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Some major griefing.


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"Bullied to pay a toll?"


That's a load of bovine excrement pure and simple. I'm sure you just pony up the credits if someone did that to you. :rolleyes:


comparable things happened to me on a daily base on my old RP-UO shard - quite often i could get my *** out of such situation by ROLEPLAYING wich is cummon standart on an RP-SERVER and if my child with a handicap in personal interaction like autists tend to have i would never let him play on a server where people play roles knowing that he/she can´t handle such situations.

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comparable things happened to me on a daily base on my old RP-UO shard - quite often i could get my *** out of such situation by ROLEPLAYING wich is cummon standart on an RP-SERVER and if my child with a handicap in personal interaction like autists tend to have i would never let him play on a server where people play roles knowing that he/she can�t handle such situations.


Be that as it may, it is not the point. The point is extortion. There is no justification whatsoever. Deflecting the discussion away from it is the same as condoning it. You either stand against something that is wrong or you enable it by not standing against it. Which is it for you?

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I have an autistic nephew and I know his parents would never bring him into a situation like online gaming.


You sound like a poor and irresponsible guardian to be honest.

Edited by Spooped
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Welcome to the wonderful world of online gaming.


This is it.

BW doesn't have to do anything. And it doesn't matter if the kid is autistic, we're all treated the same. Are we going to petition BW to label anybody in game who might react poorly when people play with them? Give the kid a "Don't pick on me. I don't like social interaction on a social game" flag?


If you get flagged on a non PvP server do what customer service says and drop the flag. Then don't do what got you flagged again. If you can't figure that out then switch instances.


Seriously people. It's a game. If you can't handle the game then leave. There is no obligation to stay, and don't bother complaining because you're not special, none of us are.


Your $15 a month doesn't entitle you to have the developers bend the game to fit your hurt feelings.

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On Jung Ma we would have crushed that quick so I am pretty sure human behavior being what it is on that server same thing would have happened if this was true . And from my experience every game I have ever played a game that has world pvp as soon as there is something shady going on a group of people are going to show up to smash it so ya I think this is pve social activist wanting to take world pvp out of the game . A game that rhyme s with POW had these people and I see this monster creep up it's head in this games forums as well.


On any PvP server a bunch of ******s doing that would be crushed by simply spamming general chat asking for help.


On PvE servers, all but a few select guilds hate OWPvP. You'd have to go through the trouble of finding and asking members of such guilds to help you retaliate. This is primarily why I prefer PvP server. An ****** troll can be trolled in return. Can't be done easily on a PvE server.

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You didn't read it, did you ?


No, I did not. After 3 columns my vision got blurry from the tears. The guy wants items linked to PvP but he does not want to PvP. I strongly suggest to control he's urges to own items unable to acquire, works all the time. Remember that little pink bicycle you always wanted but you never got ? Same thing.

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There are several ways to solve the problem

1. choose PvE server

2 Choose mirror location in map

3. Rage quit

4. Call help 55lvl in general chat

Every day on Tofn server i see in general chat same messages. Often i came with my guild members on Tatooine for help.

Sometimes I has same pvp vs 55 lvl on Voss, Alderaan. But i never saw whinings and threads on forum about this.

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  • 1 month later...

Would prefer if people kept their little humanitarian egoism to themselves instead of posting threads directing others to it as a means of attempting to argue that somehow, bullying is an overly rampant problem here.


Especially the ones who, ironically enough, devote their hatred and egocentric stubbornness towards fighting against the aspect of fighting, rather than just actually fighting.


The game would be such a wonderful place if people didn't take the events that happened in the game as personally as they do with real life.

Edited by ZooMzy
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The game would be such a wonderful place if people didn't take the events that happened in the game as personally as they do with real life.

That's impossible as long as it's a human being sitting on the other end of the computer. Every human, like it or not, has feelings and this or any other medium is no exception that suddenly 'shuts them off'. I'm of the opinion that volatility should be controlled if it gets out of hand.

Edited by Xinika
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Would prefer if people kept their little humanitarian egoism to themselves instead of posting threads directing others to it as a means of attempting to argue that somehow, bullying is an overly rampant problem here.


Especially the ones who, ironically enough, devote their hatred and egocentric stubbornness towards fighting against the aspect of fighting, rather than just actually fighting.


The game would be such a wonderful place if people didn't take the events that happened in the game as personally as they do with real life.


Or if people were even the least bit aware of how the game that they're so fervently whining about works. From the first page of the thread linked in this necro'd thread, I found out that they are playing on the Ebon Hawk and that the player waited in a rest zone long enough to get un-flagged for pvp, so these are the possible events:


1.) The player keeps on running through the Outlaw's Den and getting killed by some 55s

2.) The person keeps attacking the group of 55s in the open world, flagging himself


Either way, the parent shouldn't be complaining so fervently if they don't know how simple game mechanics work.

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That's impossible as long as it's a human being sitting on the other end of the computer. Every human, like it or not, has feelings and this or any other medium is no exception that suddenly 'shuts them off'. I'm of the opinion that volatility should be controlled if it gets out of hand.


You know how that's done, right?


Turning off the computer.


