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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is all social armor limited to "Light"?


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Because all classes can wear light armor.


Yes. That's why.


I can't believe it took until page 4 for someone to point out this blindingly obvious explanation.


By making social items Light they only have to make one variant knowing that any class can wear it. It's as simple as that. Almost everything BW has done in this game can be explained by their taking the easier path.

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The purpose of orange gear in this is supposed to be the answer to the appearance tab in other games.


To that end Social Gear should within reason be viable armor to mod up for medium and heavy armor users. As it stands now Light armor wearers have lots of choices. For instance I could be a an inquisitor female in the slave-girl outfit and be viable.


Perfect example: the CE armor set is the black storm-trooper like outfit, it is "light" armor. I personally as a BH would love picking up the gloves and boots to go with many of the other gear in the game just for the looks.



Edit: I know why it is all light, so anyone can ware it, I just think some of it should scale in armor to the wearers max armor class (i.e. medium and heavy)

Edited by Racheakt
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On one hand, the slave outfit modifiable as heavy armor is just ridiculous... on the other hand if it's got slots at all then why not? Why would a Sandperson get up give someone 1100 willpower? Isn't that the point of social gear?


I think making the stuff global is an easy way out though (this probably makes it damn likely in a subsequent patch).


The harder and more rewarding path would be to make dozens of OTHER social getups available to medium & heavy armor users. Darth Malagus heavy armor or Canderous Ordo's armor would be great social items to have available, as would all the republic & empire standard troop armor.


So much potential, so little implementation.


Hopefully it's coming soon.

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I have to agree with the OP, while I understand the arguement for making all the armor light so everybody can use it. It also subverts the whole point of the customizable orange armors.


There are a great deal of fixes available and I hope they just didn't have the time between the last round of beta tests and launch to finish re-implementing the new version of the system. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its an issue still on the top of their priorities list once they finish putting out the fires from launch.


Hopefully constant player feedback on the issue will remind them that despite the in game effects being minimum, it has a great deal of influence on player satisfaction.


Afterall I spent 150 bucks on my collectors edition, and it really irks me that my imperial agent can't wear the trooper armor and stay competitive (Because he needs medium armor and I play a PVP Server).

Edited by Saverick
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dark people aren't social.



Voldemort wasn't social


Neither was Vader



or Sauron


Voldemort had a social club that got together to torture, maim, and kill.


Vader had a wife (deceased) and 2 kids (estranged).


I'm going to disagree with you on the social aspect of both. They are twisted, but social. :D


On the thread contents: Remove the Armoring slot from the social gear and leave it with 6 armor rating. Problem solved.

Edited by theLast
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I'd also like to see moddable gear scale with "highest" armor proficiency. This would solve a lot of issues, though I'm sure it would create many more.


Additionally, it would allow for things like: "I want to play single saber tank in robes without armor pieces," which is currently not possible without significantly gimping yourself.


As someone pointed out, if the moddable gear is, in fact, supposed to give players flexibility over how they look, restricting the most varied forms of that experience to only two classes for significant viability seems out of line with the stated goal.

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I agree totally.


Why do Consulars and Inquisitors get to run around in the uniforms and use them as actual gear, but if a trooper wants to dress like a soldier, he's gimped? People are saying that there shouldn't be an unfair advantage -- well, ladies and gentlemen, there is an unfair advantage, just for a couple of classes. Everyone else is getting screwed.


Good points made by yourself, and the OP. I am looking at my Sentinels cloak, and seeing how much of a loss in armour it is. Likewise with lightsabers. I found a few customs, and in all honesty, took them because they seemed to have better stats than what I had. And so far in game I have found nothing else like them.

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Gear giving bonuses other than armor+resistances, and possibly str/agi if it's a Ironman-like exoskeleton, is an outdated concept.


I'm intrigued by this point. What makes this concept outdated? it seems to be the prevalent concept in most MMOs today. Additionally, how else would you provide incentive for content if gear simply provided very minor augments to your character's abilities?

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Well this leads me to believe that they're still working out the kinks with social armor. Perhaps there's hope that they will adjust it soon.:cool:


I have no doubt social gear was suppose to scale, but other things took priority of course.


The one thing that bothers me is that Bio feels Mod Gear should be a replacement for an appearance tab. They have to sink in so much work to upkeep this system and make sure it works well instead of just copying what works and improving on it.


Blizzard is the king of stealing ideas and making them work better. That is why they are so popular (they stole the whole look of Warcraft from Warhammer).

Edited by illgot
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How is it no one has mentioned that making social armor available for combat use bones every synthweave and armormech out there? If everyone has access to modable armor from lvl 15 on then no one will buy the armor on the GTN.


BW needs to follow how Lord of The Rings did it with an appearance tab. You still get to raid as a sand peep/slave girl etc but crafters still remain viable. This way you never worry about how your character looks, and you are still rewarded for doing group flashpoints and quests. Otherwise everyone is going to roll cybertech and sit with the same look till 50 and only replace gear from raids/pvp.

Edited by Aesmodien
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the logic behind making all social armor light was so that every class would have access to it... in all honesty it is not meant to be worn for anything more than "social" events but I have a lvl 50 JK guardian tank and the difference in damage reduction between me using my lvl mods in orange "light" and orange "heavy" armor is around 3 percent so it's not a big deal unless you are an anal min/maxer
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the logic behind making all social armor light was so that every class would have access to it... in all honesty it is not meant to be worn for anything more than "social" events but I have a lvl 50 JK guardian tank and the difference in damage reduction between me using my lvl mods in orange "light" and orange "heavy" armor is around 3 percent so it's not a big deal unless you are an anal min/maxer


but in some cases exp with the horibad spell cast lag on this game 3% can be life or death depending on who your with

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Because wearing social armor is supposed to be a tradeoff between looks and functionality and not supposed to replace actual armor.


Its not a tradeoff for consulars ill tell you that. remove the mod slots and ill agree


I went from 244 armor a piece to roughly 140 a piece on my scoundrel when i switched to social gear o.o

Edited by Leilei
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but in some cases exp with the horibad spell cast lag on this game 3% can be life or death depending on who your with


then stop wearing "social" clothing into battle? it's like a soldier complaining he got hurt more because he got shot in combat while wearing an AC/DC t-shirt instead of a flak jacket



as I said in-game it's not a big deal.. I've been main tanking operation bosses on a Guardian in a slave girl bikini outfit and doing just as well as when I was in heavy armor... only difference is I look sexier doing it lol



Edited by Liquidacid
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Well I agree with some of these things.


I just wish more outfits came in male armor as well. My shadow has been in the elegant dress set as soon as I could wear and mod it. Nothing else has dropped or been rewarded that was any better.


I am hoping my smuggler can find something neat to wear when I get to the first set of social armor.

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