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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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Cross-server dungeon finder was one of the worst things that was added to WoW.


1. Ninja looters love it as they can join groups, steal everything, then never see those people again, its soo anti social behaviour.


2. Dungeons always feel rushed which puts more pressure on the healers, especially if your not well geared, and when wipes occur people tend to be very absusive and sometimes kick people for minor mistakes. More anti social behaviour.


3. You can level 1-85 in WoW now without even knowing 1 person on the server, i think this is very sad. Blizzard introduced guild perks so that people will join guilds as a balance to this issue, but it just mean a bunch of anti social members stuck in a guild with "Gz" echoing in green text.


If a dungeon tool was to be implemented it would be much better if it was just for each persons own server. Cross server will just promote more anti social behaviour and create a far less pleseant social interaction.


As for the anti social people commending this post, why are you playing a mmo in the first place if your not interested in social interaction? Its pretty much the whole point of playing in a constant world...

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I am all for a server-only LFD tool. Honestly its the difference between spamming general chat while sitting in a city, or clicking a button to be added to a queue and not spamming general chat. People seem to have this unrealistic idea that life without LFD is social, interactive, and engaging. It isn't.


LFD server-only is a natural upgrade from typical general chat spamming, it accomplishes the same thing without wasting the player time and effort. Cross-server LFD is only necessary if the host company fails to balance server populations well, or refuses to merge underpopulated servers. A server-only LFD is kinda pointless when your server is populated by 200 people, as opposed to a normal 10,000.

Edited by JynetikXIII
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Every person has an ability in their general abilities tab that will take you directly to the Fleet Station, on a cooldown.


Thanks, I never saw this ability. I'm sure 95% of the people don't see it, but soit.


That ability cuts the travelling down from my original 9 hops to 5 hops to get to a flashpoint (to the fleet, to the other deck on fleet, to the other ship in fleet, to other deck on fleet (I think), to the flashpoint). Then 8 hops to get back to where you were (to the fleet, to the counselar airlock, to the counselar ship, to the other planet, exit the ship, to the shuttle in the orbital, to the shuttle on the ground, orb to place where I was).


I understand that people want to defend TOR in everything it does. I really understand the need to belong to a game-community and defend everything that game does. And, yes, WoW is evil and everything they do is bad, bad, bad. I get it. TOR is the best! Hooray for us!!


But that doesn't mean that (please don't freak out) on this point, TOR is bad designed. That are too many traveling steps to do a flashpoint.


I haven't played WoW in about 4 years (iirc) so I can't comment on their current system, but LOTRO has a very fast & simple instance join mechanism. You want to do an instance ? Your groups leader selects one, each person in the group confirms and BOEM, you're there. Instance ended ? BOEM, you're back where you started. 2 hops.

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Need more games like original EQ to be honest.


Hell levels

Lose experience when you die

Possibility of losing all your gear and inventory when you die

Staring at your spellbook to get mana back and having no idea what is going on around you.

Getting trained by other people when AFK.

Surviving more than 3 minutes in Lower Guk was an achievement.

No auction house, mailbox, mounts, or dungeon/raid finder

Money actually increased your weight, too much = can't run.

Buying something expensive and giving them the copper equivalent for lols.

Person that dealt the most damage to something got the loot, not the first person to hit it first.


I miss EQ :(


I'm okay with losing some experience when we die, but losing gear and inventory is a god awful idea that should never be implemented into a real MMO (let that idea stay with Runescape).


The reason we don't have as many games as original EQ is because developers got smarter and realized how unappealing some of the features in EQ were to the majority of the player-base.


No dungeon/raid finder though for sure, that's just asking for trouble, and an Auction House and mailboxes aren't such bad features, they helps stimulate a server's economy and connectivity. Mounts are just a luxury to players, I don't think I've ever read a post about someone complaining about mounts, be it troll or not. Money having weight, bad idea.


But the rest of your ideas seem rather arguable.

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Cross-server dungeon finder was one of the worst things that was added to WoW.


1. Ninja looters love it as they can join groups, steal everything, then never see those people again, its soo anti social behaviour.


2. Dungeons always feel rushed which puts more pressure on the healers, especially if your not well geared, and when wipes occur people tend to be very absusive and sometimes kick people for minor mistakes. More anti social behaviour.


I agree with all of this.


3. You can level 1-85 in WoW now without even knowing 1 person on the server, i think this is very sad. Blizzard introduced guild perks so that people will join guilds as a balance to this issue, but it just mean a bunch of anti social members stuck in a guild with "Gz" echoing in green text.


There are far more people going 1-50 solo in tor than there are people going 1-85 solo in wow. Most people in wow are actually encouraged to group, fail group or not, to enhance their leveling experience. in Tor you only need to group on occasional heroic quests. If it says 2+ I usually try to challenge myself to complete it solo, as I imagine many others do as well.


If a dungeon tool was to be implemented it would be much better if it was just for each persons own server. Cross server will just promote more anti social behaviour and create a far less pleseant social interaction.




As for the anti social people commending this post, why are you playing a mmo in the first place if your not interested in social interaction? Its pretty much the whole point of playing in a constant world...


social interaction is hardly what I'm seeing in chat. I don't really see the difference between finding a group in a server only LFF, and a server only chat found group.


I personally like the LFD because of the interaction I get with other players. It doesn't even matter if they talk at all, the simple fact that I know that I'm playing with someone else behind a keyboard doing what they can to keep the group alive is pleasant enough for me. What I don't like is questing, questing, questing and only seeing other people running around doing the same thing. If anything they get in my way by taking the kills I need (anti-social encouraging).


Ultimately I'd like to play an MMO where I start and end the game while playing with people. The way it is I start, pick up 5 solo quests, do them, get a heroic, hook up a group, do the heroic, disband, and then do 5 more solo quests. Not very MMO.

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yes dual spec.


And at least a better LFG listing interface. The /who one is terrible.


I forsee the need for a lfd system in the future if you ever want to get a flashpoint done with alts where you arent being run through by a lvl 50 guildy.

Edited by Basiliscus
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