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Why is all social armor limited to "Light"?


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As I'm sure most have found there are armor sets with unique looks. Seems like just about every world has one (Aka the sand people armor set on Tatooine). Now at first glance I thought they were just social bits. Dress up if you will. Guild is having a party so go grab your favorite planet's set and dance in style. Then I noticed they can equip mods.


Suddenly, I'm confused.


I've run into several bits of armor that can be modded, and I get the idea. You like the look so instead of replacing with greens and blues whenever they offer you more stats, you keep upgrading the old armor. However, all these bits that I've run across while leveling were usable. Aka I wear medium, I find medium mod-able armor. I wear heavy, I find heavy mod-able armor.


So here is why I'm confused. All the social armor is "Light" armor.


If the purpose of mod-able armor in general is to give the player flexibility in the look of their characters, why is there no Medium or Heavy versions of social gear? A tank that wears heavy armor might like the look of say the balmorra rebels set, but if they go through all the trouble of modding it they have taken a step backward. Yes, they have the same endurance. Yes, they have the same amount of their primary stat. However, they've got about 40% less armor. Aka they take a lot more damage than they should, just because they want to look like they want. For medium it's about a 20% loss in armor.


To clarify, this is the total armor amount, not the amount of damage reduction. Aka a medium armor set could give you 1000 armor total, while the light set would give you 800 armor total, but your damage reduction would change by say 4% (the percent seems to be based on level and a formula that I don't know so just making that number up). However, whatever the number might be, a tank taking more damage is never a good thing. And I'd bet a medium armor wearer is gonna be pissed if they took their fancy soical gear into say a PvP match and got smashed because they just naturally take more damage then they should.


Like I said, I'm confused.


If the purpose of mod-able gear is to give more options, then social gear works against that basic purpose. I've tried to think of why social armor is only light, but I've not gotten a solid idea yet. It's not like the social items give perks. A mod-able light armor chest from a commendation vendor and a mod-able social chest have the same stats when fully modded. So it's not like all tanks would be forced to wear social gear if there were medium and heavy versions.


So my question is: Why is social gear light armor?


It seems to me on the surface a rather simple thing to fix. Duplicate the armors but add a bit to the name and switch the armor type. "Fortified social chest" or "Reinforced social chest" for example.

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yep i noticed this not that it matters in grand scheme of things since best armor in game has the armoring mod locked in so cant even get those mods if wanted them(i hear can grind raids for them, to bad for us pvpers we get the shaft) so won't really matter since most folks will be forced to wear what ever bioware deems is tier at the time.


that said i think armor should change based on class you are example, if i pick slave outfit up as a jugg should count as heavy armor.

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Social armor is actually social clothing. Thinks fancy party, toga party, or Halloween/dress up party.


Point is, they are social, not battle. Can light armor wearers benefit? Sure. Can you, a heavier armor wearer, wear it in battle if you want? Yes.


Considering you can wear any type of armor you want, light medium or heavy, you have access to many more looks than they do, since they are restricted to light including social.

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From the social gear that I have seen I believe it says "light or above", implying that if you wear light medium or heavy armor, you can wear the social gear if you have the appropriate social level.


I would think that the gear isn't intended for operations and flashpoints as much as it is for RP, or having fun with friends and guildies. Having mod slots would allow you to decently fit it so you can go run some low missions without needing the best of the best gear.


From the items I have seen it's gear for fun, so have fun with it.

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Because wearing social armor is supposed to be a tradeoff between looks and functionality and not supposed to replace actual armor.


See, but that right there is what confuses me. If Social armor was not supposed to replace actual armor, then why is it mod-able?


If you play a class that uses light armor, Social armor can 100% replace actual armor. It adds a huge amount of what your class can look like.


The security key bikini and a quest robe that is mod-able have the exact same stats when you fully mod them. So for a light armor wearer, they do in fact replace actual armor and there is no trade off.

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See, but that right there is what confuses me. If Social armor was not supposed to replace actual armor, then why is it mod-able?


If you play a class that uses light armor, Social armor can 100% replace actual armor. It adds a huge amount of what your class can look like.


The security key bikini and a quest robe that is mod-able have the exact same stats when you fully mod them. So for a light armor wearer, they do in fact replace actual armor and there is no trade off.


I agree totally.


Why do Consulars and Inquisitors get to run around in the uniforms and use them as actual gear, but if a trooper wants to dress like a soldier, he's gimped? People are saying that there shouldn't be an unfair advantage -- well, ladies and gentlemen, there is an unfair advantage, just for a couple of classes. Everyone else is getting screwed.

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If you play a class that uses light armor, Social armor can 100% replace actual armor. It adds a huge amount of what your class can look like.


But, you still have more choices of what you can look like since you can wear light (including social), medium, or heavy. You have more choices in general, they have more choices for battle.

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But, you still have more choices of what you can look like since you can wear light (including social), medium, or heavy. You have more choices in general, they have more choices for battle.


That's just not the case. Classes that Wear Heavy armor don't have a choice to not wear heavy armor in combat.


As it is now, Light Armor classes can wear whatever they want. Meanwhile, on the Guardian forums there are three multiple thread pages of players trying to find some decent looking heavy armor.


