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Thank you for no damage meter's


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I am truly enjoying this epic game. I thank you for not dividing the community by allowing the flood gates of mod's to be let in. Thank you truly for letting me play flash point's without people spamming a requirement. Truly Happy Holidays.


Just wait the cries of the mod users will win Bioware's ears. As much as I would like it to stay this way, I know it won't last.

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Umm ok so this is obviously in regard to WoW


It has been a long time since I seen someone spam meters. So I am not sure what you are getting at. We play PC games. We like to customize our PC's as we do our games. That is one of the biggest reasons WoW has stayed afloat, addons, customizing.


How would the community be divided? You will still have elitist *****s no matter what. At least in this situation they have numbers to prove it.


The information is already there, it is just easier to read in a meter. Do you have something against not wasting time? All these meters do is make it easier for us to read information that is already there.


Why do you care how other people play?

Sadly it all comes down to one thing as it usually does in this situation. I assume the OP was not good at dealing damage or never topped a meter? Is this more about you needing to be better, and without a meter you can hide that?

Edited by Remidi
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And why do you care if there are meters? I have been a raid leader for a long time, and we use meters to look at the skill breakdowns to help improve the raid and players.


So you mean you have a problem with the E-Peen kids that spam meters, that you can easily /ignore right?


And sorry I have to say it. You are more than likely one of those people that have no idea how to play your class and don't really care, even if you are holding a group back.

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DPS metrics for players are already confirmed as coming byt he lead combat developer. Enjoy your meter-free game while it lasts. It won't be long.


Georg Zoller has already said that they understand that a lot folks have issues with them and they are proceeding cautiously with that in mind.


Basically I don't think you will be getting the type of meter you are use to and I'm betting some stiff penalties for folks who degrade and harass others in game.


Also they look at attitudes like yours and say..."hey maybe the folks who are complaining have a valid point"...so thanks for helping the cause.


Happy Holidays. :)

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Georg Zoller has already said that they understand that a lot folks have issues with them and they are proceeding cautiously with that in mind.


Basically I don't think you will be getting the type of meter you are use to and I'm betting some stiff penalties for folks who degrade and harass others in game,



Happy Holidays. :)


See I have never seen this behavior unless someone had really bad DPS and the group failed because of them. In that situation they get booted.


I was a top 10 mage worldwide at one point so I know what I am talking about. ARCANE BLAST ALL DAY! :p

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See I have never seen this behavior unless someone had really bad DPS and the group failed because of them. In that situation they get booted.


I was a top 10 mage worldwide at one point so I know what I am talking about. ARCANE BLAST ALL DAY! :p


There was a reason my raiding mage was called ThreeAPM

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Yeah I don't understand the Anti-Damage Meter people. The problem they have is probably with the people not the meter. It is very annoying to me when I get in a group and some kid starts plastering his DPS after every AoE trash pull, but you can just /ignore or close your chat box. Most people that have problems with meters are the people that consistently get booted because they hold a group back. And I totally agree with people for doing that. When you have 4 other people, it's not right to waste their time because 1 person is so incompetent.
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I am truly enjoying this epic game. I thank you for not dividing the community by allowing the flood gates of mod's to be let in. Thank you truly for letting me play flash point's without people spamming a requirement. Truly Happy Holidays.


I agree.


I really REALLY hope Bioware doesn't cave to the whiners who think they are better game designers than Bioware.

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I agree.


I really REALLY hope Bioware doesn't cave to the whiners who think they are better game designers than Bioware.


"Us" wanting to add meters to show information that is already there makes us whiners who think that we are pro designers?

Edited by Remidi
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*points to signature*


If you suck, that's okay. But I don't want to raid with you if you suck.... and you may still want to raid with me even though you suck. I don't carry people, I raid with them.


If you don't suck, dps meters won't matter.


If you don't like people spamming meters, point out that it's rude to spam - do it 10 times in a row to make your point if you need to. They'll get the hint. If they don't, you should boot them from your group.


DPS meters are neither a crutch, nor are the elitist. They're for progression, and for players to determine what works best for them. Anyone that uses them to epeen is simply using them wrong - but that's no reason to punish the rest of us.

Edited by Sireene
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Actually, they need to add combat logs ASAP so when I reach endgame I can min max my character, else endgame PvE will be too boring for me to dps. I'm already considering tanking at endgame just because all I'll do as dps is try not to stand in fire and loosely follow a rotation with no consideration for overall damage. Edited by Lord_Itharius
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Georg Zoller has already said that they understand that a lot folks have issues with them and they are proceeding cautiously with that in mind.


Basically I don't think you will be getting the type of meter you are use to and I'm betting some stiff penalties for folks who degrade and harass others in game.