Or if people were even the least bit aware of how the game that they're so fervently whining about works. From the first page of the thread linked in this necro'd thread, I found out that they are playing on the Ebon Hawk and that the player waited in a rest zone long enough to get un-flagged for pvp, so these are the possible events:


1.) The player keeps on running through the Outlaw's Den and getting killed by some 55s

2.) The person keeps attacking the group of 55s in the open world, flagging himself


Either way, the parent shouldn't be complaining so fervently if they don't know how simple game mechanics work.


That's ultimately the conclusion I came to after reading that thread for the first time, but I tried to be sympathetic as the game's system should really have a feature that prevents people from autoflagging by accident, by having an option that allows people to keep flags off by not being able to guard/heal/assist any flagged players in any type of action.


This guy is a know humanitarian egotist, believing that there is a rampant bullying problem around here as negative as his past life experiences which is why he undoubtedly sparked this topic in the first place. I think he has me on forum ignore for basically telling him off for placing that sort of negativity on everything that is PvP, and stating this vendetta of his against any and all negative reinforcement is as silly as his ignorance.

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You know how that's done, right?


Turning off the computer.

To come back later with a grudge or something similar? I mean take for example: PvP. PvP probably wouldn't even exist without these feelings. Have you see how volatile these forums can get? Or even in game.


PvPers are some of the most irrational, emotional and illogical people I've met across any medium - real life or 'virtual', but it's encouraged to do so because it's good business in the spirit of competition. That is until the game itself runs dry on flavor.


Whilst I agree that it should be taken almost apathetically, it's just simply impractical. More of these threads will pop up in the future as humanity moves away from barbarism. It's simply natural evolution.

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Simply put, if you weren't so egotistical, maybe petty arguments on a video game that means nothing probably wouldn't wound you bad enough to create a lasting effect such as a grudge.

As it should be but such is not the case with majority players in game. Can you say that it is?




Kind of like how organizations such as the NBA, NFL, and other sports leagues around the globe have run themselves dry of any flavor?

Not much of a comparison to SWTOR that has lost majority of its competitive PvP base. Can you say all servers are globally thriving at the moment in ranked? Hence 'lost its flavor'.


As for the general assessment of PvPers, lol. Talk about generalizing out of ignorance, you sound like someone who got farmed by a couple of gankers. Please, stop being such a petty little child and grow up.

I was speaking in a general sense for those who are / maybe be afflicted by what they encounter in this game. Personally I have an excellent PvP record across all my games and I haven't suffered from 'ganking' or bullying. I'm as neutral as they come which allows me to have a clear observation. I just don't agree with the volatile nature people display to others and I find it sometimes out of control. What is so wrong with that?




No, it's not impractical.

It is. Check these forums for yourself.


Stop assuming that humans can't control their egos please. You may have learned to comfort your own flaws and justify your arrogance through that ignorant viewpoint, but in reality, not everyone is arrogant by nature.

Since when is self control arrogant?


Confidence and arrogance are two completely separate entities, and when people start realizing the true difference, maybe change can occur.

Change will occur, naturally. We went from enjoying blood soaked battles to cheering on hangings and witch burnings and now we're in the age of virtual battles. How long do you think this will last?


Because humans naturally learn to be confident in themselves. It's just the ones who seem to fail at that through either ignorance, stupidity, or their inability to control themselves that leads to arrogance.

For the record I didn't quote your post out of a personal context. I actually enjoy reading some of your posts from time to time.


I'm of the opinion that people need to control themselves and refrain from going overboard with their insults, bullying and so on and so forth. Again, I haven't suffered to this but it doesn't mean I can't feel it for others. I said it is 'impossible' at this time for people to perform in such an apathetic way in conjunction with internet anonymity where they can (and are) allowing the worst of themselves to come out. This is speaking in a general sense. There are exceptions to the rule.

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You do realize that if you develop a grudge or successfully manage to allow someone behind a computer monitor to offend you, it's really because of a flaw with your own viewpoint that caused such a reaction, correct?


Simply put, if you weren't so egotistical, maybe petty arguments on a video game that means nothing probably wouldn't wound you bad enough to create a lasting effect such as a grudge.



There will always be some type of reaction from the person whom is receiving the verbal abuse from a bully. The most common reaction will be either anger, hurt, or both. The magnitude of the reaction from the person being bullied may differ, but if there was no reaction whatsoever to this, that would defy what it means to be human. And here you are saying that it's the fault of the person being bullied for having a human reaction, rather than the person who is choosing to bully others when he could easily consciously avoid this decision. Truly flawless logic there.






As for the general assessment of PvPers, lol. Talk about generalizing out of ignorance, you sound like someone who got farmed by a couple of gankers. Please, stop being such a petty little child and grow up.



I've played online games for 15+ years at this point. I have played PvE and PvP both, and I can tell you that the PvP crowd talks a lot more **** than the PvE crowd. This is because people often PvP so that they can prove their superiority over others, and to prove to themselves that they are superior, by playing against others. When they win they often like to spread misery to others by talking ****, trolling, etc. In PvE this doesn't seem to happen nearly as often, because PvE is often more about humans working together whereas PvP is about humans working against one another in competition. Hence you get the two different crowds and generalizations. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, there always are.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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