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petition for a 2xp week.


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Here are three (3) reasons to NOT allow people to 'just create them in any game', but specifically SWTOR:



  1. A new-to-MMOs player joins SWTOR and makes a max-level character. Has no idea how to play at all. Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks big-time cuz no clue and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  2. An experienced MMO player makes a max-level character in SWTOR. Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks medium-time cuz unfamiliar with SWTOR cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  3. An experienced SWTOR player makes a max-level character that is 'new' to them (ie. class/role/etc). Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks small-time cuz unfamiliar with new role cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.


The bottom line is that people *need* to level their characters so they actually know how to use them by the time they get to end-game. Yes, of course, there will be veteran players who already have a 55 Guardian DPS but want a 55 Guardian Tank that won't have too difficult a time adjusting but for the majority of the population they *need* to learn and grow with their characters by leveling.


FYI, a year ago and being a veteran to SWTOR I leveled my first Operative as a DPS and switched to Heals once I hit 50 (essentially and instant-50) and I found it very difficult to adjust and felt bad cuz I kept borking my group cuz I was unfamiliar with how Operative-specific heals work. Am I the only one who had this kind of instant-50 trouble? Maybe, but probably not, and from now on I see leveling as the way to go to actually learn how to use my abilities.


So the easy solution would be to let anyone who has leveled a character to 50 (which was the original max level), or finished their storyline, to insta-level another character of that class to 50/55 if they want to.

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I play from 1:30 to 3:30 CST Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. I play from 3:00 to 6:00 CST Wednesdays and Thursday. I also play an hour on hour off on Saturdays and Sundays.


Can't we just have double xp during those hours just for me?




But in all seriousness.. they announce these things months in advance (with the exception of the recent "apology" weekend). If you can't, or don't care to arrange your schedule to be able to play on the weekend you're SOL my friend.

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This weekend was frustrating enough... unwilling to play my trooper because I don't want him to level too fast... slow FP queues for my 55s... when I finally did get an FP team mates were ungeared noobs who didn't know the mechanics. I actually had several groups wipe on CZ-198 tacticals! The last thing I need is a double xp week.
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So the easy solution would be to let anyone who has leveled a character to 50 (which was the original max level), or finished their storyline, to insta-level another character of that class to 50/55 if they want to.


I'd even be fine with requiring that you have all class buffs or something like that to ensure you've at least got to chapter 2 on 4 toons. At this point I have 8 level 55s and a couple in the 40s and it's a bit painstaking to level outside of 2x xp weekends at this point. I'd buy my way to 55 in a heartbeat :D


I don't think that you should get any gear if you do it that way though. If they're ever to offer an instant level 55 consumable I'd hope that it doesn't involve any end game gear. You should be required to buy/legacy gear from other toons.

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Here are three (3) reasons to NOT allow people to 'just create them in any game', but specifically SWTOR:



  1. A new-to-MMOs player joins SWTOR and makes a max-level character. Has no idea how to play at all. Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks big-time cuz no clue and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  2. An experienced MMO player makes a max-level character in SWTOR. Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks medium-time cuz unfamiliar with SWTOR cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  3. An experienced SWTOR player makes a max-level character that is 'new' to them (ie. class/role/etc). Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks small-time cuz unfamiliar with new role cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.


The bottom line is that people *need* to level their characters so they actually know how to use them by the time they get to end-game. Yes, of course, there will be veteran players who already have a 55 Guardian DPS but want a 55 Guardian Tank that won't have too difficult a time adjusting but for the majority of the population they *need* to learn and grow with their characters by leveling.


FYI, a year ago and being a veteran to SWTOR I leveled my first Operative as a DPS and switched to Heals once I hit 50 (essentially and instant-50) and I found it very difficult to adjust and felt bad cuz I kept borking my group cuz I was unfamiliar with how Operative-specific heals work. Am I the only one who had this kind of instant-50 trouble? Maybe, but probably not, and from now on I see leveling as the way to go to actually learn how to use my abilities.


