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Everything posted by Lodestar

  1. *Sing it with me.* "And the cat came back, the very next day" Ok so having my little bit of fun there, but I must admit, like many here, while finding it amusing, I could see a geniune concern here. Pleased to see it was settled in the end. Must be a huge sih of releif for you. Yes even in guilds you do not get that kind of response. But no, you really do not want a friend like thyat. As someone pointed out he was a vampiric character, and you were the food source. And given your obviously a very kind and reasonable sort, you allowed him to take advantage of you. A lesson to be learned, you can say no without being mean, which you did so far as I can tell. And that was admirable. And let me be straight, most of us have been there in our lives some way or other. And many gave advice here that may have been harder to follow where they in your shoes. Always the way. Nonetheless uncomfortable, but resolved in the end. His problems were not yours to bear. Your here to pay and play a game. And he has no right to dictate how you should play. Such is life though, when dealing in online games and communities, you will meet by those who use them to express themselves where normally they can not. And this can be as amazingly fantastic to see as it can be unsettling. So no need to tar them all with the same brush. As you can see by the reactions here, people laughing and scratching their heads, it is very uncommon. I must say, I read the post you replied to with a degree of dismay too. What a jaded, cynical and bigoted way of living your life. Such an approach solves nothing. And actually compounds the issues. One can only hold a mirror in our social duty, and see if someone is able to recognise what they see, and make a positive change from within. Bashing them and berating them for ones own comfort solves nothing, and also says something about your own insecurities. But I don;t think anyone here is going to make a change in perception on a game forum. While I see nothing wrong with going about your biz, and playing the game your way, I feel compelled to say, I have spoken about the very approach you describe, as being a major negative impact on MMOs now. You may be a quiet reserved sort of person, and that is fine. But treating and regarding people as a bother, and a tool to be used grudgingly makes me wonder why people even play MMOs at all. And worse yet, devs are catering to that. You may not have actually been doing that in fairness. It is just how you came across. And I have met people who do that. Grouping then quitting feel more like a factory than a place of fun to me. And that was one of the major cotributing factors to my leaving MMOs that I may have stuck out a bit longer. The best MMOs I have played have not necessarrily been the best techincally or graphically. They have had a fantastic community.
  2. What he does not tell you is that the coreographers, added bits in to make it look good for the movie. Such as that which the OP mentioned about turning your back to the enemy, I would think were thrown in as part of that. They were chosen for looks, not practicality.
  3. Ah. That could very well be it. But, you do see my point earlier. In the brokendown list like that, it was very easy to form a pattern, warrented or unwarrented. BW could very well do state this.
  4. Now for myself, I am just puttering around on my main at level 36. And I been in since pre launch. Just going at cruise speed and enjoying the game. I already bought a 60 day time card and used it when I bought my CE of SWTOR as there was an offer on them cheap. I was going to be here for at least 3 months plus pre order time. So I was completely unaware of the circumstances surrounding the complaints about people not being able to unsub at the end of the first month. It came to my attention via a different forum. I even asked on this forum, before a kangeroo court. Are we sure you have the facts? I was not the only one to ask. And someone did some digging and posted the run of events. And reading them in sequence made me sit up. From the thread that raised my awareness of this. http://www.darkdemonscrygaia.com/showthread.php?t=24172 I must admit it DOES look suspicious when looked at like that. And I can not be the only one by a longshot, who looked at this through cautious eyes. In fact I am late to the party. And it is clear to me some serious explaining is required. It reeally does not look good when broken down. People are passing this around, and it is being embelished. PR surgery is required stat. This is not going to go away. This I think is one of those things that will fester and get worse.
  5. I would also like to add. I have only seen schemtics for yellow and orange. Blue, green and red just seem to stop.
  6. No, but then it is based on real things. It is one thing to not take thngs to seriously. I would say correct there. It is another to dismiss anything that has any real life significance, because you don't like to look deep. Jedi and sith are fictionalised wyas of dramatising real life concepts. That the world is actually one conciousness or a thought machine, and everything and everyone is part of that. You can surrender to it and try to reach a point of being one with it and end usffering and self centredness. Or you can increase your suffering and those around you, by trying to control it for your own egos end, which is a delusion. A story in many religious texts, myths and folklore. I don't resonate with it as a jedi wannabe. I resonate with the parts that were used as inspiration for the Star Wars universe.
  7. Bah sorry. Not getting into a cycnism debate on forums no more. And deal with someone who just wants to be right all the time. Been there too many times before. It gets no where. You can have your beleifs, don;t expect me to follow them.
  8. Now I don't advise peeing out the window. You see what happened at the end of Alien Resurrection right? *Makes a gesture down south and cringes* Vader probably did what I suggested. Make them go before or hold it in. in his case he added OR ELSE.
  9. Make innacurate sweeping statements much? And as for nobody givng a damn about story or Lore. Is that poster serious? Why would you even choose Star Wars if your not interested in that? I know plenty who would be bored witkless of a game that had no story or lore. Me for one.
