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Galactic Starfighter Initial Impressions


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I have only just recently returned to the game after quite some time away. I left my, what was once max lvl 50 character on Harbinger, to start anew on Begeren Colony. My main interest was to try out Galactic Starfighter. My new Character is close to lvl 30 and this has been done primarily through GSF. I am rarely one to post but I thought I would share my impressions thus far.


At this point I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying GSF and I can see myself sticking around for a while. When I initially started I didn't care about win or loose or how many times I died. I did not expect to compete with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. My first 10 matches or so were painful. I also slowly began to notice improvements and some kills started rolling in.


Now after two weeks of play I've settled on my favorite ship, a Flashfire, though it's nowhere near maxed yet. I have even managed to lead the leaderboards on a few matches. Most importantly, I'm having fun playing. It's sometimes frustrating as some matches I still get wiped, but I learn something each time.


All in all I just wanted to share my experience. I feel the difficulty is about right as there should be a learning curve to playing with seasoned players. It's been a much more interesting ride than the same planetary missions all over again and a lot more fun.


If you are on Begeren Colony I look forward to seeing you in the air.

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You've taken your first step into a larger world.


Congratulations on sticking it out and actually learning something. Too many players try it, get blasted, and throw their hands up and quit. You will absolutely get better the more you play. The Flashfire is a great ship, and the first one I mastered, but I love my Pike as well.


I'm on Begeren as well. I fly under Dany (Republic)/Aegona (Imperial). Feel free to ask me anything if you see me in game. The forums here also have tons of great advice.


Glad to have you and happy flying!

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Everything about this post reminds me of when I started (ah memories)


First off +1 man, seriously. You have no idea how many people play their first couple games and then find their way to the forums complaining about everything under the sun, and how everything should be changed to suit their particular needs.


The other half of players queue one game, get their butt kicked and then tell everyone for the rest of time that "GSF is stupid and unfun"


I think many of the people with positive experiences are so happy that they are actually "playing" the game and not posting here. That being said, welcome back to the game! I can only hope that cross server pvp happens someday so I can face you in combat =) Keep up the good work, with an outlook like that you will get better.


My only other advice is find some friends to fly with, makes the game more fun / easier to deal with in win and loss. Many people would rather get mad and ignore the team aspect of the game. Truth of the matter is it takes 0 time at all to find friends and queue with them (it can be done while doing other things, doesnt need to take a lot of time)

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I've enjoyed GSF similarly since day one, and I wasn't playing it right off the bat with the rest. There was a learning curve (and I find it funny that we get a tutorial detailing most of GSF's controls AFTER you fly for a round), but I thought it was a blast from the get-go.
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I would have to guess that some of the negativity is due to unrealistic expectations. If I recall my first match I was just hoping that I might walk away with a single kill. I would never have expected to take a level 1 character in Dark Age of Camelot into the frontier and carve a path of destruction. I feel I can hold my own fairly well at his point. My ship is still far from maxed out and I have only been playing for about 2 weeks now. I have wasted a bit of requisition trying different ships and components but this helped me find a fitting that worked for me.


For any new players that might read this I’ll offer a few tips that I believe helped me. Each pilot is different though so it may not be helpful for all.


I started with the NovaDive which I feel was a mistake. I believe it can be a good ship with some investment but I do not believe it’s the best option for the starting player. I began having much better success when I switched to the Star Guard with heavy lasers and concussion missiles. I feel that it was a more durable ship with better survivability and firepower early on. The extra range also helped to keep me out of the thick of things. I relied heavily on the concussion missiles for picking of targets.


Stick with the group. If you fly solo you will more than likely be mercilessly picked off. If the match is disorganized and everyone is off on their own, try to stick with a wingman.


Learn to use your special abilities. These are great for breaking missile locks, repairing the ship and increasing damage among other things.


Don’t get worked up about the leaderboards at the end of the match. Overtime you will improve. Try different components and ships to see what works best for you. I learn more about what works best for me after every match, win or lose.


I look forward to seeing you all out there!

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Man rolls a pub pilot finds he can enjoy the game

Film at 11:00


I actually started a sith warrior on the same server named Ta'var. I took out a completely stock Rycer and completed the initial GSF mission as well as the daily and weekly this evening. I topped the leaderboards twice with the stock ship with 13 and 12 kills respectively. I believe my worst match I had 5 kills. I didn't track the number of matches well but I believe we won 4-5 and lost 2-3.


I saw no noticeable difference between flying on the Republic side with Sevril or the Imperial side with Ta'var. If it's possible to check my stats than I openly invite you to do so to confirm my claims.


I am still finding GSF to be extremely fun win or lose. If I'm on than I'm usually in the que waiting for a match. I feel that this expansion added a very interesting dynamic to the game.

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I actually started a sith warrior on the same server named Ta'var. I took out a completely stock Rycer and completed the initial GSF mission as well as the daily and weekly this evening. I topped the leaderboards twice with the stock ship with 13 and 12 kills respectively. I believe my worst match I had 5 kills. I didn't track the number of matches well but I believe we won 4-5 and lost 2-3.


I saw no noticeable difference between flying on the Republic side with Sevril or the Imperial side with Ta'var. If it's possible to check my stats than I openly invite you to do so to confirm my claims.


I am still finding GSF to be extremely fun win or lose. If I'm on than I'm usually in the que waiting for a match. I feel that this expansion added a very interesting dynamic to the game.


Well you must have a much better server than the one i play on. On prophecy of the five its blowouts either way where you will find 3-5 ships on you before you can even move, mostly pubs occasionally imperial, either way zero fun.

Edited by General_Brass
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Welcome to the fold OP. I think the majority of people that stick with the game for more than a few matches share your experience. My story wasn't much different. Took me two weeks though to feel useful in a match. Been grinning ever since.
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