Not that I support the idea of instant boosted max level characters, but the issues you describe with players who don't know a class / role failing occur even with people who level manually, so having everyone level manually doesn't solve the issue of players failing in group content.


And in SWTOR, a player can get to 55 while sitting half afk in WZs, running space mission, or playing GSF, and have no idea how to play of perform a role in an organized group PVE or PVP setting.


No to mention the vast majority of leveling content is solo and requires very little in the way of class knowledge and certainly nothing in the way of group tactics to overcome.


Anyways, on topic, I wouldn't mind a 2X week or whatever, but what I'd personally like to see more than anything would be something like:


A progressive XP account wide buff based on number of max level characters / legacy level.

Legacy gear with built in XP boosts which required certain legacy levels to purchase.

Unlocks to allow leveling a mirror class through story only if you already completed the mirror class' story.

Edited by DawnAskham
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The day they start doing that is the day I just unsub. Whats the point if you can just 'buy' a max level character with max level gear?



(I say that with thinking you weren't serious in that suggestion)

Wasn't that for PVP chrs?


Yes. And that was the point. You could create a max level character with appropriate gear and play the part of the game you wanted to without having to touch the other part. Obviously, people here do not want to play the leveling game any more for what ever reason. Why not just save time then, and allow them to buy a max level alt with starter end game gear so they can actually play what they want to play and then we can just make the Double XP events moot.


Here are three (3) reasons to NOT allow people to 'just create them in any game', but specifically SWTOR:



[*]A new-to-MMOs player joins SWTOR and makes a max-level character. Has no idea how to play at all. Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks big-time cuz no clue and borks the group. Veteran players weep.

No different from people who just suck at the game or don't care enough to play at "your" expected skill level. Guilds and friends' lists pretty much eliminates this issue.



[*]An experienced MMO player makes a max-level character in SWTOR. Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks medium-time cuz unfamiliar with SWTOR cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.

No different from people who just suck at the game or don't care enough to play at "your" expected skill level. Guilds and friends' lists pretty much eliminates this issue.


[*]An experienced SWTOR player makes a max-level character that is 'new' to them (ie. class/role/etc). Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks small-time cuz unfamiliar with new role cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.

No different from people who just suck at the game or don't care enough to play at "your" expected skill level. Guilds and friends' lists pretty much eliminates this issue.


The bottom line is that people *need* to level their characters so they actually know how to use them by the time they get to end-game. Yes, of course, there will be veteran players who already have a 55 Guardian DPS but want a 55 Guardian Tank that won't have too difficult a time adjusting but for the majority of the population they *need* to learn and grow with their characters by leveling.


FYI, a year ago and being a veteran to SWTOR I leveled my first Operative as a DPS and switched to Heals once I hit 50 (essentially and instant-50) and I found it very difficult to adjust and felt bad cuz I kept borking my group cuz I was unfamiliar with how Operative-specific heals work. Am I the only one who had this kind of instant-50 trouble? Maybe, but probably not, and from now on I see leveling as the way to go to actually learn how to use my abilities.

Like I said above. Leveling helps learn a specific build, but it is by no means necessary when you have others you can rely on while learning the new build.

Edited by TravelersWay
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While I support your wish to be able to play double xp during your prime playing time, I also know that there are some that are up-in-arms about having to miss 3 days of gaming already... Imagine how they would react if it was a whole week...


i ran around in the 200% xp weekend and to be honest i did not like it. The flashpoint experience plus various quests on the side that help you to your planetary comms would likely over level you before you had enough comms to get fully upgraded on your gear. at some point you will end up so far ahead of your gear in level that no matter how high level you are, that bad gear you got from Coruscant or DK won't help you with higher level flashpoints and quest mobs. Your level also will not help you with your experience count. It is a rather practical point that double xp events should not happen to be honest.


