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10k "Thank You"s for player housing !!!


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My friend told me that the player housing is PvP only...is that true?


Now that would be funny as hell and well worth the price of admission to the forums.


******Super Sig Time******

You lack imagination my friend. Can you imagine how cool it will be watching Musco streaming his operative sitting at his home?


Come on man, that is EPIC gameplay stuff there! That's what gets all the gaming news outlets up in a frenzy to report:


"Hey everyone ... you know that great big battle in Eve that cost players thousands of real life dollars? Well, in today's news, we got something that completely blows that out of the water! A Jedi Knight named XxFlukeHighwalker742xX just hung a fuzzy painting of what may look like a Rancor on the wall of his home in one of the high rises of Coruscant! This is what makes our great hobby of PC gaming so epically great! As a matter of fact, we're going to the 24/7 livestream now - and will be in continuing coverage since we don't want to miss the possibility of XxFlukeHighwalker742xX placing a trophy he bought in the Cartel Market next to his sofa (which he still can't sit in)!"

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Now that would be funny as hell and well worth the price of admission to the forums.


******Super Sig Time******



Come on man, that is EPIC gameplay stuff there! That's what gets all the gaming news outlets up in a frenzy to report:


"Hey everyone ... you know that great big battle in Eve that cost players thousands of real life dollars? Well, in today's news, we got something that completely blows that out of the water! A Jedi Knight named XxFlukeHighwalker742xX just hung a fuzzy painting of what may look like a Rancor on the wall of his home in one of the high rises of Coruscant! This is what makes our great hobby of PC gaming so epically great! As a matter of fact, we're going to the 24/7 livestream now - and will be in continuing coverage since we don't want to miss the possibility of XxFlukeHighwalker742xX placing a trophy he bought in the Cartel Market next to his sofa (which he still can't sit in)!"


Could you stop spamming that super sig time into every thread?

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If this game was a true open world sanbox and not the instanced based linear themepark it is, then I'd be excited for player housing.


I like the sandbox concept for PVE but for housing I do not agree.. I am positive you played swg where planets were littered (and i do mean littered) with houses everywhere. many of which abandoned or from cross server trades for people to build up cities and such. it made exploring a planet no fun for me. going out to see the sarlacc only to find Edwardo's House sitting next to it.. lol i'll be fine with instance based housing.

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Thank you,


That was great news, and if we can customise it with drops or grinds of any sort you couldnt have picked a better carrot. I'll do it!


Now, of course, the question we are all asking ourselves...When? :)

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Could you stop spamming that super sig time into every thread?


Only when every thread stops becoming something about player housing. Why? Are you XxFlukeHighwalker742xX?


I like the sandbox concept for PVE but for housing I do not agree.. I am positive you played swg where planets were littered (and i do mean littered) with houses everywhere. many of which abandoned or from cross server trades for people to build up cities and such. it made exploring a planet no fun for me. going out to see the sarlacc only to find Edwardo's House sitting next to it.. lol i'll be fine with instance based housing.


Indeed. Just one of many things implemented so poorly in a poor game to begin with. It's amazing to me that SWG was actually able to produce something half decent as JTL (though that was far from perfect). My God that game was just awful, no matter the iteration, and people like to talk about the only reason to play SWTOR is because it was Star Wars? Heck, SWG couldn't even manage as many subs (in a market with fewer MMOs to boot) at its peak as SWTOR did here at its worst. Talk about only playing a game because of its skin - that was SWG to a tee.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Yay housing! I'm glad that BioWare looked at different models for designing houses instead of just assuming that the way they did it in game X was the only way. I think I recognize that setup and if it is what I'm thinking, this is going to be awesome and fun. And probably a huge credit sink. YAY! Thanks, BioWare! I am looking forward to this!
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Now that would be funny as hell and well worth the price of admission to the forums.


******Super Sig Time******



Come on man, that is EPIC gameplay stuff there! That's what gets all the gaming news outlets up in a frenzy to report:


"Hey everyone ... you know that great big battle in Eve that cost players thousands of real life dollars? Well, in today's news, we got something that completely blows that out of the water! A Jedi Knight named XxFlukeHighwalker742xX just hung a fuzzy painting of what may look like a Rancor on the wall of his home in one of the high rises of Coruscant! This is what makes our great hobby of PC gaming so epically great! As a matter of fact, we're going to the 24/7 livestream now - and will be in continuing coverage since we don't want to miss the possibility of XxFlukeHighwalker742xX placing a trophy he bought in the Cartel Market next to his sofa (which he still can't sit in)!"


Placing a trophy next to a sofa would be more exciting than watching a battle in EVE. Just saying, the game plays like a strategy game. A game where you play one unit, making it just as boring as watching paint dry. Of course, it comes down to personal preference on which you like more.

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Placing a trophy next to a sofa would be more exciting than watching a battle in EVE. Just saying, the game plays like a strategy game. A game where you play one unit, making it just as boring as watching paint dry. Of course, it comes down to personal preference on which you like more.


