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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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Coming from SWG, I've always loved player housing, but I have a feeling TOR player housing will be pointless and feel wasted unless EAWare is able to pull something crazily amazing out of their butts. The main reason I think this is just because of the game design at its core. This game isn't set up to promote useful player housing. There's no reason to have housing here. For example, in SWG, housing had 2 fundamental uses that made it unique and necessary:


1) Housing was used to publicly (or privately if you chose) show off your trophies, rewards, unique finds accumulated over years dedicated to the game, and maybe most importantly, your craftiness of creating "scenes" for lack of a better word (for example, I made a wrestling ring in my house out of weapon power-ups and tables with R2 and C3PO inside of it) and decorating ability. It was a roadmap of where you've been, what you've done, and how successful you've been.


2) It was also used (most of the time, in conjunction with #1) as a public player shop/store/mall loaded with vendors, obviously attracting players on the entire server based on what you were selling, and thus, bringing traffic to your house/store allowing people to see all those trophies and decorations from #1. The game was based upon a player-driven economy and player housing was the perfect implementation to supplement that economic system type in a fun and creative way rather than the traditional "auction house" like in every other MMO.


In TOR, the game is designed in the exact opposite way. Because this game is based on the gear grind, there really are no extremely unique/rare finds to stumble upon while out exploring, killing, or doing quests. Therefore, there are no trophies to show off other than possibly displaying the different armor sets you've bought in the CM, which definitely aren't trophies by any means. Also, there isn't a player-driven economy in TOR because there are no crafting classes (not professions) that are mandatory to make the world go around; hence, the gear grind system. Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.


EDIT: For anyone who cares, or anyone who's interested and never saw SWG housing, here's my old house from the game. Literally everything in the house (even the small items on the tables) was either crafted, looted, found while exploring, or a reward of some kind. You could also rotate or turn items on any axis when placing them, which made even more possibilities (like those dozens of trees I turned upside down in the back room to use on the ceiling).


How painfully accurate your post proved to be.


There will never be a SW game that offers the variety and freedom that SWG had. Saddens my heart that they shut down SWG in favor of the railroad they call SWTOR.


Edit: Nice house mate. I miss my museum =(

Edited by Twin
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I just became aware that they're repeatedly putting the tagline "Welcome Home" on a lot of their sneak peek videos. There should be a sentry droid that patrols the interior of our Stronghold, and when we enter the house after being away for a while, it should tell us "Welcome Home".
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I used to play Phantasy Star Universe and the apartments in PSU were brilliant! Places for people to congregate before going on missions together. Fully upgradeable...you could buy different sizes of apartments depending on how rich you were, you could put trophies on display, theme your rooms, even set up a shop in there!


This gives so much scope to add to the game...I think this could be brilliant! Lots of folks will be sceptical, but if Bioware use this to its full potential, this could be wonderful!


What I would like to see is the apartment NOT being like a story area where you enter through a green see through door...but free roaming blocks of apartments of different standards on different planets, where we can either permanently lock to be completely private, give keys to friends or guild members so they can visit when they like, or even an open door apartment so we can show off our wares to anyone interested! The idea of apartment blocks is so we can move and live next to friends or guild members, we could have the ability to sell our apartments and move, thereby creating an entirely fluid and genuine property market within the game which reflects the desirability of certain apartment blocks and planets they are on! If we set up our own shop then it could encourage visitors as this shop may not need to be linked to the GTN and certain crafters and sellers will become in high demand and can gain a reputation within the game which would add to the sense of community.


Bioware have probably decided already how they are going to do this, I just hope my wish list is along the right lines!




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This should result in a boost to the crafting activity in the game, and it would no longer only be a solo activity. Maybe it would even cause the emergence of Crafting Guilds!


Well it appears on the German Servers there is, for a relativly long time already, a conglomerate of Crafters and Traders, which organize serverinternal and cross-server trade. It reminds me of the "Deutsche Hanse" they control much of the high profit (i.e. 180Mods and Gear) trade on the german servers. ;)


You don´t need housing for that^^

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Well it appears on the German Servers there is, for a relativly long time already, a conglomerate of Crafters and Traders, which organize serverinternal and cross-server trade. It reminds me of the "Deutsche Hanse" they control much of the high profit (i.e. 180Mods and Gear) trade on the german servers. ;)


You don´t need housing for that^^


If the German crafting guild had access to a stronghold crafting room that gave +10% to Crafting Critical... they'd never craft anywhere else!


And you'd regularly see on Fleet, someone advertising for crafters to join the group in their Stronghold's crafting room.

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I'm really excited.... I've wanted a home base sorta thing for inter-guild RP for, well, since I started playing. Hope we get a real hangar for our ships.... Get to compare sizes of the bombers vs. our class ships....
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36 days . .


. . . until player housing !



And sadly, I still don't care...


