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Please go back to the old Armour numbering system


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Outside of when the mod is being purchased, why is it important to know the required level of the mod? The old system didn't show the required level of the mod at 50+ without ctrl+clicking anyways.

Personally, I use it to determine when a leveling toon needs a gear upgrade. It doesn't matter once you reach 50+


It's not the gear in the vendor I'm looking at, it's the gear in the toon.

Edited by Khevar
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Personally, I use it to determine when a leveling toon needs a gear upgrade. It doesn't matter once you reach 50+


It's not the gear in the vendor I'm looking at, it's the gear in the toon.


So this'd be for something like a pure pvp leveling toon, which doesn't have regularly have a standard of comparison to look at?

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So this'd be for something like a pure pvp leveling toon, which doesn't have regularly have a standard of comparison to look at?

I'm not sure I follow. I've leveled quite a number of toons, and generally use a mixture of crafted gear and commendation gear as needed. I update my gear when it gets too far behind, or if I'm about to tackle something harder, like an H4 or flashpoint.


Previously, I enjoyed the convenience of seeing at a glance how underpowered my gear was. I will eventually get used to primarily using the gear rating to determine if the gear is underpowered, but it's not as convenient as seeing the level of the gear right in the tooltip.

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11 * 2 + 24 == 46

12 * 2 + 24 == 48


Edit: The calculation you provided seems to follow for higher level gear, incidentally. Just not the lower level gear.


Yeah, I'll admit I only checked it on my characters, who are all in the upper level brackets now. Checking it out, looks like you'd need to take some out of the quality modifier and add a level modifier as well.

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I'm not sure I follow. I've leveled quite a number of toons, and generally use a mixture of crafted gear and commendation gear as needed. I update my gear when it gets too far behind, or if I'm about to tackle something harder, like an H4 or flashpoint.


Previously, I enjoyed the convenience of seeing at a glance how underpowered my gear was. I will eventually get used to primarily using the gear rating to determine if the gear is underpowered, but it's not as convenient as seeing the level of the gear right in the tooltip.


Well whenever you see a piece of gear from a quest or flashpoint, the ratings let you know what is basically current. So with or without knowing the level requirements of the items, you know whether its more powerful or less powerful than what's currently being offered by quests.

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Well whenever you see a piece of gear from a quest or flashpoint, the ratings let you know what is basically current. So with or without knowing the level requirements of the items, you know whether its more powerful or less powerful than what's currently being offered by quests.


I get new gear most of the time with planet commons, so I look on my gear to see, if it is for my level or if it is too much under my level.

So I have to go in the modification menu to see if the gear is my level :D

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I don't disagree with the points you're making, but I feel you're overlooking something.


When using moddable gear, you used to be able open your character sheet and at a glance immediately know if your gear were up-to-date (while leveling that is). That is what is missing now.


Of course, when gear drops, you compare the stats, not the level. Of course when you reach end-game, level no longer matters. But while leveling, can you really disagree with the convenience of knowing when your gear is out of date with a quick glance at your character sheet? (This is particularly helpful if you have more that one toon your leveling, and you don't remember the last time you changed your gear.)


Sure, we're all going to eventually get used to seeing rating in gear. It's just a shame that a number that was useful without doing any comparison has now become a number that is only meaningful when a) comparing it to other gear, b) if the number increments are "memorized", or c) if you take the time to ctrl-right-click on the mod to see the actual level of the mod.




BINGO! This is the entire point.

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Well whenever you see a piece of gear from a quest or flashpoint, the ratings let you know what is basically current. So with or without knowing the level requirements of the items, you know whether its more powerful or less powerful than what's currently being offered by quests.


I usually end up doing Mando Raiders at level 29. Gear that drops is 27 so it's not good for my character. When something drops for my class then I have to "pass" anyway because all it shows is red stats.

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Really, you decide you are ready for a certain FP based on your gear? I really doubt that is the norm. People queue for whatever FP the GF will allow. Let's not start making up scenarios that we know do not happen.

Whenever a new flashpoint appears, I will look at the level of that flashpoint. Then I'll look at my gear.

I don't know what other people do or don't do and I don't pressume I do, unlike you.


I find gearing while leveling so trivial that I really fail to understand so much groaning about the change. Oh well, guess we just see it different and you should also acknowledge that plenty of us like the change and people should stop insisting that most players preferred the old way.


I've always talked about this for myself. Again, you are the talking for someone else, some "us" you are mentioning.

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I was lvling a character over the weekend and the system was extremely annoying to me. The numbers are arbitrary and useless when figuring out which pieces can/should-be replaced and for determining what can be put in a slot for my character's level.
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Not sure why these guys do this, but the certainly do excel at screwing this sort of thing up beyond all recognition. its like they get something in their heads and "think" its right and then plow ahead without "thinking" any further.


