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DF & DP NIM Progression


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Only half of the group got the achievement. The other half already has it. Half of the group is in Zorz on the Imp side. Republic first NiM Brontes kill is still up for grabs.


A character becomes "locked" when it gets a kill for a guild. For example, lets say I get a kill with Tatooine Royal Navy on my main, Denchet. The character Denchet is now locked to TRN. If I try and help another guild on Denchet, that kill won't count. The only way to become "unlocked" is if the guild you are locked to disbands. This rule will be loosened two weeks after the raid is cleared in order to allow characters to permanently switch to a different guild. People constantly switching back and forth to different guilds to act as ringers will never be allowed, though. This will obviously be somewhat subjective and the final call is up to me.

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A character becomes "locked" when it gets a kill for a guild. For example, lets say I get a kill with Tatooine Royal Navy on my main, Denchet. The character Denchet is now locked to TRN. If I try and help another guild on Denchet, that kill won't count. The only way to become "unlocked" is if the guild you are locked to disbands. This rule will be loosened two weeks after the raid is cleared in order to allow characters to permanently switch to a different guild. People constantly switching back and forth to different guilds to act as ringers will never be allowed, though. This will obviously be somewhat subjective and the final call is up to me.


That only applies to individual characters though.

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this is why I've hardly participated in progression threads in the past, theres always one....


If you had of read through it thoroughly you would see it applies to the character, not the legacy.


Also republic 1st goes to Intrepid 16man Kill....so gg. The only 1st I think we can claim is APAC 1st.


Regardless, I don't really care what happens to our ranking in this thread, my team did a great job in downing Brontes and that's all that matters.

Edited by rreddy
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Kinda expected this...


Funny how this is only an issue since we killed brontes and not for other 4 bosses. :rolleyes:


Yes, 4 of us raid hardcore impside with Zorz, 3 of the 4 are world first gate crashers too. We have never hid this fact, most if not all blatantly have it in our sigs. Some EDE members have their imp alts in Zorzz. (Need dat 10% rep bonus yo).


Nowhere in rules does it say we cant have alts in DIFFERENT faction and kill stuff on them and not be counted.

As falver pointed out, you quoted rules about specific character.


We do our world progression raiding there and we do our casual raiding with EDE pubside, which we have been together for since the start of the year.

Are you gonna punish EDE for having us in their raid team?


Anyhow im pretty sure most in EDE dont really care much about recognition of pub first or whatever, we killed boss, got lewt and mount, we happy :D (Pretty sure intrepid got pub first btw, grats to them!)


The biggest benefit we find for having EDE name in the list is that it greatly helps with recruitment, players can see which guilds are actually clearing content and which arent. The addition of APAC status is much appreciated.


Cammack has final say anyway, its his thread, his rules. (wish you all the best with your RL stuff man)


Edit: damn ero n shay beat me to replying! damn you early risers with jobs!

Edited by SupaHsuB
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this is why I've hardly participated in progression threads in the past, theres always one....


If you had of read through it thoroughly you would see it applies to the character, not the legacy.


Also republic 1st goes to Intrepid 16man Kill....so gg. The only 1st I think we can claim is APAC 1st.


Regardless, I don't really care what happens to our ranking in this thread, my team did a great job in downing Brontes and that's all that matters.


It's okay Ero, you're still smelly. 8man pub first is rightfully yours :3 EYM NT T-ROL EY EM MDMG

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GG to the APAC GM that insta-booted one of my raiders' alts from their guild when he logged in and shared his excitement about killing brontes. You asked who cares? Clearly you do, to show sportsmanship like that is disgusting. Grow up.
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