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PT or VG


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How does Vanguard stack up against PT in Pve, pvp, endgame, story? I know they're mirrors but sometimes one is favored over the other. Also which spec is the best for DPS with off tanking capability, middle tree?


I like the mandalorian armor/mystique of PT, but I also like the military aspect of VG's. Any input is appreciated!

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How does Vanguard stack up against PT in Pve, pvp, endgame, story? I know they're mirrors but sometimes one is favored over the other. Also which spec is the best for DPS with off tanking capability, middle tree?


I like the mandalorian armor/mystique of PT, but I also like the military aspect of VG's. Any input is appreciated!


A lot of people think that other than the sage, the BH has the worst story overall. I Personally found that I liked the Trooper story more, but thats because I could hand all my gear down to alts.


The best DPS with off-tanking capabilities is actually Assault Spec. I don't know how many SM ops i've jokingly tanked using that spec instead of normal spec, but because of how powerful its DCDs are its significantly better than the other spec at off-tanking


In PvP, it depends on your server, e.g. The Harbinger's Imperial PvP Population normally sucks, so if you want a challenge I'd make a PT on that server.


For PvE, once again it depends on your server. Vanguards technically are slightly better in assault and shield spec than its PT mirrors because of a slightly higher proc chance on its auto-attacks because it has 2 more hits. And by slightly I mean like 5dps for DPS specs and 0.4% absorb for tank specs, but if you can't find good players, then you aren't gonna get stuff done in NiM Mode.

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A lot of people think that other than the sage, the BH has the worst story overall. I Personally found that I liked the Trooper story more, but thats because I could hand all my gear down to alts.

You forgot to mention it's right behind the Trooper "sir, right away, sir!" story, which is probably the most BORING story class I have played.

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You forgot to mention it's right behind the Trooper "sir, right away, sir!" story, which is probably the most BORING story class I have played.


Hey, as a light sided trooper I was like


"F**k you Garza, Im destroying this Weaponized Rakghoul Serum"

"F**k you Garza, Im telling the SIS what is happening so this works right"

"F**k you Garza, Im taking Fuse in instead of getting those bomb plans off the imps"



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I vastly prefer trooper. For the Story, you don't HAVE to strictly follow orders and be a model soldier. You can be that guy who does things his way, but still gets things done, or even seriously goes against what is right, but still keeps his job because he knows the Republic relies on his skill. And it is one of the more fun stories I've played.
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Weird. I found both the Consular and BH stories to be quite engaging and interesting. However, both stories only pick up after Chapter 1 (which are admittedly pretty rote and boring).


The BH is a cocky SOB with some pretty good one-liners. A female BH who made the right choices can earn herself the Baroness title (Alderaan class quest-line), which is possibly the best title in the game. You also have the best companion ever, Blizz. The BH story is generally more personal, and if it wasn't for Imperial Command hiring you to kill people, you won't even notice that there's a war going on.


The Trooper also has some quite awesome lines and there's no need to always strictly follow orders. You can have a Trooper who wrestles with hard choices in order to get the job done, or to sacrifice the mission in order to the right thing. I think there were some pretty cool 'gray area choices' in the Trooper story. As a whole, however, it's just destroying one superweapon after the other, which fits the whole Havoc Squad special forces theme of the trooper, but it's not nearly as world-shaking or epic as the other class stories. The trooper also has the second-best companion ever, M1-4X.

Edited by Zakmonster
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  • 4 weeks later...
I prefer pt story myself, or a least the dialogue, because there's countless opportunities to show that you owe no allegiance to the empire, other than the jobs they give you, but at the same time, you still feel like the empire owns you. It's a lot easier defying the empire if you're light side pt though. I'm not sure about trooper, because i haven't leveled mine very far yet.
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Having played both the Trooper and BH storylines...




Trooper is enjoyable, but BH storyline is awesome. It's actually my favorite in the game. And yes, the one liners are AMAZING.