  10. For god sake, just make sure they go before they leave, like i do.
  11. Oh god, it's started already. "I can't kill x class in PvP so nerf it". Seriously though, maybe not the OP, but some one will do it soon enough. And mean it.
  12. Cathar. I really like those. I am actually suprised some races were chosen over them as playable. Moreover that we see so many of them in game. Matak for example. We have not seen many of them in the movies at all. Nor in Clone Wars.
  13. This. We already have WoW. Every WoW clone fails because who wants another WoW, when they already have it. Strangely though, I have been folllowing TSW. And it is staggering to see the flipside of this. You would be amazed at how many people, actually want less innovative feratures, and something like WoW. The trick is to strike a balance, between innovation, and "convention". Some people would throw out popular features just because. Some want to force their idea of a good game on others. The reality is your trying to get the largest share you can. And the more "focused" and specific, you get, the less dedicated followers you will have. Edit SAY WHAT!!?! Where on earth did you get this information? I been flowing TSW since Feb 2008. It is not going to be anything like a true sandbox, this has been known for some time now. Nor is it a PvP centric game either.
  14. Good points made by yourself, and the OP. I am looking at my Sentinels cloak, and seeing how much of a loss in armour it is. Likewise with lightsabers. I found a few customs, and in all honesty, took them because they seemed to have better stats than what I had. And so far in game I have found nothing else like them.
  15. Yeah, I kind of get the feeling BW took the idea of sex and marriage not being part of the then Jedi code too literally. It may break the rules, but the idea is not sex and marriage being the problem. but ones ATTACHMENTS to it. There are many wise and sage like people in the world, with great contribution to enlightenment. In many faiths it is very much something to aspire to and be cherished. The core problems come from co dependance on ones partner, from not being mature enough and happy with onself. Tantra for instance talks about abstenance and over indulging as being the problems of imbalance. A health balance is sought and is the goal. It teaches children as an example by being good male and female role models. This is something that is often missed in monastic religions, or at least misunderstood by them and practiced in that regard. Whereupon people engage in abstinance to purify themselves. This was not meant to be the idea. Which I beleive is where Lucas took some inspiration from when he wrote the Jedi. Along with a collage of warrior culture. I would add, I am pretty sure, while never mentioned, ObiWan was not the only one to know about Anakin and Padame. Yoda MUST have known for a start. Along with other Jedi council members. Just they never acted upon it as being a sign of darkness. Which alone it wasn't. I think it would have been nice for BW to acknoweldge this, instead of going as rule break equal darkside right out. The Jedi were trying to fight conditional love, they were all for unconditional love and compassion.
  16. Among a few things such as just how do I keep my gear for my character AND companions current. Itself an issue for another thread. I am learning in game and here that one simply can not use any colour crystal they like, and slap it in their weapon. Something of course we were able to do in KOTOR 1 and 2. There has been much ado about not being able to get a purple lighsaber unless your a PvPing Sith. Which has perturbed a fair few people. Myself I never wanted one. I was after a simple blue one, maybe a white which I noted was a special one you had to find. I am fine with this. They were never seen in the movies and to my knowledge other SW lore makes little to no mention of them. Simply a case, like many other colour crystals of why not? In fact the only two bits of lore I know of myself (and please correct me on this if I am out dated), was that when Return of the Jedi came out George Lucas, was going to keep things as red and blue. But when the early footage of Return of the Jedi came out, one of the changes, along with the title of the movie at last moment, was the colour of Luke Skywalkers lightsaber. He changed it to green because feedback said in the Tatoine scenes people were unable to see the original colour of it, against the clear blue sky. I read that Lucas created a backstory for that. Saying Jedi were forbidden to synthesie crystals (reason unknown) but Sith were encouraged to do so, placing all their anger and rage into it creating a red crystal. Because the Emperor had the caves were the crystals were destroyed, he was unable to obtain one for a new weapon. So he had to synthesis one, which turned out green. I am unsure of provenence of this, and if it is lore, seeing as how we have seen in the prequel trilogy, lots of Jedi with a mix of blue and green. They were getting those green crystals somewhere. Sith kept to red, and this seem to be a consistent in all the movies, and books I have seen. More commonly known, is that Samuel L. Jackson, when negotiating the part of Mace Windu, tried it on, and asked for a purple. He was flat out told the only three colours, but he pressed it, and got his wish. The backstory made little sense that was told. The idea was Mace had a style that was between Sith and Jedi. So he had a purple colour so as to be half and half. Makes little sense but there you go. And that clearly gave rise to a bit of what if, with regard to crystal colours. If you can immagine a crystal being that colour and being conceiveably found then why not? KOTOR added yellow as a badge for Sentinels, which I quickly dropped in favour of blue for my sentinel. Just did not like the yellpw ones. But was nce to see them playing on the what if. And allowed us the infamous purple or even red irrespecitve of alignment. After all why not? KOTOR 2 (although an Obsidian game) ran with it even further, and I had my immagination sparked when I had a silver/white one. So I was quite pleased with my first impressions on seeing a fair choice of colour. I saw on