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Why is all social armor limited to "Light"?


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Bioware just needs to sell 3 sets of social armor at the vendors; a light set, a medium set and a heavy set. Same look, different base armor stat. That way every class can use it instead of limiting it to just one class.


I bought the "Imperial Trooper" armor set for my Bounty Hunter. But it turned out to be "light armor" so my Armor Rating took a huge hit.


My Inquisitor though can wear all that social armor and it doesn't matter. In fact, it's kind of handy being able to buy and equip a full set of Orange gear as soon as I land on the fleet.

Edited by AnubisXy
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Because, and i'm only guessing, someone or something seriously screwed up social armor for release. Either by intent (We totally have a new system, guys!), or accident (Bug.).


There were tons of unique medium and heavy armors on the social vendors before. These included TIE pilot suits, crimson mandalorian armor (KOTOR mandalorian armor.), and more. Each was suited to certain classes, and had their own armor tiers.


Then we get to release, and all the armor is light armor. Even stuff that shouldn't be, like the Imperial Trooper armor on the CE vendor. Which means that all of the other classes get screwed over.



Either there was a serious miscalculation when re-designing the system, or something bad happened behind the scenes. I can't think of any other reason.



What matters now is that it gets fixed. And that topics like this one keep bringing to the devs attention with all of the relevant info posted on the first page where it's easily accessible.



Sadly, i've seen over a dozen of these topics so far. They all seem to go the same way.


Once the trolls stop posting, due to everyone explaining the situation beyond the ability to argue against it, they inevitably die due to not enough people posting to keep them bumped where others can see them.


This is bad, because things inevitably start over from square one when someone posts a "holy crap, social armor sucks at the moment!" topic. At which point someone chimes in about CE entitlement/social armor entitlement/snide comments, and the cycle begins anew.


I have also seen over a dozen topics like this and ones adressing as to why those social armors that were in beta were removed for the game release. It's obvious the intent was that those social armors in beta were to be in game and as you said either bug or internal decusion made them take it out. I mean, even on eof the loading screen tips reads social points grants you access to better armor. I would really like to see a response from bioware about this. It's been prooven if we keep at em, keep our voices loud and constant they will eventually answer. So folks keep hittin the threads like these till they give us an answer.

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I want my god damn social heavy armor like right nao!


I tank all them instances and gain my hard earned social points so some lightning flinging lol-I-can-do-some-damage gets to look like a tank? Seriously retarded, meh...

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How would you feel if it were locked as LIGHT ONLY and you couldnt wear it as a heavy or medium armor wearer?


This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in this entire thread. We can't wear this crap as a Heavy armor user, it's useless. And all you people saying "it's not meant for combat just for fun" have to be kidding. No one is going to spend the obscene amount of time it takes to earn some of these armors just so they can dance around on the fleet for a few minutes with their buddies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Because social gear are just clothes designed to be used for social occasions, where armor doesn't matter ? Squishies can wear them for operations because, their armor doesn't matter anyway ? James Bond does missions in tuxedo, Boba Fette doesn't.


Social gear isn't clothes designed to be used for social occasions, they are REWARDS for HAVING BEEN social with other players.


That's where it gets the name from...


Haven't done 300 Flashpoint runs and didn't get those 10.000 social points? Then forget the social gear.


It's simply moddable gear based on different characters from the SW movies and universe, the ''social'' tag simply implies you need to earn it through actually being social. It's not an RP only thing -_-


Nice try RP-server players!

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If light armour wearers have all the functionality of the armour plus the social aspects of wearing social gear then so should all other classes.


Either social gear needs to "scale" (ie; heavy armour wearer puts it on, it counts as heavy armour).


Or, they need to remove the armour designation altogether. And the ability to mod social armor.


Please make a decision Devs!

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Bioware just needs to sell 3 sets of social armor at the vendors; a light set, a medium set and a heavy set. Same look, different base armor stat. That way every class can use it instead of limiting it to just one class.


I bought the "Imperial Trooper" armor set for my Bounty Hunter. But it turned out to be "light armor" so my Armor Rating took a huge hit.


My Inquisitor though can wear all that social armor and it doesn't matter. In fact, it's kind of handy being able to buy and equip a full set of Orange gear as soon as I land on the fleet.


this is all they need to do. keep them looking the same, keep them orange, just change some base-stats

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See, but that right there is what confuses me. If Social armor was not supposed to replace actual armor, then why is it mod-able?


If you play a class that uses light armor, Social armor can 100% replace actual armor. It adds a huge amount of what your class can look like.


The security key bikini and a quest robe that is mod-able have the exact same stats when you fully mod them. So for a light armor wearer, they do in fact replace actual armor and there is no trade off.


Can an Inquisitor/Consular look like a Trooper, Sith Warrior, or even Smuggler? No they cannot. Thats your trade-off. Its light armor so everyone can wear it. Consulars/Inquisitors ge teh added bonus of being able to use it in combat because they have they happen to be restricted to wearing the only armor that anyone else in the game can wear.

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No less ridiculous then Imperial Trooper armor, very heavy looking armor, being classed as light armor.


Which, by the way, it is.


It was a heavy armor at headstart the Imperial trooper Armor , why they changed it to light boggled me , maybe cause CE would have a unfair advangtage in helmet and boots.

Beside cool looks ..


But on the first days of headstart it was heavy that armor .

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You people do realize this was a decision by BW, it's not a bug or some unintended consequence. Why do you think they did that? I won't bother to answer that because it's obvious and been stated but could some one venture a guess?

IT'd be nice to have them in other grades but if you won't bother to try to understand the reasoning behind it... I don't know what to say.

Nothing that anyone has proposed is some rocket surgery idea, BW has made this choice for now. They may revisit but don't act like they didn't know the consequences of this choice. IF you are still unable to see why they made the choice I can't help you. You and I may not agree with the reason but please don't act like they didn't do it for a reason.

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Make the armoring slot determine the type of armor it is....because its armoring....


As for the smug guy that posted above me, bioware has also said they want u to be able to look however you want and dress however you like and that is why they are unlocking purple armoring in an upcoming patch.

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  • 2 months later...
I don't like it being light only they could jsut make it so that there is light medium and heavy verison of each purchaseable.


dude....how much dust did you have to scrape off the coffin of this one?

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