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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So Bioware, you planning to support roleplayers even slightly?


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You refuse to enforce any rules on the RP servers, you killed Colour Match without putting a replacement in(and don't give me any nonsense about the awesome new system that's just over the horizon, you did it to keep people around longer hunting for gear), there are a total of about eight chairs in the entire game we can actually sit in, several of the emotes don't have any animations tied to them, you've limited every class to a single weapon, and you've made it a real bloody chore to put together faction uniforms(indeed, you even made Imperial Trooper armour completely exclusive to Collectors Edition owners).


Are you ever planning to give player RP some support, or do you really think you can churn out enough voiced content to keep people playing "pick from three responses-palooza" forever?


What pisses me off more than anything is how little we ask compared to other demographics. It would take Bioware sod-all time to do a selection of faction uniforms and armours as Orange items and either throw them on the social vendors or give them to crafters. There are already suitable animations for the missing emote ones ingame, they just need to be tied together. They actually had to make effort to screw us with the removal of Colour Matching, all they had to do there was not take it out. We don't need or want hundreds of man-hours spent developing raids, or fully-voiced quests, or massive new zones, just some really basic tools and a little bloody consideration.

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Just to add something else, choosing to play my character as not quite light or not quite dark and answering dialogue the way that character I've created would answer it gimps me.


Currently I'm pretty much forced down one side or the other.

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"Wait! The CE people get something cool and unique for paying extra money!? UNFAIR!"


So give them the special snowflake red Korriban Regiment armour, or give them a completely unique set of armour, but I'm pretty sure the number of people who want to roleplay an Imperial Trooper(or an Officer with a companion as a Trooper) is far, far larger than the amount of CE owners who would give a crap if their exclusive item was something else.

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Wait you mean this game isnt perfect? Man and I was hoping that it would be able to completely replace my real life with this game. Oh well I guess I will just have to give Bioware time to patch things in the future and add more content...


Oh please do piss off chief, nobody's asking for perfection, just a little consideration. Or even some sign that consideration will be given at a later date - Reid spends half his time during interviews now assuring raiders, PvPers, even just people who like the storyline content, that there is more coming, and better coming, and they're thinking about it. I don't think he's even mentioned roleplayers once.

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You refuse to enforce any rules on the RP servers, you killed Colour Match without putting a replacement in(and don't give me any nonsense about the awesome new system that's just over the horizon, you did it to keep people around longer hunting for gear), there are a total of about eight chairs in the entire game we can actually sit in, several of the emotes don't have any animations tied to them, you've limited every class to a single weapon, and you've made it a real bloody chore to put together faction uniforms(indeed, you even made Imperial Trooper armour completely exclusive to Collectors Edition owners).


Are you ever planning to give player RP some support, or do you really think you can churn out enough voiced content to keep people playing "pick from three responses-palooza" forever?


What pisses me off more than anything is how little we ask compared to other demographics. It would take Bioware sod-all time to do a selection of faction uniforms and armours as Orange items and either throw them on the social vendors or give them to crafters. There are already suitable animations for the missing emote ones ingame, they just need to be tied together. They actually had to make effort to screw us with the removal of Colour Matching, all they had to do there was not take it out. We don't need or want hundreds of man-hours spent developing raids, or fully-voiced quests, or massive new zones, just some really basic tools and a little bloody consideration.


They have repeadtly stated they are revamping the match to chest function and will reimpliment it once it is completed. They stated there were problems with the old one. As you should recall from beta ( I assume you were in it since you know about the chest match system) they already added more "chairs" to sit in and said they were working on more to add in latter. Although, I can understand your feeling and desire to RP and wanting tool to facilitate this think for a moment. What is more important during the initial launch for them to be working in? The items you call for for rping or server stability, reducing que, issues with people getting into the game? Broken quests issues with FP bosses?

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We don't need or want hundreds of man-hours spent developing raids, or fully-voiced quests, or massive new zones, just some really basic tools and a little bloody consideration.


Don't speak for all of us please.


While I admit there should be more rp qualities about the game, it has only been out a few days. Once the influx of players has died down, servers stabalize and all that, they can finish features like you suggest.

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You refuse to enforce any rules on the RP servers, you killed Colour Match without putting a replacement in(and don't give me any nonsense about the awesome new system that's just over the horizon, you did it to keep people around longer hunting for gear), there are a total of about eight chairs in the entire game we can actually sit in, several of the emotes don't have any animations tied to them, you've limited every class to a single weapon, and you've made it a real bloody chore to put together faction uniforms(indeed, you even made Imperial Trooper armour completely exclusive to Collectors Edition owners).


Are you ever planning to give player RP some support, or do you really think you can churn out enough voiced content to keep people playing "pick from three responses-palooza" forever?


What pisses me off more than anything is how little we ask compared to other demographics. It would take Bioware sod-all time to do a selection of faction uniforms and armours as Orange items and either throw them on the social vendors or give them to crafters. There are already suitable animations for the missing emote ones ingame, they just need to be tied together. They actually had to make effort to screw us with the removal of Colour Matching, all they had to do there was not take it out. We don't need or want hundreds of man-hours spent developing raids, or fully-voiced quests, or massive new zones, just some really basic tools and a little bloody consideration.


They have repeadtly stated they are revamping the match to chest function and will reimpliment it once it is completed. They stated there were problems with the old one. As you should recall from beta ( I assume you were in it since you know about the chest match system) they already added more "chairs" to sit in and said they were working on more to add in latter. Although, I can understand your feeling and desire to RP and wanting tool to facilitate this think for a moment. What is more important during the initial launch for them to be working in? The items you call for for rping or server stability, reducing que, issues with people getting into the game? Broken quests issues with FP bosses?

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I don't blame you for being upset. I don't RP much at all, but for an MMORPG, the RPG aspect is glaringly absent, even to me.


When all is said and done, it's not the content that will keep people playing, but rather the community and the atmosphere the community itself creates.


Not being able to sit in every chair for instance. As silly as it may seem, not being able to do it makes the world feel artificial.

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