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Access to Rancor reward PvP mount opinions thread


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lets see how many reply this get

if you are pvper and you know you wont get it never, because bad luck on ranked system, playing bad/worst class for ranked arena or bad skill etc ... reply opinion here

if you are pvper and jus do normal wzs or dont like to play arena post here

if you are pver and think is best mount but never did ranked post here

if you are pvp and think this reward is just for best player playing fotm class.. etc

etc opinions, open to all

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if you are pvper and you know you wont get it never, because bad luck on ranked system, playing bad/worst class for ranked arena or bad skill etc ... reply opinion here


Yep, bad players shouldnt get a reward meant for good players. I don't get a NiM Mount for doing SM raids.

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if it correct 15 threads mean something wrong or not ...


No... it just means that 14 people either didn't spend the time to look at the other threads, or that 14 people thought that they were way more clever than the people talking in the other thread.


I'll waste a little more time bumping this thread (though it doesn't deserve it), to say this:


It's fine. It's better than fine. It's a great idea. They should reward the very best ranked players with something terribly cool. They earned it. Perhaps other people also earned it, but lost out due to bad luck. That's what happens in games. If people can't handle that, then they probably aren't emotionally mature enough to play video games, and that says something.


I think the Rancor reward --and the difficulty in getting it-- is one of Bioware's best decisions this year.

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Yep, bad players shouldnt get a reward meant for good players. I don't get a NiM Mount for doing SM raids.


I agree with this. I am a PvPer, but I'm completely useless at it. I don't deserve a rancor. That being noted, I'm still very annoyed at them planning to put one on the CM so soon. There is almost no point to earning anything in this game anymore. Oh well, at least I earned my armor.

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Yep, bad players shouldnt get a reward meant for good players. I don't get a NiM Mount for doing SM raids.


Likewise, what I want to know is, if I get a 1500 group rating in season 2, can I skip the season 2 rewards and get that rancor mount instead?


If not, then you CANNOT compare the Rancor Mount to NiM Ops, because you can always gear up for a NiM Ops at any time and try for those mounts - if the Rancor mount is gone and never to be seen again after season one, then you can't even compare the two.

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I agree with this. I am a PvPer, but I'm completely useless at it. I don't deserve a rancor. That being noted, I'm still very annoyed at them planning to put one on the CM so soon. There is almost no point to earning anything in this game anymore. Oh well, at least I earned my armor.


I 'hate' PVP in TOR and I know I'll never get a PVP rancor and I'm okay with that. I don't rage because I don't have NiM mounts and I don't rage because I lack super-rare CM mounts.


If I want something bad enough, I can either work to get it or resign myself to never having those things.


That's just how MMOs work.


As to the CM Rancor, I hope they wait until well after 2.8 drops.

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There is almost no point to earning anything in this game anymore.


1000 times that. I remember when I got my Dessler Turbo and my Aratech Nightscythe and was stoked because at the time they were hard to get. I remember piecing together my Jug's armor set over weeks trying to find some rare gloves for him and a moddable belt and bracers. I have something like 10,000 Cartel Coins in my account solely from subscriber rewards because buying stuff from the market is not anywhere near as special to me as actually having to work for cool stuff.


Also, the vast majority of the Cartel Market stuff looks like crap.

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Likewise, what I want to know is, if I get a 1500 group rating in season 2, can I skip the season 2 rewards and get that rancor mount instead?


If not, then you CANNOT compare the Rancor Mount to NiM Ops, because you can always gear up for a NiM Ops at any time and try for those mounts - if the Rancor mount is gone and never to be seen again after season one, then you can't even compare the two.


Wait until they tell us more about the nightmare power


NiM mounts work differently that's true, they don't have a 100% drop chance and 8/16 people roll for them when one drops


I would agree with adding some unique pvp mounts to the pvp vendor on the fleet, which can only be bought with a certain rating.

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Wait until they tell us more about the nightmare power


NiM mounts work differently that's true, they don't have a 100% drop chance and 8/16 people roll for them when one drops


I would agree with adding some unique pvp mounts to the pvp vendor on the fleet, which can only be bought with a certain rating.


See, now THAT'S a good compromise.


Have the people who end a season get that season's rewards for free for having their highest group ranking, and at the same time put all those rewards on one of the PvP vendors requiring having the same "group ranking" required to earn it in order to buy it - the tradeoff is you need to spend credits on it on the vendor, whereas the people who completed that season are rewarded by getting it for free.


In this way, all the rewards remain accessible, but the same standard is needed in order to earn it, with paying credits being the penalty for not earning it "in season".

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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See, now THAT'S a good compromise.


Have the people who end a season get that season's rewards for free for having their highest group ranking, and at the same time put all those rewards on one of the PvP vendors requiring having the same "group ranking" required to earn it in order to buy it - the tradeoff is you need to spend credits on it on the vendor, whereas the people who completed that season are rewarded by getting it for free.


In this way, all the rewards remain accessible, but the same standard is needed in order to earn it, with paying credits being the penalty for not earning it "in season".


I'm not so sure. You may get that ranking and then buy the rancor AND get the season 2 rewards, while the chump that achieved that rating in season 1 has his rancor, but then fails to earn that ranking in season 2 gets nothing more. And it's not even a question of digging yourself out of a rating hole. The ratings will be reset at season 2.


I do, however, like the idea of putting PvP-specific skins of mounts on the PvP vendor and requiring a certain rating to buy them. That's like reputation. However, I would make them different than the season rewards.

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I believe I'm entitled to it too because I like it and I played plenty of ranked games too. It wasn't my fault nobody could carry me...why should others get it when they probably had an unfair premade group? How is that fair to ME? I literally GAVE THEM their 1500 rating...why don't I get a reward for helping the other team get there? This whole things reeks of PvP favoritism...just like all the past updates with PvP getting tons of content and PvE getting nothing!



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I believe I'm entitled to it too because I like it and I played plenty of ranked games too. It wasn't my fault nobody could carry me...why should others get it when they probably had an unfair premade group? How is that fair to ME? I literally GAVE THEM their 1500 rating...why don't I get a reward for helping the other team get there? This whole things reeks of PvP favoritism...just like all the past updates with PvP getting tons of content and PvE getting nothing!





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I pretty much do all 3. pvp,pve and rp. In all honesty I DO NOT CARE ABOUT A RANCOR MOUNT. The one I want is one of those vaktryal mounts. I want to see them add bantha mounts. those would be cool. And Im pretty sure that rancor mounts will be added to the cartel market sometime this summer. Just not the special pvp one. The only special mount I have is the desseler one from hm eternity vault. and its a pretty good one at that.
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