so much going for it, and some really talented people did some magnificent work. I couldn't wait to finish each quest to see the cut-scenes. But the lack of auto-combat for me was a bad decision. If the rest of you like the combat system, then great, I hope you have a lot of fun playing, and I hope this game goes on to great things. But I would have preferred to at least have had the option of turning on auto combat, to either save my mouse button or my '1' key. The combat right now seems too much like a console game. I hate console games. Most people love them. I understand, it's just not my thing. I just prefer the way that WoW takes away having to worry about the stuff you have to do anyways. I thought that was the biggest gameplay improvement WoW had over EQ.


Best of luck to all you folks staying, and I really do hope this games does well. WoW needs competition, it is becoming dull and stagnant like EQ was becoming just before WoW came out.

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I just cancelled after playing for a week. Too bad, because this game has so much going for it, and some really talented people did some magnificent work. I couldn't wait to finish each quest to see the cut-scenes. But the lack of auto-combat for me was a bad decision. If the rest of you like the combat system, then great, I hope you have a lot of fun playing, and I hope this game goes on to great things. But I would have preferred to at least have had the option of turning on auto combat, to either save my mouse button or my '1' key. The combat right now seems too much like a console game. I hate console games. Most people love them. I understand, it's just not my thing. I just prefer the way that WoW takes away having to worry about the stuff you have to do anyways. I thought that was the biggest gameplay improvement WoW had over EQ.


Best of luck to all you folks staying, and I really do hope this games does well. WoW needs competition, it is becoming dull and stagnant like EQ was becoming just before WoW came out.



If you've cancelled a game that you otherwise love because it "doesn't have autoattack", then to be honest mate, you need a rethink. Of the numerous reasons given this far (and lets be fair, almost none of these people have actually cancelled), this is up there with the strangest.


I also generally hate threads like these. It's full of people with aggrandised self important proclaiming that THEIR subscription is going because X, Y or Z hasn't happened, in some sort of stupid and entirely idle threat.


There are 1,000,000 subscribers to the game at £9 a month. The game isn't going to radically change because you are QQing on the forum and threatening to withdraw subscription if it isn't fixed. The self importance it takes to believe this honestly staggers me.


(Just to say, the majority of this post isn't directed at the quoted post, who I thought was very reasonable and nice with the exception of his quitting reason :)

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