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Strikes Outrunning Scouts?


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Unless I'm missing something, scouts are supposed to be the fastest ship class in GSF. That's their thing. They trade on defense for the best speed and turning there is. So how is it lately that in my scouts, (bear in mind my thrusters are maxed out speed thrusters) I'm getting outrun by strikes when I'm at full throttle, even if I step on the gas and burn my boosters?


Furthermore, I have a maxed out booster recharge on my scout. So even if I pop that, I'm still seeing strikes either pulling away if I'm chasing them, or closing the gap on me if I'm trying to get away from them. AND I'm running out of fuel before they are? Did I miss something in the week that I took off from the game?

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There is a scout hunter Type One Striker build, that is extremely effective. I've used it to great effect. Ion/Heavy/Cluster or Conc, with Speed thruster, straight line Speed, yes, they can out run some scouts, but they'll never turn with you.
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They're not just barrel rolling away, and there are no interdiction drive/drone involved ?

Are you putting power to engines ?

What's your engine bility and did you take the T3 upgrade for speed ?

Edited by Loc_n_lol
amazing spelling
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Do they spin in your target scanner when you see them closing/fleeing? Barrel Roll.


Note that while the Scout does have a higher base speed than a Strike, it is marginal and can be overcome by other +% speed bonuses if they have them and you don't. The real mobility of a Scout comes from its more efficient afterburner (lower activation and continuous cost), as well as several components you can take to refill engine energy.

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You mentioned running out of fuel before... So I ask you :

- is your Engine component upgraded for another +10% speed ?

- is your Engineering companion giving at least the -13% Engine costs

- do you use Power to Engines

- are you using Quick-charge Shields

Edited by Altheran
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You mentioned running out of fuel before... So I ask you :

- is your Engine component upgraded for another +10% speed ?

- is your Engineering companion giving at least the -13% Engine costs

- do you use Power to Engines

- are you using Quick-charge Shields


I use speed thrusters, the booster recharge, and barrel roll. All of which are maxed. So they're not outrunning me with barrel roll since I can and do use that to keep pace. I do not use the quick charge to shields, I use distortion field. As for the companion no, but even then that doesn't make up for the fact that I'm faster, and that even without the engineer I have a maxed out booster recharge with all it's bells and whistles so if I pop that mid-chase? There should be no way they could catch up or outrun me.

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If you're boosting with power to blasters and them to engines, they will still outrun you.

And make sure your barrel roll isn't accidentally set to improved turn rate instead of engine speed.

Beyond that I'm out of ideas.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I use speed thrusters, the booster recharge, and barrel roll. All of which are maxed. So they're not outrunning me with barrel roll since I can and do use that to keep pace. I do not use the quick charge to shields, I use distortion field. As for the companion no, but even then that doesn't make up for the fact that I'm faster, and that even without the engineer I have a maxed out booster recharge with all it's bells and whistles so if I pop that mid-chase? There should be no way they could catch up or outrun me.



Quick Charge Shield grants a large bonus to engine power recently consumed regeneration rate. But it would take a very long time for this to matter.


Simply put man, you are likely messing something up.



EDIT: I'll summarize all the things that modify speed or boosters or whatever.



1)- Take Blizz or C2N2.

2)- Speed Thrusters

3)- Extra speed on your engine component

4)- Be boosting!

5)- F3 increases max speed.

6)- Barrel roll on cooldown

7)- Booster recharge as you say



I think you gotta be messing something up man. Strikes have:


A lower base speed

Same thruster options as you.

Same engine components as you.

No other tricks to increase speed.

Edited by Verain
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I use speed thrusters, the booster recharge, and barrel roll. All of which are maxed. So they're not outrunning me with barrel roll since I can and do use that to keep pace. I do not use the quick charge to shields, I use distortion field. As for the companion no, but even then that doesn't make up for the fact that I'm faster, and that even without the engineer I have a maxed out booster recharge with all it's bells and whistles so if I pop that mid-chase? There should be no way they could catch up or outrun me.