Legacy storage is all I care about, but only if it is large enough to more or less replace ship storage... I have 17 alts, most with full ship storage banks, I'll need a thousand storage slots for Legacy to be useful, unless of course they allow more than 99 of each item to stack, then fewer would work.

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I wish Bioware all the success in the world.


Unfortunately, at least in my view, this feature will likely have the same effect on the game and it's ability to attract and retain players that GSF did.


Meaning little to none IMO.


I certainly hope I am wrong. Will be very happy if I am. But just like with GSF, I will say again...I don't think I am.

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I honestly think there's going to be a surprise feature. Maybe not something majorly huge, or they would have seen fit to use it to help build hype for the expansion, but something that'll delight a lot of people and make it a little more worth waiting for. Not that Legacy Storage doesn't make it well worth the wait... but I really think they have something significant hidden until it goes live on August 19th. AND it's only about a 30-day wait now :D:):p:rolleyes::eek::cool:
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And I still don't care... even less now that I know how useless Legacy storage really will be...


You have to wait and see what it's like at launch. Maybe they'll decrease the brutally inflated prices for Legacy cargo hold panes 2 3 4 5, and maybe they'll start materials stacking to 999 or better yet 9999 units. Both of these are necessary, but maybe they'll have an epiphany and go ahead and make those changes.


I'm holding out hope they'll make it sensible for serious Legacy crafters . . .

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You have to wait and see what it's like at launch. Maybe they'll decrease the brutally inflated prices for Legacy cargo hold panes 2 3 4 5, and maybe they'll start materials stacking to 999 or better yet 9999 units. Both of these are necessary, but maybe they'll have an epiphany and go ahead and make those changes.


I'm holding out hope they'll make it sensible for serious Legacy crafters . . .


And if they do, I'll totally change my tune...


Make it 5... even 10 million, for all 5 bays, and increase the stack size to 999 or more...


I'll be all in and singing praises... :)


Give the people what they want! :)

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Latest info sounded like player housing will be overly expensive fluff. Sad. Should have added functionality and make it affordable fluff for those who do NOT like to do dailies. At least not without getting paid real life monies for it. :D


I'll probably end up buying me a DK appartment and leave it as small as possible. (Yeah... I get the free NS one... but honestly... I hate NS with it's stink and noise and crowds ... yuk. I'd rather have my own 'hidden' temple with a road leading straight to it. ;))

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I can't wait to establish my gray Sith enclave on tat, its gonna be sweet.


I also think prices are spot on though the legacy bank seems a bit pricey ill just stick to the on slot as I gather not craft.

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I can't wait to establish my gray Sith enclave on tat, its gonna be sweet.


I also think prices are spot on though the legacy bank seems a bit pricey ill just stick to the on slot as I gather not craft.


Oh? My palace of opulence is gonna be on Nar Shaddaa. Shame that the DK and Coruscant houses aren't publicly accessible to the opposite faction.

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My bounty hunter and Mako haven't spoken much with each other since

they got married.

And I can't re-experience those moments :(


It would be nice to have some late game non-essential conversations with your companions when you feel like it in your stronghold, based on the companion's story progression and current affection. Perhaps have them randomly choose among various topics and directions during conversations, and see what mood and attitude it leads to, based on your choices for answers.

To be standing on the Tatooine stronghold balcony with your favorite companion and discuss the sunset would be fun :rolleyes: Or if the function recognizes certain objects in the room to trigger some special topics... ;)


To be able for objects to trigger animation cut-scenes with response wheel would be nice, but I think the many placement possibilities make it nearly impossible for the animators, since the character might walk through a chair or a wall on his/her way to the object. But on the other hand... if it does, just reorganize your furniture so it looks right! As long as the animation path doesn't cover a large surrounding area, it should work quite well.

Another issue is the camera. If the camera orientation is related to the object's placement, you might get an unappealing view, depending of where you placed the object. Although it would have been easy to provide the tools and let the players tweak and customize these things to make it look appealing, I don't think they are ready to hand over the responsibility to the players, since many would complain and call it non-user friendly. But it would be cool if they were able to work it out :)

Edited by Jurannus
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- I am excited!

- I am a debbie downer though in the same breathe, because i hate loading screens (weird i know). And it will be an extra loading screen to get to your house.


random info

- i dont leave the fleet currently. i love swtor but i play it like a pvp-arcade.

- i dont leave the fleet because i hate loading screens.

- because I dont leave the fleet and I only pvp, i usually dont have much money. I usually float around 1 million. That isnt much for the player housing. So we'll see.

- Im still pretty excited about it.

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the option to "Go To House" from your ship, from all mini travel terminals, and when leaving FPs/Ops


this is a must


for the rest ''wishlist'' not have a demand for those, i find them useless, meaningless


dont subs have a quick travel option from anywhere?

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