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Player Housing will be underwhelming


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I'm sure there will be another announcement next week from Musco because of all the "housing" threads. Musco did the same thing over the rancor mount.


To be completely honest, I'm almost certain they do little 'teasers' like this to gauge reaction and see what sort of ideas we can come up with.

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I know obviously I would hope the devs would come out a say that;)


Then why would you ask for a source from the OP if you knew the stated points were predictions, not facts? For no reason?


Or were you just that desperate to play hero, you didn't realize how badly you shot yourself in the foot by an attempt to attack a negative viewpoint?

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The future, you can see, hmm? Would you mind sharing the lotto numbers for this week?

4 8 15 16 23 42


With this new player housing , I can foresee EA/BW and SWTOR on the top ot the money-making MMORPG`s for 2014. They can put a lot of trash stuff in CM and we are all gonna buy it , to create our own in-game home.

I want house on Tatooine , please!

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So.....player housing will be underwhelming for someone who has no interest in player housing? Wow, that's quite a bold prediction there, lol.


I actually believe the quote below basically describes everything perfectly for all new content. New players tend to expect the world because their imaginations run wild. Some even like to compare content from other games with what they hope is to be implemented in this one. Once they realize that this won't be the case, they'll either whine on the forums, or quit playing and go somewhere else.


the immediate negative reaction to someone who has a different opinion only shows how new some of the posters are to MMOs.


New players think everything is going to be awesome and meet their idea of what is to come. Vets ignore most hype because they know developers tend to play up the games functions.


Obviously the OP doesn't fall into the above bracket, but states quite accurate predictions, imo. I mean in all seriousness, have you seen how many threads are posted in the Suggestion Box suggesting how player housing should work after one small trailer? At least let the Devs post the details in an announcement before complaining, I guess. :rolleyes:

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I love all the people calling the OP a troll when the OP is just giving his/her mature critiques. Guess most of these guys are just biodrones getting their jimmies rustled because their precious perfect MMO is getting criticized.
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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.

-Very limited customization


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.


Judging from your past posting history, I'd say 99% of this game seems to be underwhelming for you.

I can't fathom why you are even still here paying for it.

I get the feeling that you want SWG but you refuse to realise that SW:TOR is not SWG2 and just keep bashing it to get the devs to "wake up" and "fix it".


What you are doing here is pointless speculation on something that has not even been released just to stir up an argument.

It's pretty low actually.

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I love all the people calling the OP a troll when the OP is just giving his/her mature critiques. Guess most of these guys are just biodrones getting their jimmies rustled because their precious perfect MMO is getting criticized.


Ah, mature critiques of a feature not even released yet.

Better yet, a feature that has 0 information released about it yet as well.


It's a complaint based on absolutely no evidence or information other than the OP's dislike of the game in general.

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Ah, mature critiques of a feature not even released yet.

Better yet, a feature that has 0 information released about it yet as well.


It's a complaint based on absolutely no evidence or information other than the OP's dislike of the game in general.


Yes, zero information yet people are running around the forums yelling about how great housing will be and how it should be as good as Wildstar's housing or SWGs housing or LOTRs housing.


They aren't thinking about the game they are playing. The limitation of the Hero Engine.


The OP is at least realistic in what they expect based on what we have and what we have been told is impossible due to the limitations in the Hero Engine from the developers.

Edited by illgot
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Yes, zero information yet people are running around the forums yelling about how great housing will be and how it should be as good as Wildstar's housing or SWGs housing or LOTRs housing.


They aren't thinking about the game they are playing. The limitation of the Hero Engine.


The OP is at least realistic in what they expect based on what we have and what we have been told is impossible due to the limitations in the Hero Engine from the developers.


You know, it's funny because I never did state it was going to be great either.

And I haven't seen many threads stating that it will be great either.

Just threads stating that it's great that they are implementing it.

The only ones that seem to be drawing conclusions on how it will be are the negative ones.

The positive ones are usually just "yeah, great, I like this".