Here the Engine-related stats of a Strike that maxes Speed on thusters and Engine component, but is also using Quick-charge Shields and the cost-reducing crew (Power to engine in parenthesis).


Engines : 100

Engine regeneration : 5/s (7.5/s)

Engine recently-used regen : 2.9/s (4.35/s)

Power regeneration delay : 3s

Speed : 892.8 m/s (1071.36 m/s)

Afterburners activation cost : 5

Afterburners consumption rate : 10.4/s


Here are the Scout stats that has a similar build but don't use quick-charge and the cost-reducing crew (I'll assume + Engine pool) :


Engines : 110

Engine regeneration : 5/s (7.5/s)

Engine recently-used regen : 2.0/s (3/s)

Power regeneration delay : 3s

Speed : 936 m/s (1123.2 m/s)

Afterburners activation cost : 5

Afterburners consumption rate : 10/s


Basically, if you don't alloy your power to engines with the dedicated key, while the Strike does, the Strike will simply outperfoms you in regards to speed : similar engine costs, better speed, better regen.

If you do use "Power to Engines" he'll only have better regen, but you'll have the better speed.


Considering your problem, the description of your experience, and your "no-reaction" to my question " do you use power to engines" (that I slipped among others), I'm assuming that the problem is that you don't use it and not optimize your energy consumtion/regen/effects.



EDIT : I noticed I called the Engine-allocated power stance "Power to Engine" while it's also the name of the +10% engine pool of bonus from engineering crew members. It may be confusing.

Edited by Altheran
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Here the Engine-related stats


Good work, but minor correction: scout afterburner initial cost is 4, not 5. This becomes important when you need multiple short bursts of speed (for example, when weaving around a satellite).

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Good work, but minor correction: scout afterburner initial cost is 4, not 5. This becomes important when you need multiple short bursts of speed (for example, when weaving around a satellite).


It's 4 if you have Efficient manoevers from your Engineering crew memeber. Otherwise it's 5.

Edited by Altheran
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Atheran gave a good rundown of the stats, but there another very important factor.


Flight path.


The superior speed will show up over long distances in straight lines. If you're flying a less geometrically efficient path than your opponent your speed advantage will be eaten up and then some.


To gain ground on someone you need to fly lead pursuit. Meaning you aim your ship at the point where they're going to be when you catch up to them. (note that if they're clever at evasive maneuvers they may bait you into flying to the wrong point and cause you to loose LOTS of distance).


To open up space, without reducing speed, use tail pursuit where you fly to a point behind their ship.


If you're trying to point straight at their ship you'll effectively be in tail pursuit most of the time if they turn much.


If you aim to shoot at the lead reticle, you'll be in lead pursuit for blaster fire, but because blaster bolts are so much faster than ships it may not be enough lead for a scout to actually close on a fast strike fighter.


So how do you know where to fly for lead pursuit? You could make a software solution, but SWTOR is extremely mod unfriendly, so either you have to use visual recognition which is no small task, or you'd wind up breaking the license agreement by grabbing data directly from SWTOR. Most people do it by combining their eyeballs, brains, and trial and error until they just get a feel for it.


I figured it all out once and since forgot, but I believe the longest boost range on a strike is maybe something like 27 km, and the longest on a scout is in either the mid 30s or mid 40s. So if you aren't low on engine pool at the start you should eventually catch up with them unless you use a horrendously inefficient flight path.

Edited by Ramalina
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Also as someone else pointed out, with a speed build a strike fighter turns like a barge. I have extensive experience with this on my Pike. Try to persuade your target to get into a turning fight with you.


I'll also note, that because of the greater baseline engine efficiency of a scout, a pilot in a speed build of strike fighter needs to learn to fly very efficiently and keep large engine pool reserves as much as they can if they wish to be competitive. A lot of scout pilots get in the habit of throwing away engine power like it's free money or something. In that case in a contest of speed and endurance it's entirely possible for the efficient piloting to come out ahead of the efficient hardware.


I don't generally worry about scouts that much on my Pike. I can force them to spend so much time on hunting me down that usually they give up and go do something else, but they would catch me eventually if they were persistent and didn't make mistakes.

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