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List what you want to be fixed and what would make you resub.


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Let's face it, most of the people who are good at PvP and are competent in regards to class balancing are either leaving shortly or they have already left.


With that said, I don't believe that constructing a new warzone which wouldn't even come out for a year isn't going to retain subs nor encourage them to resub in the future. Having said that, list what BW would need to do in order to get you to resub.


Things that I want in order to get myself to resub from least(1) to greatest(the max number of issues that bother you in regards to PvP):

1). 2-4 new warzones

2). Fixing bugs that impact classes abilities

3). Proper class balancing

4). Removal of Bolster in Ranked PvP

5). Integrating successful world pvp into swtor

6). Introducing cross-server or merging the PvP servers.

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Let's face it, most of the people who are good at PvP and are competent in regards to class balancing are either leaving shortly or they have already left.


With that said, I don't believe that constructing a new warzone which wouldn't even come out for a year isn't going to retain subs nor encourage them to resub in the future. Having said that, list what BW would need to do in order to get you to resub.


Things that I want in order to get myself to resub from least(1) to greatest(the max number of issues that bother you in regards to PvP):

1). 2-4 new warzones

2). Fixing bugs that impact classes abilities

3). Proper class balancing

4). Removal of Bolster in Ranked PvP

5). Integrating successful world pvp into swtor

6). Introducing cross-server or merging the PvP servers.


I just resubscribed to make sure my subscription gave me early access to player housing ...... and in hindsight im not sure how i feel about that.

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I'm still subbed, but I'm constantly on the lookout for an MMO with better PvP than this one. Haven't found it yet, though. However, this is a list of things I'd like BW to take a look at, from most to least important.


1) Proper class balancing.


2) Return of Ranked Warzones, and the ability to queue for said Ranked Warzones solo.


3) Cross-server PvP for Ranked Warzones (this is the game mode that is in greatest need of more players. Regular WZ are fine and queue pops are quite frequent, at least on the Harbinger).


4) No more gear grind, and no more bolster for 55 PvP. At 55, everyone should get access to a vendor that gives you the PvP armorings, mods and enhancements for free. This allows for easy access PvP, even as a fresh player, and puts the focus on being better players, not having better gear. Furthermore, non-PvP gear will be made inactive in PvP, so that raiders won't outgear everyone. Commendations will then be used to buy cosmetics, mounts, pets, and whatever else that won't impact gameplay but lets you look bling-ed out as ****.



Things I don't quite care about, but might be nice to have:

Open-world or Realm vs. Realm PvP. It's a nice diversion but it's really not my thing.


Ranked PvP. I'm a regstar through and through, because I don't like the stress of ranked PvP, but I understand that others like the competition and it's existence will be better for the game as a whole.

Edited by Zakmonster
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From the replies in this thread, I think that it's safe to assume you all want BioWare to fix the core game before adding stuff that would only be fun for a week.


I like what they're doing(asking the communities opinion on something) but wasting that opportunity with warzones will do nothing for this game in the long run.

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From the replies in this thread, I think that it's safe to assume you all want BioWare to fix the core game before adding stuff that would only be fun for a week.


I like what they're doing(asking the communities opinion on something) but wasting that opportunity with warzones will do nothing for this game in the long run.


If you read my "satirized" version of the FAQ post, my main problem lies with their approach to the game's faults and problems.


The stonewall of "Working as Intended" and "We'll get to it, soon" is bullcrap. I want honesty out of them, and some reasonableness with regard to player requests.

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Posting like this:

Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post. And I'm back! Just to clear up any confusion, I am not saying that this means we are going to "re-nerf" Operatives/Scoundrels.


Then deleting the thread and proceeding to destroy the three with a nerf 9 days later.

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Lol.. where's my post Bioware? :rolleyes:


Game is on Maintenance mode, and all new updates are Cartel Market milking.


how long has this been up:

*scoreboard bug

*Force Leap bug

*46's nonsense, nvm the other pve BIS mods


Every-time there's a patch my first reaction is "argh... not a new patch.."

they can't stop breaking stuff.


Game is just working on a skeleton crew.

Why would i pay full sub price for a game on Maintenance mode and that all new updates are Cartel Market oriented?

Have you guys seen the newest trailer? that's the first trailer i've seen that presents cartel market packs as content.. lol

Game is done.

Edited by Virus_Bot
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If you read my "satirized" version of the FAQ post, my main problem lies with their approach to the game's faults and problems.


The stonewall of "Working as Intended" and "We'll get to it, soon" is bullcrap. I want honesty out of them, and some reasonableness with regard to player requests.