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I love all the people calling the OP a troll when the OP is just giving his/her mature critiques. Guess most of these guys are just biodrones getting their jimmies rustled because their precious perfect MMO is getting criticized.


I love how you threaten to leave but never do. Hypocrite much?

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will i be allowed to sleep in my own bed?

lounge on my own couch?

watch Mutual of Oricon on the Holonet?

have companions do semi interesting things?

pets that roam, wonder and pee on the carpet like real pets?

a garage for my speeders?

a radio that can be turned on to listen to mildly interesting SW music?

cook and eat in my own kitchen? or order Twilek food when im not feeling like cooking, and have a Twilek come to my home?

bring an ops group in for a meeting or a party?

do illegal things (gamewise)?

a modification station?

a set of drawers/ armorracks where one can store a change of armorpieces and potetially keeping the same mods and augments when switching so we dont have to specially gear each set?

a priority transport terminal?


or will i get to

watch paint dry while complaining that C2N2 stunk my house up with the smell of wet paint?

stand in my couch?

walk with my my dirty boots over my bed like its made of wood.

muse morosely over the game-board i cannot use?

use a mailbox i have to pay for?

fight dummies i have to pay for?

use a cargo hold i have in 1k different locations?

talk to companions?

did i mention watch paint dry?


quite frankly id rather them give us options to decorate our starship than give us player housing, think of all the decorations BW could allow us to add to our ships, instead of making player housing. the first list they could probably do if they didnt make player housing, the second may be what we can expect from player housing


so let me ask what do you prefer? the first list given to our ships, or the second list to our player housing, or both lists in player housing in the year 2016


As much as I'd love to have a mansion or something on the Imperial homeworld, it's just more practical to add customization to player ships. After we get done decorating and customizing, why would you head home to a planet when your ship has everything you need? Remember folks, SWG housing was both fun to customize and practical. In tor, you don't need crafting machines, you don't need an excessive amount of storage space, you don't need to setup vendors to sell your wares and you don't need to sit through multiple 2-4 minute loading screens.

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As much as I'd love to have a mansion or something on the Imperial homeworld, it's just more practical to add customization to player ships. After we get done decorating and customizing, why would you head home to a planet when your ship has everything you need? Remember folks, SWG housing was both fun to customize and practical. In tor, you don't need crafting machines, you don't need an excessive amount of storage space, you don't need to setup vendors to sell your wares and you don't need to sit through multiple 2-4 minute loading screens.


I really do agree, and personally, I'd rather have one full-baked house in the Starship than two half-baked ones in different places.

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We already had "housing": our ships. Unless they completely alter the game and find some way to make these houses like City of Heroes' SuperGroup bases - which is highly unlikely given the constraints of the game's instancing - this is going to be little more than the ship with different scenery.


We might be able to customize cosmetic bits, but the functionality won't be any better or worse than the ship has been since day 1. This is just a complete and utter waste of resources that could be used on creating more actual playable content... you know, the reason people keep playing.


Even IF - and remember, big IF there - these end up as versatile as City of Heroes' supergroup bases, it will still only appeal to a very, very small percentage of the playerbase. For every one person I met in CoH who loved spending hours upon hours modifying and customizing their SG base, there were a dozen who just didn't care. Conversely, adding new story content appeals to almost everyone and will keep people playing far long.


No doubt in my mind this is just another band-aid for the actual lack of "content" with a double jackpot of finding milk money from via the cartel market.

Edited by Captiosus
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Yes, zero information yet people are running around the forums yelling about how great housing will be and how it should be as good as Wildstar's housing or SWGs housing or LOTRs housing.


They aren't thinking about the game they are playing. The limitation of the Hero Engine.


The OP is at least realistic in what they expect based on what we have and what we have been told is impossible due to the limitations in the Hero Engine from the developers.

I think SWTOR's devs don't know how to use Hero Engine, for example this game:

use Hero Engime and it doesn't appear limited like swtor.
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As much as I'd love to have a mansion or something on the Imperial homeworld, it's just more practical to add customization to player ships. After we get done decorating and customizing, why would you head home to a planet when your ship has everything you need? Remember folks, SWG housing was both fun to customize and practical. In tor, you don't need crafting machines, you don't need an excessive amount of storage space, you don't need to setup vendors to sell your wares and you don't need to sit through multiple 2-4 minute loading screens.