Legacy level double xp would be nice though.

Edited by Centrixo
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Obviously, people here do not want to play the leveling game any more for what ever reason.

Sorry for cherry picking this quote, but I have to comment on this specifically.


While I can't speak for anyone else, the reason I personally like double XP isn't because it "don't like leveling" but because it allows me to skip over quests I've seen before. With 2XP, XP perks and XP boost consumable, I can level doing mostly the class quest line and occasionally something else.


The planetary quest lines I've seen on many other toons. The side quests I've seen on many other toons.


Just because someone likes 2XP, doesn't mean they want to buy a max level character with gear. These are two vastly different things.

Edited by Khevar
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Here are three (3) reasons to NOT allow people to 'just create them in any game', but specifically SWTOR:



  1. A new-to-MMOs player joins SWTOR and makes a max-level character. Has no idea how to play at all. Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks big-time cuz no clue and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  2. An experienced MMO player makes a max-level character in SWTOR. Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks medium-time cuz unfamiliar with SWTOR cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.
  3. An experienced SWTOR player makes a max-level character that is 'new' to them (ie. class/role/etc). Has good idea how to play (ie. fight mechanics and strategies). Joins flashpoints/operations/warzones. Sucks small-time cuz unfamiliar with new role cuz didn't level properly and borks the group. Veteran players weep.


The bottom line is that people *need* to level their characters so they actually know how to use them by the time they get to end-game. Yes, of course, there will be veteran players who already have a 55 Guardian DPS but want a 55 Guardian Tank that won't have too difficult a time adjusting but for the majority of the population they *need* to learn and grow with their characters by leveling.


FYI, a year ago and being a veteran to SWTOR I leveled my first Operative as a DPS and switched to Heals once I hit 50 (essentially and instant-50) and I found it very difficult to adjust and felt bad cuz I kept borking my group cuz I was unfamiliar with how Operative-specific heals work. Am I the only one who had this kind of instant-50 trouble? Maybe, but probably not, and from now on I see leveling as the way to go to actually learn how to use my abilities.


Here`s one 4th reason - I took one year break and when I came back, even if I leveled my toon perfectly fine at launch, I kinda forgot how to play it, so I suck big time in whatever PuG we meet. You start foaming at the mouth how I boosted, at which point I say nice things about your mother and I boot your sorry *** from my PuG with 2 guildies. Fun times, no?


Makes no difference if I boosted or I forgot, so it really doesn`t help anyone your argumentation. If a player won`t spend time on a test dummy for rotations, matters precisely zero WHY said player sucks.


MY operative was almost exclusive PvP. I will have to reactivate her at one point or another - the first 2-5 games will suck royally. Boohoo for you. What? Do you think I need or have to ask for your permission to play MY toon?

Edited by Styxx
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Sorry for cherry picking this quote, but I have to comment on this specifically.


While I can't speak for anyone else, the reason I personally like double XP isn't because it "don't like leveling" but because it allows me to skip over quests I've seen before. With 2XP, XP perks and XP boost consumable, I can level doing mostly the class quest line and occasionally something else.


The planetary quest lines I've seen on many other toons. The side quests I've seen on many other toons.


Just because someone likes 2XP, doesn't mean they want to buy a max level character with gear. These are two vastly different things.


Let me be more specific then, and say that "they don't like portions of the leveling game for whatever reason." Personally speaking, I don't need anyone to defend (or state) their reasons. The fact that they have their reasons is good enough - just like there are those of use who have reasons to desire to opt out of double XP. Ultimately, the reasons don't matter.

Edited by TravelersWay
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I agree with the OP, but for a different reason. I work retail, which means pretty much my every waking moment on my weekends is spent at work. Having the option to be able to log in on a Tuesday and grind w/ double XP would be nice. I understand however that the world doesn't revolve around me and my schedule though. :sul_frown: Edited by MCesca
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Sorry for cherry picking this quote, but I have to comment on this specifically.