Tython NPCs with orange and yellow, and of course some people traded their colour crystals. A majority remained with blue, green or that yellow/black one. Or the red on empire side. I noted later many red crystals were limited to dark side and blue and green to light. Fair enough, since that actually matches with lore. Not so much with customisation freedom though. But was ok with that. And Orange, and yellow crystals were quite rare drops, although they could be made in artificing. Look good in blaster shots, while not my preference in a lightsaber no issue there Then I noted when looking at schematics on sale for artificing, the later crystals were ALL yellow and orange. Orange being represented by dark side and yellow on the light. I am in early stages and not gone far into Treasure hunting, so maybe articing schematics turn up for high end classic colours blue green and red. Either that or lore is soon thrown out the window. Which would seem to be contrary to what we have seen up till that point. After all we have seen the head Jedi and sith facing off against each other. You would think they would have the best stuff to do what they do. And yet these are who we see set the convention for the classic three colours. So unless, schematics for those colour crystals exist, just not to purchase from the trainer. Then the lore is broken, and we must trade up or be underpowered if we stick with the big three. This is the part that perplexes me. As I see no reason to not have a classic blue one that is on par with the yellow and orange. Add to this the fact that only PvPing sith can obtain a purple thus far. And we have what looks to me mixed messages, about at first wishing to be in keeping with lore, then later breaking it to possibly pander to the epic gear badge. And I am not sure which way the devs are trying to go. I get purples are supposed to be rare. And fine have characters who wish for one look for it. But why does it have to be for sith only? Mace Windu, the only user of one, was not a sith. Why do I have to ditch my faveourite blue, for a colour I like less, just to look like everyone else? The epic gear thing was always an off putting thing for me in an MMO. Where we are supposed to be indivduals, we find after all the work done in making our characters look unique in creation. They are covered head to toe in gear that hides the individuality, in favour of looking like a clone. Just to say we have epic gear. Is this really what we wnat in games? Is this what we want for SWTOR? I see no reason why after reaching high levels, we can not just pick and choose the appearance, or at least colour of our gear after all the work getting there. And while we at it, letting us recolour our clothes would be nice too, even if for an ingame fee, so as to avoid that clone scenario. A hefty post I grant you. But if you are still with me, well done. What are your thoughts? Anything to add?
  17. I agree. But then I have known skills that are not OP, least not anymore, get whacked over and again and see relentless complaining to have it nerfed some more. An example was Regen and Fire Tanks in City of Heroes/Villans. It got nerfed all the time, but people still complain about it. After all the balancing it recived, I am still not sure where those complaints come from anymore after all this time.
  18. I agree, but the reports here alone suggest it went a bit too far the other way. So much so it is off putting.
  19. Oh brilliant. I was just thinking about this last night, as I got to lvl 16 on my Sentinel, and was wondering how to euip him best. What cybertech did you get him if you don't mind my asking? And again, can you only make what you gave him, or can you buy it?
  20. Alright, I do not mean to throw a spanner in the works here. I actually do not fully understand the mechanics of RE. I read on a guide here there were 2 routes, and only one made sense to me. Take a green apart, and eventually get a blue. Take perhaps more blues apart, you get a purple, and I think then a better class of purple? I even chose my characters crafting around this, as I found while reading what I know of RE, you have a minimum requirement of having a given skill for it's corresponding purple. Well I actually got an unintended blue of two RE's of one thing last night. A low level item I was not even trying to get a prototype for. Just braking it up for parts. But then I was not breaking up blues to get artifacts or whatever level they are. But, the diplomatic way of putting what you guys are saying is that, there appears to be an issue with RE since new patch. And if there was a way of limiting RE in that last patch, it went way too far. So as to make it not worth bothering with RE at all. And if there was not a deliberate attempt, then something may be amiss.
  21. I got an Orange one from I beleive inside a lightsaber during an Essles run at lvl 13. You can make them and yellow crystals much later. And that is what I would like to add to this topic. I have only just at level 16 decided to see what schematics are available later to an artificer. And I find blue, red and green are NOT high end at all. The high end ones are orange and yellow (though you can get both at earlier lvls., as drops). So what is with that. Strange to make purples elusive, stanger to make the three classics be outdated, when they are the favourites of many. hehe, well that os up fpr debate elsewhere, though a bit latr seeing as how you could easily get purples in KOTOR and KOTOR 2. I know the latter is Obsidian not Bioware. But one thing I noticed, was that in KOTOR 2 we could get all kinds of variation. I had a sliver one, and we had odd light green available too. Still though, if purple is only avaiable in PvP seems a but of a jip. I know people who hate PvP, who would like purples. Mind if they republic they can raid if what I am seeing here os right, which would be ok by some, in republic. But the idea a purple, cyan or ornage or yellow is better than a high end red, blue or green still seems odd. Guess what I am saying is I would rather a choice in what colour crystal my high end saber has, if I have gone to the trouble of getting there, or raiding.
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