I have to agree that a lot of the answers were not truthful at all and some honesty would be nice. I am thankful that they posted that FAQ and I thought that was one major step in the right direction. The problem is that at least 5 of Eric Musco's responses need serious clarification as to why they're doing the exact opposite of what needs to be done in order to retain subs and grow the PvP community.


I made this thread because it seems that they're not understanding what needs to be done in order to save PvP in this game. I love the idea of community feedback on warzone maps but there are other things that need to be addressed before we even think of another warzone map. For me personally, warzone maps might be interesting for a day and then the magic wears off. It's great to have content, but not at the expense of the issues that are killing PvP.


They need to work on the core issues that plague PvP and open up a bit more with the PvP community. A lot of people here are immature and will automatically flame him if they don't agree, but if something like nerfing operatives by removing their knockdown is the idea of "balance" in the eyes of BioWare, then you can bet I will speak out against that(Until my sub runs out this month).


It's sad that BioWare is unable to adapt to the needs of the community and I'd love to help them out, but it's so blatantly obvious that they're unable to connect with us.

Edited by SithEBM-Reborn
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The removal of Bolster in 55 and ranked PVP.


Check boxes for what warzones you want to play. Arenas 90% suck unless your in a premade. I leave them as i see a premade.


Class balance.


They need to add premade groups options for those who aren't in premade groups.


fix the stealth/cover node clicks. I didn't believe when i seen it, and i know the people on my server who abuse it.

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If you read my "satirized" version of the FAQ post, my main problem lies with their approach to the game's faults and problems.


The stonewall of "Working as Intended" and "We'll get to it, soon" is bullcrap. I want honesty out of them, and some reasonableness with regard to player requests.


Bioware have always used the 'carrot and stick approach' to try and keep people paying and playing. But when you hav e a design team bang out of ideas, too focused on vanity items for that pissing Cartel Market, they can't make any money from PvP so it gets put on the back burner.


Every week, SWTOR is just turning into a Sims expansion and with TESO and Wildstar due soon, it's going to take more than player housing and a few cartel coins to keep subs paying their money.

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I think that Bioware will benefit from bringing things back to PVP that they shut down.


-Open World PVP Dedicated area AND rewards.

-8v8 Ranked Warzones.


I saw my whole first guild leave after the World Pvp area was removed and never returned (we were told that it would be fixed and returned to us).

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Most important issue for me is that this game needs urgently cross server tech, after that I would like to see a return of the ability to queue simultanious for normal and ranked warzones, remove arne from the normal warzone schedule and give us a 8v8 ranked back (maybe with just huttball and the upcoming quesh map) as a huttball league.
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LOGIN, enter security code, poof bad log in screen, was working just fine. ok login again enter pw enter security key, ok not working, fine i will reinstall AGAIN!!!! OMG! First ALL night with cheaters on the imp side teleporting all over the f'king board! I am a pro pvp'er I DONT CHEAT! i despise cheating! I came here from wow becuase the cheating was completely OUT of the CONTROL! now ............here we are again, OH YEAH i'm 200$ into this damn game so far, i've invested HOURS AND HOURS into this, and people are teleporting all over the damn pvp warzone, then on top of that all the program won't work, I've entered my pw and security code 4 times in the last 5 minutes! OMG OK I'VE OFFICALLY SAID IT SWTOR! GET YOUR SENIOR PROGRAMMERS BACK, THE YOUNG PUPS OUTTA COLLEGE DO NOT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT NOTHING HOW TO RUN A GAME! they have officailly screwed up swtor, to the point......i'm done......i am DONE! im so sick of the bugs and glitches and cheating WHEN you do get the game to work it glitches out so hard core! My pops used to be a game programmer...... i know about pc games and console games and such....and im so disgusted. I have never been more gyped and looped by a game! It offers great game play at FIRST! then you get into it....and the swtor programming team just stopped giving a rats *** about the gamers! the game is NOT managed....the cheating HAS NOT STOPPED! your idiot policy's are stupid! start a guild, if you don't sub its gone....to someone else ......its stupid stupid stuff like this...........GUESS WHAT! TTHHAATTTTT IS GOING TO PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS! think about it, i'm a hardcore gamer...........i am YOUR TARGET audience.....I'm the one paying you..........to continue to create a good MMO...and guess who just quit playing......not becuase i want too.......BECAUSE I'M FORCED TOO. THE GAME HAS BUGGED OUT SO HARD, I NOW HAVE TO RELOAD THE ENTIRE THING ON MY COMPUTER AGAIn this is like the umpteenth time......why in the world would i pay for a game.......full of glitches, doesn't work, screws me becuase i don't want to keep paying for something that doesn't work, cheaters non stop in pvp.....and you wonder why your going bankrupt? ........its really no mystery.....
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