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A sneak peek from James Ohlen


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New content sounds awsome. I brought alot of friends into this game they seem to like it too. I just want to know if there will be any group quest que system like wow has for instances? that would make group quests much easier to prepare for... i hate using "LFG" in group chat.. it makes group questing discouraging.... ile continue to play the game without a que system.. but i will probably ignor group quests.


best thing i can say is until they implement one try and do normal quests and get some real good ingame buddies and in no time you will never be short of looking for a group or find a nice guild to help as well.

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How about


- Mounts (life ones)

- Freeflight

- Space battles

- More open PvP

- More FLUFF stuff..like collectables, trophies

- A place to decorate on your ship and where you can place trophies (like eq2 and SWG)

- Deeper craft system

- Pod racing

- better cantina music and atmosphere when you enter a cantina


etc. Dont really need more flashpoints or operations at this point.. havent even done other ones yet or level to 50.. were not all raiding you know.. need more solo stuff..FLUFF..things to do



Yeah, I have to agree with this.

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I really hope we won't get "shared" content. Bit like "The whole galaxy is in trouble unless we team up and defeat Boss X". This is a real immersive breaker. This is what happend in WoW all the time, and yes it's important to mention because they used WoW gameplay for this game.


Empire and Republic are at war so the flashpoint and stuff should reflect this. Make flashpoints where the Empire attacks and the Republic defends, basicly the flashpoint is different for both sides.


If this game will implement the "Galaxy is in trouble" storylines I wont play this game for long at lvl50.

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Awsome news!


First of all - The game is brilliant and will be my new mmo for a long time.


Anyhow I want Pazzak games and gambling in the cantinas, really miss pazzak from the kotor games.


I would also like some kind of reward for open world pvp, at this time I have leveled up to 50 and only seen other side players around 10 times, which in my point of view is sad as I had big expectations for open world pvp in this game.

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go cry more and play wow if you dont like what your paying for. its really that simple.


The point is to not have to play something which resembles WoW. Asking for innovation and unique content paths isn't crying, the poster is simply hoping for more out of this game than what others have failed to provide.


Would love to see implementation of a system that promotes world PVP...encountering the opposite faction in Star Wars just makes sense.

Edited by kuhntz
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PVP is for whiners and losers. Don't waste your time adding that crap.


Let's get the bugs fixed and if you want to add new content, how about verbal emotes when your toon flirts or says hi. It's amazing the amount of voice overs you guys did for this game and you missed something as simple as that.


How about letting your ship count as a rest zone?


How about removing the needless cut scenes every time we enter our ship, that's cool the first time, after that it becomes a spacebar tap.


How about more conversations with our companions?


How about when we choose the right response in a conversation we don't get dark side points.


I mean really, some of these people are doing bad things but in order to get the light side points we need to let them get away with it.


Fix those before you add more content.

Edited by cybertrontoys
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I think its nice yall are adding more to the end game content as after haveing leveled fast for the last few days I'm thinking that my character will be in end game within the next week or so. However, I'd really like to know if there are any plans in the works to implament a LFG que system curently haveing to beg for groups in chat channels + actualy move characters from where ever they are to the entrence to the instance is a major time killer as one lost group memeber can exponentaly increese the amout of time one spends standing around doing nothing not haveing any fun and this is frankly inexcusable given that systems to overcome this very problem exist in most other mmos on the market today. Also, while im ranting, please fix the gtn so it is not so clunky.
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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.


Really?? Compete with WoW? SWTOR started with only 1% of the problems WoW had. With WoW launch there were server shut downs, stuck players, bugged NPC's, unlootable mobs, random DC's, poor customer service, quests that you couldn't even start and when you did no clear way to get to them because the quest tracker wasn't established yet (it would be another 4 years till it was), constant lag, wait I didn't type that right, CONSTANT LAG, and were down for server maintenance multiple times. And to top it off, WoW has had a ton of these same problems when they launch a new expansion, so it looks like they still haven't fixed the problem after over 5 years. Leave your unfounded comparison arguments out of the forums especially if you have no clue yourself what REALLY went on with WoW launch and what continues to go on.

P.S. Look up how many bug reports WoW had after the game had been launched for a long time and you will know how absurd your whining is.

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.


Yo relax, the game just came out, WoW was not perfect either by the first week of official release date.


Dont forget that WoW has 7 years on this game..

You cant compare the 2, although I do enjoy SWoR more.

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.


The patch that are getting released today, well in half an hour.. are a major bugg fix patch?

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Do u guys think World of Warcraft, Aion, GuildWars, an alot of other mmorpg's started without a bug? Every one is comparing it with World of Warcraft, but i think that Bioware have made a totally new type of mmorpg. It's you're choiche to play this game, but u need to have patience that all the problems will be fixed. Buggs can only be fixed by telling it to Bioware. Not with being mad and yelling it out on forum, but don't make a ticket. Which include no buggfix.
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I'm all the way to level 22 already. I have no idea what Alderaan Huttball etc even is.

And you're adding NEW content already!!!!: :(


I feel so lost after reading this thread. :mad:


I guess I'm just too slow for this new world of gaming :p..................................

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All this is nice But I would Like to see changes to some of the existing stuff, like How about chat bubbles so I can see who is talking to me, and it would make for better role-play as well. also how about some commands for our companions, like a set target thing where my companion does not run off on a target i am not after and agro about 8 more lol. That's just a couple of ideas. But To end this let me say Thank you guys for creating a wonderful and fun game.
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Fixing follow---When are they going to fix follow? I play with my husband and it is something we use a lot. And I know it is important for a lot of other people. I know it worked in the Beta, and I can't understand in a triple A MMO that it was not on the current patch, since I know it has been bug reported since Dec 13th. I am hoping they have fixed it without telling us, just like I hope they fixed the PVP heal bars showing everybody at full health, even though that was not mentioned in the patch notes.
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