You guys acting like it would be unfair to make the Social gear usable by ALL of the classes just as effectively as light armor classes can use them are just being obtuse.

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But, you still have more choices of what you can look like since you can wear light (including social), medium, or heavy. You have more choices in general, they have more choices for battle.


And I understand that. I'm not saying that a heavy armor class doesn't have access to Medium or light armor. I'm asking why is social light and only light.


For a drinks party, the guy who can wear everyone else's gear is king.


For tanking a flash point, the inquisitor can look like the Sand people, an Imperial Trooper, a Hutt dancer girl, etc etc (and here is the part that confuses me) and still do their job 100% effectively.


If any other tank looks at social gear to expand their appearance, they are flat out going to take more damage. Which means more work for the healer, and a larger chance for death.


My question is why is that?


If social gear is meant to replace gear as an option, then why is it only light?


If social gear is not meant to replace gear as on option, then why doesn't it work like the customization slot of a companion where you wear it in appearance, but it doesn't do anything stat-wise?

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This is actually a big deal; and the only people who talk smack about us complaining are the people who can wear light armor.



Seriously, why does a JC/SI get to run around like a Sand Person and I cannot simply because I wear heavy armor?


Not only that, it provides a full set of completely moddable gear very early in the game.. but only for one archtype? Huh? Make up your minds.

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i am going to take a wild guess; and say because it social attire.. have you ever been to a wedding wearing your football outfit or something not relaxing and comfortable.


you conduct business in social..

you conduct *** kicking in in regular armors

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I agree totally.


Why do Consulars and Inquisitors get to run around in the uniforms and use them as actual gear, but if a trooper wants to dress like a soldier, he's gimped? People are saying that there shouldn't be an unfair advantage -- well, ladies and gentlemen, there is an unfair advantage, just for a couple of classes. Everyone else is getting screwed.


Because we're special :rolleyes:


Seriously, though, I agree with the OP, or any points made about how restrictive appearance customization is in this game. I talked about this at legnth in the thread I added to my sig (started by someone else).


I support any additions to this game that would make appearance customization more varied and versitle, and if possible less bloated, since the current system requires to make a huge investment in orange gear and mods, then bloat our inventory list multiple gear if we want to have options for different outfits and such.

Edited by VisionStorm
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One of the loading screens even says that leveling up your social gear gets you access to better armor.


That's currently not true. Not unless you play a cons or inq. So the entire system is borked at the moment. As is the reason for most classes to level social points.


This needs to be fixed ASAP.




Also, re-adding the dozens of armors for medium and heavy classes they removed in beta would be a nice fix. There's a reason so many social vendors appear to be empty. They didn't used to be, and had sets for every class until they removed them for some reason back in beta. What's distressing about this is that they're now adding new armors as light armor, when they really shouldn't be classified as that.


The current CE armors for instance need to scale to their proper class. Imperial Trooper armor is not light armor, nor should it be. It's Agent armor, given that their weapon set and armor tier fits what it looks like the best. This is pretty much a requirement anyways, if Bioware expects to fulfill their promise of unique armors for every class to use.


The classes that would want to use these armors can't, without taking a massive hit to their stats.

Edited by Radiatonia
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Consulars complain that they have no pants options outside of Social. Heavies complain that they don't have any nice looking options that are viable.


Here's how this goes: if you change up the social gear we have now, then you end up angering the clothies. Like, really, really angering them, based on the lack of pants posts we've seen lately. But if you don't, you have the heavies complaining about not having nice things.


I'm sure that we'll see more of the heavy armor appear again soon. They obviously have the assets in place and tested. They probably removed them so that they can ease things in instead of roflstomping their servers. Because the more uniques the engine renders, the more stress server and clientside.

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I kind of agree with the OP, you can't just say social gear is "fun attire" considering light armour users can use it properly, but others can't.



Social gear is modable so you can use it properly. If it was only for looks it wouldn't have any stats.


So it does beg the question why only light armour social gear is available.

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Because, and i'm only guessing, someone or something seriously screwed up social armor for release. Either by intent (We totally have a new system, guys!), or accident (Bug.).


There were tons of unique medium and heavy armors on the social vendors before. These included TIE pilot suits, crimson mandalorian armor (KOTOR mandalorian armor.), and more. Each was suited to certain classes, and had their own armor tiers.


Then we get to release, and all the armor is light armor. Even stuff that shouldn't be, like the Imperial Trooper armor on the CE vendor. Which means that all of the other classes get screwed over.



Either there was a serious miscalculation when re-designing the system, or something bad happened behind the scenes. I can't think of any other reason.



What matters now is that it gets fixed. And that topics like this one keep bringing to the devs attention with all of the relevant info posted on the first page where it's easily accessible.



Sadly, i've seen over a dozen of these topics so far. They all seem to go the same way.


Once the trolls stop posting, due to everyone explaining the situation beyond the ability to argue against it, they inevitably die due to not enough people posting to keep them bumped where others can see them.


This is bad, because things inevitably start over from square one when someone posts a "holy crap, social armor sucks at the moment!" topic. At which point someone chimes in about CE entitlement/social armor entitlement/snide comments, and the cycle begins anew.

Edited by Radiatonia
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