We're getting new flats because it's more practical for them.


Yes it would be ideal to have fully customizable ships and the ability to buy others. But the fact is a good deal of story prompts and cut scenes are located in those ships and it's probably kinda impossible to give control over the environment to players without game braking issues cropping up.


Giving people an instanced apartment on the other hand is basically just adapting the dev tool they use.

Edited by aeterno
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The future, you can see, hmm? Would you mind sharing the lotto numbers for this week?


judging by how they have handled things in the past.....it's probably accurate.


look at the dye system...worst..ever...all to monetize it. which is fine..they do have to make a profit afterall...but that doesn't change the fact the dye system is terrible.


going by the track record....it's more likely than not to be exactly that...underwhelming...cut corners..and overly complicated and limiting just for the sake of CM selling.

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We're getting new flats because it's more practical for them.


Yes it would be ideal to have fully customizable ships and the ability to buy others. But the fact is a good deal of story prompts and cut scenes are located in those ships and it's probably kinda impossible to give control over the environment to players without game braking issues cropping up.


Giving people an instanced apartment on the other hand is basically just adapting the dev tool they use.


No offense, but I'm fairly certain we could spend all day speculating about technical hurdles that would prevent different features and mechanics from being easily implemented. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but isn't it better to do it right or not at all? Time will tell, I suppose. Hopefully they went a bit beyond simple customization and are giving us a reason to twiddle our thumbs between loading screens. :D

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No offense, but I'm fairly certain we could spend all day speculating about technical hurdles that would prevent different features and mechanics from being easily implemented. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but isn't it better to do it right or not at all? Time will tell, I suppose. Hopefully they went a bit beyond simple customization and are giving us a reason to twiddle our thumbs between loading screens. :D


You are being unreasonable.


I'd rather have an apartment that doesn't break anything, than a ship that cause gamebreaking crashes.

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No offense, but I'm fairly certain we could spend all day speculating about technical hurdles that would prevent different features and mechanics from being easily implemented. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but isn't it better to do it right or not at all? Time will tell, I suppose. Hopefully they went a bit beyond simple customization and are giving us a reason to twiddle our thumbs between loading screens. :D


I don't think it's speculation, devs said as much when pressed for ship customization in the past. Very hard cos of the quests, something along those lines was said.


I'd rather see them do the housing right too. But if they spent a great deal of effort to make ships customizable that effort could arguably have been better spent on making a separate housing system to rival what new MMOs are doing. People would never appreciate the effort it would take to make customizable/upgradable ships work cos a lot of it would have gone under the hood so to speak. It'd just be "That's it? I can change the furniture of my ship?". I have to hope the system they're making has more to it than that heh.

Edited by aeterno
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One Little thing from Bioware/EA and BAM!! its all about how housing will be or could be terrible/brilliant, etc... Instead of saying things like this now why don't people wait until we have some confirmed information before they start their this is gonna be awful/this is gonna be brilliant threads?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone here is wrong, I just find it a little insane to be jumping up and down about a feature that's only barely just been touched upon.


Once we have Concrete evidence, hell even once the feature is on the PTR, then by all means go with your feelings. But until then it seems a lot of hyperbole about nothing.


PS If i offended anyone I really didn't mean too :)

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One Little thing from Bioware/EA and BAM!! its all about how housing will be or could be terrible/brilliant, etc... Instead of saying things like this now why don't people wait until we have some confirmed information before they start their this is gonna be awful/this is gonna be brilliant threads?

This is a forum about a video game, the announcement/teaser about player housing is the latest news about that video game. Of course the forum is going to have a lot of focus on it, even if concrete info is slim.


It's the same as when Season 1 rewards were announced a couple weeks ago, there were a dozen threads about it on the day the info was released, then it died down.


Rinse and repeat.

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