Also they look at attitudes like yours and say..."hey maybe the folks who are complaining have a valid point"...so thanks for helping the cause.


Happy Holidays. :)


Damage meters don't mean degradation and harassment. I actually don't think I've seen them used that way ever, though I've heard lots of complaining about it. I HAVE seen them used to brag, but that doesn't really effect me too much (and amongst friends with whom it's fun to be competitive over stupid stuff, I've used them to brag myself, but never with strangers).


Challenging content requires effective teamwork, and creating good teams requires methods of evaluating how individuals in the team perform (including self-evaluation, the most imoortant part). This is how teamwork works in the real world too- the most effective teams, whether for work, sports, or whatever, develop ways of measuring themselves so they can improve and address area of weakness. Without tools to measure performance, this game cannot be tuned as difficult, and the content will be less challenging (which for many means less fun).


I have never been a hard core raider, but when I play I want to do my best- and I want the people I play with to do their best too. Because overcoming the challenge along side like minded individuals is why I find teamwork fun. It is hard for people to be at their best if they don't have the tools to measure their effectiveness.

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"Us" wanting to add meters to show information that is already there makes us whiners who think that we are pro designers?


Whining on the forums complaining about game design and telling everyone how it SHOULD be .. yeah .. you're a bunch of whiners.


The game is barely a week old (if you count preorder early access) and you all are already whining about how the game SHOULD be.

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See I have never seen this behavior unless someone had really bad DPS and the group failed because of them. In that situation they get booted.


I was a top 10 mage worldwide at one point so I know what I am talking about. ARCANE BLAST ALL DAY! :p


This is why damage meters are bad. Why is it the bad DPS guy that caused the group to fail? You mean it wasn't the top DPSrs trying to out DPS each other and missed the fact that one of the MOBS targeted the primary healer, threw off the heal rotation and cause the main tank to die? Really? REALLY?!


The guy with the biggest gun is worthless if he doesn't know who to point it at. The best players don't always have the biggest guns. Situational awareness isn't something that can be measured with a meter.

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Whining on the forums complaining about game design and telling everyone how it SHOULD be .. yeah .. you're a bunch of whiners.


The game is barely a week old (if you count preorder early access) and you all are already whining about how the game SHOULD be.


I think you need to read a dictionary. No one is whining. You are calling it that because you don't approve.


I can't believe you think for one second they won't be allowed. Soon as they can be they will be.

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Simple. These are the exact same people that have been kicked out of raids because of low dps. That's all. Now they can hide behind low end gear and low stats because no one can check it.


You know...you just can't buy this kind of advertising. :rolleyes:


A lot of you guys really need to check out the Google + circles that the devs frequent. They read statements like this and it is one of the big reasons the combat log is still turned off. If something can be used as a tool to degrade others Bioware is going to think twice about allowing it and right now all they see is this really mean girl attitude from the Pro-meter crowd, while the anti-meter crowd is for the most part being fairly rational and respectful about the issue,


TLDR: You are your own biggest enemy.

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The argument I usually hear (and there's a kernel of truth to it) is that there's a lot of desirable attributes of play that start to get glossed over if you pay too much attention to damage meters. Your DPS isn't necessarily going to reflect the fact that you nailed every interrupt, avoided unnecessary AoE damage, proactively used defensive cooldowns, etc. There are a lot of different things that a good player does, but with the prevalence of things like damage meters or gear score, it gets more and more likely that you'll get quantified by some arbitrary number next to your name than by what you're actually going to contribute.
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This is why damage meters are bad. Why is it the bad DPS guy that caused the group to fail? You mean it wasn't the top DPSrs trying to out DPS each other and missed the fact that one of the MOBS targeted the primary healer, threw off the heal rotation and cause the main tank to die? Really? REALLY?!


The guy with the biggest gun is worthless if he doesn't know who to point it at. The best players don't always have the biggest guns. Situational awareness isn't something that can be measured with a meter.


lol really...

I can't believe the stuff I read on these forums. What you just typed HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DAMAGE METERS.


If that DPS didnt CC that target that has nothing to do with a meter. If they are staring at a meter instead of the fight that is another issue. Why isn't the tank picking up the mob that went towards the healer? You are just typing whatever comes to mind since you don't like meters.


How do you not see this?

Edited by Remidi
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See I have never seen this behavior unless someone had really bad DPS and the group failed because of them. In that situation they get booted.


I was a top 10 mage worldwide at one point so I know what I am talking about. ARCANE BLAST ALL DAY! :p


Silly mages and their 3-ability rotations. I played a feral druid, so I had at least 8 buttons to press :-P

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