For example:



Gets me every time :p

Edited by ScytheEleven
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I alsi think that the consular story is underrated but consider act 1 to be the best with its "karma is a *****" tilt. Its ending is sadly completely un-epic in terms of the final boss fight. The unquisitor ending blows it out of the water in that regard. Loved the trooper ending which goes to show that light side and common sense are not one and the same.
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I'm done the Trooper story line twice all the way through (Vanguard and Commando), didn't change much. Found that every time Garza gives you a order that seems like a load of bull, always take the option that directly pisses her off, and its the funnest thing ever.


Out of the full Jedi Knight, Trooper, and Consular story's I've finished, found that I liked Trooper Chapters 1 and 3, Consular Chapters 2 and 3, and the whole Knight story overall (Chapter 1 specially).


I just got through Chapter 1 of the Bounty Hunter as a full light-side choice maker (as I've run everyone of my characters), was very fun and engaging. I like how the Bounty Hunter only cares about credits and his team; everyone can go burn for all he cares (as long as he is paid).

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I just got through Chapter 1 of the Bounty Hunter as a full light-side choice maker (as I've run everyone of my characters), was very fun and engaging. I like how the Bounty Hunter only cares about credits and his team; everyone can go burn for all he cares (as long as he is paid).


Yeah I ran 2 BHs, 1 as full light side and one as a mix of em, and full light for the Bounty Hunter is much more enjoyable than the meathead that is full dark, and the mixed bag of emotions that is the moraly-grey BH

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I prefer powertech just on animations alone.


Flame Thrower > Pulse Cannon

Immolate >>>>>>>> Fire Pulse

Flame Burst > Ion Pulse

Rail Shot >>>>>>>> HiB

Flame Sweep > Explosive "I ate a burrito for lunch" Surge

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I found the first two chapters of the BH story to be pretty good. The third one it really fell apart. I felt like a was an imperial soldier, not a Bounty Hunter. I am only on Balmorra on my trooper, but I am really enjoying the story so far, the companions are great, the voice acting is awesome, and the story is pretty cool. I'm playing a dark Trooper, and its awesome.


If animations are important to you, go PT. Vanguards, in my opinion, have the worst animations in the game, even more so then Sages. The Power Tech also makes more sense. If you are going to be up close to an enemy, what would be more convenient, a large clunky rifle, or a small compact pistol? And, rocket punch>>>>>>>whatever the VGs version is. I can say the same about their gap closer (tank tree), and flamethrower.


Voice acting, once again, in my opinion is much better on the Trooper side. The male can play both a light and a dark Trooper, while I can only see the BH's being dark. On the female side, Jennifer Hale did an AMAZING job, and is my favorite female VA in the game, absolutely astounding. The female BH..... Quite the opposite, she is my least favorite, right next to the Smuggler female.


My two cents.

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Voice acting, once again, in my opinion is much better on the Trooper side. The male can play both a light and a dark Trooper, while I can only see the BH's being dark. On the female side, Jennifer Hale did an AMAZING job, and is my favorite female VA in the game, absolutely astounding. The female BH..... Quite the opposite, she is my least favorite, right next to the Smuggler female.


My two cents.


Hm, I enjoyed the female smuggler and female BH voice acting, as much as I did the female trooper. They're all at least better than the male Knight and male consular.

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Having played the BH story to 55 and then again to 45 on my new merc, I decided to make a trooper just to see the story. I am currently 39 on my vanguard, and will say the trooper story is much more engaging and like an action movie, where the BH story was funny and like an old west comedy drama...in space. So they're completely different tastes, both are good, but your personal preferences will play a part. I like the trooper way more because I like the military like story. The BH story was good for some laughs but for the most part I was just not that interested.


also, Zak, the male knight does a great job O_o The consular not so much, but the knight...that's solid snake, man. Also, I think Jennifer Hale did a horrible job. She sounds emotionless and lackluster pretty much the whole time, like she's half asleep or just doesnt give a damn about anything.

