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  • Location
    Stationed in Okinawa
  • Interests
    Computers, Cars, Gaming
  • Occupation
    US Navy Corpsman
  1. This particular change was an absolute disappointment when I came back this last time. I'm honestly not sure how long I'll even stick with the game this time around. This change, in my opinion, ruins a portion of the game I enjoyed. I get the notion that you should pvp for pvp. I'll openly admit I'm only an average pvper. I typically fair better on my healers, and I just run with pick up groups. Some days I'd merely do the 2 matches if we kept loosing for the daily / weekly progress. Some days I'd run a lot more than the 2 matches. Ultimately this is an MMORPG. Aside from the social aspect, most everything you do in game is about some form of progression, whether it's for exp, tech fragments, credits, etc. I have gone 4 matches without a win under the new system and logged out in disgust. In the old system, if things were that frustrating, I could just complete the 2 and call it a night. Now you either carry on trying to get that win, adding to frustration over time, or simply not participate. I've unfortunately decided not to participate under the new system. This eliminates a portion of the game I enjoyed previously and makes a departure from the game all the more likely. My take on it for what it's worth.
  2. I just ran through the chapter 2 days ago with 0 issues. As far as the cost, it's 2 companions and a somewhat lengthy chapter for 3800 I believe. I felt it was worth it considering all the KotFE and KotET content was free with subscription.
  3. I left when the rng gear system was introduced. After I thought about it, I never played for gear. I never even had gear with a set bonus before. I think the thing that irritated me the most was the lack of a starter gear set at max level. I believe most versions of the game had included an easy to get set once you hit max level to prepare you for end game content. I found it a nice addition considering how alt centric the games was. In 4.0 you generally had enough comms after running Forged Alliances to gear you character in 208's. It seems this has been made better with the introduction of the command token exchange. I don't grind cxp, I get cxp for doing what I like and for the first time some of my characters now have set bonuses. It also depends how far you've gone in game. You mention that you did the class stories but there is a lot of content after those that includes Makeb, Shadow of Revanchist, Kotfe, and Kotet. Granted these tend to be the same for each character for the most part. Personally I enjoyed the varied content. I enjoy GSF, especially with the new changes, Warzones, and crafting. I've still yet to complete an operation though I'm considering joining a guild and attempting those. All things considered I think it's a fine time to come back.
  4. NYCC http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/gtlp9
  5. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/gtlp8
  6. I actually wanted to share some of my thoughts on this. I posted a while back in regards to how much I liked GSF. I did take a break from the game for a little while. Due to the double xp week I've started a few new characters. Originally when I just started out on my main character I was ok with taking my lumps before I became competitive myself. On my alts I lack that same understanding. On my new characters I decided to try out warzones, I never had before. I am actually enjoying leveling through them and I find myself wondering why some design decisions used to create warzones doesn't apply to GSF. The use of a tiered bracketing system I think would be quite beneficial. Between the level brackets and the bolster system I can jump in and feel rather competitive right out of the gate. I also thought that simply granting warzones comms for star fighter matches would encourage more participation. I would then be able to advance and outfit my character on the ground through GSF. Just some of my random thoughts on GSF. I do still enjoy it but the incentive to play on my new characters isn't there
  7. I actually started a sith warrior on the same server named Ta'var. I took out a completely stock Rycer and completed the initial GSF mission as well as the daily and weekly this evening. I topped the leaderboards twice with the stock ship with 13 and 12 kills respectively. I believe my worst match I had 5 kills. I didn't track the number of matches well but I believe we won 4-5 and lost 2-3. I saw no noticeable difference between flying on the Republic side with Sevril or the Imperial side with Ta'var. If it's possible to check my stats than I openly invite you to do so to confirm my claims. I am still finding GSF to be extremely fun win or lose. If I'm on than I'm usually in the que waiting for a match. I feel that this expansion added a very interesting dynamic to the game.
  8. I would have to guess that some of the negativity is due to unrealistic expectations. If I recall my first match I was just hoping that I might walk away with a single kill. I would never have expected to take a level 1 character in Dark Age of Camelot into the frontier and carve a path of destruction. I feel I can hold my own fairly well at his point. My ship is still far from maxed out and I have only been playing for about 2 weeks now. I have wasted a bit of requisition trying different ships and components but this helped me find a fitting that worked for me. For any new players that might read this I’ll offer a few tips that I believe helped me. Each pilot is different though so it may not be helpful for all. I started with the NovaDive which I feel was a mistake. I believe it can be a good ship with some investment but I do not believe it’s the best option for the starting player. I began having much better success when I switched to the Star Guard with heavy lasers and concussion missiles. I feel that it was a more durable ship with better survivability and firepower early on. The extra range also helped to keep me out of the thick of things. I relied heavily on the concussion missiles for picking of targets. Stick with the group. If you fly solo you will more than likely be mercilessly picked off. If the match is disorganized and everyone is off on their own, try to stick with a wingman. Learn to use your special abilities. These are great for breaking missile locks, repairing the ship and increasing damage among other things. Don’t get worked up about the leaderboards at the end of the match. Overtime you will improve. Try different components and ships to see what works best for you. I learn more about what works best for me after every match, win or lose. I look forward to seeing you all out there!
  9. I have only just recently returned to the game after quite some time away. I left my, what was once max lvl 50 character on Harbinger, to start anew on Begeren Colony. My main interest was to try out Galactic Starfighter. My new Character is close to lvl 30 and this has been done primarily through GSF. I am rarely one to post but I thought I would share my impressions thus far. At this point I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying GSF and I can see myself sticking around for a while. When I initially started I didn't care about win or loose or how many times I died. I did not expect to compete with seasoned veterans right out of the gate. My first 10 matches or so were painful. I also slowly began to notice improvements and some kills started rolling in. Now after two weeks of play I've settled on my favorite ship, a Flashfire, though it's nowhere near maxed yet. I have even managed to lead the leaderboards on a few matches. Most importantly, I'm having fun playing. It's sometimes frustrating as some matches I still get wiped, but I learn something each time. All in all I just wanted to share my experience. I feel the difficulty is about right as there should be a learning curve to playing with seasoned players. It's been a much more interesting ride than the same planetary missions all over again and a lot more fun. If you are on Begeren Colony I look forward to seeing you in the air.
  10. I was just looking to get a little advice about some of the Republic classes. I’d like to roll a republic healing class. I generally solo so I’m looking to change that up a bit and group most of the way through the game, preferably through warzones and flashpoints. I’ve experienced most of the consular story on my Jedi Shadow so I’d prefer to avoid doing it again unless of course they are the best healing class by a large margin. This seems to leave the Smuggler or Trooper. Which class is a better overall choice for group content including pvp? I do also enjoy the class stories so I’d also be curious as to which one has the better story between the two. Thanks for any help.
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