While I can't speak for anyone else, the reason I personally like double XP isn't because it "don't like leveling" but because it allows me to skip over quests I've seen before. With 2XP, XP perks and XP boost consumable, I can level doing mostly the class quest line and occasionally something else.


The planetary quest lines I've seen on many other toons. The side quests I've seen on many other toons.


Just because someone likes 2XP, doesn't mean they want to buy a max level character with gear. These are two vastly different things.



^^THIS! Mostly I play characters to lvl 50. I've only got 1 lvl 55, because I have no desire to run makeb again. But I've got alts ranging from lvl 22-44. 2xp let's me skip a bunch of planetary quest if I want to. So let BW make a checkbox, legacy upgrade, consumables, or whatever for 2xp. Because if I could have 2xp all the time, then I would.

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Let me be more specific then, and say that "they don't like portions of the leveling game for whatever reason." Personally speaking, I don't need anyone to defend (or state) their reasons. The fact that they have their reasons is good enough - just like there are those of use who have reasons to desire to opt out of double XP. Ultimately, the reasons don't matter.



When you commented on selling geared max level toons, were you being serious? Because I find the idea of selling a level 55 with gear to be a terrible idea, and not remotely comparable to the occasional double-xp weekend.

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If you plan to level then roll a toon while you level your main then put him in a resting zone til your ready to level it. Once you do it comes out of rested WITH double XP. Eric already stated you get the same exp that way as you do with double XP weekend.


This is inaccurate. As I understand it, and in accord with my experience leveling several toons,

  • Being in a "Rested" state does not double the experience you get from completing quests, flashpoints, and warzones, it only doubles the XP you get for defeating mobs (NPCs).
  • Double XP weekend doubles all types of XP.


I think a mid-week Double XP event would be a nice change. Tues-Wed-Thur perhaps. Yes, it favores the NEETs (Not Employed, in Education, or in Training] but not much you can do about that anyway.

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When you commented on selling geared max level toons, were you being serious? Because I find the idea of selling a level 55 with gear to be a terrible idea, and not remotely comparable to the occasional double-xp weekend.


That's the thing I commented on also. I can understand some people not liking double xp weekends. I don't really care one way or the other, but I specifically did not play some of my characters this weekend past so they wouldn't level too fast. Actually I only ran dailies on my maxed out toons.


But instant gratification geared max level characters for sale? No thanks. Terrible idea and I'd rather switch to another game where you have to at least make an attempt to get something before I'd support that.

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I don't mind the double xp weekends, or even one week every so many months. I understand why Bioware does it. They want to have people going to the new planet/content/story/whatever and leveling to 60 to try out all the shinies they added. I understand.


And with some people here, I agree. The NEWBIES (not returning players or us Vets, but NEWBS) know jack all what to do with their class/rotation. No clue what their spells are for. No idea the etiquette in some situations. And let's not forget the people who run things like flashpoints (especially KDY) or operations, who wants everyone to OMGSPACEBARNOWDAMNIT cause they want to get as much done in a short amount of time. (I usually ignore the ones who demand I spacebar).


I only use the dbl xp weekends for the toons I have that are actually multiples of classes I've already played, but made them because they are children/grandchildren of my main toons. Operative healers? Got two. Gunslinger? Got two of those also. So, using dbl xp to run a toon quickly through their story, hit 55 and move on to the next alt, helps me out.


But I think we SHOULD have legacy perks like the dbl xp weekend type things. Must be legacy 50, must have all 8 classes to no less than at least 50. Must have ran at least one raid or flashpoint, etc. Restrictions to make it more that people NEED to do everything at least once.

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When you commented on selling geared max level toons, were you being serious? Because I find the idea of selling a level 55 with gear to be a terrible idea, and not remotely comparable to the occasional double-xp weekend.