Edited by Chiltonium
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Having played the BH story to 55 and then again to 45 on my new merc, I decided to make a trooper just to see the story. I am currently 39 on my vanguard, and will say the trooper story is much more engaging and like an action movie, where the BH story was funny and like an old west comedy drama...in space. So they're completely different tastes, both are good, but your personal preferences will play a part. I like the trooper way more because I like the military like story. The BH story was good for some laughs but for the most part I was just not that interested.


also, Zak, the male knight does a great job O_o The consular not so much, but the knight...that's solid snake, man. Also, I think Jennifer Hale did a horrible job. She sounds emotionless and lackluster pretty much the whole time, like she's half asleep or just doesnt give a damn about anything.


Heh, I actually thought the reverse was true. Jennifer Hale had better delivery and more nuance. The Knight sounded monotone and boring. I know he's Solid Snake, but he sounds nothing like Solid Snake.


But you know... opinions, man.

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when it comes to story the trooper wins no doubt.. i can hardly recall any of the BH story even though i leveled both a merc and a pt to 55.


as for animations they're about equal i'd say

i prefer stockstrike over rocket punch it just looks silly(also prefer the rifle over a pistol)

ion pulse and pulse generator looks like crap so pt wins on that one (wish they made ion pulse look more like the icon for it)

gut and retractable blade are equally cool in their own ways..

and their aoe's are kinda meh on both sides with exception on DfA wich i'm pretty sure everyone agrees on. mortar volley could be rescued by having it coming from the shoulder cannon but i doubt that'll happen.

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The hunter definitely has one of the worst class stories in the whole game. Until Corellia, you just go to a planet and look for the target you have to kill. Almost none of these targets are interesting either. The story for the BH feels too much like the generic quests that anyone can pick up. The trooper story isn't very hot either after chapter 1 concludes, though it's nowhere near as aimless as the BH story.


Gameplay wise, they're the exact same class. One doesn't have an advantage over the other. They get the same abilities that have different aesthetics.


The big advantage that the trooper has over all other classes is companions. They all use the aim stat, like you. When you get new gear, you can pass your old gear off to any of your companions and keep them strong for solo quests.

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  • 3 months later...
Having a 51 powertech and a 55 trooper I have to say I like the overall aesthetic look of a vanguard trooper with the big gun but the animations are so much better as a powertech. Heck I think flamethrower hands down is so cool, coupled with rail shot and death from above.
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Having played both the Trooper and BH storylines...




Trooper is enjoyable, but BH storyline is awesome. It's actually my favorite in the game. And yes, the one liners are AMAZING.


For example:



Gets me every time :p

Thank you for reminding me of this gem. One of my favorite moments of the story.
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My trooper vanguard was my first character, but I must say she had the most disappointing story out of all the characters I've played.


Minor spoilers:


1)You are called back to General frekkin Garza on Coruscant a million times, way more than any other class needs to go back to their master / trainer etc. On top of that, Coruscant can be a ***** to get to due to running through the spaceport and whatever (though it's better now that you can actually mount up there).

Heck, the Republic was probably losing the war because their granny commander couldn't help constantly calling back her top operatives to have afternoon tea with her.


2)There are many nonsensical choices for both light and dark and many that simply spit in your face.


3)After Arc I, the story becomes extremely "samey", you'll know what I mean when you play through it. There's also a big lack of "epic" moments like the smuggler, inquisitor and warrior stories did have for me.


4)It picks up again at the ending of Arc III, but if you thought the ME3 ending was bad, oh boy, hold your seat for the ending of the trooper story...



Other than that, I have always loved the look of my trooper. I like it a lot more than the BH look. Jennifer Hale's voicework is great too for female troopers, but it never really gets to shine due to the crappy writing (imo).


I heard the BH story was great tho, but I've never played one through, so wouldn't know.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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