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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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OP totally agree and see all your points of sarcasm.


DF just takes away the whole social aspect of the game alienates most of the server into guilds and no social interaction with other server members. Pretty much sitting around in a capital waiting on a Q.


Honestly (being a vanilla till 3 weeks ago WoW player/raider), this games brings me a fresh sigh of relief from DF, LFR, the constant gear grinding/VP/JP grind, Static looking Raid Gear, Recount, cookie cutter specs and so much more.

I was dreading the Panderian expansion. Seriously ..a fre-kin Panda....and all the dumbing down of talents and classes was really the end game breaker for me.


I reluctantly loaded this game thinking I was going to hate it due to all the hype over the UI and a few bugs... boy was I in for a re-think..


I really enjoy the vanilla feel of this game and the social aspect of actually having to interact and talk in chat to get a group and learning with everyone else.


My only gripe with the game is the UI .....I play on 3 21" flat-screens and not being able to move the extra action bars around and or manipulate them is a problem since the 2 extra bars are on the far left and right side of my other monitors. I hear this is being worked on...so I am happy.

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Good post, and good read, but personally, I'd hate for either off them to implemented into star wars so soon. I don't mind a couple of years down the line, or a year. Or, even better. Certain servers having those contents. I'd hate for people to be able to re-spec there class into what ever they want, whenever. Make a character, and progress in it.. the whole point in an MMORPG, and I'd much prefer to have a good close guild that you enjoy playing with. I don't see what's wrong with "Virtual friends", but like I said. We all have are own characteristics and taste, so no.
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Pretty epic thread! I agree with how the OP really feels and don't want either of these things ruining this game either. It is, however, discouraging that so many people replied to the title and can't take the time to read.


In either case, good read!

Edited by sevenex
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People who are against dual specs are either elitists or so far up their own asses hitting their DPS keys that they can't imagine why anyone would wanna switch out of it.


Fact is, I have no problem with being a healer or a tank if the flashpoint group requires it. What I *DO* mind, is being stuck as one both before and after, or face an increasingly higher respec fee and seeking out the skill mentor every f'ing time.


What possible, conceivable reason could ANYONE have against such a feature? It needlessly makes it harder to find these roles among players, for ABSOLUTELY NO GAIN.


Stop being bandwagon trolls, elitist d-bags - and whatever else you can find lurking these forums - and realize that dual spec is nothing but a win-win for both the player and his potential groupmates.



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It doesn't need it.


A Dungeon Finder tool like WoW I really hope they don't add, they could however evolve the current one to be better.


As for re-spec and Dual Spec, I would like to see dual spec and high cost for re-specs rather then no dual spec and cheap re-specs.

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People who are against dual specs are either elitists or so far up their own asses hitting their DPS keys that they can't imagine why anyone would wanna switch out of it.


Fact is, I have no problem with being a healer or a tank if the flashpoint group requires it. What I *DO* mind, is being stuck as one both before and after, or face an increasingly higher respec fee and seeking out the skill mentor every f'ing time.


What possible, conceivable reason could ANYONE have against such a feature? It needlessly makes it harder to find these roles among players, for ABSOLUTELY NO GAIN.


Stop being bandwagon trolls, elitist d-bags - and whatever else you can find lurking these forums - and realize that dual spec is nothing but a win-win for both the player and his potential groupmates.




This post made me Laught Out Loud,

and I am all for duel spec.

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I completely disagree with you. All because other games have made you lazy doesn't mean this game HAS to do all those features.


Games were great before and are great now. Those features were only added because of all the crying people like you did, they were also released after the game was out for a while, not on day 1.... Get over it and experience the game as it was made then maybe in a few years add other features which would reduce the amount of time we spend experiences the game and being more objective based.


Please go back to WoW, I hear they have a Panda with your name on it's belly.

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reduce the amount of time we spend experiences the game and being more objective based.


Please go back to WoW, I hear they have a Panda with your name on it's belly.


Yes, because clearly having to reset my talents and hotkeys every half hour is EXACTLY how I want to experience the game. Gee, thanks for telling me!


I'm a huge fan of this game and this universe, and I'm also a fan of Warcraft. WoW has it right with dual spec. Stop seeing everything in shades of black & white.

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If they gave you the ability to dual-spec, you'd be less inclined to roll another character--something they're apparently banking on since you can level to max in no time at all.


Replayability in TOR is almost necessarily tied to playing other classes.

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If they gave you the ability to dual-spec, you'd be less inclined to roll another character--something they're apparently banking on since you can level to max in no time at all.


Replayability in TOR is almost necessarily tied to playing other classes.


This is probably the only valid arguement I've seen since Dual Spec was first brought up. And most likely the only valid one. Which is a shame, because the truth here is frightening to say the least.


If this is indeed their motivation for not implementing Dual Spec, it's a huge step backwards for the MMO genre. All the way back to Everquest with "Sorry, you rolled X. Even though you can do Y, you should only do X. Or reroll. Next!"


Terrifying prospect...

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If they gave you the ability to dual-spec, you'd be less inclined to roll another character--something they're apparently banking on since you can level to max in no time at all.


Replayability in TOR is almost necessarily tied to playing other classes.


Not really. If you look at WoW you'll notice that people tend to roll countless alts even though the game has Dual Specs, if you look at Rift with even more speccing people still roll alts.


This is because many people find the levelling experiencing itself a rewarding experience and no matter how much you change your spec, a different class is still a new different experience.


You might be able to tank with both a Powertech and a Juggernaut, but they do it in very different ways.

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I very much so disagree on the front that SWTOR needs a dungeon finder. Yes, it makes it more convenient to run dungeons, however, it also really degrades the community. When you're on your own server, you tend not to be so much of a dink towards other players. In this, I mean that when you que up for a dungeon finder, you get into a group of players whom you will (in all probability, the chance is very low) never see again. This allows players to cross that imaginary boundary from being genteel to being a total ******e. You "need" on stuff that you don't actually need, and are a general all-around jerk towards other players.


More then that, the dungeon finder is fundamentally flawed in the vote-kick mechanism, more specifically, it's abuse of it. I cannot tell you how many times I joined a random heroic as a DPS, after waiting for 45 minutes only to be kicked halfway through the dungeon because 3/5 members were guild mates and wanted to bring another guild member in. That's unbelievably frustrating.


When you are forced to group up with members from your own server, whom you will be interacting with on a day-to-day basis, you tend not to cross that imaginary line. You grow a reputation on the server, and you hear things like, "Don't group with <player name>, he just ninja's stuff and is an dickwad..."


The dungeon finder is one of the main reasons I left WoW. I sincerely hope that a dungeon finder does not become implemented, or if it does, it is only server wide, not cross server.

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