Yes, because I personally do not have an issue with such an idea. Do I think they should also get the current top tier gear on that toon? No, but starting out with basic level 55 gear is no issue to me, because that still does not prevent someone from getting a 55 with end game gear the "normal" way.


Some more OT: I am also not opposed to selling every piece of Operations gear in the CM as well. It's not Pay to Win as some people will begin screaming at the top of their lungs the moment they read this because it is gear that is obtainable for free by playing the game. The gear already has level restrictions, so it's not like a noob character would be able to buy it and gear themselves up - a player would still need a character that would already be of an appropriate level for the Op in which the gear drops. It simply gives them the option of buying that gear without playing the Op for whatever reason they do not want to play the Op. It essentially allows for players to customize their character's looks the way they want and still be able to avoid the parts of the game they do not like, and stick to the ones that they do.

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@TravelersWay, You and I have vastly different ideas on what makes a good RPG.


I find it hard to imagine that we could ever find common ground if you think it's a good idea for this game to not only sell a fully leveled 55, but to sell a full set of operations-level gear in the Cartel Market.

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@TravelersWay, You and I have vastly different ideas on what makes a good RPG.


I find it hard to imagine that we could ever find common ground if you think it's a good idea for this game to not only sell a fully leveled 55, but to sell a full set of operations-level gear in the Cartel Market.


I simply think that people should play a game and the content within simply because it is fun - not because they need to in order to access the next piece of content or because of the reward for completing the content. The reward should be enjoying the experience. Sort of like allowing players to Q for the Warzone they want instead of getting a randomly picked one every match. Once we can see what type of warzones attract the most amount of players, then more such warzones can be developed instead of time spent creating ones that players do not like.

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I simply think that people should play a game and the content within simply because it is fun - not because they need to in order to access the next piece of content or because of the reward for completing the content. The reward should be enjoying the experience. Sort of like allowing players to Q for the Warzone they want instead of getting a randomly picked one every match. Once we can see what type of warzones attract the most amount of players, then more such warzones can be developed instead of time spent creating ones that players do not like.

I think that an RPG shouldn't encourage people to pay money to NOT play it.


As soon as this becomes profitable for a developer, the best way to maximize profits is to make the leveling experience worse. Then more people would pay to skip it.


There are games out there that do that, you know. I'd rather this game not move in that direction, if you don't mind.

Edited by Khevar
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I simply think that people should play a game and the content within simply because it is fun - not because they need to in order to access the next piece of content or because of the reward for completing the content. The reward should be enjoying the experience.


So who decides what's "fun"? You? Some kind of player council? Nobody can decide what's fun for everyone else. What I find fun you might find not fun and vice-versa. I find GSF to be not fun but I'm not here demanding they change it until I *do* find it fun.


In addition to the three reasons I've given for how ridiculous even faster leveling is... how about the fact that planets are more and more deserted cuz everyone is speed-leveling and, in some cases, skipping entire planets. So your selfishness to make it fun for *you* has had consequences such as this example.


And you're being hypocritical when you say "the reward should be enjoying the experience" yet you want to skip over as much of the experience as you can so that doesn't make any sense.

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I think this game is simple enough that we don't need to be spoon fed a 2 times XP week. A weekend here and there is fine but come on. I understand if you have other things in life that occupy your time, we all for the most part have jobs and post secondary schooling or something but we roll with the punches. Sometimes you miss out on some events not much you can do about it. Don't think a 2 times week is necessary, and takes the excitement out of xp events.
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I simply think that people should play a game and the content within simply because it is fun - not because they need to in order to access the next piece of content or because of the reward for completing the content. The reward should be enjoying the experience. Sort of like allowing players to Q for the Warzone they want instead of getting a randomly picked one every match. Once we can see what type of warzones attract the most amount of players, then more such warzones can be developed instead of time spent creating ones that players do not like.