I find Eve incredibly boring as well. However there is no denying the fact that things like that are what make for great stories and headlines. No one ever wrote about the epic story of dusting a lampshade.


If, however, they include the ability to vacuum your player housing, then I can really go for that, and would be behind housing implementation 100%

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I told you guys they wouldn't let you down with the player housing ;) They just needed to find out a good way to implement it. Just be patient and the things will flow in! I'm excited!


You're right! The cash will certainly flow in once they charge you cash to move a chair a few feet, redecorate your entire floor, and even place a shelf against the wall! After all, why use the in-game currency when they could charge on-top of Subscription fees right?


I'm not holding my breath for Player-Housing because it REEKS of the Appearance Customization Vendor fiasco. You will most likely be charged CC's to do every little thing in the house.



Player burnt one too many times by promised "features"

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I find Eve incredibly boring as well. However there is no denying the fact that things like that are what make for great stories and headlines. No one ever wrote about the epic story of dusting a lampshade.


If, however, they include the ability to vacuum your player housing, then I can really go for that, and would be behind housing implementation 100%


Good thing games are made to be played rather than write headlines about, eh?

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Good thing games are made to be played rather than write headlines about, eh?


Ahh, but good games offer gameplay that is headline worthy. Making headlines generates interest. Generating interest means more people looking at those things that make headlines. More people looking at those things means more people want those things. More people wanting those things means more games are made with those things included. Without headlines, games would be nothing but dusting lampshades. No one wants to write about dusting lampshades. No one really wants to play dusting lampshades for long.

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Great idea, but tbh would prefer if it were GUILD WIDE. It be brilliant to have a centralized area with a mail box, guild bank, etc. Also, just for those daft guild things (group pics!). It would be much easier to meet up with a guildie (for a trade, inspection, check-out the ridiculous outfit I'm sporting, etc.) instead of finding where or which server... just meet up at the guild ship (or whatever housing).


I see great potential, just hope the technology and Bio-minds can create it!



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Ahh, but good games offer gameplay that is headline worthy. Making headlines generates interest. Generating interest means more people looking at those things that make headlines. More people looking at those things means more people want those things. More people wanting those things means more games are made with those things included. Without headlines, games would be nothing but dusting lampshades. No one wants to write about dusting lampshades. No one really wants to play dusting lampshades for long.


That's all fine, but going back to your comparison to EVE - interesting headlines that isn't backed up by interesting gameplay is taking style over substance in a way. And housing in an MMO is pretty big news, check the 150+ thread over on Massively.com. Most positive comments I've seen on SWTOR in awhile. Compare them to EVE, where there's always a few people saying EVE is more fun reading about than playing, thus the 400k subscribers that are mostly alts.

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This is a major step in the right direction. I could imagine whole new sets of missions to get shiny stuff for your house. Hoping that you will be able to place pre-existing items in your house as well, in swg I enjoyed displaying my many collections (and spent countless hours collecting / decorating)


Now if they could add pazzak, working gambling machines, and swoop / speeder racing I would be a very happy permanent customer.

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How is this going to work? Instanced area on Coruscant or the Kaas?


Don't really know, but based on how the game is currently built we can make some reasonable assumptions:


Yes, it will be a privately instanced area on the Capitol worlds - just like your ship's hanger and the ship itself. Presumably, they could actually make entrances for the instance on each of the worlds, just like there is an entrance for the ship hanger instance on each of the worlds. However, entering this instance from any planet would still take you to the single instance of housing that you own, just like your ship.


Similar to the ships, you will be able to add QoL stuff like mailbox, GTN terminal, etc. The ability to place these things at will at this point is unknown. BW has said in the past allowing stuff like that on the ships was problematic due to cutscenes. If they allow freeform placement in the housing, then presumably there will be no cutscenes taking place in the housing.


You will most likely allow people to visit your house if they are grouped up with you, just like they can now with your storyline instances and ship.

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I'm not getting my hopes up again.


I know what you mean. My hopes for free flight space were destroyed when it came and was PvP only. I am trying very hard not to get my hopes up for quality player housing, which I have wanted just as badly.

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Why not Hoth and Tattooine and Alderaan while we're at it?


Oh I'm all for any planet! ;) Just figured people will say, "Where on Hoth?" I like how Rift did there version of player housing "Dimensions" hopefully will get something similar. Every time I go to the casino on Nar Shaddaa I wished it was a major player hub.

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Well, I don't know much about Real Estate, but it would seem to me that Alderaan would not be a good investment.;)


LMAO!!!! Well you could sell at a premium a month before, "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."

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Sounds like a great way to bring in more revenue to the game via cartel market. It'll also bring in more higher level players back to the capital planets for sure. My only grumble is all of the instance loading screen it could possibly take to get from point A to B. Maybe add a (home) pass with a 5 hour cool down to instantly transport to house.


I will enjoy my imperial housing more than my pub counterparts, I really love the thundering dark mood of Dromund Kaas.

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