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Everything posted by Roma_Akyma

  1. Well that is an accurate description of the dudes for women. The women get shafted, just not that way.
  2. I think this was the correct answer But that was funny Xi'ao when you spawned you did an immediate u-turn when you saw me. Its all in fun
  3. Oh awesome pic of me destroying the Imps Thanks. I like to think of it as me banging your girl as you watch helplessly. No that's not a hack Its called LOS! If you knew anything of Imperial ships you would know there are 2 hangars there and if u flew in one and I wasn't there that means I am in the other one. Xi'ao figured it out really quick.
  4. Just like Obi Wan said "from a certain point of view"
  5. Yes this is true. Hit the N key and summon. I died alot with out my companion untill I found this trick.
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