Here`s the thing - I play this game as an MMO. And while story is an interesting concept alongside with cutscenes, I can`t care less if it would not exist entirely. Furthermore, actual social play minus Guild chat is almost null, due to the need to be on the same hubs for the same missions.


SO, I recently transitioned from a one-side Empire to Republic - they are doing Ops and I`m stuck at under 55. Funny **** I tell you!


Also, for my Operative PvP healer I get my AoE heal at max level, so I piss on low level warzones, thank you very much. And wouldn`t you rejoice when you get THAT premade that`s stomping premades and they keep voting Pylons, so you`ll just get roflstomped for a full day? I know I would be ecstatic! It`s not like pops happen decently as they are, split them more with voting options!

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I think that an RPG shouldn't encourage people to pay money to NOT play it.


As soon as this becomes profitable for a developer, the best way to maximize profits is to make the leveling experience worse. Then more people would pay to skip it.


There are games out there that do that, you know. I'd rather this game not move in that direction, if you don't mind.


I don't think any game should encourage it, but I think any game that gives a player an option to play in the manner they most enjoy would be beneficial. Of course there are plenty of those games out there that you speak of - but very few in the Western Market because we look at gameplay differently than they do in the East. Games that set out to make the leveling experience worse will not last for long - and that is the overarching point I am trying to make. After all, what's the attraction of playing a pure sandbox game if not for the experience of just playing?


If we as gamers start playing content simply because it is enjoyable, and thus do not play content that we do not find enjoyable, then we are sending the gaming industry the information on what we (as a collective) enjoy and would like to experience more of that type of stuff. As a result, we get less of the "unfun" stuff and more of the really fun and enjoyable content, hypothetically speaking of course.


So who decides what's "fun"? You? Some kind of player council? Nobody can decide what's fun for everyone else. What I find fun you might find not fun and vice-versa. I find GSF to be not fun but I'm not here demanding they change it until I *do* find it fun.


In addition to the three reasons I've given for how ridiculous even faster leveling is... how about the fact that planets are more and more deserted cuz everyone is speed-leveling and, in some cases, skipping entire planets. So your selfishness to make it fun for *you* has had consequences such as this example.


And you're being hypocritical when you say "the reward should be enjoying the experience" yet you want to skip over as much of the experience as you can so that doesn't make any sense.


And where at any time did I say that what should be considered fun needs to be based on what I think? I am talking about the gaming community as a whole. Of course each and every single gamer will have some variation on what they find fun in a game, but the metrics will tell you that there are overarching categories and elements that are shared amongst a majority of gamers. I certainly have not, nor will ever have any intention of using the Double XP weekends to speed level - which also creates the pseudo-problem you outlined (but again, as I and others pointed out, ends up being a non-issue for the reasons we stated).


My entire point is to allow gamers to play the things they like, not change them until they like them. Like I just said above, if we play simply because the experience is enjoyable, and not simply because we need to get that carrot at the end of the stick, then developers will be able to create more of those overarching elements that the gaming community enjoys and thus make the overall gaming experience more enjoyable, instead of "grindy" and "boring."


When I go to my favorite Themepark again and again, it's not because I get some reward after riding a ride. I go because I enjoy the experience of riding those rides and walking around the park. I also don't go on the rides that I do not enjoy, nor watch any of the various forms of entertainment that do not appeal to me. Is my experience any less than someone who does? No, it is not. Why? Because I am tailoring my experience to that which best befits my enjoyment for the visit. The park, by design, does not force me to ride any ride or view any entertainment that I do not want. I am fully free and able to only do the things in the park that I find the most enjoyable. The only reward I get from that is an extremely relaxing and fun day with family and friends. That would most certainly NOT be the case if the park forced me to go on rides or watch entertainment I do not enjoy before I can get to the things that I do enjoy. I simply believe that if games took more of that approach, more gamers would be able to have more and better experiences in games. It's not about skipping content or changing content, it is simply offering those who play the opportunity to play that content they like the most.

Edited by TravelersWay
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