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New "Queshball" a map designed just for me.


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A lot of people still don't seem to know the map yet, so I've had a lot of games where I personally get 3-5 goals all by myself too. I've noticed matches starting and something like 13-15 players just start brawling in the middle level instead of trying to capture the ball. I score, immediately drop down to the bottom level to get the ball again, and no one is there. No one to support me and no one to stop me.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Most people will learn eventually and then the free ride will be over. :p

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I don't find the player map knowledge to be that bad when I do my obligatory Imp vs Imp matches on Bastion...that being said I've also had the odd Republic vs Republic of the new queshball and it honestly needs the carnival music in the background when this happens.


There are about 2 players trying to do the objectives the rest just kind of flail about and hopefully kill something around the middle area. Amusing, but hardly satisfying.


Imperial matches are definitely more...organized.

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the 30 second spawn time for a full-timer door is a bit much as well. you could almost score twice in 30 seconds if your team passes and the the team your scoring on is lop sided heals / tanks for instance and doesn't have the dps to burn down.
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I consider myself to be an objective player, focussing only on winning the match and not my hps or dps, but this is ridiculous.




I got a few questions;


- Was the huttball ever passed, carried or scored by any other player then you?

- Was there any temporary turn overs?

- Did a carrier at any point get smashed/ healed or guarded?


OR did you your self carry the ball from spawn to goal line, then was the first to grab it after the score as it spawned. did you do this 6 times in a row?


My point being the following;

The severe competition between objective points and medal earned and the fact that medals earned not correlates with objective points gained, creates and nourish the ever ongoing debate about - who's Bad! If your medal count is high and your objective point is low it tells me one thing and one thing only; You're a good damage dealer/healer/taunt-guard, BUT you haven't got a a clue as to what to do in a WZ. The problem is that these well managed medal hunters become non-contributors. The new QueshBall map address this problem to it's point.

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I got a few questions;


- Was the huttball ever passed, carried or scored by any other player then you?

- Was there any temporary turn overs?

- Did a carrier at any point get smashed/ healed or guarded?



If the huttball is passed, then someone else would have it. When they die or score, they would have received objective points. So the answer is no.


There could not have been any temporary turnovers, again because if the huttball was then passed, you get points for that. Also, killing someone who has the ball gives you objective points. Even just helping with a single DoT.


He was an operative. My bet is LoLRoll / speed boost to the goal, every time. The high medal count everyone had is likely because of the fast finish.

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lol so...it looks from the scoreboard like you were the only one to touch the ball from spawn to score and nobody managed to kill you once while with the ball. heh yeah. that's bad. even for your own teammates...like nobody thought to grab the ball as you were up top scoring.
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I don't find the player map knowledge to be that bad when I do my obligatory Imp vs Imp matches on Bastion...that being said I've also had the odd Republic vs Republic of the new queshball and it honestly needs the carnival music in the background when this happens.


There are about 2 players trying to do the objectives the rest just kind of flail about and hopefully kill something around the middle area. Amusing, but hardly satisfying.


Imperial matches are definitely more...organized.


there are always a lot of ppl at mid or on pipes trying to rack up kills. but what sticks out to me is the massive number of snipers/gs in particular doing this. like...there could be 3 snipers on the other team, and they're all on pips or mid platform. or worse: camped in front of their own goal. I always feel bad when I stop to dps one every so often.

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! If your medal count is high and your objective point is low it tells me one thing and one thing only; You're a good damage dealer/healer/taunt-guard, BUT you haven't got a a clue as to what to do in a WZ



that's not entirely true, there are important things that get 0 objective points. Controlling mid in old huttball for example, or mid in hypergates. Also in voidstar defence if you are ranged there is a big chance that your not close enough to the first door to get obj points, and on the second door you're supposed to stay in the middle and move back and forth, again no obj points.


there are tons of people who ignore objectives for pretty numbers, not denying that, but it's perfectly possible to do your job well and still end up with a very low objective number.

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... but it's perfectly possible to do your job well and still end up with a very low objective number.


I agree with all you on most on your argument, and my quote of your text is were you hit my point exactly. there are situations in WZ, where as the contributor are rewarded ridiculously low or not at all in huttball you are ridiculously low rewarded for doing what actually help the team to win, in contradiction to that it is ridiculously easy to earn medals while not contributing which leads to LoLfighting and poor decision as to what you should do to help the team. What would help this situation and learn the pvper to contribute is to actually only display key contributing stats on the WZ leader board at the end. 300k damage on ball carrier(should be rewarded with gold defensive medals) is more worth then 1000K loldamage(should be rewarded with basic attack medals only) randomly spread on the map

Edited by t-darko
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This looks so unbelievable. Did really no one at least try to shoot at the ball carrier once? It doesn't really take much to get at least a few objective points. I can't believe that everyone but the thread opener got 0 points. Not even a shot at the ball carrier by mistake? I'm speechless.
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