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force push for marauders...


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Why, as MDPS, would you want to move your enemy away from you? Now if you were asking for force pull...


To use Force Leap, again. Juggernaut/Guardian have this ability. Force Pull would be great, too, instead of the Disable Droid which is worthless in PvP or PvE against non Droid NPCs.

Edited by Ramtar
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Why don't Juggernauts get two laserswords?


Lore has Force Push as a Warrior/Knight basic move not specific to Juggernaut/Guardian. Why can't Marauder/Sentinel wear Heavy Armor?

Edited by Ramtar
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Marauder is class that deals incredibly high dmg on melee. So why would they need skill to push mobs out from their range?


Greed. Massive greed.


Hankering over another ability to screw over mostly casters but also disrupt other players in pvp.

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Marauder is class that deals incredibly high dmg on melee. So why would they need skill to push mobs out from their range?


High melee damage on a single target, and after 2.7 all specs for Marauder/Sentinel will become single target specs.


Why Force Push:


1) Lore: all Knight/Warrior could use it. Darth Maul used Force Push when fighting Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi.

2) Guess you don't know what Force Push does?

3) Marauder/Sentinel PvP 4 piece armoring bonus grants: Increases all damage dealt by 10% for 5 seconds after using Force Charge or Force Leap.


I think you're missing the point.


Sorry, but you are missing the point.

Edited by Ramtar
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It's really quite sad that you're begging for a stun/interrupt/physics move to add to marauders already significant toolkit and a dps boost.


Are you suffering?


Why not? Other classes cried to get this class nerfed.

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Why not? Other classes cried to get this class nerfed.


The answer to your question is that it would make the class very overpowered in solo PvE and PvP when played by a skilled player. Even post nerf the class is quite strong in every setting in the game (as long as you do not use rage spec in PvP that is). The Rage nerf was heavy handed and excessive, but don't use that as justification to get an over the top buff that will inevitably result in a heavy handed nerf for the specs I play.

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The answer to your question is that it would make the class very overpowered in solo PvE and PvP when played by a skilled player. Even post nerf the class is quite strong in every setting in the game (as long as you do not use rage spec in PvP that is). The Rage nerf was heavy handed and excessive, but don't use that as justification to get an over the top buff that will inevitably result in a heavy handed nerf for the specs I play.


This ^. Come on dude, Sentinels and Mara's are already powerful enough. Rage needed that nerf because too many people were mindlessly spamming their smash key and getting high DPS off the AoE. So, Bioware fixed it to become a single target spec. You don't need Force Push on this class considering if you play it right you can mow down targets easily enough.

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This ^. Come on dude, Sentinels and Mara's are already powerful enough. Rage needed that nerf because too many people were mindlessly spamming their smash key and getting high DPS off the AoE. So, Bioware fixed it to become a single target spec. You don't need Force Push on this class considering if you play it right you can mow down targets easily enough.


The rage nerf was over the top though. Making the auto crit only affect the primary target would have been enough. The spec now needs buffs to single target sustained damage to be performing well in PvP, otherwise you are correct.

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Sorry, but you are missing the point.


I doubt it. I main a Carnage Marauder.


I also play a Vengeance Jugg. Are there abilities from the Jugg I'd like on my Marauder? Absolutely. Are there abilities from my Marauder I'd like on my Jugg? Absolutely. Jebus, there are abilities from my PT I'd like on my Mara. Or my Jugg.


Point is, not every AC gets every other AC's abilities.


Marauders are in a good place. Carnage is one of the best PVP specs of any class, balanced by its susceptibility to interruption - and trust me, that's a lot better than being balanced by its lack of burst and its kiteability, the way a Juggernaut is. Annihilation's pretty good for PVE. Rage is going to suck in 2.7, but that's true for Juggs as well, and it's far more of a hit for Juggs than it is for Marauders, as Marauders at least have one well-functioning PVP DPS spec when Rage goes away. Vengeance Juggs will be okay for regs, but they're nowhere near a ranked spec yet.

Edited by Cavell
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Yeah so the force on marauders is something low-grade since we can force choke someone but we can't force push/pull, heh :rolleyes:


If you look at the class description of mara/sent, they are the lightsaber specialists and the jedi least dependent on force powers. If looked at in that light the setup necessary for game balance actually makes sense from a lore perspective as well.

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Hey while giving Maras Force Push why not give all the Sin specs Force Pull!?


Idiots complaining over nothing. Not happy with your Twin-Saber throw that slows EVERYONE hit by it!? Your Force Choke which is arguably the best move in the game? Really stop the QQ over an ability you'd never be able to properly use in your rotations of PvP. Why? You don't need and it wouldn't benefit you to take a sec to push when you can just finish what you are doing to kill

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High melee damage on a single target, and after 2.7 all specs for Marauder/Sentinel will become single target specs.


Why Force Push:


1) Lore: all Knight/Warrior could use it. Darth Maul used Force Push when fighting Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi.

2) Guess you don't know what Force Push does?

3) Marauder/Sentinel PvP 4 piece armoring bonus grants: Increases all damage dealt by 10% for 5 seconds after using Force Charge or Force Leap.




Sorry, but you are missing the point.




1. Darth Maul was not a marauder.

2. It's pretty self explanatory.

3. Marauders can spec to an almost no range limitation on leap

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