Not sure what is so difficult here. Mouse over, under any circumstance, and you get level and rating number. Not a one of three different numbers stepping all over each other depending on the circumstances of viewing.


Mouse over. Level 55, Rating 78.



Edited by Blackardin
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Really, you decide you are ready for a certain FP based on your gear? I really doubt that is the norm. People queue for whatever FP the GF will allow.


You are not looking at the entire picture here, but narrowing it to YOUR particular interest and declaring it correct because of your adaptation to such. There is more to the game then pushing the group finder button at level 22. That is exactly what should qualify you to participate in anything, especially raiding. It is the main thing a raid leader will check. Your acceptance of the system for your level of play does not make it acceptable or adequate for all, right?



I find gearing while leveling so trivial that I really fail to understand so much groaning about the change. .


You're doing it wrong. ;p

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You are not looking at the entire picture here, but narrowing it to YOUR particular interest and declaring it correct because of your adaptation to such. There is more to the game then pushing the group finder button at level 22. That is exactly what should qualify you to participate in anything, especially raiding. It is the main thing a raid leader will check. Your acceptance of the system for your level of play does not make it acceptable or adequate for all, right?





You're doing it wrong. ;p


I have been playing since launch and have 12 55's and two toons under 55. I have over 20K in achievements including clearing all but NM DF.


With all of that, am at a loss as to *** you mean by that. If you looked at another post you would see that I recognize full well why people do not like it for under 55.

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I really dont see any benefit to this change and don't understand why they did it.


Because now anyone in ops group can easily see that someone in the group doesn't have full 78 set and can be kicked. :rolleyes:


Why 78, you ask. Well, it's important to beat enrage timer, isn't it?

Edited by Halinalle
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It's annoying, but I guess we have no choice. Like usual, these changes come with little to no explanation. I guessing (GUESSING) that they needed some added room numerically between sets (perhaps in order to implement a raised level cap soon?). Regardless, it IS confusing without any guide to go by. Like I said, we'll get used to it or leave.


Personally, I'm leaving when the last days of my subscription runs out. Far, far, FAR too many bugs unfixed, too many avenues left undone and too much new garbage added. ArcheAge looks to be the game I'll be playing soon while I wait for Black Desert.

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ArcheAge looks to be the game I'll be playing soon while I wait for Black Desert.

If you're a fan of the Korean MMO grind, I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did in this game. Those games are as different from TOR as apples are to bunny rabbit pocketknives.

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Not sure why these guys do this, but the certainly do excel at screwing this sort of thing up beyond all recognition. its like they get something in their heads and "think" its right and then plow ahead without "thinking" any further.


Not sure what is so difficult here. Mouse over, under any circumstance, and you get level and rating number. Not a one of three different numbers stepping all over each other depending on the circumstances of viewing.


Mouse over. Level 55, Rating 78.




Indeed. Best of both. The above is what it should have been from the start. Please make it so.

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Yeah, I'll admit I only checked it on my characters, who are all in the upper level brackets now. Checking it out, looks like you'd need to take some out of the quality modifier and add a level modifier as well.


I'm not sure there is a linear formula that's valid for all items, qualities and levels. It looks like the ratings of the armorings have seemingly arbitrary jumps:




It looks like 2x Level + X, with X always being 6 for green quality. But it gets messy with blue and purple.


= Blue =

X = 12 (Tier 1-3)

X = 14 (Tier 4-10)

X = 16 (Tier 11-22) (And all tiers beyond, according to your calculations)


= Purple =

X = 16 (Tier 1-2)

X = 18 (Tier 3-5)

X = 20 (Tier 6-12)

X = 22 (Tier 13-15)

X = 24 (Tier 16-22) (And all tiers beyond, according to your calculations)



Still, I find the rating information useful for endgame and the lack of level info for individual modifications not too dramatic, since the overall item level is still displayed in the tooltip. For a general idea whether or not the gear is up to date that's good enough, and those who want to always be at their level's best will monitor their gear closely, anyway.

Edited by KyaniteD
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It would be nice just to have an option box to toggle the view. That creates problems on the front end, I assume. But at least then we could move past this complaint orgy.


I like the new system. I always thought the old system was pointless since I like using the core i level of the item(s).

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Whenever a new flashpoint appears, I will look at the level of that flashpoint. Then I'll look at my gear.

I don't know what other people do or don't do and I don't pressume I do, unlike you.




I've always talked about this for myself. Again, you are the talking for someone else, some "us" you are mentioning.


It could just be my experience, but I have never been in a leveling FP where someone was kicked because of gear (not saying it never happens). Most understand that the FP are the best way to gear a toon while leveling so making sure you have "the right gear" is not needed.


Umm...as in the other people in this very thread who feel the same as I do? Really no presuming there. Did you think you were making some clever observation there?

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