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Ill see your drones hiding in satellites and raise you...


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Not that surprised. Even before they removed the TDM cap ship turrets, I frequently saw enemy bombers hiding inside my cap ship and dropping mines, so we spawned at 50% health.


Was actually fun rooting the bastards out of the hole, one guy tried to evade me once I lined him up and boosted right into the side of the cap ship.

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I wasn't in this particular match, but I saw him doing the same in another shipyards TDM. He's in the little hangar space, and not in the ship, though given the clipping exploit/bug, his mines and drones probably are. I know he wasn't in the ship, because I killed him almost immediately on spawning and seeing a red dot behind me. In that game, he basically wasted the 3+min it probably took to get there and wedge himself into the one protected spot, since his drones died to ion fire targeted at him pretty quickly, and I killed him at point blank as he was charging out to try and stop me. He might have taken my forward shields to red before he died.


This kind of play isn't such a huge problem unless:

1) there are no gunships (or I guess other bombers) to aoe the invulnerable drones

2) there are 2+ bombers to saturate the spawn area with mines

3) your team are full of inexperienced/bad pilots that don't know how to deal with it


But still, I've been saying loudly for a while now that removing the turrets was a bad idea, because even if you don't get stung by this, other people will, and it will turn people off from GSF.

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I wasn't in this particular match, but I saw him doing the same in another shipyards TDM. He's in the little hangar space, and not in the ship, though given the clipping exploit/bug, his mines and drones probably are. I know he wasn't in the ship, because I killed him almost immediately on spawning and seeing a red dot behind me. In that game, he basically wasted the 3+min it probably took to get there and wedge himself into the one protected spot, since his drones died to ion fire targeted at him pretty quickly, and I killed him at point blank as he was charging out to try and stop me. He might have taken my forward shields to red before he died.


This kind of play isn't such a huge problem unless:

1) there are no gunships (or I guess other bombers) to aoe the invulnerable drones

2) there are 2+ bombers to saturate the spawn area with mines

3) your team are full of inexperienced/bad pilots that don't know how to deal with it


But still, I've been saying loudly for a while now that removing the turrets was a bad idea, because even if you don't get stung by this, other people will, and it will turn people off from GSF.



You had better luck then me man cause i hit the back wall of hanger and saw nothing. and died from his mines. And before i could try again they all hunkered down over our spawn

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LOL. There is actually two of us in there. And Yeah that is super easy to do. Cap ships with no guns is a retarded idea. Although spawning at the cap ship that has two bombers in it is even more retarded though. Nobody ever switched spawns and the number of people who boosted into walls was hilarious.


Also inside the cap ship is super doable and once inside you can shoot out and no one can shoot in.


That said I really hope the damn cap ships workers get off strike soon though. Cause this was ridiculously funny while hammered and less fun when not.

Edited by TheMarmalade
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Oh awesome pic of me destroying the Imps Thanks. I like to think of it as me banging your girl as you watch helplessly.


No that's not a hack Its called LOS! If you knew anything of Imperial ships you would know there are 2 hangars there and if u flew in one and I wasn't there that means I am in the other one. Xi'ao figured it out really quick.

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Oh awesome pic of me destroying the Imps Thanks. I like to think of it as me banging your girl as you watch helplessly.


No that's not a hack Its called LOS! If you knew anything of Imperial ships you would know there are 2 hangars there and if u flew in one and I wasn't there that means I am in the other one. Xi'ao figured it out really quick.


shrugs well good for you. At this point gsf is just turning into a cluster **** so knock your self out.

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3) your team are full of inexperienced/bad pilots that don't know how to deal with it



I think this was the correct answer


But that was funny Xi'ao when you spawned you did an immediate u-turn when you saw me. Its all in fun

Edited by Roma_Akyma
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Yeah I wasn't about to let a bomber ambush the rest of my team at spawn :p


I haven't seen the multi-bomber setup at the opposite spawn thing work that well in the matches I've been in. The last one I remember ended like this. Lots of mines and a static target - to attempt to saturate the spawn, the pubside bombers had to remain basically around the arms of the capital ship, and that meant a LOT of aoe opportunities. Though, keep in mind that without a decent gunship there, it might have worked in that instance - as it was the rest of my team died a lot. So yeah, experience matters.

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